Iodine Therapy: Basic Protocol
Most people are severely deficient in iodine. If you’re one of those people, your body is thirsty for iodine and you may have a number of serious symptoms of disease or even a diagnosis of more than one serious disease that are actually caused by the deficiency of this vital nutrient. On top of iodine deficiency, your body has become vulnerable to bromide and fluoride exposure which can cause additional symptoms of disease. And while it is often the case that a lack of iodine in the diet is a major reason why people develop iodine deficiency (and bromide and fluoride toxicity), in fact, a deficiency of other nutrients may make it hard for the body to absorb or properly use iodine. If your body is deficient, for example, in manganese (a trace mineral found in sea water and shilajit), it may be nearly impossible for your body to properly use iodine in a productive way. In this discussion, we provide a list of the various nutrients your body needs to support the metabolism of iodine along with details about why your body needs each of these nutrients.The list below contains a lot of supplements. You may want to clear off a table or some shelves to keep those supplements handy for daily administration. It may seem excessive to take this many pills every day, but nutrients are meant to work synergistically with each other. A deficiency of one nutrient can lead to a deficiency of another nutrient. Indeed, too much of a nutrient (like vitamin D or calcium) can also lead to nutrient deficiencies (like iodine or iron deficiency). Though natural foods once contained the perfect synergy of nutrients to feed our bodies, today, GMOs, soil depletion, and food refinement has caused people to develop multiple nutrient deficiencies even as they eat plenty of calories. If you’ve been diagnosed with a serious disease or if you are simply tired of feeling sick and tired all the time, it’s important that you take the full list of nutrients for at least 6 months to ensure that you correct all of the possible deficiencies that might have led to iodine deficiency and the development of symptoms. After the initial 6 months, you can re-evaluate your health situation. But it can take 2-3 months to successfully overcome bromide toxicity along with iodine deficiency. And then you need to allow several months for your body to rebuild itself and restore balance before you change the protocol that we’ve outlined below. Otherwise, you may not ever cross the finish line in terms of restoring your health.
You’ll begin doing Iodine Therapy by taking the supportive nutrients listed below for 2 weeks before you begin taking the Lugol’s iodine. If you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism or autoimmune thyroid disease, begin taking the supportive nutrients listed below for up to 2 months before you begin iodine therapy. This will prime your body to produce the necessary enzymes needed to support iodine metabolism.

How to Do Iodine Therapy
After you’ve taken the supportive nutrients for 2 weeks to 2 months, begin taking Lugol’s iodine 2% at a dose of 1 drop per day. Take this dose for 3 days by putting the 1 drop of Lugol’s in 4 ounces of drinking water. Observe any bromide or fluoride detoxification symptoms. Write these symptoms in a journal so that you can keep track of how these symptoms come and go or change day to day. The journal will help you note how your symptoms have gotten better over the course of time even if you have a day or two here and there where you feel worse than before you started taking iodine.
The experience of going through a bromide detox can be extremely disoriented in the sense that people often feel as though their health is getting worse instead of better. Taking the supportive nutrients for 2 weeks before beginning Iodine Therapy can reduce the odds that you’ll experience bromide detoxification symptoms, but if you do experience bromide detoxification symptoms, write the symptoms in a journal and take special care to note improvements as well as new symptoms that you develop over the course of time.

Click here to buy the Iodine Bible.
After 3 days of taking Lugol’s iodine 2% at a dose of 1 drop per day, you can increase the dose to 2 drops per day for 3 days. Once again, observe your bromide or fluoride detoxification symptoms and write them in your journal.Continue to raise your dose of Lugol’s iodine by 1 drop per day every 3 days as long as you are not experiencing detoxification symptoms from bromide or fluoride. If you begin to experience detoxification symptoms that are difficult to tolerate, you can stop increasing the dose until the detoxification symptoms end, but don’t stop taking the iodine!
