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Pregnancy-Friendly Herbs: Taraxacum officinale / Dandelion

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Nov 20, 2023


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Taraxacum officinale / Dandelion Safety During Pregnancy

The common dandelion can be used to cure cancer during pregnancy or just remove gallstones and promote proper digestion and elimination.

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Dandelion, also known as Taraxacum officinale, is an important plant for women during pregnancy. The leaf of the dandelion plant has different medicinal effects than the root of the dandelion plant. As an herb that’s safe for use during pregnancy, dandelion is particularly valuable as a detoxifier that can prevent gallstones, cleanse the liver, support the spleen (a vital organ during pregnancy especially), and generally improve health. 

Lydian took relatively high daily doses of a roasted dandelion root decoction daily throughout her pregnancy to treat a low-level kidney infection. When the ultrasound technician checked her gallbladder for gallstones toward the end of her pregnancy, her gallbladder was completely clear which I attribute to her use of the dandelion root decoction. I also added wild yam to this daily decoction along with calendula though the roasted dandelion root definitely seemed to have the most powerful effects on Lydian’s general health. 

Dandelion Medicinal Effects

Again, the leaf of the dandelion plant and the root have different medicinal effects and are dosed differently during pregnancy. 

  • Diuretic
  • Nutritive
  • Helps raise iron levels in the blood

  • Liver relaxant
  • Cholagogue / Gallbladder tonic
  • Choleretic / Bile Releaser
  • Bitter tonic
  • Supports liver function
  • Gentle laxative
  • Pancreatic
  • Hypoglycemic
  • Splenic
  • Diuretic
  • Anti-rheumatic
  • Anti-cancer
  • Clears liver obstructions and obstruction of the gallbladder and spleen
  • Roasted root gently stimulates the digestive and eliminative organs

Dandelion Root as an Herbal Remedy for Gallstones During Pregnancy

Many women develop gallbladder issues during pregnancy. The liver and the gallbladder work together and during pregnancy, these organs are responsible for balancing reproductive hormone levels. Reproductive hormones are processed via cholesterol which is a component of bile. The bile works as both a detergent that cleanses the digestive system when it is released, but it also works to digest fats and oils, including fat-soluble vitamins. Without proper liver and gallbladder function during pregnancy, fat-soluble vitamin digestion can be compromised which can lead to health problems including birth defects in babies. Dandelion root tea (a decoction) can be used to prevent gallstones during pregnancy, but also to get rid of bile sludge and gallstones.

While the dandelion root works to promote bile flow, which improves digestion overall and supports liver and gallbladder health, this herb also can be used as a gentle laxative during pregnancy to keep the bowels moving. As such, roasted dandelion root is one of the staple herbs that women should have on hand during pregnancy.

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Roasted Dandelion Root: Herbal Remedy for Congestive Jaundice During Pregnancy

Roasted dandelion root is a hepatic and a cholagogue that is helpful in any situation involving inflammation or congestion of the liver or gallbladder. It is one of the most recommended herbal remedies for congestive jaundice during pregnancy because it is safe for use during gestation and it is also one of the most powerful natural treatments for congestive jaundice even in non-pregnant patients. 

Dandelion Leaf: Herbal Remedy for Kidney Infection During Pregnancy

Dandelion leaf is a powerful diuretic that can be used to promote cleansing of the urinary tract. Most diuretics have a medicinal action that stimulates the kidneys via a loss of potassium from the body, but dandelion leaf contains high levels of potassium so potassium depletion doesn’t occur. Thus, it is a balanced herbal remedy for UTI during pregnancy.

Roasted Dandelion Root: Herbal Remedy for Rash During Pregnancy

Many women develop skin issues during pregnancy. A rash is not uncommon, but some women may also develop cysts that represent the body’s effort to rid itself of some toxin or pathogen before labor. A roasted dandelion root decoction is a powerful detoxifier that can be used to cleanse the blood and get rid of a rash by removing the offending agent from the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. 

Roasted Dandelion Root: Herbal Remedy for Cancer During Pregnancy

Taraxacum officinale extracts have been used in both adults and children as an herbal cure for cancer. A roasted dandelion root decoction can be combined with an infusion of Trifolium pratense / Red Clover along with nutrient therapies to treat cancer naturally during pregnancy. Trifolium pratense contains vitamin B17 / amygdalin and it also increases estrogen levels in the body as an herb that prevents miscarriage.

Click here to read more about vitamin B17 as a cure for cancer.

Taraxacum officinale Dosing During Pregnancy

The leaf and root are the medicinal part of the Taraxacum officinale plant. 

Dandelion Leaf Dosing During Pregnancy

Administer a tea / infusion of dandelion leaf at a dose of 4-30 grams daily. Take doses that are higher to treat more severe health problems. For health problems that are less severe, take the lower dose.

Administer a tincture of dandelion leaf at a dose of 2-15 mL daily. 

Roasted Dandelion Root Dosing During Pregnancy

Roasted dandelion root is a powerful medicine. Administer it as a decoction at a dose of 2-24 grams daily by putting the roasted root in water and bringing the water-root mixture to a boil. As soon as it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer for 20 minutes. Allow it to cool and then administer it as a tea.

Administer roasted dandelion root as a tincture at 2-15 mL daily. 

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Guyton, C. (2022). The Herbalists Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Beyond. Aeon Books: India.

Hoffman, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Healing Arts Press: Rochester, VT. 

Menke, K. et al. (2018). Taraxacum officinale extract shows antitumor effects on pediatric cancer cells and enhance mistletoe therapy. Retrieved October 25, 2023 from
Ren, F. et al. (2022), Taraxasterol prompted the anti-tumor effect in mice burden hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating T lymphocytes. Retrieved October 25, 2023 from

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