Red Algae : Stop Herpes Outbreaks

One of the important benefits of working with red algae for herpes is the fact that these medicines are also foods. They’re non-toxic and they don’t cause side effects in most cases, yet they’re very effective at killing viruses such as the herpes virus or influenza viruses. Red algae can be administered as a foundational treatment that isn’t likely to interfere with other types of treatment for herpes.
Avoid red marine algaes that contain added calcium or vitamin D. Both of these nutrients inhibit the absorption of iodine which is an essential medicinal mineral that produces long-lasting reactive oxygen species that can kill herpes or influenza viruses. If the body does not absorb iodine from the red algae, it will not work in the same way to cure herpes.
Herpes positive patients report that red algae drastically improves herpes symptoms. In some people red algae can completely stop herpes outbreaks from happening.

Click here to buy a Rhodophyta, Red Algae Supplement.
Ceramium rubrum: Red Algae for Herpes and Influenza
The extract of Ceramium rubrum, a type of red marine alga has been studied specifically in terms of its antiviral effects against herpes (both HSV-1 and HSV-2) as well as influenza A and influenza B. Ceramium rubrum deserves special mention because of its ability to kill herpes viruses as well as influenza viruses without causing side effects.
In the scientific research, Ceramium rubrum has dose-dependent effects against specific viruses. It works by preventing the virus from attaching to human cells to inject DNA into the cell for replication. By inhibiting the virus from attaching to human cells, viral replication becomes impossible and with long-term treatment, the virus eventually can be eradicated completely by the human immune system.
Ceramium rubrum also inhibits viral replication of HSV-1, HSV-2, and influenza A and influenza B. Scientists who have studied this red alga note that Ceramium rubrum has powerful anti-herpes effects.

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Other Red Algae That Cure Herpes and Influenza Infections
Ceramium rubrum is just one of several herbal remedies for herpes that involves red algae from the species Rhodophyta. Scientists have identified 55 species of marine Rhodophyta that have inhibitory medicinal compounds against HSV-1 and HSV-2. Other red alga that have noteworthy anti-herpes effects include:
- Asparagopsis armata
- Gelidium pulchellum
- Gelidium pusillum
- Gelidium spinulosum
- Halopitys incurvus
- Hypnea musciformis
- Sphaerococcus coronopifolius
- Plocamium cartilagineum
- Boergeseniella thuyoides
- Pterosiphonia complanata
Ceramium rubrum and the other red algae above are all capable of inhibiting replication of the HSV-1 virus at an extract concentration of 50%. The red algae do not produce toxic effects.
Red algae of the Ceramial or Gigantinal orders are most active against herpes viruses especially when administered as a hot tea / aqueous extract.
NOTE: One study found that Asparagopsis armata is able to inhibit HIV-1 replication in addition to its ability to kill herpes viruses.
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How to Administer Red Alga
To create a medicine with the highest possible inhibitory effect against herpes using red algae, make a hot water extract using one or more of the above species of red algae with the exception of Gelidium pusillum. In other words, make a tea by pouring boiling water over 1 dose of the relevant red algae and allow it to steep for 15 minutes before drinking it.Gelidium pusillum must be prepared as a dichloromethanolic extract in order to be effective against herpes infection.

Red Algae Dosing
Ideally, you should look for Rhodophyta red algae to cure herpes or other viral infections. If you can’t find the specific species of Rhodophyta in your geographic region, that’s okay. It’s true that some of the Rhodophyta species are more powerful than others, but if you can find any of the Rhodophyta species without vitamin D or calcium added to the supplement, that’s a good place to start.Administer 1000-2500 mg of red algae daily, ideally as a hot tea, which might involve breaking open capsules to put the red algae in boiling water so that it can be steeped and cooled before you consume it. If you don’t like the taste of the red algae, you can also take it as a capsule.

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