The goal is to increase your dose of Lugol’s iodine 2% up to 20 drops per day (50 mg). Some people need a bit more than this dose (up to 100 mg per day). Take the iodine in drinking water or put it on your skin and allow it to soak into the body. At first, take the iodine internally in drinking water to ensure that your body is indeed absorbing it entirely.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Avoiding Toxic Halides
It is vital that you get a filter that removes halogen elements or halides from the water supply. Most water filters do not mention that they can remove fluoride or bromide, but a filter that can remove chloride or chlorine from the water should be able to also remove fluoride or bromide. It is vital that you avoid bathing in or drinking water that contains fluoride or bromide if you wish to heal your body.Also note that bromide and fluoride are found in a number of pharmaceuticals. Click here to read more about drugs that contain bromide. Bromide is also found in many foods and drinks. It is often listed as a BVO or Bromated Vegetable Oil. Drink only bottled water to avoid bromide in soft drinks. Bromide is also found in commercial bread products. It is sprayed on clothing fabrics and on furnishings as a fire retardant. Bromide is found in fire extinguishers. It is an insecticide sprayed on fields and in place of organophosphate insecticides. It is found in some paint products or varnishes.
Do you best to avoid bromide and fluoride exposure, particularly during the early stages of Iodine therapy.

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Why Not Just Take A Multivitamin?
Multivitamins contain the “Recommended Daily Allowance” of nutrients that are established by Big Pharma organizations that work to ensure that the healthcare industry continues to be profitable. There is currently not a multivitamin on the market (at the time of this writing) in the United States that contains anything close to even 1 mg of iodine, for example. Indeed, many multivitamins contain less than 100 mg of selenium which leaves the body starved for this essential thyroid nutrient. The lack of sufficient amounts of nutrients is one of the major problems with multivitamins. People believe that they can take one pill and restore balance to the body, but unfortunately, multivitamins are also sorely deficient in the nutrients that most people need.For example, the vast majority of multivitamins on the market today do not contain any vitamin K2. The ones that do contain vitamin K2 do not contain the MK-7 form, but rather the synthetic MK-4 form, which is relatively inactive and practically useless in the body health-wise. Vitamin K2 / MK-7, methylfolate / vitamin B9, and a number of essential amino acids that were once prolifically available in the food supply have become scarce as a result of Genetically Modified staple foods that no longer contain these nutrients. Click here to read more about GMO foods and the nutrients that are lacking in these foods that cause people to develop specific nutrient deficiencies that masquerade as other types of disease. Without vitamin K2 and the essential amino acids, the body will not be able to produce thyroid hormones, neurotransmitters, and maintain healthy bones, blood, and teeth.
Vitamin K2 / MK-7 has been scientifically proven to cure leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma–bone and blood cancers as well as reproductive organ cancers. That’s why this nutrient is left out of multivitamin formulas. Many multivitamin manufacturers are tied to Big Pharma which means that the multivitamin companies wish to support the profitability of the healthcare industry. Any natural substance such as a nutrient that can cure cancer is damaging to The Cancer Industry. As such, a nutrient like vitamin K2 is left out of multivitamin formulas. Most people don’t know even know that vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient, so multivitamin companies know there’s no need to explain the lack of vitamin K2 in their formulations.
Click here to read more about how vitamin K2 can cure lymphoma, leukemia, and myeloma as well as reproductive organ cancers.

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Vitamin B17 has, perhaps, the most well-documented history as a nutrient that cures cancer and that has been removed from the food supply. In the book, World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin, the entire legal history of vitamin B17 is recounted to give readers a sense of how the government and other entities have worked to keep cancer cures from the public. As a general rule, vitamin B17 should always be included with Iodine therapy as most people are severely deficient and vitamin B17 seems to complement Iodine therapy in important ways. Also, vitamin B17 supplements prevent cancer so most people see the merits of taking this supplement even if it didn’t support Iodine therapy. In reality though, often, people who were deficient in iodine find that vitamin B17 is essential to actually heal the tissues in the body that have been deficient in multiple nutrients for long periods of time.
