Lugol's Iodine as a Cure for Reproductive Organ Cancers and Proliferative Diseases Such as Endometriosis or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy / BPH
When I think of Lugol’s iodine or Iodoral, I think of the thyroid gland and the reproductive organs as the parts of the body affected most profoundly by this nutrient-medicine. But it’s impossible to look at glands like the thyroid or the reproductive organs in isolation from the rest of the body. After all, reproductive hormones powerfully impact every part of the body as do thyroid hormones. That explains at least, in part, why Lugol’s iodine has such a profoundly healing effect on the body as a whole. Reproductive organs and the thyroid gland use Lugol’s iodine as their primary source of “food”.Anyone with a disease or disorder involving the reproductive organs who does not take a high dose of Lugol's iodine every day (5 to 50 mg per day) should look at doing the Lugol's Iodine Basic Protocol (which includes a fairly long list of supportive nutrients) to restore properly levels of energy and nutrition to these organs. Lugol's has been scientifically studied and proven to be an important cure for prostate cancer, cancer of the uterus, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), vaginal prolapse (cystocele), and more.
Of course, the scientific literature supports the fact that molecular iodine has multiple and complex actions on many organs, not just the thyroid gland or the reproductive organs. Nutrient forms of iodine such as Lugol’s or Iodoral are oxidized such that they directly neutralize free radicals. That’s a good thing. Free radicals can be damaging to tissues and cells and they can wreak all kinds of havoc in terms of human health. Lugol’s iodine induces the expression of antioxidant enzymes to neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation naturally. And Lugol’s works to maintain stem cells, promote resistance to toxins, and activate cancer cell death as well as the survival of healthy cells. This nutrient modulates the immune system bringing to light to role that iodine deficiency plays in many autoimmune diseases.
But how can one nutrient, iodine, do so many different things throughout the body? It sounds too good to be true, but in reality, the powerful role that iodine plays in promoting reproductive organ health as well as thyroid health explains a lot of the healing effects that it has on the body. If the thyroid gland is ailing or if the reproductive organs are sick and hormone levels are imbalanced, the entire body is negatively affected by this. Reproductive hormones and thyroid hormones are released into the blood supply to travel throughout the entire body. Changes in either reproductive or thyroid hormones levels affects mood, metabolism and general functioning of the body. if the thyroid and reproductive organs are properly charged with plenty iodine, the entire body as well as the mind and mood benefit.
Iodolipids in Human Health
Iodine works with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) to produce human cellular membranes. As one of the most electron-rich atoms in the human diet, iodine works as an electron-donor in biochemical reactions via peroxidase enzymes. Of all of the antioxidants that are common in the human diet, iodine is the most primitive and one of the most powerful.Iodolipids are fatty molecules that contain iodine. As the most “electrical” and “energizing” minerals in the human diet, Lugol’s iodine combined with fatty acids is regarded by some experts as a sort of “lipid language” that helps cells in the body communicate with each other. If the body is iodine deficient, this “lipid language” becomes disrupted which can lead to a wide array of different types of disease processes in part because a lack of iodine causes the body’s electrical system to be disrupted.
Iodine Feeds the Ovaries and Endometrium
When a woman administers Lugol’s iodine to the skin or via drinking water, the iodine is eagerly absorbed by the ovaries as well as the endometrium. Iodine is such an important nutrient for the ovaries and endometrium that a deficiency of iodine often leads to infertility as well as endometriosis or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Indeed, the cure for PCOS is Lugol’s iodine. It is impossible to cure PCOS without iodine which is present in some of the herbal remedies for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.PCOS and endometriosis are related and they often coexist. Indeed, Lugol’s iodine is also a cure for endometriosis. Like PCOS, there are herbal remedies like Vitex Berry or Castor Oil packs that either contain iodine or that contain nutrients that promote iodine absorption. As a general rule, PCOS and endometriosis are always treated with herbs that contain iodine or an iodine supportive nutrient because of the vital role that iodine deficiency (and bromine toxicity) plays in causing endometriosis and PCOS.
Click here to read more about how to use castor oil packs to treat endometriosis and PCOS naturally.
Click here to read more about nutritional supplements like Lugol’s iodine to increase fertility naturally.
Click here to read more about how to douche with Lugol’s iodine as a natural cure for PCOS.
Click here to read more about how to cure endometriosis naturally using Lugol’s iodine.
Iodine as a Natural Cure for Infertility in Both Men and Women
Studies have demonstrated that rates of conception rise significantly when couples (both men and women) take high doses (50 mg per day or more) Lugol’s iodine regularly even in cases of unexplained infertility. Natural cures like Lugol’s iodine, that are simple and relatively straightforward are hard to find in mainstream media. Both men and women who take Lugol’s iodine prior to conception are less likely to experience infertility. As an added bonus, women who take Lugol’s during pregnancy are less likely to have a problematic pregnancy and their baby will be less likely to have developmental issues such as developmental delays, autism, ADHD, and neurological disorders. Babies who are born with plenty of iodine in their bodies are also less likely to die of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) according to scientific research.Click here to read more about natural treatments for infertility.

