Garcinia kola: Herbal Remedy for MCAS
Garcinia kola, also known as the bitter kola nut is an herb that has an extremely powerful and broad spectrum of action on the body. This is the same herb that was once used in tandem with Erythoxylum coca (coca leaves) in the production of the original version of Coca-Cola. When it was originally developed, Coca-Cola was a pain-killer and it was used to reduce inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions. Today, of course, Coca-Cola is nothing more than chemical flavorings and sugar, but back when it was first produced, it was a fermented herbal cure for inflammatory conditions and chronic pain.Mast Cell Activation Syndrome / MCAS is a clonal blood disorder that results in the infiltration of organs by mast cells and uncontrollable degranulation. Though it is not widely recognized or noted that both primary platelet adhesion and aggregation (“clumping”) and secondary coagulation cascade effects (that lead to thrombin formation) are a part of MCAS, clotting abnormalities have frequently been observed in patients with this disorder.

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MCAS symptoms include:
- Skin flushing (hot, red or pink skin)
- Low blood pressure
- Itchy skin
- Nasal congestion
- Swelling, of the face, lips, eyes, tongue or throat (angioedema)
- Shortness of breath / dyspnea
- Constipation
- Diarrhea (sometimes alternating constipation and diarrhea, similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome / IBS)
- Abdominal pain
Readers with MCAS should note that these symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of organophosphate poisoning. Organophosphate poisoning symptoms are, however, more serious in that, organophosphate poisoning itself is only recognized when symptoms reach a very high, very critical level. Organophosphates, after all, are prescribed as drugs in conventional medicine. These drugs are known as “bisphosphonates” and they won’t cause patients to experience “organophosphate poisoning” symptoms. Organophosphate poisoning is only is recognized and diagnosed when a person is exposed to a very large quantity of organophosphates all at one time and that person develops symptoms). Organophosphates can build up in the body, specifically in bone tissues (bisphosphonates are prescribed for low-density bone tissues). So, in order to understand why it’s important to think about organophosphate exposure in terms of MCAS symptoms (despite some differences in the symptom picture) you have to think about organophosphate poisoning as something that is mostly spurned in conventional medicine (because Big Pharma supports Big Ag in the use of organophosphate insecticides) and you have to know that organophosphates can build up in the body and cause virtually no symptoms for a long period of time before a given individual reaches “critical mass” and begins having symptoms.
Organophosphates cause multi-system dysfunction and immune system dysfunction in part through their action on the muscarinic receptors of the autonomic nervous system. Poisons (there are many of them) that activate the muscarinic receptors of the autonomic nervous system can cause symptoms of MCAS.
Also, platelet production begins in the bone marrow, an area of the body that is impacted prior to the rest of the body developing symptoms of organophosphate poisoning. Recall the organophosphates have been repurposed as “medicines” that are used to treat poor bone density and osteoporosis. This is because the organic-phosphates (organophosphates – which are toxic) can easily replace the healthy inorganic phosphates that our bones require in order to be strong, dense, and healthy. People who take bisphosphonate drugs have bones that look strong on an X-ray, but their risk of severe femur fractures is elevated significantly. So bones become denser when people take bisphosphonates (which looks great on an X-ray), but the bones don’t become stronger. On the contrary, bones are weakened significantly by organophosphate exposure. One could surmise that organophosphate exposure would also significantly impact the health of blood and the various elements of blood that are produced in the bone tissues.
Mast cells are also produced in bone tissues.

Click here to buy Bitter Kola / Garcinia Kola powder.
Garcinia kola: Herbal Treatment for MCAS
In some studies, bitter kola nut has been shown to prevent delayed hypersensitivity reactions. In other words, Garcinia kola can diminish allergic reactions and help control Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). A delayed hypersensitivity reaction can happen if a person is exposed to an irritating agent (an allergen, let’s say) and the immune system attempts to respond, but the response is delayed.Flavonoids in bitter kola nut reduce mast cell activation and allergic reaction through the following mechanisms of action:
- Inflammation
- Allergic reaction
- Free radical tissue destruction
- Phosphodiesterase
- Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) inhibition / inhibition of platelet aggregation
- Histamine release inhibition

