Mushroom-Based Diet and Supplementation Protocol for Cancer Patients
The Bill Henderson Protocol is one of the only anti-cancer diets that was not developed by a doctor, though Henderson did incorporate Dr. Budwig’s quark recipe (cottage cheese and flaxseed oil) into his protocol. The Bill Henderson Protocol is not recommended as a stand-alone treatment and it is definitely not the best cancer diet for terminal cancers. If you have stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, diets like the Budwig Protocol along with the Lugol’s Iodine Supplements and Herbs Protocol are a better choice than the Bill Henderson Protocol.If you’re looking for a treatment for stage 4 cancer, be sure to read more about Lugol's iodine for cancer and get started right away on the Lugol's iodine protocol. Also, click here to learn more about baking soda as a natural treatment for aggressive cancer. The baking soda protocol works to shrink tumors quickly and demonstrate to patients that they can, in fact, cure cancer at home..Also note that cancer often develops as a result of trauma according to German New Medicine. There are many ways to release trauma that causes cancer using Ayahuasca, a sacred medicine that heals trauma and that also functions as a cure for cancer. Click here to read more about how Ayahuasca works to cure cancer and release trauma at the same time. Or seek out tech-based treatments for trauma-release such as the, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR. It might still pay off though for you to read about the Bill Henderson protocol for cancer even if you don't intend to use this system to cure terminal cancer because we include some other important information that you might find valuable in regard to curing cancer.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
One of the virtues of the Bill Henderson Protocol is that it is relatively straightforward and easy for patients to understand and therefore to follow. For newly diagnosed patients who can’t afford to consult with a professional about their cancer diet, the Bill Henderson protocol can be helpful, though most experts would recommend incorporating other cancer protocols into treatment (e.g. pH therapies , vibrational therapies, immunotherapies) to make a more comprehensive protocol. Cancer patients who are getting conventional treatments (chemo, radiation, and/or surgery) and whose doctors don’t see the value of following a cancer diet could benefit from following this protocol as opposed to not following a cancer diet at all. Cancer patients can gather the supplies that they need and implement the Bill Henderson protocol at home without consulting with a practitioner. It will not interfere with chemo or radiation therapy.
Click here to learn more about alternative cancer treatment facilities.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Detailed Introduction
Detailed Introduction
Bill Henderson is an entrepreneur who collects and disseminates information about alternative cures for cancer . After his wife died from a grueling four-year battle with ovarian cancer, he went on a crusade to find information about how to cure cancer. He developed and began distributing the Bill Henderson Protocol in 2004. This protocol is not appropriate for fast-spreading cancers, cancers that are particularly dangerous (e.g. pancreatic cancer) or cancers that have metastasized though. The Bill Henderson Protocol would be most valuable for patients whose cancers are at Stage II or lower [1][2][3].Please note that Lugol's iodine and supportive nutrients are a front-line natural treatment for patients with ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and all reproductive organ cancers.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine.
Bill Henderson identified four physiological conditions that lead to the development of cancer:
- Weak immune system
- Lack of oxygen to the cells
- Excessive acidity in the body
- Toxicities in the body [1]
His treatment protocol features diet as the most important aspect of treatment along with the use of beta-glucans and nutritional supplements. This diet is meant to cultivate a healthy alkaline terrain that’s unfriendly to cancer cells [2].
