Nutrient Supplements as a Treatment for Fast Food Addiction
In this discussion, we’ll be talking about nutritional supplements to overcome fast food addiction and how each of these supplements will contribute to your ability to make new food choices for yourself (you can read more about dietary changes to combat fast food addiction in this article). The idea behind nutrient supplementation for fast food addiction is that if your body is in a state of nutrient depletion and nutrient deficiency, the body will be desperate to obtain the necessary nutrients for your survival. Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to the cycle of addiction if you are regularly consuming an endocrine-disrupting element, for example, like bromide, that mimics the effects of an essential nutrient mineral like iodide / iodine. If your body doesn’t have access to the actual nutrient mineral or vitamin and you’re consuming a synthetic form of the nutrient that doesn’t function the same way in the body as the natural nutrient, your body may desperately seek out that synthetic nutrient. This is because the synthetic nutrient might have short-term effects similar to the natural nutrient form. Unfortunately though, synthetic nutrients contribute to nutrient deficiency and worsen nutrient deficiency.
While a part of you may crave the emotional high of eating fast food and you might seek to justify fast food consumption by reasoning that it’s cheaper, faster, or easier than making your own food at home, another part of you may feel guilty about your inability to control yourself in terms of food. But you have to understand that your body may literally feel like it’s starving to death as your mind works through this inner conflict at a cognitive level. So, if you don’t give your body the nutrients that it needs most, your body (not your mind, which is concerned with the right and wrong of eating fast food) will react to the presence of any kind of food as though it is dying of starvation.
Most people today are familiar with the idea that a person can be extremely obese but still be dying of nutritional deficiencies. So what happens if you take nutritional supplements that address nutritional deficiencies that make people susceptible to addiction, specifically food addiction? Taking nutritional supplements for fast food addiction addresses one facet of what causes fast food addiction to occur in the first place. You can take nutritional supplements for fast food addiction as a way to stop eating fast food without experiencing the same level of withdrawals and detox.
Below we outline each of the nutrient supplements that can be helpful in overcoming fast food addiction naturally. It’s a long list of supplements. Plan to take 4 doses of nutrient supplements throughout the day. Use a pill box to keep your supplements organized. You may end up taking 50 or more pills per day to overcome nutritional deficiencies caused by fast food addiction. As you take your first steps to stop fast food addiction, these nutrient supplements will lessen the emotional and physical difficulties associated with the process.
Expect for nutritional supplementation to produce a detoxification reaction. Detox is a period of time when the body deconstructs tissues or structures that are malformed or improperly functioning due to a lack of proper nutrients. Imagine, for example, that you are trying to build a house. You have a large pile of toothpicks and tape with which to build on a foundation, but nothing else. A person can build a structure that looks like a house out of toothpicks and tape, but the house won’t be very solid and a strong wind or rain could easily destroy it. But let’s say that you build a house out of toothpicks and tape and you move all of your furnishings into it. At some point, you suddenly obtain dimensional lumber – the kind of stuff that you could use to build a real house. This would be like suddenly giving your body nutritional supplements after a long period of nutritional deficiency. You’d have to remove the toothpicks and tape to be able to build on the same foundation. The removal of the metaphorical toothpicks and tape during a detoxification period might look like diarrhea, fever, headache, or nasal or chest congestion.
A detoxification reaction can be lessened somewhat using certain strategies that we discuss later under “detoxification”. Ideally, you would do some of these detoxification strategies along with taking nutritional supplements at the same time, but if you get started doing detoxification within a few weeks after beginning nutrient supplementation, that’s also acceptable.
For many people, it can be nearly impossible to stop eating fast food without hyper-nourishing the body using nutrient supplements. Nutrient supplements allow people to hyper-nourish the body without adding needless calories. It’s a change that can be made outside of social contracts and without having to make major behavioral modifications. Taking the supplements that we recommend below will significantly reduce the odds that you’ll develop major healthcare issues like cancer or diabetes if you continue taking them for at least 1 year after you stop eating fast food. So while, in the beginning, nutrient supplements may seem expensive or superfluous, in fact, they’re essential if you want to quit eating fast food and get healthy quickly.
The Great Escape from Fast Food Hell: How to Stop Fast Food Addiction and Get Healthy - BUY HERE!
Amino Acids to Quit Eating Fast Food
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Amino acids are used to build all of the soft-tissue structures in the body (the parts of us that are not bones) as well as things like neurotransmitters. If you don’t consume the right amount and type of amino acids in your diet, you literally won’t be able to defend yourself against the temptation to eat fast food because you won’t have neurotransmitters to help you think. I say “literally” because, if you don’t consume certain amino acids in high enough quantities on a regular basis, you won’t be able to produce dopamine and other neurotransmitters that make it possible for you to make healthy, beneficial decisions for yourself.Dopamine is one of the most important anti-addiction neurotransmitters. You need dopamine to be able to make decisions and ignore things like billboards advertising or TV advertisements about fast food. Dopamine is one of the key elements that needs attention in terms of making it possible for you to avoid fast food. You need to make sure that you religiously take one of the amino acid supplements to increase dopamine production several times per day for at least 5 months before you cut back to a lower dose so that your dopamine receptors can regrow.
