Introduction to Herbal Cures for Diabetes
Studying the herbal remedies for diabetes is illuminating particularly if you look at herbs as sentient beings with personalities and, in some cases, as a gift of healing for human beings. Herbs rarely, if ever, have a single mechanism of action as pharmaceutical drugs are meant to. Rather, they each have a medicinal profile wherein they aim their medicinal action toward specific disease clusters. For example, a number of the diabetes herbs in the list below treat not only high blood sugar but also high blood pressure. Many of them treat diabetic neuropathy as well as high blood sugar. Other herbs, in turn, are calibrated to treat diabetic eczema naturally while simultaneously decreasing the activity of alpha-amylase.Lydian and I work with a lot of people who are extremely open-minded about alternative medicines for diabetes, but most of our clients don’t know where to start with herbalism. The wide spectrum of action that herbs have on the body is confusing to a lot of people. An herb that cures cancer and diabetes seems too good to be true. Human belief, as such, gets in the way of the realities of human biology. The reality of our biology is that a change in one aspect of our body’s functioning alters other aspects of the body’s functioning in unexpected ways. You can take a prescription drug for high blood pressure, but it will damage your digestive system. You can take a drug for hypothyroidism, but it will damage your reproductive organs. Big Pharma notes these collateral damages by referring to them as “side effects” or sometimes “adverse events”. We’ve been taught not to read the fine print or to believe that side effects and adverse events only happen to a proportion of people; a group that will never include us–until it does.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine receives respect from a lot of people that we work with, but like North American and European herbal traditions, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are mysterious. Americans, Canadians, and Europeans have been taught to believe a system of medicine that is soulless and devoid of any kind of connection to spirit or even energy. What we believe to be true about the microcosm of our bodies is something that we unconsciously expand into a macrocosmic view of the Universe. It is for this reason that many of our clients are open to diet changes, nutritional supplements, and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, but not herbal therapies or energy medicines. Herbal remedies are perceived as weak, even though the substances they contain are the origin for most of the pharmaceuticals on the market. Herbal medicines that are perceived as “too weak” are simultaneously regarded as too dangerous because they are not “standardized” in terms of the amount of medicinal substances that each plant contains. But while you might regard this problem as unresolvable according to the American Medical Association’s model of medicine, in fact, the lack of standardization creates an opportunity for an herbal remedy to tailor itself to a specific human’s needs. Plants, after all, are sentient beings. They’re not human, but just because a thing is not human does not imply that it has no consciousness, will, or determination.
Herbs grow out of the earth. They are carbon-based life forms. Humans are also carbon-based life-forms. Both plants and our human bodies were specifically calibrated to survive on this planet, earth. So herbs and humans have this in common with each other. No one can argue with the fact that plants serve a purpose in terms of the human diet. Without plants, animals couldn’t survive. For people who eat a ketogenic diet with few plants in it, plants are still important to feed the animals and most who follow a keto diet know that a cow that ate grass will be healthier than a cow that ate corn. So while the average American or European can accept the idea that diet, specifically the diet of plant-foods, plays a vital role in health, few Americans or Europeans realize that even animals self-medicate with herbs in their environment.
Indeed, a number of important herbal remedies like the Hoxsey Tonic (a powerful herbal cancer cure) were discovered by watching animals self-medicate using herbs available in their environment to cure serious diseases. Even as I write this, I’m working on creating a small herb garden for a group of traumatized kittens so they can self-medicate using cat-safe plants because this is natural and less dangerous than taking these kittens to the vet for their physical ailments.
Several years ago, a shaman I worked with in Mexico told Lydian and I that we would work closely with plants and educate other people about them. At the time, I doubted this very much. She said that we’d protect the earth. I doubted this too. But I’d only just recently taken Ayahuasca (that had been spiked with a bit of peyote) to discover that plants can, indeed, talk with great clarity in English, no less (with subtitles). I hadn’t fully processed the experience and I didn’t understand that all plants can communicate with humans.

