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Bob Wright Protocol – Kangen Machine --Alkaline Water Cancer Cure -- Molecular Hydrogen Therapy

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | May 15, 2019


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How to Use High Concentration Molecular Hydrogen Water to Cure Cancer Naturally

Molecular hydrogen water is being vigorously studied by the scientific community because of its ability to cure emphysema, COPD, and other serious diseases that we discuss in this article. Kangen water and molecular hydrogen water are synonymous--they mean the same thing. The Bob Wright Protocol works extremely well in combination with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Solution as a natural cure for cancer.

Quick Summary

On the Bob Wright Protocol, patients spend two weeks doing a pre-treatment (to avoid developing a debilitating Herxheimer Reaction) followed by the consumption of Kangen Water to quickly raise the pH inside cancer cells. The timing of the treatment as well as the speed with which the pH is raised are important factors that lead to success using this protocol. The Bob Wright Protocol is a powerful natural treatment for terminal cancer  as well as patients for fast-spreading cancers.

Click here to read about Cesium therapy as another form of high pH therapy that developed by Dr. Keith Brewer.

Click here to read more about baking soda as a natural at home treatment for stage 4 cancer as well as early stage cancer.

Though the high pH that’s produced by consuming Kangen water / Molecular Hydrogen water plays an important role in treating cancer naturally, molecular hydrogen is also able to heal DNA that’s been damaged in human cells. Normally in healthy DNA, the rungs of the DNA “ladder” are held together by hydrogen bonds. Free radicals can remove or damage these hydrogen bonds, but drinking Kangen water / molecular hydrogen water as a remedy for cancer can heal these damaged bonds. As we’ve already discussed, alkalinity (which can be fostered through the use of baking soda or Cesium among other things) is powerful natural cure for cancer, but healing damaged DNA is also a powerful cure for cancer. 

Click here to learn about how molecular hydrogen therapy has been used by scientists to cure emphysema naturally.

Note that molecular hydrogen is an antioxidant, but that it is one of the only antioxidants that can be used with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement (CDS / MMS) without canceling out the effects of CDS / MMS. Molecular hydrogen and CDS / MMS work very well as an at home cancer treatment protocol because CDS / MMS is able to actually kill the cancer cells while molecular hydrogen changes the entire internal terrain of the body to make it less habitable to cancer (via alkalinity). And at the same time the molecular hydrogen water also heals wounded DNA to improve normal cellular function throughout the body and cause cancer cells to change into healthy cells.


Molecular hydrogen has many health applications and scientists have discovered that this form of medicine works as a cure for diseases like emphysema, COPD, asthma, preeclampsia during pregnancy, diaphragmatic hernia in infants, Alzheimer’s disease, Lyme disease, cystic fibrosis, and more. That’s a long list of diseases and given that molecular hydrogen water is non-toxic, safe for use during pregnancy and in young children and it works very well with CDS / MMS, this is a powerful natural cure for cancer that uses only water.  Molecular hydrogen water is an excellent natural treatment for childhood cancer. It is also a very gentle and safe cancer treatment during pregnancy. It won't interfere with the anticancer action of other cancer medications. 

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Detailed Information

Bob Wright was the Vice President of sales for an American aerospace, electronics, and space company. He spent 25 years independently researching cancer cures to develop the Bob Wright Protocol [6].

The most important thing to remember about the Bob Wright Protocol is that the pH of the body must be raised quickly and at the right stage in the treatment protocol. Do not attempt to skip stage 1 and proceed directly to stage 2 in this protocol. When you do stage 2, commit to the protocol completely and follow the instructions strictly [1].

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Somatidian Theory

The presence of infectious microorganisms inside cancer cells was discovered originally in 1890. This infectious microorganism is pleomorphic which means that it changes size and shape depending on environmental conditions and other variables [1].

Dr. Livingston-Wheeler was a cancer researcher who rediscovered and researched a cancer-causing mycobacterium in-depth that causes normal, healthy cells to turn into cancer cells. These cancer-causing microorganisms are unique in that they change shape. Sometimes they look like bacteria. Sometimes they look like fungi or viruses. In addition to Dr. Livingston-Wheeler, Dr. Isaac Goiz (developer of biomagnetism), Dr. Gaston Naessons (developer of the 714-X treatment) and Dr. Royal Rife (developer of the Rife Machine), all described microorganisms with nearly identical characteristics including the organism’s ability to change shape [1][2][3][4].

The Bob Wright Protocol targets these cancer-causing microorganisms by changing the pH inside cancer cells. These microorganisms excrete acidic mycotoxins inside the cancer cell which block the production of fuel (ATP) for the cell, causing normal, healthy cells to become weak, sick, and cancerous. The microorganisms consume large quantities of glucose while secreting an enzyme coating as protection around the cancer cell. The enzyme coating makes it hard for the immune system to identify the cell as cancerous and it also makes it easier for the cancer to spread by cutting a path through healthy surrounding tissues [1].

By killing the cancer-causing microorganisms, health can be restored.

 Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.

The complicated thing about killing these microorganisms has to do with their shape-shifting abilities. The shape and size of the microorganism, their infective abilities, and the symptoms they cause changes based on the internal pH of the cell. There are 16 different sizes/shapes that these microorganisms can take according to Dr. Gaston Naessons though other doctors have observed up to 42 different sizes and shapes. The smallest size of the microorganism is called a “somatid” [1].