Amino Acids to Increase Dopamine Production
There are 3 amino acids that are converted into dopamine by the body: L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-dopa. The amino acid known as L-dopa should not be confused with the drug known as L-dopa. Chemically, the amino L-dopa is very different from the drug, L-dopa. Be aware that most scientific studies are written about the drug L-dopa and most of the anti-L-dopa propaganda out there is about the drug and not the natural amino acid that’s found in foods like beans. To be sure, our bodies require L-dopa and our bodies naturally produce L-dopa as a step in the metabolic process leading to the production of dopamine. So, there’s no need to be afraid of L-dopa as a nutritional supplement. L-dopa is an amino acid that’s found naturally in foods like fava beans and other types of beans.Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that helps us feel empathy towards others. In other words, dopamine helps us find and maintain healthy relationships. Dopamine helps us feel awake and alive too. And it helps us appreciate the little happies in our lives – things like a beautiful sunset or having someone smile at us after we offer them a minor gesture of kindness.
If you often wish that you felt more like yourself and less like a puppet or an automaton, you need to increase dopamine levels using nutrients and herbs. Also note that eating organic, grassfed meats can also increase dopamine levels. The “meats” found in fast foods are deficient in amino acids and high in toxic chemicals which contributes to a general disruption in neurotransmitter levels in the brain and body.
L-Phenylalanine goes through 3 steps before it is metabolized into dopamine. At each of these steps, L-phenylalanine may be diverted into a different, non-dopamine-related metabolic pathway. It takes about 18 hours for L-phenylalanine to be converted into dopamine. As such, it can take up to 18 hours for you to feel the effects of this supplement.
Because L-phenylalanine takes a long period of time to be converted into dopamine, it is not the best supplement for dopamine production. But if you can’t obtain L-tyrosine or L-dopa, L-phenylalanine will definitely work to increase dopamine production – it will just take longer for you to feel the effects and you’ll have to take a higher dose of it to ensure that there is enough for conversion to dopamine. Note that some individuals cannot consume L-phenylalanine due to PKU.
Take 2500 mg every 4 hours (4 times per day) for a total of 10,000 mg per day.
Buy L-phenylalanine supplements here.
L-Tyrosine goes through 2 steps before it is metabolized into dopamine in the body. At each step, L-tyrosine may be diverted into a different, non-dopamine pathway. It takes about 12 hours for L-tyrosine to be converted into dopamine. Thus, it can take up to 12 hours for you to feel the effects of L-tyrosine.
Because L-tyrosine takes a fairly long time to be converted into dopamine in comparison with L-dopa, it is not the best nutrient supplement that you can take to increase dopamine production. However, if you can’t obtain L-dopa, L-tyrosine works very well though it takes longer and must be taken in higher doses.
Take 2000 mg every 4 hours (4 times per day) for a total of 8000 mg per day.
Buy L-tyrosine supplements here.
L-dopa is the ideal amino acid supplement to increase dopamine levels in order to cure fast food addiction. L-dopa is metabolized into dopamine within 4 hours after you take it. Whatever excess L-dopa exists after you take a dose is simply excreted from the body. Take 1500 mg every 4 hours (4 times per day) for a total of 6000 mg per day.
Most L-Dopa is derived from the plant known as Mucuna pruriens.
Click here to buy Mucuna pruriens supplements
Amino Acids to Increase Serotonin Production
5-HTPWARNING: DO NOT TAKE 5-HTP IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING A PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATION. 5-HTP can be taken, however, instead of an anti-depressant medicine. Wait for 2 weeks after stopping an MAOI or SSRI before taking 5-HTP.
5-HTP is a direct amino acid precursor to serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in mood, but most relevant to this discussion is the role that serotonin plays in the movement of the bowels. Low serotonin levels can lead to constipation and other intestinal disturbances. Indeed, much of the role that serotonin plays in mood happens through its activity in the intestines. Most of the serotonin in the body, in fact, is located in the intestines.
Serotonin is often the neurotransmitter that is targeted by antidepressants prescribed by doctors because this neurotransmitter plays a role in depression. However, most recent studies have shown that serotonin works in concert with many other neurotransmitters to affect mood. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin so it won’t alter the overall biochemistry of the body. Rather, it merely provides the nutrients needed to produce serotonin in adequate quantities.
Click here to buy a 100mg 5-HTP supplement
Amino Acids for Detoxification
N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC or L-CysteineNAC or L-cysteine is particularly useful to reduce fast food cravings in part because it also reduces neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation can occur in addiction and it generally causes issues like headaches and irritability. Reducing neuroinflammation can help you get on with your life while you conquer fast food addiction once and for all.
