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Can cerebral palsy be reversed? Treatments to Overcome Cerebral Palsy at Home

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Dec 11, 2023


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Can you be healed from cerebral palsy?

Stem cell therapy and psychedelic therapy as well as the use of dimethylsulfoxide are just a few of the medicines that patients might seek out to get rid of cerebral palsy symptoms.
Cerebral palsy occurs in 1.24 to 3.8 out of 1000 live births. About 70% of cerebral palsy cases occur without any known cause. In 20% of children born with cerebral palsy, the cause is brain hypoxia, perinatal trauma, or premature birth. In about 10% of cases, the cause may be the result of defects or infections that occur during fetal life. Doctors cannot always find the cause of cerebral palsy and early diagnosis is important. The earlier parents discover that their child has cerebral palsy, the sooner they can begin treatment to reverse part or all of the symptoms. 

Cerebral palsy can be difficult to diagnose in children with only minor symptoms of the disorder. Early diagnosis is valuable because the sooner a child receives the diagnosis, the sooner parents can seek treatment to overcome the disorder, if possible, however there are treatments that can reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy naturally no matter how much time has passed since the disorder developed. Umbilical cord blood is important both for diagnosis and as a source of stem cells that can be administered as an allogeneic or autologous administration. The timing of stem cell treatment appears to be important in children with cerebral palsy according to animal models of the disease.

In adults with cerebral palsy, the question, "is cerebral palsy permanent?" might depend on a number of factors. Of course, in today's world, doctors and the media regularly proclaim that cerebral palsy cannot be cured, but Lydian and I always work off the assumption that human beings are capable of overcoming any disease or's just a matter of finding the right medicine for the right patient. Much of what qualifies a medicine as the "right" medicine has to do with the patient's belief in the medicine. As such, the first step toward finding a cure for cerebral palsy would be, for example, the belief (by the patient and parents / guardians, etc.) that cerebral palsy can be cured. Until the patient believes in a cure, the cure is nearly impossible to find. Belief makes us less blind to our potential as human beings to overcome diseases like cerebral palsy.

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I have only worked a few patients with cerebral palsy in my life, but Lydi and I have worked with many people with neurological issues. One neurological issue that has surprised me in terms of how it can be treated is stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). A stroke is similar in some cases to cerebral palsy so it seems important to note that in patients who experience stroke, symptoms can be caused and maintained to some extent by emotional trauma. In other words, though the brain is often damaged in some way by stroke, ongoing symptoms from the stroke (where patients have difficulty walking, speaking, moving their limbs, etc.) can actually be caused by emotional trauma. This idea challenges some of the basic assumptions of conventional medicine about stroke, but nonetheless, treating underlying emotional trauma using treatments like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR, craniosacral therapy, psilocybin mushroom therapy at home, or agmatine therapy, can help the brain re-route its circuits to find new neural pathways around the physical trauma that occurred in the brain. It has been our experience that people who have experienced a stroke can actually benefit a great deal from trauma-informed therapies like EMDR and psilocybin therapy to make their movements smoother and to help their brains re-route and find new neural pathways and heal.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.

In some patients with cerebral palsy, emotional rather than physical trauma may play a more important role in the disease than people realize. Even infants who have movement issues may be reacting to a very difficult and emotionally traumatic labor experience which can cause the body to develop physical symptoms. Trauma-informed therapies are not widely used even by psychologists though they work very well to help people overcome movement and pain-related issues, even if there seems to be a physical cause. For this reason, I recommend that patients with cerebral palsy work with some form of trauma-informed therapy and watch to see if progress is made in terms of movement and symptom alleviation. Emotional trauma can cause issues with movement and behavior in children and in adults and without some form of therapy, people can carry emotional trauma throughout their entire lives. EMDR is a simple way to overcome cerebral palsy without medications if the underlying cause is emotional trauma. There is no way to find out if cerebral palsy symptoms might stem from emotional trauma without seeking out a tool like online EMDR at home and using it (properly and according to the instructions) for at least 50 sessions. Microdosing psilocybin therapy may also be appropriate in mild to moderate cases of cerebral palsy in consenting adults to help re-route neural connections in the brain.

Click here to order psilocybin mushrooms for microdosing at home.