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
The Bill Henderson protocol emphasizes diet which requires strict avoidance of the following:
- Gluten
- Animal protein (if you avoid animal products, you must take vitamin B12 supplements)
- Sugar
- Dairy
- Processed foods [1][2]
Patients are encouraged to eat plenty of raw vegetables. Nutritional supplements are also advised (we recommend the Lugol’s iodine protocol) along with daily consumption of Budwig’s recipe of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. Bill Henderson’s protocol, in fact, elaborates substantially on Budwig’s protocol [1][2]. The Gerson protocol is another powerful anticancer diet that is appropriate and useful to treat some forms of cancer.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
The Bill Henderson protocol is a gentle treatment that works quickly to increase the alkalinity in the body and electrically energize healthy cells while killing cancer cells [2]. It achieves this goal by combining the theories of Dr. Johanna Budwig with other cancer diet principles and anti-cancer supplements [3].Dr. Budwig was an expert on fats and oils and she’d spent a great deal of time studying cancer patients. Looking under a microscope, she’d noticed that patients with cancer had blood cells that lacked oxygen. These cells looked sickly in comparison with the healthy red blood cells in non-cancer patients that were fully oxygenated. She realized that this lack of cellular oxygen was the result of consuming unhealthy, “dead” fats (trans fats, for example). To restore oxygen to the blood, cells need the proper amount of omega-3 fatty acids and patients need to avoid all hydrogenated and chemically processed fats and oils[3][4][5][6].

Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
According to Dr. Budwig,
“Without these fatty acids [omega-3 fatty acids], the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty acids impairs many vital functions” [3].
Healthy fats such as cold-pressed, organic flaxseed or extra virgin olive oil, contain a vital electron cloud that allows them to bind properly with oxygen and become water-soluble. The water-solubility of fats and lipids is essential to good health. Human cells need these healthy, water-soluble fats in order to produce energy. A fundamental principle of the Budwig Diet (and the Bill Henderson Protocol) is the avoidance of hydrogenated and chemically refined fats and fats or oils that have been heated. Fats or oils that have been heated or hydrogenated clog up human cells rather than electrifying and energizing them as healthy oils do. As such, the consumption of hydrogentated, heated, and chemically altered oils and fats can lead to cancer and other serious diseases such as arteriosclerosis [3].

Buy Hawaii Pharm's Beta-Glucan's tincture here.
Dr. Jerry Tenant is a physician who studied electrical voltage in cells to heal himself of a serious disease. His theories about healing and the voltage of cells are compelling and easy to understand, but he isn’t the only doctor who has worked intensively with electricity to cure cancer and other diseases. Click here to learn more about how to use electricity to cure cancer. If you understand the basic idea that healthy, unheated, unprocessed fats and oils are electrically conductive and that the body uses fats and oils (heated or unheated) from the diet to build cell membranes that are meant to be electrically conductive and electrically energized such that the cell can heal itself readily, then it is easier to understand why Bill Henderson was such a proponent of Dr. Johanna Budwig’s work.
If you have been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis or osteoporosis, then it is likely that you have a vitamin K2 deficiency. Vitamin K2 has the ability to cure leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma as well as other types of blood or bone cancer. Vitamin K2 supplementation can also prevent metastasis to the bone tissues and blood. Click here to learn more about what vitamin K2 does in the body and why a deficiency of this nutrient leads to osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.
Click here to learn about how vitamin K2 is used to cure myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma according to scientific studies.
Click here to learn more about how vitamin K2 can protect the body from cancer-causing insecticides like organophosphates.

How the Bill Henderson Protocol Is Administered
An important component of the Bill Henderson Protocol is the Budwig smoothie. Cancer patients should consume at least 8 tablespoons of flaxseed oil as part of this smoothie each day. Ideally, the Budwig smoothie should be consumed while the patient sits outside in the sun because sunlight helps to “activate” the mixture’s healing properties in the body (and sunlight also helps the patient produce natural vitamin D). Many cancer patients are sun-deprived and they even apply sunscreens that contain carcinogens like parabens among other things rather than exposing themselves to the sun. In reality, at least 30 minutes to an hour of daily sunlight exposure is necessary in order for the body to produce powerful, medicinal reactive oxygen species from naturally occurring endogenous hydrogen peroxide to kill cancer cells.Click here to read more about exogenous, food-grade hydrogen peroxide for cancer.
When my husband had melanoma, he spent at least an hour in the sun daily without sunscreen on a white roof in Mexico. He drank his Budwig smoothies while sitting outside in the sun each day. He is still cancer-free 10 years later and he doesn’t ever wear sunscreen. Indeed, he works outside in full sun for several hours a day.
