Arctium lappa / Burdock Root for Major Childhood Diseases and More...
Burdock root, also known as Arctium lappa, cockle button, beggar’s buttons, hurr-burr, cuckold dock, lappa, gobo, stick-button, bardane, and hardock, is an herb that is often included in combination treatments for children in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was also used for a wide array of health problems by Native Americans such as the Cherokee, Menominee, and MicMac This is an important herbal remedy for children because it is also a cure for childhood cancer and other serious diseases that are common in childhood such as measles, chickenpox, and rubella. It is an herb that has been researched extensively.The root and leaves of the Arctium lappa plant are the medicinal part of the plant, but the roots are more powerful than the leaves. The leaves, in contrast, are nutritional and cleansing. Arctium lappa is categorized as an alterative in herbal medicine because it is an excellent source of nutrients.
It is hard to find data about the use of the Arctium lappa herb in children and babies though we have found that this herb is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine formulations for the pediatric population. It is likely that there is no funding to study Arctium lappa in children because this herb can be used to treat childhood illnesses for which there are vaccines (and the vaccines are profitable to Big Pharma). Also, Arctium lappa is one of about 10 herbs that have extremely powerful anti-cancer action in the body. Typically, when an herb or a medicine is powerfully anti-cancer, Big Pharma protects information about these herbs and their anticancer effects by producing a huge quantity of false information to cover up whatever scientific data exists to prove that the medicine is an anti-cancer herb.
Nonetheless, if my child developed measles, chickenpox, cancer, or rubella, I would use this herb without flinching. Readers should also note that Arctium lappa is an herbal remedy for cerebral palsy and other forms of brain injury. In addition to its use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, burdock root is a food item that is served for dinner in Asia. So while Big Pharma and the conventional medicine syndicate claim that there is not enough information to establish whether burdock root is safe or not in children, the fact that this herb is a food seems to indicate that, as a medicine, burdock root is likely safe, at the very least,i in children who are old enough to eat normal, adult foods.
Click here to read more about cures for cerebral palsy.

Arctium lappa / Burdock Root Medicinal Effects
- Alterative / Restores natural health
- Blood Cleanser
- Bitter
- Antibacterial
- Diuretic
- Fluid Retention
- Demulcent
- Circulatory
- Lymphatic Stimulant / Herbal Remedy for Lymphatic Congestion
- Hepatic stimulant
- Choleretic / Stimulates bile production
- Regulates blood sugar
- Tones the uterus
- Can stimulate uterine activity
- Used to treat skin conditions
- Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
- Herbal Remedy for Measles
- Herbal Remedy for Mumps
- Herbal Remedy for Chickenpox
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Ischemia / Hypoxia
- Natural Remedy for Poison Ivy Exposure
- Natural Remedy for Poison Oak Exposure
- Venereal Disease
- Herbal Remedy for Obesity
- Natural Tonsillitis Treatment
- Herbal Remedy for Gout
- Hemorrhoids
- Herbal Remedy for Herpes
- Poison Treatment
- Sore Throat Treatment
- Treatment for Inflammation
- Herbal Remedy for Tuberculosis
- Herbal Remedy for Ulcers
- Herbal Remedy for Cancer
- Prevent metastasis naturally
- Herbal Remedy for Arthritis
- Herbal Remedy for Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in Obstructive Nephropathy
- Protection against alcohol-induced neurotoxicity
- Gastroprotective effects
- Herbal Remedy for HIV / AIDs
- Anticoagulant / Blood Thinning Herb
- Herbal Remedy for Japanese Encephalitis
Arctium lappa: Pharmacology
Studies have shown that burdock root contains the following substances and nutrients:- Tannins
- Polyphenolic Acids
- Caffeic Acid
- Chlorogenic Acid
- Inulin (up to 50%)
- Volatile Oils
- Porpionic
- 3-octanoic
- Isovaleric
- 3-hexenoic
- Costic
- Butyric
- Acetic
- Polyacetylenes
- Daucosterol (found in the seeds)
- Arctigenin (found in the seeds)
- Matairesinol (found in the seeds)
- Neoarctin (found in the seeds)
- Gamma-guanidino-n-butyric acid
- Germacranolide
- Xyloglucan
- Fructooligosaccharides
- Lignans
- Lappaol A
- Lappaol B
- Lappaol F
- Bitter Glycoside
- Arctiin
- Triterpenoids (found in the leaves)
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin C
- Calcium
- Iron
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Copper
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Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Measles / English Measles / Morbilli / Rubeola / Red Measles
Arctium lappa is an herbal remedy for measles. Measles is a viral disease that usually develops about 10-12 days after exposure to someone who is infected with the virus. This childhood disease often lasts for 7-10 days if there are no complications associated with the infection. Symptoms include a high fever (often higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius), small white spots (Koplik’s spots) inside the mouth which develop 2-3 days after the symptoms start) and a red, flat rash that begins on the face and spreads to the rest of the body. The rash develops 3-5 days after the initial symptoms of measles appear.