You can take either N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC or L-Cysteine. These supplements are the precursor to glutathione, the most important detoxifying antioxidant in the body. When you get a cold or the flu, your sinuses may get congested. You may develop a cough or diarrhea. NAC can help with these symptoms. NAC thins mucus and it works to remove toxins, including dead or dying pathogens out of the body. In the intestines, NAC also assists with detoxification. So this nutritional supplement for addiction is extremely important.
NAC is a medicine-cabinet nutritional supplement that can be used as a natural treatment for respiratory infection among other things. It clears the sinuses and it can also reduce coughing. It works very well, often better than over-the-counter cough and cold medications like guaifenesin. Click here to read more about how to use NAC for COVID. NAC and Lugol’s iodine (see below) can prevent a number of respiratory infections from taking hold in the first place.
Click here to buy a 1000mg NAC supplement.
Essential Amino Acids
In addition to the aminos for dopamine, aminos for serotonin, and aminos for detoxification, you should also take an essential amino acids supplement, particularly prior to the time that you actually stop eating fast food. An essential amino acids supplement provides a very tiny dose of each essential amino acid, but though the dose is small, this supplement will still help your body stop feeling desperate for nutrients which is why we recommend it.Click here to buy an essential amino acids supplement.
Vitamins and Minerals
In order to successfully turn the amino acids above into neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin, you need certain vitamins and minerals. Processing just one amino acid requires enzymes to break down the amino into peptides, for example. And many of these enzymes require specific vitamins or minerals to function. Enzymes are some of the hardest things for your body to produce, especially if you are nutrient deficient. Enzymes play a role in digestion, but they also play a role in every chemical reaction that takes place in your body. So you need the nutrients that your body uses to build and activate these enzymes. You don’t have to understand all the details about how each of these vitamins and minerals work, but it is important to note that each of them is necessary for proper amino acid metabolism. If you want to overcome fast food addiction naturally and avoid withdrawals and detox, don’t skimp on the nutrients listed below.- Cod Liver Oil (contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and omega fatty acids) - Take 1 tablespoon per day
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7 - Take 1500 mg per day
- Vitamin B100 Complex - Take 1 per day
- Vitamin C - Take 6000 mg per day
- Lugol’s iodine 2% - Administer 1-20 drops per day in drinking water. Start with 1 drop per day for 1 week, increase by 1 additional drop per week up to 20 drops. If you have thyroid disease, please visit this link and take the supportive nutrients first for 2 months before beginning iodine supplementation.
- Boron - Take 3 mg per day
- Selenium / Selenomethionine form - Take 200 mcg per day
- Magnesium Glycinate - Take 400-800 mg per day
- Zinc/Copper - Take 1 pill containing 15 mg zinc and 2 mg copper.
- MSM salts - Be sure to obtain salts and not the capsules. Take 1000 mg per day.
- Switch from eating table salt on foods you consume at home to eating Himalayan sea salt, which contains trace minerals as opposed to just sodium and chloride (which is what table salt contains).
Note that if you have a condition like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, any kind of serious digestive issue, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic pain issues consider taking high dose niacin (up to 3000 mg per day) in addition to the above supplements. Niacin causes an intense “flush”. Start with 250 mg per day and increase the dose over time up to 3000 mg per day to heal the gut.
Trace Minerals
Our bodies use electrolytes, also known as “trace minerals” to electrify the body. If you feel “burnt out”, fatigued, exhausted, or depressed, you need to be sure that every glass of water that you drink contains trace minerals. Avoid electrolyte drinks which often contain bromide, a toxin that causes extreme obesity. Electrolyte soft-drinks often contain very few electrolytes and lots of toxins like bromated vegetable oils, caffeine, and sugar. Rather than consuming electrolyte soft drinks, put 8 ounces of drink clean filtered water with 1 teaspoon of sea water supplement or a humic / fulvic acid supplement. Or take a shilajit supplement with water once daily.Click here to learn more about how and why trace mineral supplements can be used to cure disease.
Water with Trace Minerals Instead of Bottled Drinks
If you were to change just one thing right now to stop a fast food addiction, one of the best things you could do is make a commitment to avoid drinking soda and soft drinks and instead drink water that contains trace minerals. DO NOT CHOOSE A BOTTLED SOFT DRINK THAT CONTAINS ELECTROLYTES. This is not a healthy choice. Be sure that you’re drinking nothing but fresh, clean water. Add the trace mineral product of your choosing to the water. Don’t expect that a soft-drink manufacturer has your best interest in mind in terms of trace minerals. Do not try to find a bottled water product that already contains the trace minerals because often, toxic minerals is added as “trace minerals” which can as endocrine disruptors. Commit to drinking fresh, clean water with trace minerals that you’ve added yourself and avoid soft drinks, bottled juices, and bottled drinks of all kinds except water.Click here to learn more about the health benefits of trace mineral supplementation.