Dr. Rashid Buttar: A Doctor Who Knows How to Cure Autism
Dr. Rashid Buttar was a doctor who knew how to cure autism by detoxifying the body and removing the toxins and pathogens underlying this disorder. He died at age 57 as a result of poisoning. His story has been mostly covered up or twisted by the media to serve Big Pharma’s interests. Dr. Buttar was outspoken as an anti-vaxxer who healed his own son of autism symptoms.As a rule, in the United States, you can talk about cures for autism, but you can’t also practice or administer those cures. This is similar to the rule that people can write about nutrient supplements as a cure for diseases, but the supplements themselves cannot be labeled as though they are able to relieve symptoms. Dr. Rashid Buttar didn’t know about the rule that, as a doctor, you cannot become known as someone who can cure a major disease. Doctors specifically, who use things like Ivermectin to cure COVID or any number of drugs, vitamins, minerals, or treatments that are legal and acceptable in the proper combination and become famous for doing it, are politically burnt at the stake and if they don’t cease and desist after being politically burnt at the stake, they may be killed to silence them.
This chapter briefly discusses some of the political reasons why no one knows about cures for autism, cancer, and other major diseases. We decided to include it in the part of the book about “What Causes Autism” because conventional medicine is an institution that definitely perpetuates autism. Parents and caregivers who don’t understand the political and financial reasons why there is no cure for autism in conventional medicine are at a disadvantage in finding cures for autism outside of conventional medicine.
Other Doctors Who Have Cured Disease and Suffered for It
Sadly, Dr. Buttar was killed after trying to get the word out about how to cure autism. His history has been smeared on a Wikipedia page. It is common for Big Pharma to do political “witch burnings” of doctors who find cures for diseases. There are numerous examples of political witch burnings in the Cancer Industry including Dr. Royal Rife, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler, and many more. Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura was a doctor who developed chemotherapy at Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Hospital, but he was let go after he discovered that vitamin B17 / amygdalin was able to cure cancer in 100% of lab rats that he was studying. A number of doctors who cure cancer moved their clinics just across the border to TIjuana, Mexico. Though Tijuana is known mostly as a scary, dangerous place by Americans, in fact, it is very typical as a border town (most of them are a bit edgy) except with a thriving medical tourism industry that supports tourists with posh hotels and shuttle services that allow patients to move across the border daily if they prefer to stay in San Diego.

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One doctor, Dr. Turkel, used a complicated nutritional therapy to cure Down’s syndrome. He attempted to go through the proper channels to get his nutritional therapy approved by the FDA only to be stone-walled and pushed aside. His work has been duplicated and expanded upon by several other doctors. One such doctor set up a practice in Jamaica to avoid the political witch-burnings that happen to U.S. doctors who try to speak up about how to cure a given disease.The book World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin provides the most detailed overview of how doctors like Dr. Rashid Buttar are able to cure autism and be completely denigrated by the media. This book is about a nutrient that cures cancer in 70% - 90% of cases. In conventional medicine an 80% cure rate is regarded as a “cure” because medicine is always an art and not really a science. All diseases require a tailored approach. Doctors are not meant to treat diseases. A real healer treats the patient. Not only does the work of a doctor who cures autism go unnoticed and unreported in mainstream media, but the doctors who try to get the word out about their discoveries are dragged through the mud and persecuted as a result of having discovered the truth. Most doctors who cure for autism or other diseases are not aware of the fact that they can lose their license and be smeared politically in the media for their work. Some doctors, like Dr. Rashid Buttar, lose their lives trying to demonstrate that a cure for a given disease exists. There are billions of dollars at stake, after all. So parents, who choose to take autism into their own hands to heal this disease are definitely better equipped to do so. If, as a parent, you succeed in curing your child’s autism, go ahead and tell people, but be prepared to experience a lash-back. Read World Without Cancer so that you have a feel for what kind of system you confront as a parent.