Complications that develop as a result of a measles infection are said to be due to immune suppression. Complications associated with measles include:
- Diarrhea
- Middle Ear Infection
- Pneumonia
- Seizures
- Blindness
- Brain Inflammation
Arctium lappa has antiviral effects. As such, it can inhibit the activity of the measles virus. Arctium lappa is one of a number of herbal remedies for measles. As an herb that benefits liver health to detoxify the body, burdock root provides support to the organs that are involved in measles complications. The fiber in the Arctium lappa herb is particularly important in preventing the digestive system from absorbing toxic substances. Administration of burdock root can help ensure that the body removes toxins that are produced by the measles virus to lower the risk of a child developing measles complications. At the same time, Arctium lappa can fight the measles virus directly.
Blood purifying herbs like Arctium lappa often work through the spleen, the organ in the body that takes most of the responsibility for purifying the blood. The spleen also has stem cells called splenocytes that can differentiate into pancreatic islets and ductal epithelial cells. This is an important fact given that acute pancreatitis is often a part of a measles infection.
Click here to read about Woad as another herbal remedy for measles.

Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for HIV
Several studies have evaluated the use of Arctium lappa as a treatment for HIV. This herbal remedy for HIV in children as well as in adults has been shown to inhibit the activity of the HIV virus while demonstrating low toxicity levels against healthy human cells.Arctium lappa: Protection Against Environmental Toxins
The fiber in Arctium lappa has been shown to be able to protect the body from the toxicity of certain toxins. One study in rats, for example, showed that Arctium lappa could prevent mineral oil from being absorbed which, in turn, prevented the rats from being properly nourished which caused them to have developmental delays. Other studies have shown that Arctium lappa reduces the mutagenicity of the following mutagens:- Ethidium bromide
- 2-aminoanthracene
- Trp-P-2
- Trp-P-1
Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Rubella / 3-Day Measles / German Measles
The clinical presentation of Rubeola / English measles and Rubella / German measles is similar, but these two illnesses are quite different. German measles / Rubella is not as serious as English measles. For the most part, Rubella is only a serious disease for pregnant women. Indeed, in many people, German measles causes few or no symptoms at all. The Rubella rash produces a rash that begins on the face and trunk of the body. The rash eventually spreads to the legs and arms.Below are symptoms associated with the German measles:
- Headache
- Fever (up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Red, itchy eyes
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Tender, enlarged lymph nodes at the base of the skull or behind the ears
- Achy joints, particularly in females
- A fine, pink rash that begins on the truck and face and then spreads to the extremities
Aractium lappa is an antiviral and blood-purifying herb. In addition to its ability to remove toxins from the blood, this herbal remedy for German measles can also directly kill the virus.
Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Japanese Encephalitis
Arctium lappa is a blood-purifying herb. As such, it likely works by supporting the spleen, the primary organ in the body that is responsible for getting rid of aged and diseased red blood cells. The spleen is also the primary organ of the lymphatic system and this viral infection propagates via both lymphocytes and red blood cells.Japanese Encephalitis is a viral disease that is able to propagate in various cell types throughout the body after infection via mosquito bite. Infection with Japanese Encephalitis begins in the dermal layers of the skin where the virus first begins propagating itself. Then, it reaches the lymph tissue. Scientists believe that the Japanese Encephalitis virus migrates via Langerhans cells to the spleen and lymph nodes. During the peak phase of a Japanese Encephalitis infection, the virus takes up residence in the blood cells which can lead to viremia (viruses in the bloodstream). Viremia is often low and transient. The Japanese Encephalitis virus also replicates in human lymphocytes at a low rate depending on the strain of the virus.
