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MSM and DMSO for Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Oct 03, 2024


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MSM and Dimethyl Sulfoxide / DMSO for Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2

According to conventional medicine, the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are damaged by autoimmune T cells from the body’s own immune system. While doctors say that beta cells cannot be regrown and the only way to replace beta cells in the pancreas is to do surgery (which usually does not produce a lasting effect as the T cells continue to attack the newly transplanted beta cells after surgery), in fact, there are herbs and other treatments that regrow beta cells in the pancreas to cure diabetes type 1 and type 2 (we note some of these herbs in the above section). Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, after all, are not totally distinct, totally separate and different diseases. Most instances of diabetes, in fact, involve a combination of Type 1 issues involving insulin production and Type 2 problems involving cellular resistance or insensitivity to insulin. Diabetes type 1 and type 2 occurs on a spectrum that usually includes both insulin-resistance by cells and and also disruptions in insulin production and release by the pancreatic beta cells.   DMSO is an FDA-approved, over-the-counter drug that can be used safely during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also in infants and young children to cure diabetes naturally. DMSO has the broadest medicinal action of any other FDA-approved drug, but it is off-patent now, so it is also very accessible to the general public and also relatively affordable. As such, information about DMSO is hidden. Most people don’t know about this medicine and how to use it safely to overcome serious diseases like diabetes. DMSO requires some education because it is a powerful solvent that also easily penetrates the skin and other tissues. Be sure to learn more about DMSO before you begin using it for diabetes.

Though in this chapter, we discuss how to use DMSO by itself to cause differentiation of T cells in order to cure diabetes type 1 and type 2, DMSO can also be combined with certain medications (including herbs, essential oils, and more) to enhance their effects and make them much more powerful. Be sure to take a few minutes to read this important discussion about DMSO in combination with essential oils, in this case tea tree oil, and how the intended, predicted effects of this combination treatment does not yield results that you’d expect. Not all herbs combine well with DMSO and DMSO is not appropriate for use in all situations, but keep this in mind as you begin learning about DMSO as one of the major tools that you can use to cure diabetes in adults, the elderly, young children and babies, and women who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

On the other hand, if you are using harmine-containing herbs like Passiflora incarnata or Melissa officinalis to cure diabetes naturally, consider using these herbs to make a tea that also contains 1000 mg of MSM salts (do not use capsules) to enhance the effects of this remedy.

Be sure to click here to read about Ayahuasca as a cure for diabetes as a high-dose harmine-containing combination herbal concoction to regrow beta-cells naturally as well. Ayahuasca is a powerful cure for diabetes that works much more quickly than Passiflora incarnata or Melissa officinalis. 

Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, and Other Types of Diabetes

Diabetes type 1, also known as diabetes mellitus, or sometimes “juvenile diabetes”, happens when the beta cells in the pancreas are damaged such that they stop producing insulin. Conventional medicine gives a very vague explanation for why this occurs: it might be a virus, genes, or something in the environment. In reality though, diabetes type 1 tends to develop in children after a viral illness occurs. Some scientists have noted the relationship between diabetes type 1 and viral infection, emphasizing the relationship between coxsackievirus as one of the most common perpetrators that can cause diabetes. Scientists believe that after the infection, if the patient’s immune system is not working optimally (perhaps due to a deficiency of iodine, for example, or any number of the supporting nutrients that help the body use and absorb iodine), the virus may colonize the pancreas or cause a “low-lying infection” that destroys beta cells and ultimately causes the symptoms of diabetes type 1.

Diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 are said to differ, but in real life, these diseases are often the same or similar as they exist along a continuum of poor insulin production mixed with insulin receptor resistance or “insensitivity”. There are few “pure” forms of diabetes type 1 and few pure forms of diabetes type 2. Most of the time, there’s a combination of poor insulin production and poor insulin receptor function that causes the symptoms of these two designations for these diseases. Most of the serious symptoms of diabetes are caused by degradation of the tissues that make up the blood vessels due to high blood sugar levels and the corresponding damage to nerves that occur when blood vessels are not feeding the nerves oxygen and nutrients due to sick blood vessel tissues and poor blood vessel function.

Though technically, those with diabetes type 2 should not have problems with their T cells, in fact many people with diabetes type 2 do have T cell issues perhaps at a low level. To the extent that this is true, they can benefit from treatment with DMSO.