As an anti-vaxxer, Dr. Buttar has been dubbed a rebel and his work has been featured by Quackwatch, a propaganda machine that helps ensure that Big Pharma does not lose power over the masses. As a consumer, one of the most powerful things you can do is begin to see through Big Pharma propaganda by understanding the language of Big Pharma and how they use certain words like “unproven” to make certain treatments or medications seem as though they have been “disproven”. The word “unproven” in science means that something has not been studied. But Big Pharma stone-walls treatments to ensure that they cannot be “properly studied” by simply not funding scientists and doctors who are interested in studying actual cures for disease.
If you want to learn more about how to navigate the healthcare system, understand media coverage, and clearly see why it is that a cure for a disease can exist and be affordable and available to the masses and yet, despite billions and trillions of dollars going to so-called “scientific research” no one knows about it, read World Without Cancer.
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Methods Used by a Doctor Who Cures Autism: Dr. Rashid Buttar
Buttar was a doctor who cured autism and other vaccine-related injuries using the following treatments:
- Intravenous Sterile Hydrogen Peroxide
- EDTA chelation therapy
These autism cures must be administered by a skilled health professional because some children may develop a detoxification reaction as a result of treatment. A detoxification reaction is also known as a Herxheimer reaction and it is a normal response to treatment that is aimed to cure a disease. Click here to read more about detoxification reations and what to expect.
Can you cure autism at home without a doctor?
Yes, you can cure autism at home. In fact, it is far more likely that you’ll cure autism at home without a doctor, than if you have a doctor. This is not because doctors are inherently bad, but because doctors are bound to certain rules and limitations in their work. Like Dr. Rashid Buttar, doctors who cured autism are in danger of losing their licenses. Autism is a billion-dollar industry. A doctor who finds a cure for autism that works puts this profit-generating industry at risk. In many countries of the world today, autism profits are valued more than the children who are afflicted with autism. So this is the situation that doctors confront when they go to work every day. Doctors are people with massive loans to pay and lots of social obligations. So when you take your child to a doctor to cure autism, what you’re most likely to get is a prescription for a drug that will cause side effects that are, perhaps, worse than the symptoms of autism.
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Dr. Buttar’s Treatments to Cure Autism
Dr. Rashid Buttar used IV EDTA chelation therapy and intravenously adminsitered hydrogen peroxide to cure his own son of autism. Though many parents don’t have access to a private nurse who would administer IV treatments for autism, it is possible to seek out IV EDTA therapy at a boutique clinic. Some parents opt to travel to Tijuana, Mexico to avoid having to deal with issues like Child Protective Services / CPS. CPS interferes with how parents would like to treat their child for a disease like autism in some cases. The simplest solution is for parents to seek out treatment using medical tourism in countries like Mexico or India. Medical tourism often saves parents money in the long-run and children receive superior treatment in hospitals that function at a much higher standard than how hospitals function in the United States.As someone who lives in Mexico, this American author can attest to the fact that most hospitals in Mexico function better, have more doctors on staff, and far better nutritional standards than anything found in the United States. Hospitals like Bumrungrad in Thailand are like 5-star hotels where patients can obtain a battery of high-tech tests and treatments at a cost that is affordable enough for most people to pay out-of-pocket. Americans specifically are taught to fear healthcare in other countries because our own healthcare system is so awful and broken. In reality though, this author has been to clinics in Nepal and Myanmar with doctors who were far more competent and humane than the doctors I’ve worked with in the United States.
If you are the parent or caregiver of a child with autism and you’re looking for a doctor who can cure autism, consider seeking out doctors and treatments outside of the United States. This is an option that can open up new paths for parents who have tried everything for autism, but without success. Contact us at [email protected] for information about medical tourism for autism.