Needless to say, if you wish to heal cerebral palsy permanently, below we've compiled a list of treatments to get you started on that journey. Lydian and I have worked with many of these medicinal substances ourselves. I can say, for example, that while agmatine sulfate is a gentle, nutrient-based way to regrow brain cells, psilocybin works much more quickly. And though PEMF is a type of treatment that you can't feel or hear or see, it is powerful if administered on a regular basis.  Further, while molecular hydrogen therapy essential tastes and seems like nothing more than drinking water (albeit water that contains higher than normal levels of hydrogen ions), this therapy has been used to cure a number of supposedly incurable diseases. Some of the treatments we mention below may seem mild or even extreme, but all are meant to help our readers open their minds to the idea that cerebral palsy is curable. Pay special attention to iodine therapy which I regard as a foundation for anyone living in a developed country that uses organophosphate or bromide-containing insecticides which are, importantly, neurotoxins that certainly play a role in cerebral palsy. We talk in depth about organophosphates and bromide-containing insecticides in our book Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself from Them.  It has been our experience that organosphosphates, bromide, and iodine deficiency play a role in many diseases involving the nervous system.

Click here to learn more about the Basic Iodine Protocol. 

Click here to buy  Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself from Them.

Can you be healed from cerebral palsy?

Of course, conventional medicine cannot cure cerebral palsy mostly because this is a disease that is more profitable to Big Pharma if it cannot be cured. A disease that requires lifelong treatment is infinitely more profitable than a disease for which there is a permanent cure. So, for readers who are seeking a permanent cure for cerebral palsy, acknowledging this fact of conventional medicine can help dispel the thoughts that it is impossible to cure this disease. No matter how much a person might try to avoid these thoughts, they're deeply embedded within our consciousness.

Click here to buy a portable PEMF device to reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy naturally and heal the brain.

Below, we talk a bit about the use of DMT and psilocybin as treatments that not only regenerate brain cells and expand neural networks. These psychedelics can be used to accomplish several different goals that relate to the treatment and possible ameliorating of symptoms of cerebral palsy. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), in contrast, is a well-studied non-psychedelic medicine with a toxicity similar to that of water. This substance has the miraculous ability to regenerate nerve cells among other things, but it has to be used properly and at a high dose. Stem cell therapies have a good reputation for alleviating the symptoms of cerebral palsy, as well.

UPDATE: Recently, we found studies showing that Big Pharma is trying to resurrect and make a patentable product out of an over-the-counter supplement known as N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC. NAC as well as L-Cysteine can be used to reduce neuroinflammation in patients with cerebral palsy. NAC and L-Cysteine are fairly well-known in alternative psychiatry as amino acid supplements that reduce brain inflammation naturally to treat severe mental health issues like schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive-disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, and depression. NAC and L-Cysteine can be administered in children ages 8 and up at a dose of 2700 mg per day (divide the total dose into 3-4 doses throughout the day). In children between 4-8 years of age, administer NAC at a dose of 400-1000 mg per day. Start with the lowest dose and increase the dose slowly in young children. In children younger than age 4, administer at a dose of 100-600 mg per day. Start with the lowest dose and increase the dose slowly. Babies who are being breastfed can receive this medicine through breastmilk. NAC while breastfeeding can be administered at a dose of up to 3000 mg per day (taken at 1000 mg three times per day).

L-Cysteine is found naturally in foods. The body uses this nutrient to produce glutathione, one of the most powerful detoxifying substances in the body. 

Click here to buy NAC Powder. 

Autologous Cord Blood: Natural Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Autologous cord blood or the clinical use of umbilical cord blood has been used to both diagnose cerebral palsy early as well as to treat cerebral palsy. As a diagnostic tool, umbilical cord blood contains a variety of growth factors, metabolites, and blood pH information that are predictive of later neurodevelopment. 

In addition to diagnosis of cerebral palsy, umbilical cord blood has also been administered both in autologous and allogeneic models. Umbilical cord blood is both safe and effective as a treatment for cerebral palsy. Symptom relief is said to last for approximately 2 years for most children.  