- Selenium in the selenomethionine form- 200-400 mcg in adults and during pregnancy; 20 mcg in infants and young children below 8 years; 40 mcg in children 9-13 years. YOU MUST TAKE SELENIUM FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS BEFORE BEGINNING IODINE THERAPY. IF YOU HAVE HASHIMOTO’S DISEASE, START TAKING SELENIUM 2 MONTHS BEFORE YOU BEGIN IODINE THERAPY.
- Selenium concentration is higher in the thyroid gland than in any other tissue in the body. Selenium is a component of the enzyme that’s needed to produce the active form of thyroid hormone (T3) from T4.
- Without adequate levels of selenium, T3 cannot be produced in the proper amounts. When this happens, the organs will behave as though they are hyperthyroid though blood tests come back normal.
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7 - 200 to 300 mcg per day for adults; 200-300 mg per day during pregnancy; 50-100 mcg per day in kids.
- Vitamin K2 (MK-7 form) transports calcium from the blood supply to the bone tissues. By keeping calcium out of the bloodstream, the body is able to absorb iodine. High levels of calcium in the bloodstream can cause iodine deficiency by making it hard for the body to absorb iodine. So essentially, a deficiency of vitamin K2 / MK-7 can lead to a deficiency of iodine by causing there to be an overabundance of calcium in the blood supply.
- If you live in an area of the world where it is sometimes hard to get direct exposure to sunlight every day, consider taking a vitamin D3 + K2 supplement in addition to taking the vitamin K2 / MK-7 supplement. A deficiency of vitamin D also negatively impacts thyroid function, though we generally recommend that people get sunlight exposure rather than taking a supplement. Click here to read about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D3 without also supplementing with vitamin K2 to better understand why sunlight exposure is best. Never take more than 5000 IU of vitamin D3 as a supplement.
- Cod Liver Oil Supplement - Administer ½ teaspoon daily for children who are not allergic to seafood. Administer 1 - 2 teaspoons per day to adults and to women during pregnancy as a source of fat-soluble vitamins and Omega-3’s. Click here to read about how cod liver oil and fat-soluble vitamins can help the body heal from autoimmune disease including Hashimoto’s and autoimmune thyroiditis.
- Fat soluble vitamins are needed by the body to convert T4 to T3.
- Vitamin E deficiency can cause hyperthyroidism and secretion of too much Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland.
- Vitamin B2 - 400 mg daily in adults and during pregnancy; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- A deficiency of vitamin B2 significantly diminishes thyroid functioning.
- A lack of vitamin B2 can also lead to poor adrenal gland functioning.
- Vitamin B3 - 500 mg daily in adults and during pregnancy; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- Niacin / vitamin B3 is required for cellular energy and healthy cellular functioning throughout the body. This vitamin is particularly important for those with thyroid disease.
- Vitamin B9 / Methylfolate - 15mg (1500mcg) per day for adults and during pregnancy; 7 mg daily in children
- A deficiency of vitamin B9 significantly affects thyroid functioning.
- Often, vitamin supplements contain the synthetic form of vitamin B9 known as folic acid. Folic acid does not contain a “methyl group” which means that it does not function in the same way in the body as methyl-folate. Methylfolate is the natural form of vitamin B9 that has been removed from the food supply through the creation of GMO plant products. Click here to read more about methylation and how the lack of sufficient vitamin B9 can lead to serious health problems like autism.
- Vitamin B100 - Follow the dosing instructions on the bottle.
- The B vitamins are used to produce neurotransmitters and to work with amino acids that are used in the production of thyroid hormones. Take a vitamin B100 complex supplement to ensure that you have all of the B vitamins. Also take extra supplements with the B vitamins we list above as those are often deficient and they must be present in higher quantities in those who suffer from thyroid dysfunction as well in those who suffer from autoimmune disease.