Iodine as a Cure for Breast Cancer and Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Sodium iodide symporters assist with iodine uptake by tissues located throughout the body. According to studies, the primary organs that use iodide are the following (in descending order in terms of how much iodine / iodide each tissue requires):- Thyroid Gland
- Ovaries
- Uterine Endometrium
- Stomach
- Breasts
Women who are looking for a cure for hard, swollen breast tissue should start with Lugol’s iodine along with the supportive nutrients. Taking Lugol’s and the supportive nutrients to get rid of hard, swollen breasts naturally will also profoundly reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as all reproductive organ cancers, cysts, and benign growths.
Note that as a supportive nutrient, vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7/ MK-7 is also a nutrient cure for breast calcifications. If you’ve had false positive mammogram results due to breast calcifications, vitamin K2 can get rid of these calcifications to put your mind at ease.
Click here to read more about how to get rid of breast calcifications naturally using vitamin K2.
Click here to read more about the Lugol’s Iodine Basic Protocol.
Click here to read more about the use of Lugol’s iodine as a cure for breast cancer and other reproductive organ cancers.
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Lugol’s Iodine as a Cure for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosis in the world, but there are significant differences in the rates of prostate cancer in Japanese vs. American men. In Japan, prostate cancer is an exceptionally rare occurrence. The low rate of prostate cancer in this island nation has been explained by the high iodine content of the diet. In Japan, men consume about 5280 μg of iodine per day while in the U.S., the average iodine consumption levels are at 209 μg on average each day. In other words, men in the U.S. consume about 1/26th the amount of iodine in their diets as Japanese men.Studies into thyroid cancer and breast cancer have demonstrated that iodine induces apoptosis, reduces cellular proliferation, and decreases cellular invasion factors such as uPa, uPAR, and VEGF. Scientists have taken note of this fact as justification for performing studies into Lugol’s iodine as a cure for prostate cancer. Studies have clearly shown that Lugol’s iodine supplementation acts as a powerful, natural anticancer treatment that has no negative impact on healthy tissues. Indeed, outside of conventional medicine, Lugol’s iodine is well-known as a cure for prostate cancer and other reproductive organ cancers.
Lugol’s iodine and supportive nutrients are a natural cure for prostate cancer. I don’t make that claim lightly or flippantly. It’s an incredible tragedy that more men don’t know about Lugol’s iodine as a nutrient cure for prostate cancer because this is a disease that can have devastating effects on men’s lives when they’re still very young. Indeed, prostate cancer is extremely common. If you know that Lugol’s iodine is the most important medicinal substance that you can take to treat prostate cancer naturally, you don’t have to suffer through surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments. Don’t neglect to take the other Lugol’s iodine supportive nutrients as well, many of which have powerful anti-cancer effects to treat prostate cancer naturally.
Scientists acknowledge that there’s a link between thyroid cancer and prostate cancer as well as between thyroid dysfunction and prostate cancer. And anytime we start talking about thyroid gland health, the topmost nutrients involved are Lugol’s iodine and L-Tyrosine. These are the two ingredients that the body uses to produce thyroid hormones. Many people lack these two nutrients in their diets. Taking iodine supplements can be life-changing on many levels.
Click here to read more about how Lugol’s iodine and L-Tyrosine can be used to treat hypothyroidism naturally (as well as hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and other thyroid diseases).
Studies have shown that iodine supplementation suppresses the size and growth of both benign and malignant tumors in reproductive glands such as the prostate, the breast tissues, the uterus, the ovaries, and the thyroid gland. Lugol’s iodine performs this work in part by incorporating itself into iodolipids (also known as iodolactones) which have a natural and powerful anticancer effect on the body.

Lugol’s Iodine as a Cure for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Studies have shown that Lugol’s iodine reduces the size of both malignant and benign prostate tumors.One study has shown that Lugol’s iodine functions as a natural preventative treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) when it is taken as an Iodized Serum Milk Protein at 2.2% iodine. This is a very low dose of iodine but nonetheless, in animal studies of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, even this low dose of iodine was enough to prevent BPH in rats. Indeed, the use of this low-dose iodine milk protein reduced the mass of the prostate by 1.1 to 1.3 times. A higher dose of Lugol’s iodine 2% (50 mg per day or 20 drops) functions as a cure for BPH when administered along with milk protein in part because the milk protein contains some of the supportive nutrients that are required for the production of enzymes that ensure that iodine can be properly used by the body.
A variety of other studies have shown that Lugol’s iodine as a nutrient can get rid of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia naturally and prevent its development in the first place.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!