Anticancer Diets That Require Supplements

Though there are a number of different nutrient supplements for cancer that are recommended by different experts, we’ve compiled a protocol of the most important nutrients for cancer that can be administered along with an anticancer diet. Click here to learn about the Lugol’s iodine protocol.
Of all of the diets that require supplementation that we discuss at this web site, the least developed scientifically is the Bill Henderson protocol. Bill Henderson researched cancer independently to find a cure after his wife died of cancer. While his diet is not as developed scientifically, it is easy for patients to follow and some people have really benefited from his work. Binzel, Gerson, and Gonzalez were all doctors who saw their diets in action as they treated patients. Through experience they were able to hone the details of how cancer patients should be nourished. The Bill Henderson protocol lacks this level of research and hands-on experience, but Henderson did highlight the value of beta-glucans for cancer. For a stage 1 cancer diagnosis, the Bill Henderson protocol could be appropriate. That being said, while the Bill Henderson diet is the least developed, it is also one of the more accessible cancer diets. It is easy to understand how to do the diet, which has made it popular, but it isn’t necessarily the most powerful diet to use for cancer treatment. Stage III and Stage IV patients should not use the Bill Henderson diet.

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The Gerson Diet and the Gonzalez Protocol are definitely some of the most complicated and well-researched diets in the book. Gerson believed that patients should consume their food in the form of juices. He believed that all salt should be avoided. Gonzalez, in contrast, built his nutritional theories off of Dr. John Beard and Dr. Kelley’s Pancreatic Enzyme Cure. These diets are complicated and patients may need to enlist the help of an expert to execute them properly. With expert help and effort these diets can yield excellent results for cancer patients.