How to Detoxify Your Life: Affordable, Non-Toxic Alternatives for a Healthy Lifestyle
Often, clients contact Lydian and me to help them solve seemingly impossible health issues that their doctors have stopped trying to solve. And often, we recommend that clients use Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Solution and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to solve these problems along with a variety of other targeted medications. And part of the discussion about Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO always involves a quick overview of cheap, non-toxic soaps, personal care products, and cleaning products to detoxify your life. DMSO, after all, has the miraculous ability to combine with anything it touches to deliver that substance directly to pathogens or cancer cells. This function makes DMSO powerful as an anti-cancer and anti-pathogen because it can be combined with powerful antibiotics like Chlorine Dioxide Solution. But this ability to dissolve and carry substances into human cells can also be dangerous if DMSO is inadvertently combined with soaps, shampoos, or other products that are on the skin when DMSO is applied. So below, I’ve compiled a list of non-toxic products that can be safely used with DMSO.
This list is especially useful when you’re learning how to use DMSO safely, but it is also useful if you’re trying to detoxify your environment in a general way even if you don’t intend to use DMSO as a medicine to treat disease. Years ago, when I was still working for clients as a medical writer, I was hired to write an encyclopedia of toxic ingredients in soaps, beauty products, and cleaning products and it was an illuminating experience that changed my life. Prior to that assignment, I had no idea that the fragrance industry was regularly exposing people to toxic carcinogens. I didn’t realize that women are disproportionately exposed to toxic chemicals in products because, while men use about 7 personal care products daily, women are exposed to an average of 18 products daily. And big corporations encourage parents to start exposing their infants early to toxic substances that must be filtered through the baby’s liver and kidneys. Prior to working on this encyclopedia of non-toxic cleaning products and personal care products, I literally had never thought about the extent to which I was exposing myself and my family to deadly toxins every single day of our lives.
Years ago, I used the Cosmetics Database at the Environmental Working Group to seek out healthy cleaning products and personal care products, but I don’t trust the results that I get from EWG as much these days as I did in the past. It can, however, be a resource, if you have a specific need that I don’t address in this article so I wanted to include the link above.
This is not a comprehensive encyclopedia of non-toxic products, but rather a list of the products that I have used to get rid of toxins from my life and from my family’s life. These products can all be used safely with DMSO if you are using DMSO to overcome a health issue.
The Alive-N-Healthy DMSO Guidebook - Buy Here!
A Word about “Fragrances” and “Unscented” Products
The fragrance industry in the U.S. is not required to divulge what ingredients are included in its products. In reality, if you were to just look at the ingredients in one product, let’s say your shampoo, and read about each ingredient, you would be mortified. But fragrances are even worse than these listed ingredients in your shampoo. Fragrances can contain literally anything and the fragrance industry is not legally required to tell anyone what individual ingredients they include in their proprietary mixes.And you can’t shop for products that are “unscented” to avoid this problem of fragrances as a mix of toxic ingredients in your shampoo. The word “unscented” does not mean that your product does not contain toxic fragrance ingredients. Rather, It means that fragrances have been added to cover up the chemical-ly smell of your shampoo or cleaning product. “Unscented” products list “fragrances” in their ingredients section and may contain more toxic ingredients than the fragrance ingredients in products that are “scented”.
Mainstream beauty and cleaning products create an identity around their fragrance. Indeed, products for infants contain some of the most toxic ingredients on the market in part because they must smell a particular way and not cause irritation to the skin. These toxic fragrances trigger an emotional response in consumers becauses the nasal nerves insert themselves directly into the emotional centers of our brains. And big corporations know this.
These days, I try to completely avoid the pharmaceutical aisles of the grocery store where fragrances from the various products compete with each other for my attention. Even toilet paper has fragrances added to it these days to try to get consumers to emotionally commit to their products.
A Word about Sodium Hydroxide and Other Saponifying Agents
Sodium hydroxide is a common saponifying agent in soaps. It helps make the soap “sudsy”. Some people may have a sensitivity or allergy to sodium hydroxide. It is relatively non-toxic and I include products that contain sodium hydroxide below. For those who are sensitive to sodium hydroxide, an alternative is to find a product that contains a plant-based “saponifier”. The whole idea of soap, after all, comes from the fact that many plants contain substances that cause “sudsing”. For example, in Mexico, I buy pure Tepezcohuite, which saponifies without the addition of a chemical saponifier like sodium hydroxide. If you are sensitive to sodium hydroxide, choose a product that does not contain this ingredient from the list below.A Word about Detoxifying the Household Water Supply
If you have a child who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or any other type of serious disease and you want to detoxify their environment, the most important thing you can do is detoxify the household water supply. This article about non-toxic ingredients not only applies to children though, but also to adults who have been given a serious or terminal diagnosis. Removing toxins from the water supply is a major part of the healing equation.