Umbilical cord blood works as a natural remedy for cerebral palsy because it contains stem cells and both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. A number of different types of stem cells of neuroregenerative properties that can cure cerebral palsy under certain conditions:

  • Umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (CB-MSCs)
  • Umbilical cord blood-derived unrestricted somatic stem cells (CB-USSCs)
  • Umbilical cord blood-derived embryonic-like stem cells (CB-CBEs)
  • Umbilical cord blood-derived multipotent progenitor cells (CB-MPCs)
  • Umbilical cord blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells (CB-EPCs)
  • Umbilical cord blood-derived T regulatory cels ( CB-Tregs)
  • Umbilical vein MSCs (CB-MDSCs)
  • Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs)

Umbilical cord blood cells secrete neurotrophic and immunomodulatory factors that can repair the brain and nerve tissues in the central nervous system. Essentially, stem cells work by protecting existing nerve cells and brain tissue while promoting neural cell differentiation and blood vessel creation to feed new nervous system tissue. 

Some studies have shown that the use of umbilical cord blood to treat cerebral palsy is often more effective when it is combined with erythropoietin. 

The Renegade Parent's Guide to Children's Health and Healing: Volume 1 - Encyclopedia of Herbal Remedies

Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) as Home Remedy for Cerebral Palsy

Dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO is a medicinal substance that is derived from trees. DMSO has a toxicity level similar to that of water and it has a very powerful ability to regenerate nervous system tissues when it is applied at the proper dose. DMSO can improve blood flow to areas of the brain and body that have restricted blood flow and it also has the ability to suppress cytotoxicity resulting from excess glutamate release. Though DMSO has a very low toxicity, readers should note that this medicine combines easily as a solvent with many other substances. While you can use DMSO as a solvent to produce combination medications, DMSO can increase the potency of some medicines. And, DMSO can also inadvertently combine with toxic substances on the skin (residues left behind by soaps or lotions, for example) or on clothing. As such, it is vital that readers learn more about how to use DMSO safely before working with this medicine at home.

Click here to learn more about personal care products for babies that can safely be used with DMSO. 

DMSO has been used to reduce intracranial pressure, treat tissue edema, reduce inflammatory reactions, and inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell migration that can cause atherosclerosis that leads to poor blood circulation to the brain. DMSO, in fact, has the broadest medicinal action of any FDA approved medication currently on the market. Studies have shown that DMSO can be used as a stand-alone medicine or it can be used in combination with certain other treatments to neutralize or attenuate harm that has been done to the brain or nerves. Indeed, DMSO is often used as a cryopreservation agent wherein stem cells are safely stored. As such, it is likely that DMSO therapy could be performed as an adjunct therapy with umbilical cord stem cell treatment without negatively affecting the results of treatment. That being said, if you decide to administer DMSO to the skin of a newborn baby or young child who is also undergoing any type of medical treatment involving medication, herbs, or essential oils, be aware that DMSO potentiates the effects of many medications including both the positive and the negative effects of said medications. Ideally, DMSO treatments should be administered at least 24 hours before any medication is administered to a child and 24-48 hours after a medication is administered. Look up the half life of the medication your child is receiving and wait the amount of time of the half life to administer DMSO.

2X DMSO 99.9% Pharma Grade Ingredients | Low Odor - Dimethyl sulfoxide Liquid | 2X 3.4 Oz - 2X 100 ml | High Purity | Set of Two | Heiltropfen®

Dimethyl sulfoxide can be extremely useful in situations involving central nervous system trauma. In fact, at very high doses, administered intravenously, Dr. Stanley Jacobs was able to regrow spinal cord tissue in a patient following an accident involving a spinal cord fracture at C5. Normally, this type of injury would be fatal and the patient would be paralyzed from the neck down, but under Dr. Jacobs care using high-dose intravenous DMSO, this patient not only survived, but eventually walked out of the hospital. Dr. Jacobs was able to administer DMSO in a hospital setting to treat patients with nervous system issues because of certain laws in Oregon where he practiced, but DMSO is a well-hidden secret and most doctors are not familiar with its use. It can, however, be obtained as an over-the-counter medication that can be administered both topically and orally.