- Note that vitamin B1 / Thiamine is particularly important if you have hyperthyroidism / an overactive thyroid gland. Take at least 100 mg per day.
- Vitamin B6 / pyridoxine is particularly important for an overactive thyroid gland / hyperthyroidism. Without adequate vitamin B6 the thyroid gland can’t use iodine as a raw material to make thyroid hormones. Take at least 100 mg per day.
- The B vitamins are used to produce neurotransmitters and to work with amino acids that are used in the production of thyroid hormones. Take a vitamin B100 complex supplement to ensure that you have all of the B vitamins. Also take extra supplements with the B vitamins we list above as those are often deficient and they must be present in higher quantities in those who suffer from thyroid dysfunction as well in those who suffer from autoimmune disease.
- Selenium in the selenomethionine form- 200-400 mcg in adults and during pregnancy; 20 mcg in infants and young children below 8 years; 40 mcg in children 9-13 years. YOU MUST TAKE SELENIUM FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS BEFORE BEGINNING IODINE THERAPY. IF YOU HAVE HASHIMOTO’S DISEASE, START TAKING SELENIUM 2 MONTHS BEFORE YOU BEGIN IODINE THERAPY.
- Vitamin B12 injection at a clinic, a vitamin B12 IV in a Myer’s Cocktail at a boutique IV spa, or administer Vitamin B12 topically using DMSO
- A deficiency of vitamin B12 significantly affects thyroid functioning.
- Note that often, people who suffer from thyroid disease, gastrointestinal disease, or people who are over 50 years of age cannot absorb vitamin B12 through the digestive system. Note that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause gastrointestinal disease symptoms. Click here to read more about the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Administer 500 mg topically every three days using vitamin B12 and DMSO. Follow this link to learn how to combine vitamin B12 with DMSO to administer this vitamin topically.
- A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause mental illness, neuralgia, neuritis, or bursitis.
- Vitamin B17 / Amygdalin - Vitamin B17, also known as “amygdalin” is normally found in certain seeds in the diet. Grapeseed extract is one of the best sources of vitamin B17. However, some of the most common fruits that have amygdalin-containing seeds have been hybridized such that they no longer contain seeds (examples: grapes, watermelon). As a result, most people are deficient in vitamin B17 which is a leading cause of cancer. Indeed, vitamin B17 is a cure for cancer as well as a powerful preventative agent against cancer. Click here to read more about vitamin B17 as a cure for cancer.
- Vitamin B17 plays a role in general health. A deficiency leads to degenerative diseases including autoimmune disease.
- Vitamin B17 should be administered as at least 500 mg per day, ideally first thing in the morning at least 30 minutes before breakfast. If you cannot find a vitamin B17 supplement administer Grape Seed Extract at 800 mg per day.
- Magnesium - 800-1200 mg in adults and during pregnancy; 65 mg per day in infants; 350 mg per day in children -- a magnesium oil roller can be applied to the skin or administer magnesium via epsom salts bath once or twice daily in children. In supplements, magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate are the best broad-spectrum usage forms of this mineral.
- Most people who do not take a magnesium supplement are deficient in this mineral.
- Deficiency of magnesium is strongly correlated with hypothyroidism.
- Magnesium is required for the conversion of T4 to T3.
- Vitamin C - 2000-5000 mg/day in adults and during pregnancy; administer 1000-2000 mg vitamin C in children. After you begin taking the iodine, you should take vitamin C 4-6 hours AFTER taking your daily iodine dose.
- Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron.
- A long-standing deficiency of vitamin C can cause hyperthyroidism. In those with hyperthyroidism due to vitamin C deficiency, vitamin C is drained from other areas of the body to feed the thyroid gland which can lead to degeneration of other organs and systems of the body.
