Alive-N-Healthy is a mother-daughter team of holistic medical writers who have dedicated their lives to finding scientific research that has been buried, covered up, or that has simply just not been applied yet in conventional medicine. We know where to look for information about cures and treatments that may be difficult or nearly impossible for laypeople to find. We look for cures for diseases and elegant, simple treatments that allow people to get off pharmaceutical medications and sometimes even avoid surgery.
Jennifer attended the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. She completed a pre-med curriculum, but then decided to get a master’s degree in psychology instead of pursuing an M.D. But medicine pursued her and most of her hands-on work experience was in medical settings. She shadowed, did work studies, and interned under general practitioners, psychiatrists, surgeons, and anesthesiologists in a variety of settings while working in long-term care as a certified nursing assistant during her pre-med days.
Jennifer did work study for 2 years under Dr. Clifford Colglazier in Grant, NE. Later, she taught human anatomy laboratory classes as a teaching assistant under Dr. David Woodman at the University of Nebraska for two semesters. She was a volunteer for the Nebraska AIDs Project and she was chosen as a group of 8 students to shadow a variety of doctors at Clarkson Memorial Hospital in Omaha, NE. She worked under Dr. Louis Martin in the forensics department at Lincoln Regional Medical Center through a United Way Program. She later did foster home supervision and family preservation in Colorado for families struggling with addiction, domestic violence, and other issues. She and her husband were foster parents for 8 years in Nebraska.
Lydian was homeschooled by Jennifer and she spent time shadowing alternative medicine practitioners and indigenous healers in various countries throughout the world from Latin American to Africa and Asia as part of her curriculum. Though she has experience with conventional medicine, her schooling was weighted more toward herbalism, vibrational medicine, and nutrition for healing, which gives her a different and sometimes more expansive perspective on healing that goes beyond conventional medicines. She married a young man from Myanmar whose uncle-cousin was a shaman and she’s spent a considerable amount of time learning ancient cooking methods and how to prepare healing foods from all over the world. Lydian and Jennifer studied hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, and Reiki together over the past 10 years. Lydian is also an expert on the use of crystals for healing.
Over the past 10 years, Jennifer (mother) and Lydian (daughter) have traveled to nearly 50 countries to explore traditional medicine in tribal communities as well as medical tourism facilities that offer unconventional treatment methods for diseases that conventional medicine has failed to cure. They look beyond Western medicine and study other medical models that offer clues and cures for common (and rare) but devastating diseases. And while doctors currently ignore the role of nutrition in disease (most doctors take 1 or no nutrition classes as part of their education), Jennifer and Lydian always incorporate a “food as medicine” approach into their writing and their work with clients. The role of food and nutrition in health is another topic that they have explored hands-on in every country they’ve visited.
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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.