One of DMSO’s mechanisms of action that is potentially valuable as an at-home treatment for cerebral palsy is its ability to increase blood flow to the cerebrum and to the caudate nuclei. Animal studies indicate that blood flow to the cerebellum and brain stem remains unchanged by high doses of DMSO while the corpus callosum and the spinal cord may receive less blood flow. According to these studies the cerebral blood flow increased by over 20% after the animals had received a cumulative dose of 6 grams / kilogram of body weight.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray Bottle, high Concentration Topical Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Chloride Topical Magnesium (4fl oz)

Magnesium Sulfate for Preterm Infants to Prevent Cerebral Palsy

Clinical trials have shown that magnesium sulfate treatments may reduce some of the risk of cerebral palsy and gross motor dysfunction in children. In hospital settings, doctors may administer magnesium sulfate as an IV, but parents of infants who are at risk of developing cerebral palsy should administer magnesium in other forms to support nervous system development and health. For example, magnesium oil may be combined with coconut oil and applied to newborn baby’s skin (and to the skin of older babies and children as well) as a lotion twice or three times daily. Magnesium oil may also be added to baby baths. Mothers of breastfed infants may also wish to take magnesium glycinate at 400-600 mg pre day to increase the magnesium content of their breastmilk. 

Magnesium Glycinate 500mg, 240 Veggie Capsules | Chelated | Highly Purified Essential Trace Mineral for Muscle, Joint, Heart, & Digestive Health

Note that magnesium and DMSO may be applied together as a combination treatment.

DMSO & Magnesium Oil Mixture by Dr. Hartmut Fischer (3.4 Oz), Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients, High Purity, Low Odor, Heiltropfen®

Melatonin: Natural Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Melatonin is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that is produced by the pineal gland. This substance is perhaps best known for its ability to regulate circadian rhythms, but it also has strong antioxidant abilities. Scientists have administered melatonin as a preventative treatment for fetuses at high risk of perinatal hypoxia because melatonin easily crosses the placenta. 

Studies involving sheep showed that low doses of melatonin administered as an infusion from 15 minutes before asphyxia to 6 hours after asphyxia in baby lambs hastened recovery of EEG activity, improved the survival of mature oligodendrocytes, reduce microglial activation and delayed the onset of seizures in newborn lambs. Indeed, studies have also suggested that during pregnancy, mothers who take melatonin are less likely to have a preterm birth. In animal models of maternal inflammation, melatonin supplementation also seems to be able to prevent brain injury in newborns. Melatonin during pregnancy has been shown to reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines in the placenta and in the uterus while simultaneously reducing the incidence of fetal brain inflammation. 

During pregnancy, melatonin can be taken orally at a dose of 5-10 mg per day. Take the melatonin just after you turn out the lights at night to go to sleep. 

In addition to studies involving the use of melatonin during pregnancy to prevent cerebral palsy, there have been some small clinical studies showing that melatonin may be able to improve the survival of neonates with septic shock while reducing the problem of lung injury due to ventilation at the same time. One small study showed that in newborn babies that were born at term, who were given 5 enteral doses of melatonin at 10 mg / kilogram of body weight along with hypothermia treatments, experienced a reduction in seizures, a reduction in white matter abnormalities, and improved rates of survival at 6 months of age. A different study on newborn piglets showed that high-dose melatonin at 18 mg / kilogram body weight along with therapeutic hypothermia significantly improved piglet EEG activity while improving cerebral energy metabolism.

 Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool for trauma treatment at home.

Interestingly, the neuroprotective effects of melatonin are similar to the neuroprotective effects of alcohol when alcohol is administered in controlled doses to babies who have reached full term. Both alcohol / ethanol and melatonin can protect the brain against hypoxia. Studies show that the use of melatonin combined with ethanol can significantly reduce brain damage after hypoxia both in preterm and term infants.

In another study, pregnant mice were given melatonin dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to reduce inflammation. This study showed that the melatonin-DMSO mixture reduced the incidence of preterm birth as well as the incidence of preterm brain injury. Both DMSO and melatonin have neuroprotective effects and they seem to work well together as a natural treatment for cerebral palsy in children. 

Melatonin has also been administered with erythropoietin to prevent post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in premature rat pups. Choose a melatonin product that does not contain toxic additives or sugar during pregnancy.