We’ve all been taught that sunlight avoidance is the right thing to do if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, but in fact, the sun and sunlight exposure has an immensely healing effect on the body. Sunscreens contribute to cancer not only through their carcinogen content, but also because our bodies use sunlight to detoxify. Without sunlight exposure, the body won’t detoxify properly and it also won’t produce certain nutrients substances like vitamin D or fumaric acid.
It is from the disease known as psoriasis, that we can learn most easily about detoxification pathways of the body and how sunlight exposure is a part of the body’s detox pathways. Patients with psoriasis develop severe, painful “plaques” on their skin as a result of the body’s difficulty detoxifying itself. The skin is one of the 4 main organs of detoxification (along with the liver, kidneys, and intestines). When the other detoxifying organs become overwhelmed with toxicities, the skin may take over and develop a rash or some kind of skin problem. Psoriasis is a very serious and painful skin issue that often involves severe gastrointestinal problems and arthritis as well, but many patients are able to overcome all of their health issues by simply spending a few weeks bathing in alkaline sea water (that contains a large quantity of electrifying trace minerals) and sun-bathing. Click here to learn more about the sunlight and seawater resorts for patients with psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be viewed as simply a model to explain how our bodies detoxify because psoriasis is a disease of poor detoxification. But if you’re still unsure about whether or not sunlight exposure is a good idea after a cancer diagnosis, click here to read a scientific study about lycopenes and the use of tomato sauce and olive oil in the diet to prevent sunburn. This study demonstrates how the diet influences the way our bodies react to sunlight, a fact that’s well-known in many scientific circles even though the mainstream media and Big Pharma promotes the use of sunscreen [10].
For more information about melanin and how the body interacts with sunlight in surprising ways, click here. Most people need more, not less sunlight exposure.
Bill Henderson Protocol Basics
In addition to consuming the Budwig Diet mixture above, cancer patients should follow a diet that meets the following requirements:- Avoid all sugar including high fructose corn syrup, refined white sugar, honey, man-made sugar substitutes, brown sugar, evaporated cane juice sugar, etc.
- Avoid flour because it is converted into sugar/glucose in the body.
- Avoid all processed and/or packaged foods and fast foods.
- Avoid all animal products.
- Avoid all dairy products. The quark mixture is an exception to this rule. Cottage cheese mixed with the flax oil for the Budwig Diet Mixture should be consumed up to 8 times per day. The cottage cheese helps make the flaxseed oil easier for the body to absorb.
- Consume lots of organic fruits and vegetables.
- Eat raw fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- See a biological dentist to have root canals and cavitations examined. Have mercury amalgam fillings removed and replaced with a biologically-friendly composite material by going to a biological dentist.
- Exercise daily to keep the lymphatic system moving.
- Get at least 30 minutes of daily sunlight so that your body can manufacture natural vitamin D. We typically recommend that people avoid taking additional vitamin D supplements because there are many harmful effects of taking vitamin D in supplement form. If you feel like you must take vitamin D2 or vitamin D3, take very low dose vitamin D (500 IU or less) and take at least 1400 mg of vitamin K2 / MK-7 daily. Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 as a cure for blood and bone cancers [3].
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT take vitamin D supplements without also taking vitamin K2 (as MK-7, the natural form, not MK-4)! This can lead to serious health complications and inhibit your progress in treating cancer or any other major disease. Read more about the dangers of supplementing with vitamin D without also taking vitamin K2 in this article.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
The Budwig Smoothie: Flaxseed Oil and Quark
Henderson saw the legitimacy of Budwig’s research and her success treating cancer patients so he incorporated one of the main features of the diet, her “quark recipe” into his protocol:
Budwig’s Quark Recipe:
1 Tbsp. cold pressed flaxseed oil 2 Tbsp. organic cottage cheese, quark, full fat coconut milk, soy milk, or rice milk
Combine the above ingredients in a glass bowl using an immersion blender. Blend for 1 minute until it has the consistency of whipped cream.