Detoxifying Drinking Water
In the United States and in some other areas of the world, bromine and fluorine is added to the municipal water supply rather than chlorine dioxide. Both bromine and fluorine cause major health problems from obesity to dental issues and cancer. The list of negative health effects is too long to list in this one article, but let me just say that I spend a lot of my time trying to simply educate the public about the negative effects of these two substances and how to use iodine to counteract some of their effects). Nonetheless, if you don’t currently have a reverse osmosis water filtration system, I highly recommend that you get one and then add sea water supplements to that drinking water to ensure that your loved one gets plenty of trace minerals in clean water and that the reverse osmosis water is transformed into a substance that is truly hydrtating.
Detoxifying Shower and Bathing Water
Unfortunately, many people have been programmed to believe that chlorine in the water supply is their biggest concern, but actually fluorine and bromine are much more dangerous chemicals in terms of health. But chlorine, fluorine, and bromine are all members of the halogen family in the periodic table of the elements. The most important halogen in this family is iodine and iodine deficiency that results from exposure to toxic halogens like bromine and fluorine is the key reason why these elements wreak so much havoc on the body. While chloride (molecular chlorine) is the most prolific electrolyte in the human body and it is absolutely essential for human health (though it should never be inhaled as elemental chlorine), and while molecular iodine and potassium iodide are also absolutely essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland, reproductive organs, and the human immune system, these two elements have been given a poor reputation by Big Pharma and the Medical Syndicate that knows that removing these two elements from common use leads to disease. Meanwhile, the Medical Syndicate is adding substances like bromine and fluorine to the water supply, bread products, popular bottled citrus drinks, furnishings, pajamas, and more to disrupt metabolic functioning which has led to the obesity epidemic and breast cancer and reproductive organ cancers and infertility in the United States. Fluorine in the water supply is a hot topic because a lot of people have been taught to believe that fluorine keeps teeth healthy. And there’s an element of truth in this. IF and only IF fluorine is in the water supply, fluorine is necessary to keep teeth healthy. But if fluorine has not been added to the water supply, phosphorus is the element that keeps teeth healthy. And phosphorus does not disrupt the functioning of thyroid gland or the reproductive organs. Indeed, if you can limit your dental exposure to fluorine and stop using vegetable glycerin-based dental products, your teeth will naturally remineralize and you won’t have cavities or other dental health issues.Compelling information isn’t it? Calcium is a positively charged ion in the teeth and it makes magnetic couplings with EITHER fluorine or phosphorus to create a tough enamel covering to protect the teeth. But if you have a combination of fluorine and phosphorus making those magnetic couplings with calcium in the teeth, things start to fall apart because those couplings simply aren’t very stable when there’s a combination of fluorine AND phosphorus. Phosphorus is the natural ion with a negative charge that’s supposed to couple with calcium to make a tough protective outer layer on the teeth, but fluorine in the water supply has created a lot of confusion about this basic fact.
If you have a child with fluorosis, think carefully about your water supply and click this link to learn how to remineralize teeth. And keep reading to learn more about non-toxic toothpastes to help your child’s teeth naturally remineralize.
For more information about remineralizing your teeth and how to keep your child’s teeth healthy, read more here.
CuZn Bath Ball Water Filter - Bathtub Water Purifier - Made in USA
Non-Toxic Skincare Products For Babies and Young Children
A lot of babies have allergies to the toxins in skincare products and when this happens, I tell parents that this may be lucky (after they get the problem under control). A baby with allergies to mainstream infant skincare products will likely not be exposed to as many carcinogens as a baby without allergies to these products. And this can actually lead to better health overall for that baby. But as a parent, if you have a child with allergies or severe reactions to the skincare products at the grocery store, below are some alternatives that you can try that are totally non-toxic.Non-Toxic Baby Powder
Baby powder still contains talc in some parts of the world. Indeed, though talc often ends up permanently lodged in the ovaries and testicles, it is often still included in a variety of personal care products and medications. Do not apply talc-based products to a baby’s skin. Rather, use cornstarch to keep the baby’s bottom dry. It works much better than talc, is cheaper than baby powder, and it works better to prevent and treat diaper rash anyway.
