Alternative Treatments for Cancer and Sezary Syndrome
Recently, I received a message from a client whose husband had mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome. She contacted me after he did 6 chemotherapy treatments and then decided to stop due to the horrible side effects. At the time, her husband was in so much pain that all she cared about was removing the pain. I sent her information about the baking soda protocol, among other things. She put baking soda and coconut oil all over her husband’s body. She didn’t think it would work. Within about 48 hours, his rash had crusted over and started to clear. Though this man had been given just a few weeks to live, the baking soda set them on a new course. Now, nearly a year later, he’s still alive and he’s been doing well, but suddenly, the Sezary syndrome and cancer is back.A friend of this couple recommended the use of nicotine patches to cure cancer. So they gave it a try and to their surprise, the man’s rash cleared up and his creativity came back, though he is still having trouble sleeping. The client sent me a message asking if I knew why the nicotine patches would work in this way.

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Below is the message (names have been changed for anonymity):Dear Sally,
I do have some thoughts on why nicotine might be working for your husband.
The autonomic nervous system consists of 3 branches:
- Sympathetic Nervous System - fight or flight branch
- Parasympathetic Nervous System / Vagus Nerve - rest and digest branch
- Parasympathetic Nervous System / Vagus Nerve- play dead / freeze branch
The autonomic nervous system travels throughout the body. It innervates all organs and all arteries. This nervous system runs primarily off of Acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine activates NICOTINIC receptors.
Nicotine activates nicotinic receptors as well. And as it turns out vitamin B3 / Niacin / Nicotinic Acid / Niacinamide also activates these receptors.

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This is a complicated topic, but I'll be as brief as possible while still giving you some information to get started...
The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is rather like the "Mind-Body" connection in many ways. When it malfunctions, it can cause disease manifestations of all kinds. We store TRAUMA (including medical trauma) in the ANS.
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) innervates EVERY ARTERY IN THE BODY. These nerves tell the arteries whether to relax and dilate or tense up and constrict. When there's a disease or injury in the body, the SNS constricts blood flow to the affect areas to contain them and prevent infection in other parts of the body. But the thing is, let's say Sam has a disease that affects the liver...if that were the case, the SNS might continue to constrict and limit blood flow to the liver even after the disease is resolved ESPECIALLY if Sam were to experience a stressful or traumatic event. Trauma is stored in the body in this way.
It makes sense that Sam is not sleeping well at night. He has been through a major medical trauma so his body is in a hyperaroused, fight-or-flight state. He may find that the transition from waking to sleeping and sleeping to waking is most difficult. During the transition states, he would be in "alpha" brainwave states. In "alpha" the brain allows traumatic memories to seep into the conscious mind. This may look like just odd flashes of meaningless though sometimes scary dream content. It may set him off without him even realizing that these traumatic snippets have entered his consciousness.
Trauma is one of the BIGGEST REASONS why people get stuck in their recovery and can't figure out what's going on. Trauma, when I speak of it, has to do not just with Mind but also Body. Trauma expresses itself as both Mind and Body. So, you have to deal with the mind. Sam might consider starting with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) at home. Below I'll post a link to an online program that's very simple to use...essentially he'll watch a ball move back and forth across the screen. It may not seem like much, but it mimics REM sleep-type processing movements that can release traumatic memories. He may feel really tired after the first time he does it. (Note that it's free for the first 3 days of use). If that works well for him there's a long list of other treatments that can help him release the trauma...this will help him find his creativity again too.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
- DreamLight.app brain entrainment and guided meditation
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Ketamine Therapy
- Neurofeedback (Sens.ai or Mendi are good choices for at home use)
- Stellate Ganglion Block (this a Neural Therapy Treatment -- see below)
- Psilocybin microdosing
- More...

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Both craniosacral therapy and EMDR readjust the position of the cranial bones very gently to release restrictions on the cranial nerves which relaxes the sympathetic nervous system. My experience with craniosacral therapy has been that I often have strong images that pass through my mind which is common. This is trauma. Releasing it is a very gentle process, but people have to go and do it...it's generally hard to confront trauma as it seems like it might be scary. Usually it isn't.In terms of the body part of the Mind-Body Equation, if the SNS cuts off the blood supply to an area of the body, you can go and do Neural Therapy to restore blood flow. Doctors of Neural Therapy are actually trained in conventional medicine, but they're not well known because Neural Therapy is a cure for cancer. This therapy sounds scary (what with the word "neural" and all), but actually, it involves injections of procaine and that's it. So it's minimally invasive. Let me explain though...

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Procaine was the first anesthetic ever developed. When it was first discovered, one group of doctors were like, "Cool! Procaine can be used for surgery to numb parts of the body!" But a second group of doctors noticed something else was happening, namely that when procaine was injected in strategic locations on the body, people were sometimes miraculously cured of diseases PERMANENTLY. I'm able to get procaine in Mexico, so I use a modified form of Neural Therapy on myself and my family to treat pain or tension sometimes. It has been a miracle for me and for my family members. But you might look at doing Neural Therapy perhaps just across the border in Tijuana where it's more affordable though there are Neural Therapists scattered across the U.S.Procaine is quite non-toxic. I know some Neural Therapists use other anesthetics too. Procaine lasts for only 20 minutes or so in terms of numbing. After that though, often pain relief persists for long periods or sometimes permanently. All kinds of diseases can be cured permanently with Neural Therapy It works because the procaine causes the SNS to allow blood flow into areas where blood flow has been constricted due to disease or injury. It resets the autonomic nervous system.
Click here to learn more about the Autonomic Nervous System.
Click here to learn more about natural cures for PTSD.

Nicotine is found in tobacco. Tobacco is considered to be an essential sacred indigenous medicine that has been used by Native Americans, for example, for centuries to promote socialization. Tobacco is what's used in the "peace pipe". Indeed, tobacco switches the body from a state of fight-or-flight or "play dead" into a state of "rest-and-digest". One of the best ways to switch the body from fight-or-flight or play dead into the ideal rest-and-digest state (this is the state our bodies need to be in in order to heal) is to socialize. Tobacco and NICOTINE help the body switch into a state of rest-and-digest.
So, while I wasn't aware of the use of nicotine as a cure for cancer, I am aware of the fact that the rest-and-digest state is essential to overcome disease. Often, people are traumatized these days by their medical care. Your husband was told he was going to die. That's traumatic. But he needs to be able to get into this rest-and digest state to release his trauma. He likely uses his art to do this, but...you can't do art if your body is in a state of fight-or-flight or play dead.
To learn more about the autonomic nervous system and the "play dead" response, consider watching this documentary at this link.
Or click here to read a bit about Resignation Syndrome.
Above I talked about "alpha states"...these are the brainwave states that correspond roughly to "rest-and-digest". Another model of this same theory has been developed by Dr. Naviaux, but he looks at this problem on the cellular level where cells will "close out the world" and go into a dormant state. He works with the drug Suramin as a cure for autistic children.
Click here to buy Quit Smoking Nicotine Patches.
He might be feeling like his body is betraying him, but...this phase in his recovery may not be what it seems to be. His body may literally be recreating the original illness though he may not actually be sick anymore. If Sam is open to doing something like Ayahuasca or mushrooms, that might also be super-helpful in releasing trauma.
I hope this helps you get started toward connecting the dots here on what's happening to Sam...