Nature's Bounty Melatonin, 100% Drug-Free Sleep Aid, Dietary Supplement, 10 mg, 60 Count

Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 Supplementation: Natural Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Some studies have shown that children with cerebral palsy who are not able to walk are at a higher risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency. Lack of exposure to sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Some studies have also suggested that vitamin D supplementation may improve some of the symptoms of cerebral palsy, however, parents should always administer vitamin D with vitamin K2 as these two nutrients work together and must be present in the body together. If vitamin D is administered without vitamin K2, soft tissue calcification can occur in the brain and in other areas of the body. 

Click here to read more about why it is dangerous to supplement with vitamin D without also supplementing with vitamin K2.

NOW Supplements, MK-7 Vitamin K-2 100 mcg, Cardiovascular Support*, Supports Bone Health*, 60 Veg Capsules

Iodine Deficiency: Natural Remedy for Cerebral Palsy

Pregnant mothers who are deficient in iodine have an increased risk of having a baby with cerebral palsy. Inflammation during pregnancy plays a role in the development of cerebral palsy and hypothyroxinemia is a common complication in babies that is correlated with preterm delivery and a low birthweight. Studies have convincingly linked neonatal thyroid hormone deficiencies with cerebral palsy, lower cognitive performance, and behavioral issues and this thyroid hormone deficiency is often caused by iodine deficiency in mothers.

Hypothyroxinemia in a preterm infant has been associated with psychomotor developmental delays that are evident at 2 years of age, neurological dysfunction that is often noted at 5 years of age, and major school issues that become apparent at 9 years of age. 

Iodine deficiency is a well-known cause of cognitive impairments and neurological problems in babies and children. Most of the population of the developed world is deficient in iodine though very few pregnancy multivitamins contain enough of this nutrient. While most women need at least 50-100 mg of Lugol’s iodine daily during pregnancy and about 50 mg of Lugol’s iodine daily when they are not pregnant, most pregnancy multivitamins contain less than 1 mg of iodine. 

Our Amazon links to products that actually cure disease often disappear mysteriously shortly after publish our articles. Please click here to buy Lugol's iodine and support our non-Amazon vendors.

Iodine as well as vitamin K2 are two of the nutrients that have been systematically removed from the food supply so as to produce predictable health problems in the population. In the United States, these health problems are extremely profitable for Big Pharma. Click here to read more about government-sponsored nutrient deficiencies. 

Ideally, women should take Lugol’s iodine during pregnancy to prevent cerebral palsy naturally, but in children who are born with signs of cerebral palsy, Lugol’s iodine supplements may be administered in drops at a dose of 1 drop per year of the child’s age. If the child is under 1 year of age, administer iodine to the mother, if the mother is breastfeeding or administer ½ of 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine to the baby’s food each day.

Note that Lydian and I have had a number of clients with neurological issues who were able to resolve many of their symptoms by following the Lugol’s iodine basic protocol. Click here to read more about how to administer the Lugol’s iodine basic protocol. 

Click here to buy The Iodine Bible. 

Arctium lappa / Burdock Root: Herbal Remedy for Cerebral Palsy?

Arctium lappa is an extremely valuable herbal remedy with a broad range of pharmacological activity. In scientific studies, this herb has demonstrated protective effects against hydrogen peroxide, glutamate, and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)-induced neuronal injury. Other studies have shown that burdock root can be administered to reduce brain infarct volume in animal models of cerebral ischemia. Scientists believe that Arctium lappa root protects against cerebral ischemia by preventing programmed cell death and autophagy of brain cells. 

Click here to read more about dosing and the medicinal benefits of Arctium lappa.

Click here to read more about the use of Arctium lappa in the treatment of other neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme disease.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies (PEMF): How to Reduce Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy

NOTE: If you are treating a child under 18 years of age, PEMF may not be appropriate, particularly in longer doses because PEMF can increase bone growth which can be undesirable in young children (unless they are trying to heal from a fractured bone). On the other hand, PEMF in young children with cerebral palsy may be essential to the proper development of motor skills. Parents need to be aware of the possible problem of alterations in bone growth, but also note that bone growth is a dynamic process that can increase due to PEMF exposure and then decrease when exposure is reduced. Parents should weigh out the pros and cons of PEMF to reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy in kids. In older children who have already gone through their growth spurt and in adults, PEMF can be extremely beneficial in the treatment of cerebral palsy, particularly to reduce muscle spasticity. 