Anthony's Organic Corn Starch, Gluten-free, Vegan and Non-GMO, 2 Pounds
Non-Toxic Bath Soaps for Infants
Most baby soaps and shampoos are toxic and contain a lot of chemicals that would make parents very concerned if they knew about these chemicals. Baby products are marketed to parents as “unscented” but many parents don’t realize that the word “unscented” does not mean that the product does not contain fragrances. Indeed, the word “unscented” often just means that fragrances have been added to the product to cover up the smell of the chemicals in the product.-
Bronner’s Castile Soap (contains Sodium Hydroxide)
Bronner’s soaps are produced by a company that has made an ethical commitment to making a product that is non-toxic. Over the years, I’ve recommended some other products to clients, but many of these products start sneaking toxic chemicals into their ingredients lists once they have a loyal following of people who started using the soap because it was “non-toxic”. I like Bronner’s because they have a fanatical stance in regard to providing a non-toxic product made with essential oils rather than fragrances. Bronner’s soaps contain sodium hydroxide.
Soap Nuts (Sapindus mukorossi)
Soap nuts can be used in a variety of ways. For an infant with soap sensitivities or children with cancer, parents can boil the soap nuts for use during bathtime to provide a very non-toxic bathing experience. After you boil the soap nuts to make a liquid soap, the soap will need to be stored in the refrigerator. Use the liquid soap within 3 days. Because this soap contains no preservatives, it will go rotten within 3 to 5 days if it is stored in the refrigerator. And make sure that you detoxify your household water supply by reading the information above about water and making an effort to remove bromine and fluorine especially.
The liquid soap that you make from soap nuts can be used as a shampoo, but it may burn the eyes so you’ll need to make an effort to keep the soap out of your child’s eyes. Nonetheless, this liquid soap is non-toxic for children and totally natural with no chemicals added whatsoever.
Non-Toxic Lotion for Infants
Apricot Kernel Oil
Parents who are looking for a healthy alternative to baby lotions that contain chemicals can use an oil to moisture their child’s skin. I recommend the use of apricot kernel oil because it contains a substance called vitamin B17 that has been systematically removed from the food supply in the U.S. Vitamin B17 is present in high quantities in grape seeds, for example, and other seeds in fruits that have been hybridized to become “seedless”. The lack of vitamin B17 leads to childhood cancers as well as adult cancers.
Vitamin B17 was discovered by the same doctor (Dr. Sugiura) who developed chemotherapy for cancer at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. But while Sloan Kettering promoted chemotherapy, it worked hard to cover up the fact that vitamin B17 was able to cure cancer in 100% of the rats treated with this natural substance in comparison with the 2-3% cancer cure rate of chemotherapy. Vitamin B17 is not a profitable substance because it is natural and it cures cancer which means that common knowledge about vitamin B17 would destroy the cancer industry. Sloan Kettering and the other corporations that profit immensely from the Cancer Industry put a lot of money into confusing the public about the use of vitamin B17, apricot kernels and apricot kernel oil by calling vitamin B17 an “unproven” cancer cure. What most people who work outside of the scientific community don’t realize is that the word “unproven” is incorrect in science. The correct term is “disproven”. A cancer cure that has been “disproven” is one that has been extensively studied. In contrast any cancer cure that has been “unproven” means that the substance has not been funded so that research can be conducted on its effects.
Non-Toxic Dental Health Products That Allow Teeth to Remineralize
I often have dreams about clients that contact Lydian and I for health coaching. Often, I receive a bit of guidance from these dreams about what might work to heal those clients, but whenever I see “teeth” in my dreams in regard to my clients, I know that that person has a solidly physical manifestation of disease. Each tooth is connected to the rest of the body by energetic circuits called meridians and sickness in a tooth or in the roots of the teeth can lead to a variety of health problems throughout the body. So dental health ranks high in terms of restoring general health throughout the body.Removal of Mercury Amalgam Fillings
The use of mercury in dental clinics is abhorrent and should be categorically discontinued. If you or a loved one has mercury amalgam fillings along with a major illness like cancer, diabetes, autism, autoimmunity, etc. consider having those fillings removed using the Huggins Protocol. In this article, I talk about the connection between mercury amalgam fillings and the development of psoriasis, but I always recommend that people get their fillings removed.Many years ago, I remember thinking that getting mercury fillings removed was a little radical and I made fun of people who did this kind of thing. It wasn’t until I was forced to work on the encyclopedia of toxic chemicals many years ago that I realized just how toxic mercury fillings were in the body. I started connecting my own health issues to my many mercury fillings. And I became obsessed with having them removed. At that time, we couldn’t afford to have our mercury fillings removed in the United States, which was fine because we were packing up to move to Mexico. So, on our way south, we stopped for a week in Tijuana, Mexico to get our mercury amalgam fillings removed. Then, we had chelation therapy done to remove excess mercury from our bodies. It was the best thing we ever did for our health.