- Boron - 3 - 6 mg per day for adults and during pregnancy; administer 1-3 mg boron for children.
- Boron is necessary to feed the parathyroid glands which regulate calcium levels in the blood supply.
- Calcium levels in the blood, in turn, impact the body’s ability to absorb iodine and iron.
- Click here to learn more about boron, the parathyroid glands, and how the body manages calcium.
- Iron (as a Ferrous Gluconate supplement) Administer 48-144 mg/day of ferrous gluconate in adults. Administer 40-64 mg/day in adults over age 52 years. Administer 150 mg daily for pregnant women.In preterm infants (less than 37 weeks gestation) administer 2 mg/kg per day as ferrous gluconate. For an infant 0-6 months old, administer 1.6 to 2.16 mg per day. For an infant 7 to 12 months old, administer56-88 mg per day. For a child 1-3 years of age, administer 32-72 mg per day. For a child 4-8 years of age, administer 32-80 mg per day. For a child 9 to 13 years of age, administer 48-64 mg per day. For a child 14-18 years of age, administer 64-120 mg per day.
- Iron deficiency, thyroid disease, and reproductive organ disease are heavily correlated in the scientific literature. Thus, if you are suffering from any disease related to iodine deficiency (including thyroid disease or reproductive organ disease), it makes sense to also take iron as iron impacts the health of the thyroid gland as well as the reproductive organs.
- Zinc + Copper - 15-30 mg of zinc + 2 mg copper per day for adults and during pregnancy; 1 mg per day in infants; 2-10 mg per day in children
- NOTE: Ideally, in adults, zinc should be taken at a 15 mg dose with 2 mg of copper to prevent the zinc from leaching copper out of the body, but there are no healthy children's supplements that contain copper. The trace mineral supplement below contains copper and is thus very important for kids to prevent copper deficiency while supplementing with zinc. During pregnancy, choose a Zinc (15 mg) / Copper (2 mg) supplement. Note that during pregnancy, you may need to take 30 mg of zinc daily, but DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 2 mg OF COPPER DAILY.
- Pancreatic Enzymes
- NOTE: Women who are pregnant should not take pancreatic enzymes until they reach term as pancreatic enzymes play a role in cervical softening before birth.
- Iodine is used in the production of pancreatic enzymes. As such, an iodine deficiency can lead to a pancreatic enzyme deficiency which can then lead to cancer and/or digestive problems. Iodine deficiency can also lead to the development of diabetes. Take pancreatic enzymes for at least 6 months during the initial stages of Iodine Therapy until your body begins producing pancreatic enzymes normally again.
- Note that many lung diseases like asthma and cystic fibrosis respond remarkably well to Iodine Therapy as a result of pancreatic healing. The pancreatic enzymes play a vital role in lung health. Needless to say pancreatic enzymes can be extremely helpful to anyone who is suffering from a disease related to iodine deficiency.
- Be sure to take protease, lipase, and amylase as well as trypsin and chymotrypsin (which are usually in two separate supplements).
- Click here to read more about iodine as a cure for asthma.
- Click here to read more about the use of pancreatic enzymes as a cure for cancer.
- Trace minerals / Shilajit - 250 mg per day for adults and during pregnancy; 50 mg per day or less in infants; 125 mg per day in children.
- Trace minerals like manganese are essential in the proper use and absorption of iodine in the body. A manganese deficiency, for example looks very similar to an iodine deficiency.
- Trace minerals derived from shilajit and dietary Himalayan sea salt electrifies and energizes the body. These nutrients also play a role in detoxifying cells.
- Himalayan Sea Salt - switching from regular table salt to Himalayan Sea Salt or Celtic Salt in your diet is essential when you begin Iodine therapy. Himalayan Sea Salt contains trace minerals that escort bromide and fluoride out of the body. This type of salt also provides trace minerals and electrolytes which help the body function better overall.