Click here to buy The DMSO Guidebook for DMSO.

What is Dimethyl Sulfoxide / DMSO?

Dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO is an FDA-approved pharmaceutical that is chemically almost identical to methylsulfonylmethane / MSM, a nutrient that plays a big role in human health. DMSO has the broadest medicinal action of any substance currently approved by the FDA and by itself, it has a toxicity similar to that of water. DMSO is a powerful solvent though, and it combines with many things, including not only medicines, but also toxins. This solvent property is valuable and important because DMSO can be mixed with other medicines to make those medicines stonger. When it is mixed with a medicine (or some other substance), it makes the medicine (or the bioactive properties of the other substance) stronger. Also, DMSO is a penetration enhancer which means that it has the ability to easily move through skin and the other tissues of the body. When it is combined with other medicines or substances (toxic or otherwise), it can take those medicines deep into tissues and cells to make treatments more effective. DMSO must be used with great care and critical thinking intact as results are sometimes unpredictable. For this reason, it can be useful to check the scientific literature before creating novel DMSO recipes out of herb or essential oil combinations. Click here to learn more about the unpredictable effects of DMSO when creating novel combination treatments

DMSO has the ability to take medicines like antibiotics, deep into tissues and cells. DMSO can help medicines reach areas of the body that are normally unreachable. But DMSO also enhances the strength of the medicine that it carries with it. So, when it’s combined with certain antibiotics, it increases their strength, allowing doctors to use a lower dose of the medicine (at least in some cases). It also can take the medicine deeper into the body to make it more effective via its penetration enhancement capabilities. But these are just three of DMSO’s medicinal effects. Click here to read more about the medicinal effects of DMSO on the body.

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Remember, dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO is a medicine with the broadest medicinal action of any substance currently approved by the FDA. Though DMSO is available cheaply over-the-counter, few people are aware of this substance’s potential utility in medicine. Doctors who work regularly with DMSO say that this medicine is more of a “medical principle” upon which a whole new system of medicine could be based. DMSO, after all, is a powerful solvent that easily combines with practically everything (there are exceptions to this rule, though). This can be either good or bad, depending on the substance that DMSO is combining with. So there’s a learning curve when you’re working with DMSO and it’s important to take pause and learn how to use DMSO safely

In this previous article, there is another detailed discussion of DMSO and MSM as a vital medicine that helps people overcome both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Many people get intimidated by DMSO when they start learning about it because DMSO can make medicines stronger. And it can combine easily with things like the dyes in your clothing, and plastics in the bowls or utensils that you use to create and stir DMSO-containing mixtures, as well as medicines like antibiotics or even bioidentical hormones. DMSO has the ability to easily pass through the skin, taking substances that have melded with it deep into the human body. DMSO is definitely a medicinal agent that deserves respect even though it has a very tame toxicity level similar to that of water. By itself, it would be almost impossible to overdose on DMSO, just as it is difficult (though not entirely impossible) to overdose on water. 

DMSO is very closely related to methylsulfonylmethane / MSM as we’ve already  noted. DMSO and MSM share all but 1 atom in their chemical structure and they have similar effects on the body. MSM is a little less intimidating though as MSM salts can be added, for example, to herbal teas, to enhance their medicinal effects in a fairly controlled way. But DMSO and MSM can also be used together sometimes. DMSO can have unpredictable effects when combined with herbs or essential oils, while MSM is less of a wild card. But MSM is also a little less miraculous in terms of the effects that it has on nerve regeneration and healing in the body. DMSO can cure major diseases like cancer, particularly when combined with medicinal agents that target cancer cells. 

Be sure to click here to read more about how to use essential oils with DMSO, and what you need to know to use DMSO safely with essential oils.

Click here to read about how doctors use DMSO with chemo to produce low-dose chemotherapy combinations.

Click here to read more about how to use natural vitamin B17 as apricot kernel oil or grapeseed oil with DMSO to cure cancer at home

If you click on any of the above links to learn a bit more about DMSO and how it combines with certain medicinal agents to either enhance, change, or even sometimes, lessen their effects on the body and sometimes make them more targeted, you probably have a blossoming sense of how this medicine might be valuable as a protocol to cure diabetes (both diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2). 

To learn gain expertise on the use of DMSO as a medicine, click here to buy The DMSO Guidebook.

Click here to learn more and download the Living Database now.

