Fluoride Detoxification
Fluoride exposure is a serious problem. In people who are deficient in iodine (which is most people), fluoride exposure is an even more serious problem. Iodine supplementation with Lugol’s iodine or Iodoral is the most important first step for those who know that they are struggling with fluoride toxicity. And of course, Lugol’s iodine should be administered along with the supportive nutrients that we recommend below. But in addition to Iodine Therapy, fluoride detoxification can be done using a number of tried-and-true formulas that we discuss at the end of this chapter.Below are the supportive nutrients that should be administered with Lugol's iodine for optimal absorption:
- Selenium - 200-400 mcg daily
- Magnesium Glycinate- 400-600 mg per day
- Vitamin B2 - 400 mg daily
- Vitamin B3 - 500 mg daily
- Vitamin B-100 complex - follow the dosage instructions on the bottle
- L-Methylfolate / Vitamin B9 - 15 mg per day
- Grapeseed Extract - 400 mg per day
- Zinc / Copper - 15 mg / 2 mg
- Shilajit / Fulvic / Humic Acid - follow dosing instructions
- Switch from regular “iodized” salt to Himalayan Sea Salt
- Vitamin K2 - Take vitamin K2 / MK-7 form at 200 mcg per day.
When we open a conversation about fluoride, we have to begin by acknowledging that even a small amount of fluoride exposure can cause certain people to develop hypothyroidism, chronic kidney problems, heart issues, or skeletal fluorosis. Even 1 ppm of fluoride in drinking water can cause kidney and bone problems. So, this is our starting block in this discussion about fluoride. Chronic exposure to low doses of fluoride in drinking water or in toothpaste can cause serious health problems that often begin with the bones and kidneys and spiral outward to other organ systems and tissues in the human body.
Fluoride is toxic to the body. It is non-essential to life and as such, if you’re exposed to fluoride, you experience zero benefits with a considerable risk of harm. There is a great deal of propaganda out there about fluoride because fluoride is a byproduct of many industrial processes. Industries have to do the appropriate footwork in order to be able to legally dump fluoride in the water supply, or else they have to pay a high tax. These days the government tends to support industry over the people. So the final result is low taxes for industry with water fluoridation and poor health outcomes for the people.
Fluoride is perhaps best well-known for its poisonous effects on the kidneys and the bone tissues, but it is also a neurotoxin that can cause autism, ADHD, intellectual impairments, and memory problems, while also increasing the odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have indicated that in children, boys tend to be more susceptible to fluoride retention in the body than girls, and, in populations of both boys and girls that have been exposed to high levels of fluoride, the severity of fluorosis tends to be greater in the male gender.
In this discussion, we outline some of the most important diseases and disorders that have been studied in relation to fluoride toxicity, we discuss how to remove fluoride from the body, and the different variables that can impact the fluoride detoxification process.

Fluoride Exposure and Kidney Disease
A number of compelling studies have shown that fluoridation of community water can cause kidney disease. Tubular dysfunction and structural damage of the kidneys as a result of fluoride exposure results in a reduction in the glomerular filtration rate which can lead to fluoride intoxication. These studies suggest that there is a clear-cut cause-and-effect relationship between fluoride exposure and kidney failure.One study that took place in China recently demonstrated that 2.0 mg/L of fluoride in drinking water (roughly half the dose that has been deemed safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) could cause kidney damage in children. This study involved 210 children who had varying levels of fluoride in their drinking water (0.6 - 5.7 ppm). Children with drinking water containing 2 ppm or higher levels of fluoride reliably had biomarkers for renal tubular damage in their lab results.
Note that kidney damage caused by fluoride can impair fluoride detoxification efforts as the kidneys are some of the most important organs of detoxification. A fairly substantial body of scientific literature has shown that patients with chronic renal insufficiency are at a higher risk of developing fluoride toxicity because of their inability to remove fluoride from their bodies safely. Patients who are susceptible to fluoride in low doses at 1 ppm or less in the drinking water may develop skeletal fluorosis in addition to kidney problems because they can’t excrete the fluoride in the urine. The National Kidney Foundation’s “Position Paper on Fluoride (1980)” expresses concern about the possibility of fluoride retention in kidney disease patients. Kidney Health Australia also acknowledges the fact that fluoride retention can be a problem in patients with kidney disease.