Arctium lappa is a blood-purifying herb that helps remove viruses from the bloodstream while supporting the spleen and the liver.
Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a serious childhood disease that causes itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the skin along with the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
In children, chickenpox is often a self-limiting disease that lasts about a week. Complications associated with chickenpox include:
- Visceral chickenpox / Internal chickenpox blistering on the organ tissues
- Rupture of the spleen
- Low platelet count / hemorrhage
Patients who are doing radiation therapy, taking cytotoxic medications, or corticosteroid treatments are at higher risk of death if they develop chickenpox.
As a child, this author developed a severe heart arrhythmia as a result of the chickenpox infection. There are a number of case reports of patients developing myocarditis or pericarditis as a result of chickenpox infection. These health issues sometimes develop a week or more after the child seems well. Rupture of the spleen has been described as a situation involving visceral chickenpox. If you are the parent of a child who has chickenpox, it is important to watch your child for a couple of weeks after the infection and make note of any odd symptoms that develop. It may be wise to administer Chlorine Dioxide Solution for a week to 10 days following recovery from chickenpox.
Click here to read more about Chlorine Dioxide Solution for chickenpox recovery.
Visceral chickenpox often occurs in immunocompromised patients. Diabetes is a disease that is associated with chickenpox complications, for example. Most of the cases of visceral chickenpox involve patients who have poorly controlled blood glucose levels. Several abdominal pain is a common symptom in visceral chickenpox.
Arctium lappa is an herbal remedy for chickenpox that works through several mechanisms of action. It is an antiviral medicine as well as a blood-purifying herb. In an article about alternative treatments for measles, we talk about how pancreas inflammation often plays a role in viral infections such as chickenpox. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, pancreatic enzymes may be produced in higher-than-normal quantities and insulin levels may go down because of viral damage to the islet cells. But there are herbal remedies for diabetes that regrow the cells that produce insulin. Arctium lappa is one of those herbs.
One of the serious complications associated with chickenpox is visceral chickenpox, the development of which is heavily correlated with poor blood sugar control. Arctium lappa helps control blood sugar levels naturally while directly fighting viral infections and functioning as a blood-purifier to support the spleen and liver. As an herb that supports the pancreas as well, Arctium lappa is an important herbal remedy for chickenpox. These three organs, the liver, the pancreas, and the spleen, can all play host to the chickenpox virus and if they are not properly cared for during the disease through the administration of fat-soluble vitamins (via cod liver oil supplements or desiccated liver supplements), trace minerals, Lugol’s iodine (1 drop per year of the child’s age) B-complex vitamins, and high-dose vitamin C (ideally more than 10,000 mg per day).

Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Cancer in Children
A number of studies and clinical trials demonstrate that Arctium lappa can be used as an herbal remedy for cancer in children and adults. Arctium lappa fiber has anti-mutagenic activity that can prevent cancer from developing in response to toxic mutagens. Studies have shown that Arctium lappa reduces the mutagenicity of various mutagens that would otherwise be active as toxins in the body.Above, we talk about how Arctium lappa has been used to treat and cure chickenpox, measles, and more. This blood-purifying herb works powerfully through the primary organ of the lymphatic system and one of the most important organs that plays a role in immune system defense against diseases like cancer. Arctium lappa is included, for this reason, in all of the herbal teas for cancer that are effective at treating cancer including, for example, Jason Winter’s Tea and the Hoxsey Tonic.
Note that in the herbal teas that cure cancer, Arctium lappa is always included with several other herbs that work against the disease through different mechanisms of action. Nonetheless, Arctium lappa is extremely valuable as an herb for cancer because it detoxifies the blood and the body while working against pathogens that may be causing the disease. Arctium lappa is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent as well.
Click here to read more about the Hoxsey Tonic as a cure for children’s cancer.