Insulin and DMSO: Comparison and Contrast

Let me explain something about DMSO and insulin that’s relevant to this discussion about how to use DMSO for diabetes. Insulin is a substance that’s released into the body to cause cells to open up in order to receive not just glucose / sugars, but also amino acids, and other essential nutrients. Without insulin at the proper levels in the body, cells begin to starve. And if cells refuse to open up when insulin says, “open wide”, the cell will also starve.

DMSO is a substance that, like insulin, can combine with and carry nutrients into cells, but DMSO and insulin differ in terms of their techniques for opening cells. While insulin might be like asking a child to “open wide” to eat the peas on their plate, DMSO is more like putting an IV into the child’s arm to pump glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids into the child’s body like it or not. To be fair, DMSO has a more elegant mechanism of action, according to the scientific literature, than the metaphor I’ve just presented. DMSO does not just “pump glucose into cells” like it or not, but let’s just say that DMSO can sometimes work around the limitations of insulin-resistance to accomplish what other medicines cannot. Both DMSO and insulin are able to combine with nutrients, but insulin asks permission before entering a cell. DMSO works differently. It can often inject nutrients like vitamin C, Lugol’s iodine, or vitamin B17 directly into cells to overcome serious diseases like cancer and autoimmunity. Inspired doctors who set out to cure Down’s syndrome many years ago, used DMSO successfully to deliver amino acids that were able to reverse Down’s Syndrome symptoms in up to 30% of patients. So you can see how DMSO might be useful in helping a patient get around the problem of insulin resistance. If you are sick with diabetes and your cells are going dormant or dying, if you are suffering from neuopathic pain, or eye problems, DMSO can be used to deliver emergency nutrients. 

Studies That Show How to Use DMSO to Deliver Nutrients for Diabetics

DMSO has been studied extensively as a cure for diabetes. Below are summaries of two studies that have demonstrated positive outcomes from using DMSO for diabetes:

  • DMSO at concentrations above 7.5% increase GLUT4 levels on cellular membranes both in the absence and in the presence of insulin. GLUT4 is a protein that transports glucose across cell membranes. GLUT4 is regulated by insulin. At 5% concentration, DMSO increases cell membrane levels of transferrin receptors and GLUT1 receptors. Transferrin transports iron and regulates cell levels of iron. GLUT1 receptors are proteins that facilitate the transport of glucose across cell membranes. The GLUT1 receptors are also receptors for human T-cell leukemia type 1 (HTLV-1) and type 2 (HTLV-2). This study is complex and shows that insulin-induced increases in GLUT-4 levels can be instantaneously increased but DMSO simultaneously inhibits transporter activity. This may represent a balanced effect and it highlights specific changes that DMSO makes to the cell in terms of actual structure to promote healing at the cellular level. Click here to read more about how DMSO cures diabetes by increasing cell membrane transporter levels

  • Type 1 diabetes involves the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreatic islets. DMSO is anti-inflammatory and it protects tissues from free radical destruction. It also has immunomodulatory effects. Scientists have studied the administration of DMSO to suppress diabetes and the recurrence of diabetes after islet cell transplantation in mice by inhibiting an autoimmune response as well as by inducing the differentiation of Tre cells in the body. Click more to read this article about the use of DMSO to reverse diabetes.

Note that in the second article that we link to above, mice were given a transplantation of new beta-cells in the pancreas. DMSO then was used to prevent the body from killing and rejecting those new islet cells. For patients who don’t wish to undergo transplant surgery on the pancreas for diabetes, the use of herbal remedies for diabetes like Ayahuasca, Passiflora incarnata, Melissa officinalis, and other harmine-containing herbs to regrow beta cells naturally along with DMSO treatment is an alternative option. 

If you’re new to herbal remedies for diabetes, click here to buy our book of Herbal Cures and Treatments for Diabetes Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes.

Click here to buy Herbal Cures and Treatments: Diabetes Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes

DMSO for Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2

Several scientific studies have observed how DMSO can inhibit autoimmunity by causing immune system T cells to differentiate. Through this mechanism of action, DMSO is able to cure diabetes type 1 and the autoimmune recurrence of the disease. It is not a magic bullet though. Most patients need to combine DMSO treatment (as a stand alone treatment – where it is administered with drinking water and no other medicines) with other forms of treatment in combination. Combination DMSO treatments with herbs, for example, like Momordica charantia / bitter melon can be incredibly effective and important, but should not be attempted by those who have not done their research. Effects can be unpredictable, so research your DMSO combination treatment thoroughly to find the proper quantity of the ingredients and the proper dose for administration.