A Word on Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 to Remineralize Teeth
Fat soluble vitamins are vital in remineralizing teeth and restoring dental health. In particular, a newly discovered vitamin known as vitamin K2 (as differentiated from vitamin K1 which plays a role in blood clotting), not only helps adults remineralize their teeth and bones (to prevent osteoporosis), but vitamin K2 helps children develop jaw bones that can properly accommodate their teeth. Children without enough of this vitamin often need braces later in life.
My son-in-law grew up in a tiny farming village in Myanmar where his family grew their own foods. He was breast fed and he brushed his teeth with only sea salt. His teeth are gorgeous. They are straight and very healthy. He has never been to a dentist and he has never had a cavity, a testament to the fact that breast-feeding mothers with plenty of vitamin K2 in their breast milk can confer it to their children and that toothpaste may not be the best way to keep teeth healthy and free of cavities.
I have personally remineralized my own teeth using nothing but vitamin K2 + D3 supplements along with the coconut oil toothpaste I describe below. I have several cavities that were originally filled with mercury, but that have been replaced with a biologically compatible material. I went to the dentist for the first time in 4 years about 14 months ago (when I was still using regular toothpaste) and I had cavities near a tiny “tattoo” of mercury that had lodged itself in my gums after having the other mercury amalgam fillings removed. After getting the mercury removed, I did a ton of research and learned about vitamin K2 and learned about GC Tooth Mousse (which I have not tried yet myself but that I intend to try soon) and coconut oil toothpaste. And I can say now with confidence that the use of vitamin K2 supplements with coconut worked to rebuild my teeth. It’s amazing really, but I had doubts. I took Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO every night for 3 months as part of this healing process which also played a role in the remineralization of my teeth.
For both children and adults, you can incorporate cod liver oil into the diet daily as a natural source of essential fat soluble vitamins. Children and adults with a fish-allergy can use vitamin K2 and D3 supplements as an alternative to cod liver oil.
Non-Toxic Dental Health Products
Non-Toxic Teeth Remineralizing Toothpaste Options
Almost every commercial toothpaste, even so-called “non-toxic” toothpastes contain vegetable glycerin. And the thing is, vegetable glycerin plugs the pores in teeth. You see, teeth are “electrical”. The enamel in teeth is made of tiny magnetic ions that couple up to make an iron-clad protective shield using the opposite polarities of positive (calcium) and negative (phosphorus) ions. In people who drink water that contains fluorine though, the negative phosphorus ions are perpetually disrupted, leading to inevitable and ongoing dental problems. Removing fluoride from the water supply is a first step in remineralizing teeth.
The second step in remineralizing teeth has to do with allowing ions to flow through the teeth as they are supposed to naturally. Mercury amalgam fillings disrupt the electrical nature of teeth and the natural flow of ions through the teeth. But the vegetable glycerin in toothpastes (even the healthy toothpastes) is another reason why our teeth don’t remineralize. Vegetable glycerin plugs the pores in teeth.
GC Tooth Mousse is a tooth product that bases its ingredients on those that would, according to the science of tooth remineralization, legitimately work to remineralize teeth. I believe that this product is called a “mousse” rather than a “paste” because the dental industry probably aligned against the company knowing that by changing the product name to “mousse” would make it less accessible to the public. Be sure to buy the GC Tooth Mousse that contains calcium phosphate if you are not drinking fluoridated water. Choose the calcium fluoride version of the product if you are regularly exposed to water that contains fluoride. I do not have personal experience with this product, but I recommend it to people who wish to remineralize their teeth or who want for their children to grow up with healthy teeth.
This homemade coconut oil toothpaste has worked well for me in remineralizing my own teeth, but it won’t work to remineralize teeth or to keep children’s teeth healthy unless the child / adult has all mercury removed from their mouth and unless they are not using glycerin based toothpastes or eating foods that contain glycerin. If the person consumes glycerin, that glycerin plugs the pores of the teeth and can stay in place for up to 28 days, preventing remineralization of the teeth.
Recipe for Remineralizing Toothpaste
½ cup of organic coconut oil 2 teaspoons Himalayan sea salt 2 teaspoons baking soda 4 teaspoons food-grade bentonite 10-20 drops of peppermint essential oil 10-20 drops of clove essential oil
Combine the above ingredients in a glass bowl and mix thoroughly. Put it in a glass container and use it twice a day as you would regular toothpaste.
Non-Toxic Personal Care Products for Adults
Non-Toxic Shampoo
The least toxic shampoo product available is soap nuts. Soap nuts are a natural soap that literally grows in nature, no chemicals added! Below is a powdered shampoo product that is made from soap nuts.