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EDTA Chelation Therapy for Autism
EDTA chelation therapy was one of the major treatments used by Dr. Rashid Buttar for his son to get rid of autism symptoms. EDTA chelation therapy is done for lead toxicity, but EDTA also binds with other heavy metals like mercury or cadmium to remove them from the body. Though Big Pharma has developed high-ranking web sites that talk about the so-called “dangers” of EDTA chelation for autism, in fact, this type of treatment is extremely safe, especially in comparison with the dangerous side effects caused by most of the autism drugs for children and adults, EDTA has a spectacular safety profile up against drug treatments for autism. Parents who suspect that their child has autism due to heavy metal exposure should seek out EDTA IV therapy as a front-line therapy for their child.
It is possible to seek out a clinic that administers EDTA chelation therapy for a child with autism. Typically, EDTA chelation therapy is done in a cyclical manner such that treatment is administered for one week about every other day and then treatment is discontinued for one week while the patient receives vitamin mineral supplementation. EDTA treatment weeks alternate with vitamin and mineral supplementation weeks because the EDTA removes metals from the body, including both heavy metals and nutrient metals that our bodies need (like iron, for example).

Reactive Oxygen Species Medicines like IV Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
As an alternative to intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy for autism, Kerri Rivera used Chlorine Dioxide Solution administered orally to successfully cure autism in some children. Rivera had a child with autism and she worked tirelessly to find a cure which led to an autism cure for a number of children using Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS. CDS works through a similar mechanism of action as hydrogen peroxide. Both CDS and food grade hydrogen peroxide are Reactive Oxygen Species medicines that can be administered orally. Both CDS and a special form of hydrogen peroxide can be administered intravenously under the guidance of a health practitioner. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is yet another form of reactive oxygen species medicine that has been used to treat brain inflammation in autism as well as mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
Reactive Oxygen Species medicines can function like chelating agents in the body to remove heavy metals like mercury and lead because these medicines release reactive oxygen species that react with heavy metals to form complexes that bind the metals for safe removal from the body. CDS also functions to bring cells that have gone dormant back to life in a manner similar to what happens with Suramin for autism. Many of the reactive oxygen species medicines have similar medicinal effects.Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT)may be hard to access in the United States as an autism treatment, but there are hyperbaric oxygen clinics that may be willing to work with parents and caregivers. Again, in Tijuana, Mexico and in other countries outside of the United States, hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be easier for parents to access at an affordable cost. HBOT systems can be purchased for at-home use as well. HBOT can alleviate poor blood flow to the brain, inflammation, cellular dormancy due to mitochondrial dysfunction, and more. Most HBOT studies examining hyperbaric oxygen for ASD show that autistic children have better behaviors and reported improvements as a result of this type of treatment. HBOT causes few side effets and it is generally well-tolerated by children and adults. Parents should seek out 10 sessions as opposed to the usual 5 sessions weekly of HBOT for autism.
Other Ways to Treat Autism at Home
Autism treatment is not a one-size-fits-all affair so parents have to experiment to find what works for their child. For many, an autism diet is key to overcoming symptoms of ASD. Many parents find that eliminating the GMO staple foods like wheat, corn, and soy is essential in overcoming the symptoms of ASD in part because the GMO foods have organophosphate residues, but also because GMO foods do not contain nutrients like coenzyme Q10, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, methylfolate, and vitamin K2. Click here to learn more about the relationship between organophosphates and autism.
Click here to learn about an herbal remedy to prevent autism that’s caused by or worsened by organophosphate exposure.
Perhaps one of the most promising at home treatments for autism is Cerebrolysin, an injection that can be ordered online. Cerebrolysin causes no side effects as long as it is administered very slowly and according to the instructions. Click here to read more about Cerebrolysin for autism.
Yet another promising at home treatment for autism is Piracetam. This is a very old drug that heals the lipid membrane surrounding cells. It is available over-the-counter in some countries including the U.S. Piracetam was the first of the racetams to be developed and it causes few or no side effects in children or adults. Click here to learn more about Piracetam for autism treatment at home.
There are a number of other ways to treat autism at home. Click here to learn about the relationship between autism and trauma. Most kids can benefit from some form of trauma-informed therapy to overcome autism naturally, but the first step in finding an appropriate form of trauma-informed therapy is to understand how autism and trauma are connected.