PEMF to Reduce Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy can limit movement and create problems with mobility. Reduction of muscle spasticity is often an important part of cerebral palsy rehab for this reason. One study used PEMF to reduce muscle spasticity in children because of PEMFs known ability to affect synaptic transmission and improve muscle coordination. In the study, patients were given 5 sessions of tibial and common peroneal nerve stimulation with PEMFs. These 5 sessions had both short-term and long-term effects on muscle spasticity of the ankle flexor muscle. The average age of the children who participated in the study was 8 years and 3 months. 

The sustained reduction in muscle spasticity in the participants in this study became most apparent after the 3rd PEMF session. Scientists believe that the PEMF treatments improved control over the spinal circuitry in a permanent way. They hypothesized that PEMF stimulation recruited sensory afferent nerves that influence the overall plasticity of the central nervous system in children and adults with cerebral palsy.

Click here to buy a MiraMate Big Magic PEMF machine. 

Note that not all PEMF machines are made the same. Some PEMF machines produce stronger magnetic waves that are not as beneficial to the human body as machines that produce gentler waves. We promote the MiraMate brand because it is affordable, but BEMER, a more expensive brand, produces PEMF machines that also produce good results. Below, we are providing a link to the SOTA Magnetic Pulser at Amazon, but be aware that Amazon often removes our links to these products that can actually cure disease shortly after we publish our articles. For this reason, we ask that our readers support companies like MiraMate that function outside of Amazon to help people treat diseases and disorders at home.

SOTA Magnetic Pulser Model MP7 - Your Personal Pulsed Magnetic Field Generator for General Health & Well-Being

Cerebral Palsy Cure Research into Lithium Orotate

Lithium orotate is the natural salt of lithium that can be purchased as an over-the-counter nutritional supplement. This salt is usually administered as a trace mineral at doses ranging from 5 mg to 100 mg per day. Lithium orotate can be safely administered in children according to studies. As a general rule, you can administer about 0.5 to 1 mg per pound of body weight in children and adults with a maximum dose of 100 mg. Start with the lower dose first and increase the dose slowly to observe how it affects symptoms of cerebral palsy. 

Lithium orotate as a salt can be used to reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy naturally. It works by protecting the brain from further damage while simultaneously increasing cortical spine density and balancing the dendritic structure on both sides of the brain. 

Note that lithium orotate is a trace mineral with electromagnetic function in the body. As such, this natural cerebral palsy therapy would work in tandem with PEMF therapy.

Lithium Orotate 130mg | 180 Capsules | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | 5mg Bioavailable Elemental Lithium | by Horbaach

Agmatine: How to Heal the Brain

Agmatine is a nutritional supplement derived from L-Arginine, an amino acid that plays an important role in brain health. Agmatine is naturally produced in the human brain and studies have shown that this substance is present in higher concentrations in situations involving hypoxia or ischemia. Scientists believe that agmatine may be a natural defense against brain damage. It functions to protect N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA) and inhibit the enzyme that breaks down nitric oxide (an anti-inflammatory substance that promotes blood flow in the brain and elsewher in the body). 

Animals models of hypoxia and ischemia have been used to demonstrate that agmatine protects the brain from lack of oxygen and lack of blood flow. Agmatine directly protects neurons. 

Click here to read more about agmatine use for traumatic brain injury. 

Click here to read more about how agmatine works, dosing, and more to cure cerebral palsy naturally.

Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular hydrogen is a treatment that can be administered either as drinking water (which has been converted into high molecular hydrogen water) or as a gas. As a gas, molecular hydrogen treatments are extremely gentle almost to a point where people don’t realize the potency of the treatment. But molecular hydrogen is a neuroprotective therapy that has been used to cure diseases like emphysema that have been dubbed “incurable” by conventional medicine (even despite scientific evidence that this disease as well as COPD can be reversed with proper treatment).

Click here to read more about the use of molecular hydrogen to cure emphysema naturally.