Please click here to buy Pueraria lobata / Kudzu extract.
The sacred indigenous medicine are the First Healers who taught humans who to use medicinal plants. There are entheogens native to every continent to help people learn how to use plants as medicines for those who wish to know.Herbalism certainly seemed mysterious to me until I took Ayahuasca, Peyote, Ritual Tobacco and Magic Mushrooms. Until I could see plants are conscious beings with personalities and a particular vocation, herbalism didn’t make sense to me. Plants have souls and they abide by the law of attraction. They are not just a collection of medicinal substances that are waiting to be harvested and then extracted for use as separate parts. Plants are whole beings that are meant to be used with respect for their wisdom.
Some of the most important medicinal plants on the planet right now are regarded as noxious weeds. For example, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) plants that grow in American lawns are sprayed, despite the fact that the roots and leaves have powerful medicinal properties that can be exploited for free by most people to cure digestive problems, gallbladder issues, urinary tract issues, liver ailments, and more. Red clover / Trifolium pratense is one of the most powerful cancer cures in the world that grows wild, fertilizing land that has been debilitated by other crops. Like dandelions, red clover is often sprayed with toxic herbicides that cause cancer, autism, and other diseases that these plants work to cure and prevent. Kudzu / Pueraria lobata is a weed that has practically overtaken the American south, but as a cure for alcoholism, addiction, diabetes, and cancer, it deserves respect. Indeed, given the epidemic of cancer, addiction, digestive problems, and diabetes, one might argue that these herbs grow wild and out of control in part because humanity needs them so desperately in order to heal.
The thing that becomes abundantly clear, as one reads about just a few of the herbs that can be used to control diabetes naturally, is that the pancreas may not be the primary organ involved in this disease. Rather, it seems that the liver or the gallbladder play a starring role in diabetes. Bile, you see, is a signaling molecule that regulates genes through its interaction with the Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR). When FXR is activated in diabetic mice, for example, blood sugar levels magically improve along with insulin sensitivity. When FXR is inactivated, blood sugar levels rise and insulin sensitivity is reduced.
FXR regulates many genes in the body, switching them on or off depending on certain conditions in the body, in particular the presence or absence of bile acids. Indeed, bile acids, which come from cholesterol and which, in fact, play a powerful regulatory role over cholesterol levels and blood lipid levels in the body, might be regarded as hormones rather than merely as digestive enzymes.

Please click here to buy Red Clover / Trifolium pratense extract.
There are many blind corners, and dark alleys in the portrayal of diabetes that we’ve all become so familiar with as patients or healers. Liver congestion, gallstones, and poor bile production might clog up the ducts that are common to the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas such that pancreatic enzymes get backed up. If the congestion is bad enough, the pancreatic enzymes might end up pooling in the pancreas such that pancreatic tissues begin to self-digest. Opening up the liver and the gallbladder using something like the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse or coffee enemas can have a strong impact on the course of the disease.Diabetics who are struggling to get their cholesterol levels under control might be surprised to learn that vitamin D is made from cholesterol. Though it is common knowledge that vitamin D is produced naturally by the skin when the skin is exposed to sunlight, few people realize that radiation from sunlight literally cleaves cholesterol into vitamin D, reducing cholesterol levels in the process. We’ve been taught to fear the sun and to believe that sunlight causes cancer, but in fact, sunscreen ingredients cause cancer and sunlight can be used to cure health problems like high cholesterol. Indeed, sunlight exposure can be used to cure diseases like melanoma (my husband sat in the sun for an hour daily as part of the cure for his melanoma) and diabetes, a disease that begins in the digestive system to impact the entire body.
A key facet to conversations about sunlight exposure is that healthy fats and oils like those that are found in the Budwig Smoothie are absolutely required in order for our bodies to properly use sunlight. When we have plenty of healthy fats and oils in our diets, our bodies produce vitamin D to reduce cholesterol levels, and our cells are energized by photons of light when we’re exposed to the full-spectrum light of the sun.
Sunlight exposure, via its effects on gallstone production and liver function, can have a positive impact on diabetes. Plant-based oils like those from the flax plant, have a healing impact on the body in terms of all disease processes. All of our human cells, after all, have a lipid membrane that’s electrical (as fats and oils are inherently electrical in nature) and that’s designed to be able to communicate with other human cells. The electricity of the human cell membrane might be regarded as chi or prana or merely as electricity, but no matter how you choose to view this electricity that’s produced by cells to communicate with and influence other cells, the fact is, heated, unhealthy oils diminish this electricity. Our cells need living oils. But heated oils or oils that are stored in transparent plastic bottles have a devastating effect on human health. Most of the oils in the American and European diet have been exposed to light that cleaves their molecules into unhealthy forms that our bodies can’t properly use.

Please click here to buy Dandelion Root Extract / Taraxacum officinale.
Diabetics who are committed to overcoming their disease, should begin by doing three Hulda Clark Liver Cleanses. Do one cleanse once every 2 weeks. Also commit to drinking the Budwig Smoothie at least 3 times per day while avoiding all heated oils and all oils that are stored in transparent glass or plastic containers. Avoid all refined sugars.Herbal remedies for diabetes will be able to work more fluently with your body if you consume healthy oils and spurn unhealthy heated oils and oils that have been exposed to light. Opening up your liver, gallbladder, pancreatic ducts by doing the Hulda Clark cleanse will open up an opportunity for your body to respond properly to the herbal medicines that we describe on this website.
Herbal remedies for diabetes tend to aim toward specific patient profiles and it’s wise to choose an herbal remedy or a combination treatment for diabetes that hits the target in terms of your specific symptoms. Herbs are designed to treat more than one symptom of disease at a time. That being said though, do your research before combining herbs because many of these herbal diabetes remedies are powerful and some of them don’t work well together. On the other hand, we’ve noted several powerful herbal combination treatments for diabetes that have been scientifically studied.

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