Cerebrolysin for Autism
NOTE: Patients in the U.S. may be able to obtain Cerebrolysin from their doctor for about $1000 the first month. After the first month of treatment, the cost decreases. It is possible to buy Cerebrolysin over-the-counter online in Mexico for about $170 for 5 injections that must be administered at home. The cost of treatment may vary somewhat from doctor-to-doctor throughout the U.S. Cerebrolysin is a mixture of neuropeptide and an autism nootropic that includes brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial cell neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, and ciliary neurotrophic factor. Cerebrolysin is a “synaptogenic compound” which means that it works by creating new synapses in the brain. Synapses are the gaps between neurons across which nervous system transmission occurs. The gaps / synapses that exist between neurons give the brain “plasticity” or the ability to change and grow across the lifespan. Cerebrolysin is a mixture of neuropeptides which are amino acid sequences that interact with human receptors in the brain and body to accomplish various goals without causing side effects. Peptides, including neuropeptides, are valuable because they are analogs of peptides that our bodies produce naturally. In other words, though sometimes shortened sequences of amino acids, neuropeptides don’t tend to cause a lot of negative side effects. Cerebrolysin is a nootropic for autism that has been successfully used for 3 decades for neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. As an autism nootropic, Cerebrolysin is a substance that helps the brain restore normal synaptic connections so that patients can socially normally, stop performing repetitive behaviors, and recover lost cognitive function. Cerebrolysin autism studies have shown that this nootropic likely works through a combination of neuroprotection and the production of new synaptic connections in the brain. In Cerebrolysin autism studies in animals, the GABA receptors and synaptic currents were optimized and both adrenergic and muscarinic modulation had a pronounced positive effect on autism behaviors and socialization impairments.Studies on Cerebrolysin for Autism
Cerebrolysin Autism Study #1
Cerebrolysin has been used successfully to treat autism and ASD in a number of studies. In one retrospective observational study, 8 patients between the ages of 3 to 8 years were given Cerebrolysin for autism (7 patients) and Asperger’s syndrome (1 patient). All of the 8 patients responded positively to injectable cerebrolysin. Seven of the patients who responded well to treatment with cerebrolysin had autism while the other had Asperger’s syndrome. Six of the 8 patients had a complete disappearance of autism symptoms while being given Cerebrolysin. Cerebrolysin for autism improves social impairments that result from poor responsiveness and poor eye contact. Studies into Cerebrolysin for ASD have shown improvements in 70-100% of autism and ASD patients and a lessening of the social symptoms of autism.
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Cerebrolysin Autism Study #2
Another cerebrolysin-autism study observed 43 children with ASD between the ages of 4-6 years. In this study, treatment yielded signs of improvements in 62.8% of patients. Yet another study included 25 patients with autism between 3-8 years of age. Each patient received 2 courses of Cerebrolysin treatment which included:- 15 intramuscular injections of 1.0 mL given every other day per course
- 2 month interval between courses
- Basic antipsychotic therapy using typical neuroleptics and age-adjusted doses
Reduce Autism Symptoms with Cerebrolysin
The children in these studies who were given Cerebrolysin started speaking and their repetitive behaviors were significantly reduced. In one study, patients with autism were examined by doctors after they were given treatment with Cerebrolysin and the doctors were not able to identify any feature of autism or any other pervasive developmental disorder. The autism patients were in need of intensive learning and speech therapy to overcome the impact of time spent being unable to speak or interact normally with educational materials and other children, but otherwise, they demonstrated normal social behaviors and cognitive functioning.Cerebrolysin studies have demonstrated that this autism nootropic does not cause side effects.
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Cerebrolysin Dose for Autism
Some scientists have seen improvements in symptoms at a dose of 0.1 mL. The Cerebrolysin dose for autism in children between 3-8 years ranges in studies from 1-5 mL given every 2-3 days. Some studies give children 5 injections while other studies involved the administration of 15 total injections. Patients were often given 2 months off after a course of treatment (5-15 injections every 2-3 days) before beginning another course of treatment.
Cerebrolysin for Autism: Symptom Improvement
Cerebrolysin for autism resulted in improvement of the following symptoms:
- Expressive speech improvement
- Receptive speech improvement
- Fine motor skills improvement
- Playing skills improvement
After 180 days of treatment with cerebrolysin for autism, 71% of patients showed significant or very significant improvement. Some children showed improvement right away while others didn’t show improvement for several months using Cerebrolysin, but none of the children deteriorated in terms of their functioning.
EDTA: Another Powerful Treatment to Cure Autism
EDTA chelation therapy is yet another powerful cure for autism that every parents should know about. If Cerebrolysin for autism interests you, be sure to read more about the use of EDTA for autism here. Click here to read more about Dr. Rashid Buttar, a doctor who cures autism (RIP, Dr. Buttar) using EDTA and intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy.Reduce Rett Syndrome Symptoms with Cerebrolysin
Scientists have also studied Cerebrolysin for Rett syndrome, a pervasive developmental disorder that’s related to autism and ASD. In these studies, Rett syndrome symptoms also improved. Rett syndrome symptoms that responded to Cerebrolysin treatment included:- Behavior improvement
- Attention improvement
- Motor function improvement
- Nonverbal social communication improvement
- EEG parameters also improved
