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New Course Available
Beginners CDS/MMS Course
This course was designed for people who are new to Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). In this course, we provide demonstrations for how to safely use these two substances that can be used to cure almost any disease on earth.
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Our Books
Download some of the most up to date, and most informative books available. Our downloadable bookstore features a collection of original content from the creators of AliveNHealthy.
Health Coaching
Focus on you!
The basic health coaching package was created for budget-conscious individuals with health issues who need guidance to find alternative cures for disease. This package does not include research into the client’s diseases prior to the appointment nor does it include a write-up of information about the client’s Big Picture in terms of health.

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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.

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