Fluoride and Kidney Stones
One study showed that individuals living in areas of the world where fluoride is endemic had an incidence of kidney stones that was 4.6 times higher than that seen in individuals where fluoride is not endemic. The scientists in charge of this study reasoned that fluoride may provoke kidney stone formation by increasing oxalate excretion, through the excretion of insoluble calcium fluoride, and by increasing the oxidative burden in the body. If you have chronic, ongoing problems with kidney stones, fluoride levels in the water may thus play a role in your turmoil.Fluoride and Urinary Tract Damage
The kidneys, bladder, and pineal gland are the soft tissues that are exposed to the highest concentrations of fluoride in the body. As such, scientists have studied how the kidneys, bladder, and pineal gland respond to chronic and acute exposure to fluoride to demonstrate that fluoride exposure can cause a vicious cycle wherein the damaged kidneys accumulate fluoride, causing additional damage to the bones, bladder, the kidneys themselves, and other organs.Even at low levels of fluoride (1 ppm) in drinking water, kidney damage has been reported in animal studies. In humans, kidney damage often co-occurs with skeletal fluorosis. Removal of the fluoride-containing water often results in alleviation of skeletal fluorosis and kidney damage.
Fluoride Exposure and Skeletal Fluorosis
The onset of skeletal fluorosis is something that takes place in a slow and insidious way. Clinical symptoms of skeletal fluorosis are vague and sometimes hard to identify. Nonetheless, studies have shown that the presence of fluoride in the environment doubles the risk of skeletal fluorosis. Though there is a relationship between skeletal fluorosis and kidney disease and though these two disease states often exist contemporaneously, they can manifest separately or one disease state may be present for much longer than the other. Thus, doctors often miss the fact that these two disease states are connected, often via one root cause: fluoride exposure.Fluoride Exposure and Anemia
Scientists have noted that a primary cause of anemia may be fluoride in drinking water. A high intake of fluoride can impede the absorption of iron and other nutrients that contribute to the development of anemia. Also, fluoride exposure has also been shown to cause destruction of the mucous membranes and a loss of microvilli in the intestines which can lead to decreased nutrient absorption as well. With treatment for fluorosis and detoxification from fluoride, the intestinal mucosa can heal and grow back, but it’s important to note that fluoride can cause the kinds of structural changes that, in turn, can lead to anemia.Additionally, fluoride can destroy the bacterial flora of the intestines and destroy the microorganisms that are able to produce vitamin B12, thus leading to vitamin b12 deficiency anemia. A deficiency of vitamin B12 along with a deficiency of folate (which should ideally be supplemented in its methyl-folate form), is essential for the production of hemoglobin. In some cases, anemia develops as a result of the destruction of the gut flora and nutrient deficiencies that occur as a result. And in other cases, both the destruction of the mucous membranes along with the destruction of the bacterial flora can lead to anemia. Read more about the dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency here.