- MSM Salts - MSM salts (not the capsules which are practically inert) are a source of sulfur. Sulfur is essential in the production of healthy melanin in the skin. Melanin is the substance that energetically connects our bodies to the environment. Melanin interacts with the sun to help us establish healthy circadian rhythms so that we can sleep normally and feel wakeful during the daytime hours. MSM salts are vital as a nutrient supplement in an anticancer diet for melanoma and other skin cancers, but they should also be administered as part of for autism diet supplement as well because children with autism are often very pale they suffer from circadian rhythm disturbances.
- L-Tyrosine - 1000 to 2000 mg per day in adults and during pregnancy; administer 500-1000 mg per day in children
- Note that L-Tyrosine is a vital amino acid that must be present in order for the body to make thyroid hormones. The “T” in T3 and T4 stands for “Tyrosine”. The “3” and “4” in “T3” and T4” tells you how many iodine atoms are attached to the tyrosine. T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone. T4 is inactive. Enzymes to remove an iodine from T4 to make it into the active T3 form must be present in the body in order for thyroid hormones to exist in proper proportions. The various nutrients in this list must be present as ingredients that make up these enzymes.
- Amino Acid Supplement - Your liver uses amino acids to build binding agents that will bind to toxins and escort them safely out of the body. A number of serious neurological diseases involve an inability for amino acids to read the brain. Some doctors have successfully used amino acids with DMSO for Down's Syndrome treatment, for example, with some surprising success. Dr. Turkel, the doctor who developed this natural Down Syndrome treatment, tried to get FDA approval, but despite his system's success and safety, it was stonewalled. As such, few parents with children who might benefit from amino acids for Down's syndrome actually become aware of his work. Parents may also be interested in using amino acids for DMSO for autism or other childhood neurological diseases or disorders. Below are amino acids that have been correlated strongly with thyroid functioning. Note that the body can build all amino acids from the “essential” amino acids which is why we recommend using an Essential Amino Acids supplement as a part of the Iodine Therapy protocol. Some of the amino acids listed below are not essential amino acids. Some patients may benefit from taking these non-essential amino acids as supplements.
- Asparagine - Correlated with TSH.
- Serine - Correlated with TSH.
- Valine - Correlated with serum levels of T4 and FT4.
- Leucine - Correlated with serum levels of T4 and FT4.
- Arginine -Correlated with serum levels of T4 and FT4. Arginine deficiency leads to decreased serum levels of T3.

Click here to buy an Essential Amino Acids Supplement.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Calcium supplements can interfere with iodine absorption. Make sure that none of the supplements that you’re taking contain calcium. Instead, eat a lot of green, leafy vegetables to ensure that you get plenty of calcium. Calcium is one of the most prolific nutrients found in natural foods and most people don’t need a calcium supplement anyway.Frankincense, Blue Flag Root, Bladderwrack and Myrrh Essential Oils for Better Iodine Absorption
Frankincense and myrrh essential oils are said to improve iodine absorption and utilization in the body. Myrrh / Commiphora mukul, also known in Ayurvedic medicine as “guggul”, frankincense, Blue Flag (Iris versicolor), and bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) are often used with Lugol’s iodine therapy to synergistically improve thyroid health in those with Hashimoto’s disease or other forms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Some experts have speculated that these herbs contain trace minerals and other nutrients that help in the absorption and assimilation of iodine similar to nutrient therapy.
Click here to buy Myrrh Essential Oil here.
Fucus vesiculosus or bladderwrack increases the production of iodine-processing hormones. Commiphora mukul / myrrh enhances the conversion from inactive T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 form.Iris versicolor is a detoxifying agent that can help remove bromide and fluoride from the body.
Iris versicolor, Frankincense, Commiphora mukul, and Fucus vesiculosus should not be administered during pregnancy.
Click here to read more about frankincense essential oil as a cure for cancer and neurological diseases here.

Click here to buy Frankincense Essential Oil.
