Can Ayurvedic herbal medicine cure cancer?
Carctol is an important Ayurvedic herbal remedy that consists of a combination of 8 different herbs. This combination was developed by Dr. Nandlal Tiwari after his time working with tribal cultures in Assam, India in 1968. The Carctol Ayurvedic cancer cure was tested over a period of 20 years on cancer patients in India with excellent results. It was also tested in the surrounding countries. Patients took the herbal remedy known as Carctol daily in addition to adhering to an anticancer diet and other Ayurvedic treatment practices (whenever relevant) as a treatment protocol for cancer.
Carctol is thought to work primarily through the alkalinization and detoxification of the body, as well as through its immune-boosting properties.
As an herbal pH treatment, the Carctol remedy may go well with other alkalizing, high pH anticancer therapies like the Baking Soda Protocol or Cesium Therapy.
Detailed Introduction
Carctol is an Ayurvedic herbal remedy for cancer. It is a powdered mixture of 8 Indian herbs combined in the following proportions:- 20 mg Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus)
- 20 mg Blistering Ammani (Ammani vesicatoria)
- 20 mg Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris L.)
- 80 mg Chinese Smilax (Smilax china L.)
- 20 mg Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum L.)
- 120 mg Java Pepper (Piper cubeba L.)
- 20 mg Himalayan Rhubarb (Rheum australe D. Don)
- 200 mg Untangan / Dakhni Chappar (Blepharis edulis Pers.) [1][2]
The herbs in Carctol were formulated by Dr. Nandlal Tiwari when he was working with some local tribal groups in Assam, India in 1968. He tested the herbal mixture on cancer patients for over 20 years with great success. Dr. Tiwari believes that Carctol works by helping the body eliminate acids and become more alkaline, thus making this a high pH cancer cure as well as an herbal cancer cure (read more about pH therapies for cancer in Volume 3 of the Cancer Cure Catalog series). Cancer cells cannot exist in an alkaline environment, so the alkalizing combination of Carctol along with appropriate dietary changes ultimately helps create an inhospitable environment in the body for cancer cells to exist.
Carctol works by detoxifying the body and facilitating the excretion of toxins via the kidneys, liver, and intestines; it also helps to strengthen the immune system. As a detoxifying remedy, Carctol has sometimes been used to neutralize the toxicity from chemotherapy and radiation, and thus some patients may be interested in this herbal medicine as a supportive treatment to go along with conventional cancer treatments. Carctol’s detoxifying effects also facilitate recovery from cancer by removing disease-causing toxins, like organophosphates and heavy metals, as well as by removing dead cancer cells and other similar wastes during the healing process.
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Carctol is virtually unknown in the United States, except perhaps to some Ayurvedic medicine practitioners. However, in the UK, India, and other countries, Carctol is better known and more widely used as a cancer cure, as well as for the treatment of some other diseases.In the United Kingdom, Carctol is imported by Cankut Herbs under medical supervision. There in the UK, Carctol is classified as an unlicensed medicine by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. Of the 8 herbs in Carctol, 5 are classified as medicines in the UK, and as such, Carctol can’t be advertised. However, certain medical doctors can prescribe Carctol as an unlicensed medicine if they believe it might be effective for their patient, even though the medicine has not been involved in clinical trials and has not been licensed.
Dr. Rosy Daniel, medical director of the famous Bristol Cancer Help Centre (where King Charles has gone to be doctored), went public in 2004 to try to educate the public about Carctol and its potential as a cancer cure. Her efforts enraged the medical establishment in the United Kingdom. Scientists who are part of the conventional medical research model used an argument that’s often set forth in the United States as a reason why a remedy should not be advertised as a viable treatment method: Carctol has not been tested in formal scientific studies. But, as with other new cancer treatments in the United States, it is difficult to test new remedies that have not been given the blessing of large pharmaceutical companies. So while the argument that these remedies need testing is emotionally compelling to patients looking for safe and effective treatment options, it is not sound. These new remedies cannot be tested because the same scientists who cry out for testing stand guard against allowing them to be tested.