Hyperparathyroidism and Fluoride Exposure
Hyperparathyroidism can be caused by fluoride exposure. Hyperparathyroidism is often misdiagnosed as one of the following:- Osteoporosis
- Osteopenia
- Kidney Stones
- Cardiovascular disease (due to a buildup of calcium in the blood vessels)
Symptoms of hyperparathyroidism include:
- Depression
- Bone pain
- Joint pain
- Forgetfulness
- Fatigue
- Kidney Stones
- Weak bones / bone fractures or soft bones
- Excessive urination
- Nausea
- Heartburn
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
Fluoride Exposure and Dental Staining
Dental fluorosis is a problem in areas where the water is fluoridated, either naturally or intentionally. About 1 in 6 children who are regularly exposed to fluoridated water develop dental fluorosis. Fluoride has been dumped into water supplies throughout the world to make it less expensive for certain industries to produce fluoride as a byproduct. Fluoride is, in fact, bad for teeth despite widespread marketing and propaganda claiming that the opposite is true.In normal, healthy teeth, calcium makes tight magnetic-type bonds with inorganic phosphate / phosphorus. You can imagine, for example, that a calcium ion with a positive charge is attracted strongly to a phosphate ion of a negative charge. These ions of opposite charges easily come together through a magnetic attraction to each other. In fact, the magnetic attraction between calcium and phosphate is very strong and they work together in various contexts throughout the body from bone production to energy production. This magnetic attraction between calcium and phosphate is strong, but it isn’t permanent which is part of the magic of the calcium-phosphate relationship in dental enamel. In fact, the bond between any given pair of calcium or phosphate may be broken through changes in the oral environment. When the bonds are broken, dental cavities or brown staining are the result. But few people know that those calcium-phosphate bonds may be restored in teeth through changes in the oral environment, that is, as long as there is nothing in the mouth that interferes with the crystallization of the calcium with phosphate. As it turns out, fluoride is something that can substitute for phosphate in dental enamel, like a molecular mistress. If fluoride is ever-present in the drinking water or in toothpaste that’s regularly applied to the teeth, it can disrupt the crystallization of calcium and phosphate into strong, tight bonds which eventually results in cavities.
Read more about how to remineralize teeth here.
Normal, healthy teeth are porous with tiny holes that pass from the pulp of the tooth to the mouth and the saliva. These tiny pores allow nutrients like calcium and phosphate to pass through and remineralize areas of the teeth that have been damaged. This is the natural way in which our teeth were designed to function. Fluoride disrupts this process to cause aberrations in the crystalline structure of the enamel. Mercury amalgam fillings also disrupt this process. And vegetable glycerin in toothpastes and food plugs the pores of the teeth making it impossible for nutrients to circulate through the teeth to remineralize them.
The natural physiology of teeth and how teeth are constantly being broken down and then rebuilt is practically unknown throughout medicine and dentistry. However, there are a few scientists who have questioned the status quo, including Dr. Weston Price. The proof that teeth are better cared for using Himalayan sea salt, baking soda, or coconut oil is in looking at cultures where toothpaste is a “luxury item”. People who grow up brushing their teeth with salt or coconut oil have perfect teeth despite having never visited a dentist. I’ve observed this with my own eyes and I’ve remineralized my own dental cavities to find out that indeed, toothpaste, fluoride, and mercury fillings, are categorically bad for dental (and general) health.
Fluoride Exposure and Hypothyroidism
Fluoride was once used as a drug to treat hyperthyroidism because it has such a reliably suppressant effect on thyroid function. Individuals with hypothyroidism are rarely aware of this fact and often upset to find out that their toothpaste and tap water played a role in the evolution of their disease. Fluoride mimics the action of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in the body. High levels of TSH are typically a sign of hypothyroidism while low levels are a sign of hyperthyroidism. When a person is exposed to fluoride the body mistakes it for TSH, which can cause a derangement in thyroid function.Fluoride has a suppressive effect on the thyroid gland. This effect is worse when a person is deficient in iodine. Sodium fluoride (NaF), the substance found in toothpaste, decreases T4, T3, and thyroid hormone-binding globulin levels. Besides the fact that it interferes with iodine absorption and thyroid hormone levels, fluoride also has the ability to cause structural changes to the thyroid follicles. Therefore, people who have been exposed to fluoride should be aware that not only will their bodies have to detoxify fluoride, but that the thyroid gland also has to restructure and heal (patience is a key part of the healing process).
Studies have shown that the use of GABA supplements significantly decreases metabolic toxicity caused by fluoride while restoring a normal microstructure and ultrastructure to the thyroid gland. Individuals who administered iodine along with GABA supplements also were able to increase their Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels, and T3, T4, and thyroid-binding globulin levels.
Though GABA supplementation has been specifically studied in terms of its ability to remove fluoride from the body to treat hypothyroidism naturally, the other fluoride detox strategies that we discuss at the end of this article might also be valuable. GABA is an important part of fluoride detoxification, though, particularly in individuals with thyroid, heart, or liver problems caused by fluoride exposure.