Studies have shown that molecular hydrogen as a gas that is inhaled, acts as a neuroprotective medicine in ischemia and traumatic brain injury which is relevant to cerebral palsy. It has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well. Though it has been studied extensively in adults, only a few studies have looked at the use of molecular hydrogen in newborn babies and children. Nonetheless, studies have shown that molecular hydrogen is extremely safe in both children and adults. 

Molecular hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to repair DNA. The helical structure of DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds that be broken as a result of free radicals and oxidative stress. Indeed, in neonatal hypoxia or ischemia and cerebral palsy, damage to neurons and other cells in the nervous system is often caused by oxidative stress. The use of molecular hydrogen significantly reduces the oxidative stress in the brain while simultaneously repairing DNA hydrogen bonds that have been damaged. 

Click here to read more about the use of molecular hydrogen in pediatric populations. 

Click here to read more about the use of molecular hydrogen to cure other neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. 

Click here to read more about the use of molecular hydrogen to balance the effects of oxygen therapy in children. Note that molecular hydrogen gas can help heal the lungs after a baby has been on a ventilator.

Plafnio Hydrogen Inhalation Machine, Water Purification Unit, Durable Aluminum Alloy Enclosure, 450/900ml/min Inhaler, Dual-Adjustable, Hydrogen Water Generator, Model 03D

Can you be healed from cerebral palsy? DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and Psilocybin Therapy

In young children, it may be difficult or even undesirable to seek out psychedelic treatment for cerebral palsy. Some parents may be open to the idea, while other parents may be open to the idea only after their child reaches a certain age. Some of these psychedelic treatments for cerebral palsy can be administered as microdosing therapies. Often, parents of young children with psychedelics will need to seek out help to find these therapies in countries outside of the United States. Adults may also need to look outside of the U.S. to find psychedelic therapy for cerebral palsy symptoms.

Psilocybin: Get Rid of Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Recently, a number of psychedelics and sacred indigenous medicines have been studied for their ability to regenerate brain cells. Psilocybin is a substance found in magic mushrooms that can increase brain complexity and neural connections. Functional neurological disorders (also referred to sometimes as psychogenic neurological disorders or “conversion disorders”) are common and they can often be mistaken for other neurological problems. In conventional psychiatry, a conversion disorder diagnosis essentially means that a patient is converting trauma or a psychological / emotional / mental issue into physical symptoms which can include dysfunction of paralysis or any number of health problems. There is a stigma attached to the idea that the mind can affect the body in this way even in psychiatry though it is well known that the Placebo Effect often results in a cure or alleviation of symptoms in about 70% of subjects involved in scientific studies. The mind-body connection has a pejorative connotation in psychiatry, but in fact, in other systems of medicine, it is a respected aspect of our humanity. Essentially, in many other systems of medicine, practitioners widely acknowledge that the mind and spirit heal the body.

Psilocybin has been studied in terms of its ability to alleviate psychiatric disorders like depression or anxiety associated with cerebral palsy as a disability, but this medicine can also be used by patients to open the mind to other forms of treatment that they may not consciously be aware of when they take the shrooms. Indeed, psilocybin can help cerebral palsy patients access previously untapped resources both internal and external that might be used to alleviate symptoms or get rid of cerebral palsy permanently. 

DMT: Can Cerebral Palsy Be Reversed?

While psilocybin from magic mushrooms has the ability to expand neural networks, DMT is a psychedelic that is produced naturally in the human brain by the pineal gland. Though much of the research into DMT has focused on the its psychedelic effects, recent research has shown that DMT interacts with the S1R receptor which has important immunomodulating effects on the body. Dysfunction of the S1R receptor has been associated with the following neurological diseases and disorders:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

DMT seems to interact with the S1R receptors to regulate intracellular calcium levels which reduces the expression of certain genes that cause pre-programmed brain cell death. Further, DMT modulates inflammation by reducing interleukin-1b, interleukin-6, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, and interleukin-8. It also increases the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 while inhibiting T-Helper Cell Type 1 and T-Helper Cell Type 17 subsets. The S1R receptors play a vital role in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response, including the response to oxidative stress (likely by up-regulating antioxidant production), quinine oxidoreductase 1, and superoxide dismutase (SOD). S1R receptors are also present in microglia, neurons, and astrocytes. They play a role in myelination, synaptogenesis, neuro-regeneration, and neuritic outgrowth. Scientists acknowledge, that given the interaction between DMT and S1R, it seems reasonable to assume (without having evidence to the contrary) that DMT plays a role in all of these processes. 