Indeed, although Carctol has not been studied formally by conventionally minded researchers, this Ayurvedic remedy has been used widely by both medical doctors and other educated practitioners since at least the 1960s to treat cancer successfully and safely. In spite of there not being formal studies demonstrating its efficacy, there is information that is quantifiable and high-quality that can vouch for the cancer-curing potential of Carctol.

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Safety and Effectiveness
Carctol has been used to treat the following health problems (among others not listed here):- Cancer
- Whooping cough
- Swallowing difficulties
- Appetite loss
- Menstrual disorders
- Alcohol-related liver damage (cirrhosis)
Approximately 30 to 40% of cancer patients respond to Carctol treatment alone, without other treatment methods. According to Dr. Rosy Daniel, out of 860 cancer patients, about 25% were cured of cancer using Carctol, 25% were not helped at all, and the remainder were helped to some extent. As such, this treatment is not recommended as a stand-alone treatment. Rather, patients should use this treatment as part of a cancer protocol, which may also include an anticancer diet, nutritional supplements, or other anticancer remedies.
Carctol is a non-toxic herbal treatment. It has been well-tested at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Laboratory in New Delhi as well as at the Lyne, Martin, and Radford Laboratory in London. There are no known side effects of treatment.
How Carctol Is Administered
Carctol is generally administered in capsule form. The recommended dosage is between 4 to 8 capsules per day for adults. It is meant to be taken in tandem with an alkalizing, vegetarian diet (the Gerson Diet is a good example of this kind of diet) along with pancreatic and other digestive enzymes. Additionally, patients must drink between 3 to 5 liters of boiled and refrigerated water each day in order to facilitate detoxification of the body.The Carctol treatment has to be taken according to a strict dosage schedule for at least 60 days, but it is ideal for the patient to continue taking the treatment for a full 6 months without interruption.
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Possible Negative Effects
While taking Carctol, patients are often advised to avoid all foods that are sour with the exception of actual vitamin C/ascorbic acid supplements. The idea here is that sour foods contain acids that may sometimes interfere with Carctol’s actions to alkalize the body to kill cancer cells. However, this isn’t always 100% true, since indeed, some very sour/acidic foods, like lemons, can actually be alkalizing once absorbed into the body. Patients should still be aware of this recommendation, though, since Ayurvedic medicine’s dietary recommendations are highly advanced and complex, and sour foods may interfere with the Carctol remedy’s efficacy for other reasons beyond simply affecting the body’s pH.Patients with poor digestion are also urged to take pancreatic enzymes as well as other digestive enzymes (hydrochloric acid and pepsin) to enhance absorption of the Carctol. Even patients who have decent digestion will benefit from taking pancreatic enzymes in addition to Carctol, since pancreatic enzyme therapy is a powerful cancer treatment by itself, yet it combines well with many other anticancer treatments, including this herbal Ayurvedic remedy.
Other Important Information
Carctol is available through certain UK doctors who are able to prescribe it as an Ayurvedic cancer treatment. As a traditional medicine from India, it’s also more available in Indian and surrounding areas. Carctol may also be available online for purchase and at-home use in some places as well.Doctors Who Prescribe Carctol
Below is a link that provides information about doctors who prescribe Carctol in the UK:
[1] Boehm, K. (2016). Carctol: What Is It? Retrieved June 5, 2018 from
[2] No Author (n.d.). Lung Cancer Help: Treatment. Medications. Clinical Trials. Retrieved June 5, 2018 from
[3] Yes To Life (n.d.). Carctol. Retrieved June 5, 2018 from
[4] Brewer, A. K. (1984). The High pH Therapy for Cancer Tests on Mice and Humans. Retrieved March 14, 2018 from
[5] Ebner, S. (2004). Dr. Daniel’s Miracle Cure. Retrieved June 5, 2018 from