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Fluoride Exposure and Liver Damage
Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) is a liver and thyroid protector that plays an important role in detoxifying from fluoride exposure. GABA supplements are able to prevent metabolic toxicity caused by fluoride exposure. This supplement works by reducing oxidative stress and cellular death while improving nerve function and liver function.GABA reacts with alpha-ketoglutaric acid to make glutamic acid. This essentially reduces blood ammonia levels and promotes the production of urea. GABA also reduces alkaline phosphatase activity, another indicator of healthy liver function (high levels of this enzyme mean that liver function is somehow impaired). Reducing blood levels of ammonia to relieve ammonia toxicity also improves liver function.
Fluoride Exposure, Neurodevelopment, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Studies have shown that fluoride toxicity causes neurodevelopmental issues in children. Of course, there is a relationship between fluoride exposure and Alzheimer’s disease too, and studies have also shown that fluoride exposure can cause pineal gland dysfunction.Fluoride exposure has been linked to higher prevalence of ADHD in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. According to some studies, the connection between exposure to higher doses of fluoride and ADHD is most salient among adolescents with this disorder. Several studies have made the connection between fluoride exposure and ADHD. Exposure to fluoride may have neurotoxic effects that can impact a child’s behavior, mental health, and psychosomatic response, therefore causing symptoms that are related to ADHD diagnosis.
How Much Fluoride Is Too Much?
Scientists who have studied the impact of fluoride on the kidneys and skeletal system note that while ingestion of less than 1-2 ppm of fluoride in drinking water on a chronic basis may or may not have an impact on human health, drinking water is not the only source of fluoride exposure. The actual level of fluoride intake includes not just fluoride in the water supply, but also fluoride in the diet, and in fluoride-containing products such as toothpaste.Patients who have kidney disease or who are at risk of developing kidney disease are more susceptible to lower doses of fluoride in drinking water, food, and products such as toothpaste. Nonetheless, doctors do not generally monitor fluoride intake even in patients with stage 4 or stage 5 kidney disease to make sure that they are not retaining this toxic element in the kidneys or in bone tissue. The safety threshold of fluoride exposure is currently unknown for kidney patients.
Sources of Fluoride Exposure
- Fluoridated Water
- Propane
- Fluoridated Toothpaste
- Fluoride-containing TEAS
- Food
- Food levels of fluoride depend on the following:
- Water used to grow or hydrate the food.
- Soil in which the food was grown.
- Water inside the food.
- Pesticides used on the food.
- Cookware used for cooking the food.
- Food levels of fluoride depend on the following:
- Pharmaceuticals
- About 20-30% of all drugs on the market today contain fluoride including some of the most commonly prescribed statins and antidepressants.
- Many drugs that contain fluoride contain “organofluorines”, or chemical compounds that include both carbon and fluorine atoms.
Fluoride is found in the environment due to agricultural practices and it is a common ingredient in personal care products such as toothpaste, but it is toxic to all organisms from bacteria to humans. As an abundant element that is toxic to organisms and as the most reactive of all the halogen elements, fluoride has a strong negative impact on human health.
Fluoride and pH Levels in the Body
The extent to which fluoride can be absorbed depends on the pH level of the body. In other words, the acid-base balance of the body affects gastric absorption, the distribution of fluoride, and renal excretion of fluoride. A person’s diet strongly influences this acid-base balance and acts to either alkalize or acidify urine.High protein foods such as meat, dairy, and grains produce H+ ions via liver oxidation of sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine. High protein foods tend to be acidifying to the body. When a person eats, for example, a ketogenic diet, or a diet that is very high in proteins and low in carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, the urine becomes more acidic. In contrast, most fruits and vegetables tend to be alkalizing. And they also tend to provide larger quantities of magnesium and potassium. The consumption of mostly fruits and vegetables could thus lead to an increase in urinary pH, or the production of more alkaline urine, which in turn, would decrease the concentration of fluoride in the body.