In a separate glass bowl: Grind 2 Tbsp. golden or brown flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for 1 minute until they appear “fluffy”. Add the cottage cheese mixture to the ground flaxseeds and stir [7].
In addition to the Budwig Mixture and the dietary changes listed above, patients are also advised to take a variety of supplements:- Beta-1 3-d Glucan – Take one 500 mg capsule for every 50 pounds of body weight. Take these all at once in the morning on an empty stomach. Beta glucans help the body coordinate an appropriate immune response to cancer [8].
- Take the following supplements with Green Tea Extract:
- Vitamin C – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- L-Lysine – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- L-Proline – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- Take 1 tablet of the Green Tea Extract 3 times per day, with or without food.
- Barley Grass – Take 20 tablets per day, 15 minutes before mealtimes. Take 7 before breakfast, 7 before lunch, and 6 before dinner.
- Vitamin D3, 500 IU + Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 1400 mg per day– Take one softgel or more depending on your levels of vitamin D (remember to always take a supplement that combines vitamin D with vitamin K2 / MK-7 – avoid the MK-4 form of vitamin K2. Do not take vitamin D alone without also taking vitamin K2 -- always take the lowest possible dose of vitamin D).
- Daily Advantage Nutritionals – Take 2 packets per day.
Possible Negative Effects
According to some experts, this protocol as a stand-alone treatment is not appropriate for patients with Stage III or Stage IV cancers, cancers that have a tendency to spread quickly, or cancers that are particularly dangerous [2]. Patients with more serious cancers should follow a protocol that includes a variety of treatments, not just dietary changes. It is vital that cancer patients target the disease from several different angles. Current research has shown that the use of beta-glucans can trigger the proliferation of monocytic lineage leukemia cells and the maturation of dendritic cells derived from leukemia cells. More research is needed, but beta-glucans are currently not recommended for leukemia patients [9]. However, if you’re looking for a cure for leukemia, click here to learn about hematoxylin and dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO. Also, click here to read more about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a scientifically validated cure for leukemia.Resources:
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:
Mushroom-Based Diet and Supplementation Protocol for Cancer Patients
The Bill Henderson Protocol is one of the only anti-cancer diets that was not developed by a doctor, though Henderson did incorporate Dr. Budwig’s quark recipe (cottage cheese and flaxseed oil) into his protocol. The Bill Henderson Protocol is not recommended as a stand-alone treatment and it is definitely not the best cancer diet for terminal cancers. If you have stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, diets like the Budwig Protocol along with the Lugol’s Iodine Supplements and Herbs Protocol are a better choice than the Bill Henderson Protocol.If you’re looking for a treatment for stage 4 cancer, be sure to read more about Lugol's iodine for cancer and get started right away on the Lugol's iodine protocol. Also, click here to learn more about baking soda as a natural treatment for aggressive cancer. The baking soda protocol works to shrink tumors quickly and demonstrate to patients that they can, in fact, cure cancer at home..Also note that cancer often develops as a result of trauma according to German New Medicine. There are many ways to release trauma that causes cancer using Ayahuasca, a sacred medicine that heals trauma and that also functions as a cure for cancer. Click here to read more about how Ayahuasca works to cure cancer and release trauma at the same time. Or seek out tech-based treatments for trauma-release such as the, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR. It might still pay off though for you to read about the Bill Henderson protocol for cancer even if you don't intend to use this system to cure terminal cancer because we include some other important information that you might find valuable in regard to curing cancer.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
One of the virtues of the Bill Henderson Protocol is that it is relatively straightforward and easy for patients to understand and therefore to follow. For newly diagnosed patients who can’t afford to consult with a professional about their cancer diet, the Bill Henderson protocol can be helpful, though most experts would recommend incorporating other cancer protocols into treatment (e.g. pH therapies , vibrational therapies, immunotherapies) to make a more comprehensive protocol. Cancer patients who are getting conventional treatments (chemo, radiation, and/or surgery) and whose doctors don’t see the value of following a cancer diet could benefit from following this protocol as opposed to not following a cancer diet at all. Cancer patients can gather the supplies that they need and implement the Bill Henderson protocol at home without consulting with a practitioner. It will not interfere with chemo or radiation therapy.