Mostly Liquid Lugol's Iodine Protocol for Those Who Can't Take Pills
This protocol was developed for a client who was based in the United Kingdom. As such, the links go to Amazon in the UK. Patients who wish to find similar products can look at the ingredients list and other characteristics of the product-links here to find similar products in their country.Nutrient Supplements (administered as drops in drinking water once daily):
- Selenium as L-selenomethionine - 400 mcg per day
- Zinc as Zinc Sulfate - 15 mg per day
- Vitamin K2 as Menaquinone-7 / MK-7 - 400 mcg per day
- Methylfolate and Methylcobalamin - about 1.7 mg methylfolate and 500 mcg of methylcobalamin daily
- Magnesium - 400 mg per day (note that magnesium drops often contain other nutrients as well - email me the product you intend to buy so that I can make sure that the nutrients list is okay).
- Magnesium MALATE powder - 100 mg per day (increase the dose over time)
- NOTE: the “malate” clears the gallbladder and kidneys and makes them less habitable to parasites.
- Boron - 3-7 mg per day
Nutrient Supplements (administered as a powder in filtered water twice daily)
NOTE: If the patient can’t drink this dose of the nutritional supplement, take the dose that you can tolerate.- Vitamin C powder - 3000 mg per DOSE (2 doses per day)
- Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin - you’ll put the powder in drinking water - start at 100 mg and increase to 150 mg per DOSE (2 doses per day)
- Vitamin B3 / Niacin - you’ll put the powder in drinking water - start at 50 mg per DOSE (2 doses per day) and increase to 200 mg per DOSE
- Himalayan Sea Salt - 1 teaspoon per DOSE (twice daily)
- MSM Salts - 2000 mg / ½ teaspoon per DOSE (twice daily)
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC - 1,200 mg per DOSE (twice daily)
- Pure Stevia - add drops to taste
Lugol’s Iodine
Lugol’s iodine 2% (dose will vary over time) - you won’t begin taking this until you’ve taken the supportive nutrients above for at least 2 weeks. If, after 2 weeks, you try taking Lugol’s and it makes it hard for you to sleep, go another 2 weeks with just the supportive nutrients. It can take up to 2 months of taking just the supportive nutrients to prepare the body for Lugol’s iodine.Nutrient Supplements in pill form:
- Vitamin B100 complex - take 1 per day
- Cod Liver Oil - take 1 per day
Nutrients Administered via the Skin
Administer vitamin B12 three times weekly at a dose of 200 mcg via the skin by mixing it with DMSO: How to administer vitamin B12 powder with DMSO via the skin.Combine the following ingredients and administer this oil mixture once daily to the skin:
Vitamin B17 / Organic, Hexane Free Apricot KERNEL oil that comes in a darkly glass jar. Frankincense Essential Oil Myrrh Essential Oil
Jason Winter’s Tea - drink 1-3 cups per dayDiet:
Add Liquid Aminos to your diet, if possible to get the proper amount and type of amino acids that the body needs in order to build thyroid hormones.
Salt Loading and Salt Flushing to Remove Bromide
Salt loading and salt flushing can be used to remove bromide from the body more quickly and without as many detoxification reaction effects. Salt loading and salt flushing can be extremely useful when a person is suffering from one or more bromide detoxification symptoms that make it hard to function in daily life.Click here to read more about how to do Salt Loading and Salt Flushing.
How to Remove Fluoride from the Body
Fluoride and bromide both cause detoxification reaction symptoms. While salt loading and salt flushing using Himalayan sea salt is the best way to remove bromide without going through a major detoxification reaction, detoxification from fluoride exposure requires a slightly different technique using specific green plants that are high in nutrients.The easiest green plant to find in the United States to remove fluoride from the body is cilantro. Drink 4 ounces of cilantro daily for 14 days before beginning Iodine therapy to remove flouride from the body.
Click here to read more about how to remove fluoride from the body.
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