Click here to read more about Jason Winter’s Tea as an herbal cure for childhood cancer.
Jason Winters Original Blend Herbal Tea - 20 Count
Arctium lappa: Herbal Remedy for Cerebral Palsy
Arctium lappa has a fairly well established reputation as a neuroprotective has the ability to protect the central nervous system from hydrogen peroxide damage, glutamate and N-methyl-D-asparatic acid-induced neuron damage while preventing the development of cerebral ischemia (lack of blood flow to the brain).One study showed that ethyl acetate extract of Arctium lappa, in particular the substance, 4,5-O-dicaffeoyl-1-O-[4-malic acid methyl ester]-quinic acid (DCMQA), had a powerful protective effect against cerebral ischemia. The extract of Arctium lappa was shown to get rid of brain edema, and reduce neurological deficits due to a lack of blood flow to the brain. This herbal remedy for cerebral palsy also reduced oxidative stress in the brain as well as inflammation. Arctium lappa decreases neuron death.
Arctium lappa Dosing in Children
As an ingredient that is regularly used in foods in Asia, Arctium lappa is consumed regularly by children who are old enough to eat adult food in this region of the world. We found one study that concluded that if a person were to eat 250 milligrams per kilogram of their body weight daily for 8 weeks, there would be no harm done and no side effects.Allergy to Arctium lappa is rare (though there is one case report that we found while doing research on this plant). Below, we have provided dosing that’s based on approximate weight of children within different age ranges, but parents may feel more comfortable dosing Arctium lappa by multiplying 250 mg x their child’s weight in kilograms for a more exact dose. Divide the total daily dose into 3 or 4 doses administered throughout the day to keep the medicine in your child’s body. Note that while the study that we’re referencing talked about the use of Arctium lappa daily for 8 weeks, in fact, it is likely that this herb can safely be administered daily for a much longer period of time without causing any side effects.
Arctium lappa Poultice
A poultice is a soft, damp mass of herbs that’s often heated and spread on a clean cloth to be applied to the skin. A poultice is applied to warm and moisten the skin in order relieve pain or inflammation. To make a poultice of Arctium lappa, the herb should be heated in water to boiling. Remove from heat and then take the herbal parts out of the water with a strainer and put them on a fresh, clean cloth so that they can be applied to the skin.Arctium lappa Infusion
An infusion is made by boiling water that is then poured over the herb which is placed in a mug. Pour the hot water over the herb in the mug and allow the mixture to steep for 10-15 minutes.Administer between 2 to 6 grams of Arctium lappa daily in adults. In children under 5 years of age, administer 0.5 grams in divided doses throughout the day for minor health problems. For major health problems, administer up to 1.5 grams per day. In children between 5-10 years of age, administer 1-3 grams per day for minor health problems. For major health problems, administer up to 6 grams per day.
Arctium lappa Decoction
A decoction of Arctium lappa can be made by placing the desired dose in drinking water in a pot. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat. Simmer for 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool before drinking.Administer between 2 to 6 grams of Arctium lappa daily in adults. In children under 5 years of age, administer 0.5 grams in divided doses throughout the day for minor health problems. For major health problems, administer up to 1.5 grams per day. In children between 5-10 years of age, administer 1-3 grams per day for minor health problems. For major health problems, administer up to 6 grams per day.
Arctium lappa Tincture
In adults, an extract of burdock fruit containing up to 4 grams per day has been administered to treat cancer. In children, the use of burdock fruit extract can be administered at a dose of 1 gram in children under 5 years of age. In children between 5-10 years of age, administer up to 2 grams per day. In children over 10 years of age, administer between 3-4 grams per day for the treatment of cancer or other serious diseases. Divide the dose into 3-4 separate doses throughout the day.Administer burdock root at a dose of 1 mL per day administered in divided doses of 0.25 mL each in children under 5 years of age. In children 5-10 years of age, administer 1-2 mL per day in four divided doses. In children over 10 years of age, administer 1-3 mL per day in divided doses.
Arctium lappa as a Food
Arctium lappa can also be administered as a vegetable that’s eaten with a meal.Click here to subscribe to the Living Database!