Click here to learn more about alternative cancer treatment facilities.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Detailed Introduction
Detailed Introduction
Bill Henderson is an entrepreneur who collects and disseminates information about alternative cures for cancer . After his wife died from a grueling four-year battle with ovarian cancer, he went on a crusade to find information about how to cure cancer. He developed and began distributing the Bill Henderson Protocol in 2004. This protocol is not appropriate for fast-spreading cancers, cancers that are particularly dangerous (e.g. pancreatic cancer) or cancers that have metastasized though. The Bill Henderson Protocol would be most valuable for patients whose cancers are at Stage II or lower [1][2][3].Please note that Lugol's iodine and supportive nutrients are a front-line natural treatment for patients with ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and all reproductive organ cancers.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine.
Bill Henderson identified four physiological conditions that lead to the development of cancer:
- Weak immune system
- Lack of oxygen to the cells
- Excessive acidity in the body
- Toxicities in the body [1]
His treatment protocol features diet as the most important aspect of treatment along with the use of beta-glucans and nutritional supplements. This diet is meant to cultivate a healthy alkaline terrain that’s unfriendly to cancer cells [2].
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
The Bill Henderson protocol emphasizes diet which requires strict avoidance of the following:
- Gluten
- Animal protein (if you avoid animal products, you must take vitamin B12 supplements)
- Sugar
- Dairy
- Processed foods [1][2]
Patients are encouraged to eat plenty of raw vegetables. Nutritional supplements are also advised (we recommend the Lugol’s iodine protocol) along with daily consumption of Budwig’s recipe of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. Bill Henderson’s protocol, in fact, elaborates substantially on Budwig’s protocol [1][2]. The Gerson protocol is another powerful anticancer diet that is appropriate and useful to treat some forms of cancer.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
The Bill Henderson protocol is a gentle treatment that works quickly to increase the alkalinity in the body and electrically energize healthy cells while killing cancer cells [2]. It achieves this goal by combining the theories of Dr. Johanna Budwig with other cancer diet principles and anti-cancer supplements [3].Dr. Budwig was an expert on fats and oils and she’d spent a great deal of time studying cancer patients. Looking under a microscope, she’d noticed that patients with cancer had blood cells that lacked oxygen. These cells looked sickly in comparison with the healthy red blood cells in non-cancer patients that were fully oxygenated. She realized that this lack of cellular oxygen was the result of consuming unhealthy, “dead” fats (trans fats, for example). To restore oxygen to the blood, cells need the proper amount of omega-3 fatty acids and patients need to avoid all hydrogenated and chemically processed fats and oils[3][4][5][6].

Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
According to Dr. Budwig,
“Without these fatty acids [omega-3 fatty acids], the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty acids impairs many vital functions” [3].
Healthy fats such as cold-pressed, organic flaxseed or extra virgin olive oil, contain a vital electron cloud that allows them to bind properly with oxygen and become water-soluble. The water-solubility of fats and lipids is essential to good health. Human cells need these healthy, water-soluble fats in order to produce energy. A fundamental principle of the Budwig Diet (and the Bill Henderson Protocol) is the avoidance of hydrogenated and chemically refined fats and fats or oils that have been heated. Fats or oils that have been heated or hydrogenated clog up human cells rather than electrifying and energizing them as healthy oils do. As such, the consumption of hydrogentated, heated, and chemically altered oils and fats can lead to cancer and other serious diseases such as arteriosclerosis [3].

Buy Hawaii Pharm's Beta-Glucan's tincture here.
Dr. Jerry Tenant is a physician who studied electrical voltage in cells to heal himself of a serious disease. His theories about healing and the voltage of cells are compelling and easy to understand, but he isn’t the only doctor who has worked intensively with electricity to cure cancer and other diseases. Click here to learn more about how to use electricity to cure cancer. If you understand the basic idea that healthy, unheated, unprocessed fats and oils are electrically conductive and that the body uses fats and oils (heated or unheated) from the diet to build cell membranes that are meant to be electrically conductive and electrically energized such that the cell can heal itself readily, then it is easier to understand why Bill Henderson was such a proponent of Dr. Johanna Budwig’s work.