Bronner’s Soap
The Bronner’s soap brand is one of the only soap products on the market that is ethically dedicated to providing a non-toxic soap product. Though Bronner’s soaps contain sodium hydroxide, this chemical has a relatively low toxicity levels. Bronner’s soaps can be used as a shampoo.
Non-Toxic Body Soap
Bronner’s body soap
Soap nuts as a body soap
If you’re allergic to sodium hydroxide, consider making a batch of liquid soap from soap nuts twice weekly and storing the soap in the refrigerator between uses.
Non-Toxic Hand Soap
Bronner’s Soap
Again, I recommend Bronner’s as a hand soap that is non-toxic. If you are trying to detoxify your life and as long as you aren’t sensitive to sodium hydroxide, you can use Bronner’s soap throughout the house to simplify the soap situation for everyone in your family.
Non-Toxic Hand Sanitizer
Natural Tea Tree Oil Hand Sanitizer
- 70 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 10 drops of lemon essential oil
- 3 ounces of 80 proof vodka
- ¼ teaspoon of apricot kernel oil
Combine the above ingredients in a glass bowl and mix thoroughly. Then put the mixture in a glass container for later use. Amber bottles with glass droppers are best for storage because essential oils can cause plastic to degrade and go into solution with the hand sanitizer.
Non-Toxic Perfumes
There is no shortage of pleasant smells to choose from to replace perfumes if you’re willing to give essential oils a try. I recommend using doTerra brand essential oils because they have a high standard in the production of their essential oil products and they don’t water their products down the way other essential oil brands do. Geranium is an excellent essential oil for perfume if you’re looking for a strong scent that generally leaves a good impression.
doTERRA Geranium Essential Oil - 15 mL
Non-Toxic Cleaning Products
Women are disproportionately affected by the toxic chemicals in cleaning products. In turn, women who are pregnant or nursing pass these chemicals along to children. As a society, it’s important, in my opinion, to support women’s use of products that are non-toxic because when women are healthy, children are healthier. In other words, women’s health has an impact on the entire population!Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent
There are two simple and affordable non-toxic laundry detergent alternatives that work well for my family:
Soap Nuts
Soap nuts are so versatile! And it’s crazy how easy it is to use them instead of laundry detergent. You just put 5 or 6 soap nuts in a little canvas bag and they can be used for 4 to 6 loads of laundry. And they really do work! The laundry even smells nice afterwards…like its been washed with a mildly fragrant detergent.
Laundry detergents contain a lot of xenoestrogens that can disrupt the endocrine system in women, men, and children. Just think about how much time you spend marinating in laundry detergent chemicals. It takes 3 to 5 washes to remove the chemicals in laundry detergents from clothes and bedding.
Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Salt
When I first started washing my clothes without laundry detergent, I used a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and salt and it worked reasonably well. Later, I started using a combination of soap nuts with baking soda, vinegar, and salt. This combination worked very well and I highly recommend it as a non-toxic alternative to laundry detergent.
Non-Toxic Cleaning Solution
Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Salt
If you or a loved one is recovering from a major disease and you’re trying to detoxify your life, go through your house and remove all the cleaning products and put them in a box. Then, get several glass spray bottles and make a big batch of cleaning solution using baking soda, vinegar, and salt. This cleaning solution removes odors and sterilizes surfaces. It can be used in toilets, on carpets, and throughout your home to clean without exposing yourself to non-toxic substances and fragrances in cleaning products.
Non-Toxic Dish Soap
Bronner’s Soap
Once again, I recommend Bronner’s Soap as a natural and non-toxic dish soap.
Soap Nuts
If you are sensitive to the sodium hydroxide in Bronner’s soap, consider making liquid soap from soap nuts and storing it in the refrigerator between uses. It makes a good dish soap, though it must be made anew every 3 to 5 days because it contains no preservatives and therefore will go bad within a few days after you make it.
Non-Toxic Toilet Paper
Most toilet paper brands contain fragrances. The fragrances are usually in the cardboard roll, but nonetheless, if you’re trying to limit your exposure to fragrances, you should try to find a toilet paper brand that does not contain fragrances. Some low-cost, generic brands of toilet paper don’t contain fragrances, but it’s hard to know if the product contains fragrances until you purchase it and bring it home with you.If you’re very committed to getting rid of all toxic chemicals in your life, consider installing a bidet on your toilet as a toilet paper alternative.
Non-Toxic Beauty Products
Au Naturale is a non-toxic make-up brand that I’ve used for many years. They have a wide range of non-toxic make-up options for everyone.
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