Click here to buy psilocybin mushrooms for macrodosing. 

One clinical trial examined the use of a selective S1R agonist similar to DMT for the treatment of stroke, a disorder that is similar in some respects to cerebral palsy. This study showed a significant functional recovery in moderately to severely affected stroke patients.

DMT has been shown to reduce ischemic brain injury due to middle cerebral artery occlusion via activity with the S1R receptors. Studies of animal models have shown a reduction in infarct core volume 24 hours after middle cerebral artery occlusion. Additionally, studies have also demonstrated enhanced functional regeneration of affected limbs 30 days after treatment with DMT for middle cerebral  artery occlusion. These studies have results similar to other studies that have demonstrated the cytoprotective effects of DMT against reperfusion injury.  

5-MeO-DMT: Heal from Cerebral Palsy

5-MeO-DMT is a substance that is similar to DMT though they seem to work through different mechanisms of action. It is found in high concentrations in toad secretions. In Mexico, Sapito is the medicinal substance that contains 5-MeO-DMT from the Bufo Alvarius toad though the Incilius alvarius toad (also known as the Colorado River Toad) also secretes 5-MeO-DMT. 

5-MeO-DMT alters the cerebral proteome in favorable ways in regard to neural plasticity and neuroprotection. This substance can induce long-term potentiation, programmed cell death, the maturation of dentritic spines, and T-lymphocyte differentiation. 5-MeO-DMT inhibits factors that can cause neurodegeneration and neural cell death. 

For more information about DMT, 5-MeO-DMT / Sapito, and/or psilocybin educational retreats and events in Mexico for those with cerebral palsy, contact us at [email protected]

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NAD+ as an At-Home Remedy for Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

NAD+, also known as just "NAD", is a nutrient supplement that helps brain cells and other cells in the body recharge electrically (thus the "+" in NAD+). NAD can help repair DNA and increase energy in our cells, which makes it possible for them to heal. Many people with nerve damage or brain damage benefit from NAD+  treatments. Though an IV drip of NAD may not be useful for young children, IV administration of NAD+ is ideal as a treatment for adults to reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy though injections of lower doses of NAD is also something that patients can do at home. There are also IV nasal sprays and patches available online. For cerebral palsy, ideally you should look for a product that delivers 50-500 mg of NAD+ per treatment. The body produces NAD+ naturally if it is given the right tools to do so. Unfortunately Genetically Modified (GMO) staple foods like corn, soy, and wheat no longer contain the raw materials (L-tryptophan, for example) to make it possible to produce plenty of NAD+ every day. For this reason, people with cerebral palsy may find that nutritional supplements may benefit them a great deal in terms of overcoming cerebral palsy without drugs. NAD+ is not really bioavailable so you have to seek out a supplement that the body can convert easily into NAD. Though the best precursor for NAD+ production is NMN, in the United States, it isn't easy to get this supplement (which is readily available in other countries, btw). The next best NAD+ precursor is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), though cerebral palsy patients should also take L-tryptophan as a supplement as well to increase their NAD+ levels.

Click here to buy an NAD+ Precursor Supplement: Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). 

Children with cerebral palsy should be given an NAD+ nasal spray, which is appropriate for all ages (make sure that the spray is calibrated to deliver the proper dose, however, as NAD+ can cause the heart to beat faster when it is given in higher doses). Note that the nasal spray that we link to below delivers a very tiny dose of NAD+ which makes it suitable for children.

Click here to buy NAD+ Nasal Spray. 

UPDATE 2024: Recently, we found a study that discussed the use of several nootropic agents and nutrients to get rid of cerebral palsy symptoms. Oral and intramuscular injections of Citicoline, oral pyritinol, intramuscular piracetam, intramuscular cerebrolysin, and intramuscular nandrolone decanoate were used together to reduce spastic cerebral palsy symptoms by treating brain atrophy. Click here to read more about citicoline for cerebral palsy.

Click here to buy oral Citicoline.


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