Somatids are dormant/hibernating cancer-causing microorganisms. They can’t be killed, but when they're in a dormant state they function to enhance the immune system by stimulating it in a healthy way. Once they become dormant, they tend to remain dormant for about 6 months at a time before they “wake up”. At this time, if the cancer patient has not repaired the internal environment that led to the development of cancer in the first place, the somatids begin eating sugar and growing larger and larger, changing shape into infective, cancer-causing microorganisms again. A patient who “cures” their cancer may have a relapse 6 months later because of this phenomenon. On the other hand, a patient who successfully changes their diet and alkalinizes their body will still have somatids (because somatids are ubiquitous and exist in all living creatures), but the somatids will only go through a healthy life cycle that stimulates and enhances the immune system [1].  

The good news is that the cancer-causing microorganism in its wakeful, non-dormant state can be killed. The Bob Wright Protocol attempts to kill the microorganism while it is still in an infectious state. This goal can be accomplished by raising the pH inside the cancer cell very quickly and to a high level using high-pH water made using a Kangen Machine [1].

Pre-treatment with MSM/LIPH

Raising the pH of the body sounds simple enough except that it can cause a strong Herxheimer Reaction due to the heavy load of microorganisms and toxicities in a cancer patient’s body. As such, it’s important for patients to do a 2-week pre-treatment with MSM/LIPH to remove excess cancer microorganisms in the blood and prepare the body for high pH levels. During this pre-treatment period, patients must NOT drink Kangen water or attempt to raise their pH levels using another form of pH therapy [1].

Liph Solutions Ultimate pH Balance - 2.0 oz. Alkaline Liquid Silica Mineral Super Concentrate. (Makes 1 Gallon of Finished Product)

Bob Wright Protocol Phases

The Bob Wright Protocol is used to raise the pH inside the cancer cell. Raising the internal pH of the cancer cell kills the cancer-causing microorganisms which allows the cancer cell to revert back to normal. Patients use a Kangen Machine to make high-pH water [1].

This protocol is carried out in two phases:

  • Phase I – 2 weeks

During this phase patients take MSM/LIPH to kill microbes in the bloodstream [1].

Kangen water is NOT consumed during this phase of the treatment [1].

  • Phase II – lasts indefinitely

During this phase, patients follow a special nutritional protocol while continuing to take MSM/LIPH supplements along with other, additional supplements. Patients also begin drinking the alkaline Kangen water [1].

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Robert G. Wright founded and directs the American Anti-Cancer Institute to educate people about the actual causes of cancer and how to cure it. He wrote the book Killing Cancer Not People [6].

Safety and Effectiveness

The Bob Wright Protocol is a powerful and effective anti-cancer remedy, but it’s important that patients understand the dynamics of the treatment strategy as well as the somatid lifecycle of the cancer-causing microorganism in order for it to be successful [1].

We specialize in health coaching for cancer patients. Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us.

How the Bob Wright Protocol is Administered

The Kangen Machine produces water that has a pH as high as 11.5. Patients must drink the high pH water throughout the day (and not all in one sitting) [1]. This high pH water is administered daily according to the following formula:

  • Administer ¾ ounce of 11.5 pH Kangen water per 1 lb of the patient’s body weight up to one gallon per day [1].

Kangen Machine vs. Molecular Hydrogen Generators

Note that while there are Kangen machines that are able to produce water with a pH of 9 or above, there are smaller, less expensive molecular hydrogen generators that produce a pH just above 7. These smaller molecular hydrogen generators are not as powerful as a Kangen machine, but they still produce good results. Not everyone an afford a Kangen machine, but most people can afford to buy one of the smaller molecular hydrogen generators to raise the pH above 7, which still makes the body uninhabitable to cancer cells. Kangen water has a higher pH and it is, as such, more powerful and you have more control over the pH of your water, but the smaller generators are a valuable tool too. Personally, I have both of these tools (a Kangen machine and a small oxygen generator) because the smaller molecular hydrogen generators also have an inhaling canula which is valuable for treating lung diseases. As a patient, you have to decide which of these tools suits you best and which one(s) you can afford. Below is a more affordable molecular hydrogen water generator:

H2Wellness ® - Molecular Hydrogen Water Bottle, 400ml Portable Hydrogen Water Maker, Hydrogen Water Generator with Portable Inhaler Adapter and Self-Cleaning Mode, Black Tritan

Below is a more expensive, more sophisticated molecular hydrogen generator that can be set to specific pH levels:

Aqua Ionizer Deluxe 9.0 Aqua-Ionizer Pro Alkaline Water Ionizer Machine

Possible Negative Effects

Patients must follow the instructions for the protocol exactly or else they risk having a strong detoxification reaction (Herxheimer Reaction) from raising their body’s alkalinity too quickly [1].  To improve how quickly your body detoxifies as it is healing, consider doing coffee enemas, which also alkalize the body as they remove bile sludge and toxins from the liver.

Other Important Information

Alkaline water has been shown to have a positive impact on the following diseases (click to see research supporting the use of alkaline water for each disease):


[1] (2018). The Bob Wright Protocol. Retrieved June 22, 2018 from

[2] Livingston-Wheeler, V. & Addeo, E. G. (2013). The conquest of cancer. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

[3] Oke, D. (2018). Royal Rife and Bob Beck: Can Their Electro-Medicine Defeat Cancer? Retrieved June 22, 2018 from

[4] Massamormile, F. P. (2009-2018). Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine. Retrieved June 22, 2018 from

[5] (2016). Gaston Naessen’s 714X/ 714-X Cancer Treatment. Retrieved June 22, 2018 from

[6] (2018). Robert G. Wright. Retrieved June 22, 2018 from

[7] Wright, R. G. (2014). Killing Cancer Not People, 3rd Ed. American Anti-Cancer Institute.

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