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Studies have shown that natural flavonoids found in whole plant material like the bitter kola nut, impact cell activation phenomenon, including the release of histamine from human basophils. Flavonoids have also been shown to inhibit the granulation of mast cells. By inhibiting granulation of the mast cells, the release of histamine would also be inhibited along with a variety of mediators that impact allergic reactions.
Additionally, flavonoids inhibit antigen-induced release of histamine from mast cells and also basophils. They inhibit painful muscle contractions that are caused by histamine, acetylcholine, and prostaglandin E2.
Additionally, flavonoids inhibit phospholipid metabolism and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LO). This is significant because 5-LO is derived from arachidonic acid and leukotrienes are derived from 5-LO and nucloephilic attack. The 5-LO products mediate things like airway constriction, vascular permeability, and leukocyte chemotaxis.
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Garcinia kola Inhibits Platelet Clumping in MCAS
Phenols in Garcinia kola acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and immune system enhancing agent. The Garcinia kola phenols block enzymes that cause inflammatory responses in the body. They also modify prostaglandin pathways to prevent platelets from clumping.
We discussed platelet clumping above as a frequent problem in those with MCAS. Some scientists believe that platelet clumping is secondary to mast cell hyperactivity, but platelet clumping is something that has also been observed in cancer patients. Scientists who study cancer believe (with an intense myopia fully intact) that cancer cells are causing the platelets to clump. In diabetes, platelet clumping has also been observed by scientists who blame high blood sugar for platelet-behavior.
Platelet clumping, as such, may not be secondary to mast cell hyper-activation, but rather simply a central feature in major illness indicating that the body is being overwhelmed by a toxin or a pathogen that has hijacked the immune system. Organophosphates are just one of a number of toxins that can cause platelet clumping and abnormal blood coagulation effects in the body. Garcinia kola is an herb that works to reduce platelet clumping, which in turn, may be one of the most important, underlying mechanisms of action through which this herb acts as a panacea for cancer, diabetes, chronic pain conditions, and MCAS.

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Amanita muscaria and Garcinia kola: How to Work with Both of These Herbs to Remove Muscarinic Receptor Blockers for MCAS
If you suffer from a disease like MCAS that likely involves dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, consider working with both low-dose (7 to 7.5 mg) nicotine patches and Amanita muscaria as a microdose. Amanita muscaria is a mushroom that can be poisonous at the wrong dose. Nicotine in low doses administered over the course of time is not addictive, but rather is used to overcome the effects of diseases that involve nicotinic and/or muscarinic “blockers” that inhibit proper functioning of the autonomic nervous system.One of the most important neurotransmitters used by the autonomic nervous system to orchestrate the activity of our internal organs and immune response is acetylcholine. In the natural world though, there are many different chemicals (like organophosphates) and plant-based substances (such as atropine in Atropa belladonna as just one of many examples) that interact with one of the two types of receptors in cholinergic nerves: nicotinic receptors and muscarinic receptors. The cholinergic nerves are very sensitive to a lot of different substances. Some of these substances can be used as medicines, but dosing is very important if you’re working with agents that specifically interact with either the nicotinic or the muscarinic receptors.
Garcinia kola is an herb that contains phenols that can help to remove toxins and also medicinal substances from the muscarinic receptors. Amanita muscaria, as a microdose of 10-50 mg, can also be used to remove toxins like organophosphates that attach to and then block muscarinic receptors.
To work with both Garcinia kola and Amanita muscaria, administer Garcinia kola in the morning at a dose of up to 1000 mg per day. Complete your treatment with the bitter kola nut before noon. In the evening, before bed, take Amanita muscaria as a microdose of 10-50 mg for 3 nights. Then take a break from the Amanita muscaria for 1-2 nights. Amanita muscaria is more powerful as a muscarinic receptor detoxifier than Garcinia kola, but Garcinia kola works through multiple mechanisms of action that treat a variety of symptoms associated with MCAS. Also, you can take Garcinia kola daily for an extended period of time to slowly treat MCAS.
Bitter Kola Nut Dose for MCAS:
Bitter kola nut dose matters if you wish to use this medicine treat MCAS naturally. The higher the dose, the more effective Garcinia kola will be as an herbal remedy for MCAS but at very high doses (2000 mg / kg body weight or more), Garcinia kola can becomes toxic. We recommend that patients stick to doses around 500-1000 mg / kg body weight to avoid the potential for toxic effects on the body.
FINAL NOTE: Meadowsweet / Filipendula ulmaria and salicin-containing herbs also reduce pathological platelet aggregation / clumping.