In the stomach, fluoride absorption is dependent on the acidity of the stomach contents. However, in the small intestine, fluoride absorption is independent of pH. The small intestine is an alkaline environment and fluoride ions cross through the epithelium into the bloodstream via paracellular junction channels between the cells. In the small intestine, fluoride is free to form “insoluble complexes” with other nutrients. Calcium and phosphorus, for example, can bind to fluoride ions to interfere with absorption of fluoride in the small intestine. Boron, in turn, improves elimination of fluoride. Melatonin, magnesium, and selenium have also been shown to reduce the toxic effects of fluoride.
Other Variables Impacting Fluoride Detoxification
The rate at which a person can detoxify from fluoride exposure will depend on several different variables. Of course, diseases and disorders that impact acid-base balance in the body will have an impact on the fluoride detoxification process. Additionally, the following factors will also play a role in the process of fluoride detoxification:- Altitude
- Physical activity
- Circadian rhythms
- Hormone levels
- Hematocrit
- Renal function
- Genetics
- Age
- Duration of Exposure
- Amount of Exposure
- Nutritional status
- Systemic diseases
Typically, the bulk of the fluoride detoxification process will take place over the course of 4-6 weeks, but it could take more or less time depending on the factors listed above.
How to Remove Fluoride from the Body
Detoxifying the body from fluoride can have a life-changing impact on your health. This is a highly reactive element that can impede your body’s ability to absorb and use iodine which means that it can wreak havoc on the thyroid gland, the reproductive organs, and of course, the urinary tract, brain, and bones.General Fluoride Detoxification
Below are some of the best ways to remove fluoride from the body:
- Dry sauna sessions to expel sodium fluoride from fat tissues
- Spend time in the sun (to produce natural vitamin D)
- Take a vitamin K2 + vitamin D3 supplement
- Drink raw, organic, grass-fed milk
- Dried Liver Supplement (from grass-fed cows)
- Eat high calcium foods
- Leafy greens
- Seeds
- Cheese (from grass-fed cows)
- Beta Carotene supplement
- Boron supplement (take 3-6 mg per day)
- Borax Protocol
- Use supplements that are able to safely remove fluoride from the body
- Consume Quelites (high nutrition plants such as cilantro or purslane)
Fluoride Detoxification Protocol Using Borax
Boron reputedly binds to fluoride to remove fluoride safely from the body. Most boron supplements supply 3-9 mg of boron daily, but in the Borax Protocol (utilizing a product such as 20 Mule Team brand borax), you’ll administer borax according to the following schedule:- Start by administer 300 mg of borax daily for 15 days.
- Take 7 days off from treatment.
- Then administer 600 mg of borax daily in drinking water for another 15 days.
- Then take 7 days off from treatment.
- Then administer 900 mg of borax daily for 45 days.
- Take 7 days off from treatment.
- Finally, administer 1100 mg of borax daily for 15 days.
If you’re concerned about taking high-doses of boron or are simply not inclined to ingest borax, consider administering the above doses in a bath soak instead according to the schedule outlined above.
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Fluoride Detoxifications Using Quelites and Nutrient Supplementation
One study, performed in Guanajuato, Mexico, where fluoride levels in the drinking water is high, was able to follow the fluoride detoxification process to show clearly how quickly it was able to remove fluoride from the body. In this study, it took 4-6 weeks for children with brown stained teeth and skeletal fluorosis to dramatically decrease their urinary fluoride levels from 9 mg per gram down to about 0.5 mg per gram. A sharp decrease in urinary fluoride levels occurred at 2 weeks after the beginning of treatment and fluoride levels continued to decline for the duration of the study which ended after 6 weeks of treatment.Children tend to retain about 50% of the fluoride they’re exposed to while adults tend to retain about 36%. As such, detoxifying a child who has been exposed to fluoride would likely take longer than detoxifying an adult.
Quelites are plants that have the ability to bind with fluoride and remove it safely from the body. Quelites are high in nutrients, widely available, and they are affordable. They are also extremely valuable as a natural treatment for fluorosis. Though scientists cited their theory that quelites are plants that contain nutrients that can bind to remove fluoride from the body, the possibility also exists that these plants contain high levels of vitamin K2, a nutrient that has practically disappeared from our diets due to the creation of genetically modified plants (GMOs) that no longer produce this vital nutrient. Vitamin K2 has been noted in scientific studies as a nutrient that can cure leukemia as well as lymphoma, myeloma and other blood and bone-related cancers. Though high calcium levels in nutrient-dense green plants may play a role in removing fluoride safely from the body, "greens" also contain vitamin K2, a bone and blood-building nutrient that we all need in order to be healthy.