If you have been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis or osteoporosis, then it is likely that you have a vitamin K2 deficiency. Vitamin K2 has the ability to cure leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma as well as other types of blood or bone cancer. Vitamin K2 supplementation can also prevent metastasis to the bone tissues and blood. Click here to learn more about what vitamin K2 does in the body and why a deficiency of this nutrient leads to osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.
Click here to learn about how vitamin K2 is used to cure myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma according to scientific studies.
Click here to learn more about how vitamin K2 can protect the body from cancer-causing insecticides like organophosphates.

How the Bill Henderson Protocol Is Administered
An important component of the Bill Henderson Protocol is the Budwig smoothie. Cancer patients should consume at least 8 tablespoons of flaxseed oil as part of this smoothie each day. Ideally, the Budwig smoothie should be consumed while the patient sits outside in the sun because sunlight helps to “activate” the mixture’s healing properties in the body (and sunlight also helps the patient produce natural vitamin D). Many cancer patients are sun-deprived and they even apply sunscreens that contain carcinogens like parabens among other things rather than exposing themselves to the sun. In reality, at least 30 minutes to an hour of daily sunlight exposure is necessary in order for the body to produce powerful, medicinal reactive oxygen species from naturally occurring endogenous hydrogen peroxide to kill cancer cells.Click here to read more about exogenous, food-grade hydrogen peroxide for cancer.
When my husband had melanoma, he spent at least an hour in the sun daily without sunscreen on a white roof in Mexico. He drank his Budwig smoothies while sitting outside in the sun each day. He is still cancer-free 10 years later and he doesn’t ever wear sunscreen. Indeed, he works outside in full sun for several hours a day.
We’ve all been taught that sunlight avoidance is the right thing to do if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, but in fact, the sun and sunlight exposure has an immensely healing effect on the body. Sunscreens contribute to cancer not only through their carcinogen content, but also because our bodies use sunlight to detoxify. Without sunlight exposure, the body won’t detoxify properly and it also won’t produce certain nutrients substances like vitamin D or fumaric acid.
It is from the disease known as psoriasis, that we can learn most easily about detoxification pathways of the body and how sunlight exposure is a part of the body’s detox pathways. Patients with psoriasis develop severe, painful “plaques” on their skin as a result of the body’s difficulty detoxifying itself. The skin is one of the 4 main organs of detoxification (along with the liver, kidneys, and intestines). When the other detoxifying organs become overwhelmed with toxicities, the skin may take over and develop a rash or some kind of skin problem. Psoriasis is a very serious and painful skin issue that often involves severe gastrointestinal problems and arthritis as well, but many patients are able to overcome all of their health issues by simply spending a few weeks bathing in alkaline sea water (that contains a large quantity of electrifying trace minerals) and sun-bathing. Click here to learn more about the sunlight and seawater resorts for patients with psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be viewed as simply a model to explain how our bodies detoxify because psoriasis is a disease of poor detoxification. But if you’re still unsure about whether or not sunlight exposure is a good idea after a cancer diagnosis, click here to read a scientific study about lycopenes and the use of tomato sauce and olive oil in the diet to prevent sunburn. This study demonstrates how the diet influences the way our bodies react to sunlight, a fact that’s well-known in many scientific circles even though the mainstream media and Big Pharma promotes the use of sunscreen [10].
For more information about melanin and how the body interacts with sunlight in surprising ways, click here. Most people need more, not less sunlight exposure.
Bill Henderson Protocol Basics
In addition to consuming the Budwig Diet mixture above, cancer patients should follow a diet that meets the following requirements:- Avoid all sugar including high fructose corn syrup, refined white sugar, honey, man-made sugar substitutes, brown sugar, evaporated cane juice sugar, etc.