Ideally, if you work with DMSO for diabetes, you should administer other treatments that work through a different mechanism of action. In other words, choose treatments that don’t target the T cells, but that target other aspects of this disease so that you create a multi-pronged treatment strategy to overcome diabetes from different angles. Ayahuasca, for example, is an herbal cure for diabetes that is able to regrow beta cells naturally. It can be microdosed or taken in full psychoactive doses to cure diabetes, but it should NOT be taken at the same time as DMSO. Click here to learn more about Ayahuasca as an herbal remedy to regrow beta cells.  

DMSO at a 2-3% concentration for 7 days has the ability to reduce inflammatory cytokines in CD4 and CD8 T cells. Studies have also shown that DMSO at a concentration of less than 2% over 4 days can kill lymphoma cells. But in terms of T cell differentiation, studies have shown  that DMSO works by preventing the onset of diabetes after beta cells have been surgically transplanted. Of course, if a person with diabetes were to take an herb such as Ayahuasca to regrow beta cells in the pancreas, later, or on a cycle with Ayahuasca such that DMSO and Ayahuasca are not administered within 24 hours of each other, this person might also wish to work with DMSO to prevent future damage to the islet cells in the pancreas. DMSO works by reducing the proportion of T cells that are cytotoxic while increasing the proportion of Treg cells in the spleen. DMSO increases the differentiation of Treg cells from naive CD4 T cells which, in turn, improves the survival rate of existing insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

Click here to buy pharmaceutical grade DMSO 99.9%.

Methylsulfonylmethane / MSM for Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2

Methylsulfonylmethane / MSM is a naturally-occurring compound found in food that is nearly identical chemically to DMSO. DMSO and MSM share all of the same atoms except for just one. They have some similarities in terms of how they can be used as a result. MSM is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent and studies have shown that MSM improves diabetes and obesity symptoms. That’s not surprising given that DMSO, a related substance, has the ability to cure diabetes when it is used as part of a comprehensive anti-diabetes protocol.

Click here to MSM salts. 

DMSO Dose for Diabetes

Pharmaceutical grade DMSO 99% can be administered at a dose of 100 drops in 8 ounces of water up to 4 times daily. 

If you are administering DMSO with herbs or essential oils, be sure to research these medicines to find out whether scientists have worked with the herbal combination with DMSO that you’re considering. Sometimes DMSO-herb combinations do not have the predicted effects.

MSM Dosing for Diabetes

One study demonstrated that 3000 mg of MSM salts (not the capsules – MSM capsules should be avoided) daily for 16 weeks increased the levels of good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein / HDL cholesterol) in patients with diabetes. In other words, MSM can safely regulate lipids in those with diabetes. MSM can be taken in addition to the administration of DMSO for diabetes. Sometimes people use DMSO and MSM together at the same time MSM can be combined with or taken at the same time as herbs like Momordica charantia to enhance the effects of the herb (similar to how DMSO enhances the effects of certain medications except less powerful and a bit more controlled) safely. Administer 1000 mg of MSM with herbal capsules or in teas that are made with herbs to enhance their impact on the body safely.

Lin, G. J. et al. (2015). Dimethyl sulfoxide inhibits spontaneous diabetes and autoimmune recurrence in non-obese diabetic mice by inducing differentiation of regulatory T cells. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from

Berenguer, M. et al (2011). Dimethyl sulfoxide enhances GLUT4 translocation through a reduction in GLUT4 endocytosis in insulin-stimulated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from,a%20reduction%20in%20GLUT4%20endocytosis

Carmean, C. M. et al. (2021). Dimethyl sulfoxide acutely enhances regulated insulin secretion in the MIN6-K8 mouse insulinoma cell line. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from  

Lin, G. J. et al. (2015). Dimethyl sulfoxide inhibits spontaneous diabetes and autoimmune recurrence in non-obese diabetic mice by inducing differentiation of regulatory T cells.  Retrieved October 2, 2024 from

Miller, L. et al. (2021). The Effect of Daily Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Consumption on High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Healthy Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Retrieved October 2, 2024 from

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