Read more about vitamin K2 as a cure for lymphoma, leukemia, and myeloma.
Read more about vitamin K2 as a government-sponsored nutrient deficiency here.
In the study that we noted above, the quelites used by the investigators were:
- Chenopodium berlandieri
- Portulaca oleraceae (Purslane)
Note however that there are many plants that qualify as quelites. Cilantro is perhaps one of the most well-known plants that can remove fluoride as well as heavy metals from the body.
Nutrient Supplements to Detoxify from Fluoride Exposure
Nutrition and nutrient supplements can be extremely beneficial in detoxing from fluoride exposure especially if used in combination with quelites. Specifically, a high-calcium diet can improve the net secretion of fluoride in the digestive system and reduce fluoride absorption overall by the body according to studies. Apparently, the presence of calcium in the diet (as opposed to through supplementation) directly affects fluoride ion absorption in the intestines to increase the elimination of fluoride through the kidneys. Calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin D also play important roles in renal clearance of fluoride. Studies have noted that vitamin D supplements should only be administered in very low doses. These studies have not acknowledged the vital role of vitamin K2 in partnership with vitamin D in the metabolism of calcium in the body. Note that vitamin K2 should always be taken alongside vitamin D to prevent the buildup of calcium in the bloodstream.Read more here about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D without also supplementing with vitamin K2.
Vitamin C plays an important role in controlling oxidative stress in the kidneys during periods of high fluoride excretion.
There are a number of nutrient combinations that scientists have used to successfully overcome fluoride exposure and toxicity. Below are nutrients that have been used by scientists to naturally reduce fluoride levels in the body:
- Calcium
- Iron
- Vitamin C - 2000 to 6000 mg per day
- Vitamin B12
- Methyl-folate
- Antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin A
- Micronutrients
Note that taking calcium on a long-term basis can have a negative impact on human health by preventing the body from being able to absorb iodine. So, if you decide to take calcium supplements do so for only up to 2 weeks and then discontinue the supplement and instead eat high-calcium foods such as leafy greens.
Another nutrient combination that has been used with some success to remove fluoride from the body is:
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
Note that the results of taking these nutrient combinations is not nearly as dramatic as the results of taking quelites for 4-6 weeks, but if you’d like to support your body’s natural detoxification abilities as much as possible, taking nutrient supplements can be beneficial. Note once again that taking vitamin D by itself is not advised and in fact, you should always combine it with vitamin K2. Without vitamin K2 to balance the action of vitamin D, calcium will end up in the blood supply but be unable to find its way to bone tissues. This can lead to atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Taking calcium and vitamin D without vitamin K2 is a recipe for eventual heart attack. Rather, stick to a high calcium diet, regular sunlight exposure and a vitamin K2 supplement at 200 mcg per day.
Other nutrients that have been shown to decrease the absorption of fluoride or enhance the removal process of fluoride include:
- Magnesium Glycinate - 400-600 mg daily
- Selenium 200-400 mcg daily
- Melatonin 5-20 mg daily
- Boron 3-9 mg daily
- Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) - 3000-6000 mg per day
- GABA supplementation has been shown in scientific studies to have a strong fluoride detoxification effect on the body that specifically benefits the liver, kidneys, brain, and heart.
- Quercetin -
- Quercetin reduces lipid peroxidation immediately after being exposed to fluoride due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in this molecule.
Don’t forget to take a 3-9 mg boron supplement daily if you are not doing the borax protocol to detox from fluoride. A boron supplement should be included with any fluoride detoxification protocol because of boron’s ability to safely escort fluoride out of the body.
How Long Does It Take to Remove Fluoride from the Body?
In the study involving quelites plants, children went from having high levels of fluoride (fluorosis) to very low levels of fluoride in the urine within 6 weeks of treatment. The biggest drop in fluoride levels happened in the first 2 weeks of treatment.
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