- Avoid flour because it is converted into sugar/glucose in the body.
- Avoid all processed and/or packaged foods and fast foods.
- Avoid all animal products.
- Avoid all dairy products. The quark mixture is an exception to this rule. Cottage cheese mixed with the flax oil for the Budwig Diet Mixture should be consumed up to 8 times per day. The cottage cheese helps make the flaxseed oil easier for the body to absorb.
- Consume lots of organic fruits and vegetables.
- Eat raw fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- See a biological dentist to have root canals and cavitations examined. Have mercury amalgam fillings removed and replaced with a biologically-friendly composite material by going to a biological dentist.
- Exercise daily to keep the lymphatic system moving.
- Get at least 30 minutes of daily sunlight so that your body can manufacture natural vitamin D. We typically recommend that people avoid taking additional vitamin D supplements because there are many harmful effects of taking vitamin D in supplement form. If you feel like you must take vitamin D2 or vitamin D3, take very low dose vitamin D (500 IU or less) and take at least 1400 mg of vitamin K2 / MK-7 daily. Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 as a cure for blood and bone cancers [3].
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT take vitamin D supplements without also taking vitamin K2 (as MK-7, the natural form, not MK-4)! This can lead to serious health complications and inhibit your progress in treating cancer or any other major disease. Read more about the dangers of supplementing with vitamin D without also taking vitamin K2 in this article.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
The Budwig Smoothie: Flaxseed Oil and Quark
Henderson saw the legitimacy of Budwig’s research and her success treating cancer patients so he incorporated one of the main features of the diet, her “quark recipe” into his protocol:
Budwig’s Quark Recipe:
1 Tbsp. cold pressed flaxseed oil 2 Tbsp. organic cottage cheese, quark, full fat coconut milk, soy milk, or rice milk
Combine the above ingredients in a glass bowl using an immersion blender. Blend for 1 minute until it has the consistency of whipped cream.
In a separate glass bowl: Grind 2 Tbsp. golden or brown flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for 1 minute until they appear “fluffy”. Add the cottage cheese mixture to the ground flaxseeds and stir [7].
In addition to the Budwig Mixture and the dietary changes listed above, patients are also advised to take a variety of supplements:- Beta-1 3-d Glucan – Take one 500 mg capsule for every 50 pounds of body weight. Take these all at once in the morning on an empty stomach. Beta glucans help the body coordinate an appropriate immune response to cancer [8].
- Take the following supplements with Green Tea Extract:
- Vitamin C – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- L-Lysine – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- L-Proline – Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily with or without food.
- Take 1 tablet of the Green Tea Extract 3 times per day, with or without food.
- Barley Grass – Take 20 tablets per day, 15 minutes before mealtimes. Take 7 before breakfast, 7 before lunch, and 6 before dinner.
- Vitamin D3, 500 IU + Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 1400 mg per day– Take one softgel or more depending on your levels of vitamin D (remember to always take a supplement that combines vitamin D with vitamin K2 / MK-7 – avoid the MK-4 form of vitamin K2. Do not take vitamin D alone without also taking vitamin K2 -- always take the lowest possible dose of vitamin D).
- Daily Advantage Nutritionals – Take 2 packets per day.
Possible Negative Effects
According to some experts, this protocol as a stand-alone treatment is not appropriate for patients with Stage III or Stage IV cancers, cancers that have a tendency to spread quickly, or cancers that are particularly dangerous [2]. Patients with more serious cancers should follow a protocol that includes a variety of treatments, not just dietary changes. It is vital that cancer patients target the disease from several different angles. Current research has shown that the use of beta-glucans can trigger the proliferation of monocytic lineage leukemia cells and the maturation of dendritic cells derived from leukemia cells. More research is needed, but beta-glucans are currently not recommended for leukemia patients [9]. However, if you’re looking for a cure for leukemia, click here to learn about hematoxylin and dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO. Also, click here to read more about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a scientifically validated cure for leukemia.Resources:
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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.