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Herbal Remedy for Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Wounds, and Diabetic Foot: Juglans regia / Walnut Tree

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Apr 17, 2023


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Walnut tree extract has some unique antidiabetic effects on the body. While it lowers blood sugar levels, it also opens microcirculation to improve diabetic wound healing, prevent and treat diabetic retinopathy naturally, and cure diabetic foot or diabetic wounds that are slow to heal.

The Herb That Treats Diabetic Nerve Damage and Microcirculation Issues: Juglans regia / Walnut Tree Extract

The leaves of Juglans regia, or the walnut tree, contain phenolic acids and flavonoids like quercetin that inhibit low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. Flavonoids in walnut tree leaves have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels naturally by increasing insulin secretion and inhibiting sorbitol accumulation in the body, but some studies into the blood-sugar lowering effects of walnut leaf extracts have not been so impressive. Though Juglans regia has scored relatively high in terms of its ability to reduce weight and lower blood pressure naturally, research has not provided compelling evidence that this antidiabetic herb is able to reliably lower blood sugar levels. However, it can be used in a combination herbal remedy for diabetes.  Despite the fact that Juglans regia research has shown conflicting results in terms of lowering blood sugar levels in patients to cure diabetes, this herb can be used topically to treat diabetic wounds naturally. As a powerful antioxidant that improves the microcirculation in the body, Juglans regia can improve diabetic wound healing, prevent diabetic retinopathy, and also function as an herbal remedy for diabetic foot. Juglans regia is a scientifically proven herbal remedy for diabetic neuropathy. And though a few outlying studies have shown that this herb doesn’t significantly reduce blood sugar levels, a large number of studies contradict these results. In either case, this herb has been proven as a microcirculation booster that can prevent diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, and some of the other most serious diabetes symptoms and effects. This herb is an important adjunct therapy for diabetes that prevents some of the negative side effects of this disease, namely tissue degradation in the feet, in the eyes, neuropathy, and wounds that heal poorly. Juglans regia keeps cholesterol levels low and it lowers high blood pressure. Most studies also indicate that it lowers blood sugar levels as well. 

What is Octodrine?

Note that Big Pharma has produced a synthetic version of a component in Juglans regia. This component, known as DMHA, was developed as a nasal spray, known as octodrine. This synthetic DMHA is cheaper to produce than Juglans regia. It is also chemically very different from the DMHA in Juglans regia:
  • 2-amino-5-methylheptane – natural
  • 2-amino-6-methylheptane – synthetic

Octodrine is a central nervous system stimulant that was crafted from the natural form of DMHA found in Juglans regia, but DMHA does not behave like the whole walnut leaf in the body. The whole walnut leaf, after all, contains a number of substances. Also, natural DMHA is chemically different than synthetic DMHA. Nonetheless, for readers who are familiar with the politics surrounding natural herbal derivatives that have been made into synthetic, for-profit medicinals, it’s important to note that walnut leaf was singled out to be exploited for profit. When plants are singled out in this way, research becomes focused on sales, on discrediting the use of whole plant materials that are widely available to the masses, and “research” is no longer aimed at the importance of proving or disproving scientific facts. 

In short, the existence of Octodrine might explain why some studies have shown that Juglans regia, as a whole plant, doesn’t work to cure diabetes. Research around this plant has been politicized to support Big Pharma and its efforts to turn a profit. 

Juglans regia: Herbal Remedy for Diabetic Wounds

Juglans regia increases antioxidant levels in the spaces between cells. This means that walnut leaf extracts prevent free radical damage to cells and tissues. By diminishing the free radical damage by neutralizing them with heavy-duty antioxidants, tissues that might degenerate or that might have trouble healing after a minor wound are less likely to fester.  Juglans regia also prevents capillaries from breaking to maintain microcirculation in diabetic patients. It can be administered both topically and internally for best results as an herbal remedy for diabetic wounds.

Juglans regia: Herbal Remedy for Diabetic Retinopathy

Once scientists realized that Juglans regia / walnut leaf extracts were able to maintain microcirculation, new studies were designed to test whether this herb could prevent diabetic retinopathy naturally. Research also looked at Juglans regia as a potential herbal remedy for diabetic retinopathy. 

In scientific studies, walnut leaf extract significantly slowed degeneration of the retina in diabetic retinopathy. Lipid peroxidation levels and catalase activity also improved. These diabetic retinopathy studies also demonstrated that blood sugar levels were lowered by Juglans regia as well. Treatment with Juglans regia as an herbal cure for diabetic retinopathy involved oral dosing with alcohol extracts.

Juglans regia: Herbal Remedy for Diabetic Neuropathy

Scientific studies have shown that diabetic neuropathy is caused by the production of free radicals. Juglans regia / walnut leaf, is rich in phenolic compounds that have hypoglycemic and antioxidant properties. At a dose of 200 mg per kilogram of body weight, degeneration of the sciatic nerve was significantly reduced in studies evaluating Juglans regia as an herbal neuropathy treatment. The herb worked as both a natural pain reliever and also as a medicine that stops nerve degeneration. These studies also demonstrated that walnut leaf was able to reduce blood sugar levels naturally. 

Juglans regia: Herbal Remedy for High Cholesterol, High Triglyceride Levels, and High Blood Pressure in the Body

Juglans regia / walnut leaf extract can be used to improve blood flow throughout the body while normalizing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Walnut leaf extracts can be used to reduce weight and lower blood pressure in diabetics as well. 

Juglans regia to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

As we discussed above, though some studies have shown that walnut leaf extract was not able to lower blood glucose levels, a large number of them contradict these results. Juglans regia derivatives have been isolated in labs and rebuilt into synthetic, profit-producing versions for sale in pharmacies, so it’s important for readers to keep this in mind when they read the scientific literature about this plant. 

As an antidiabetic blood sugar lowering herb, Juglans regia has a lot of other things going for it that are worth noting. It’s one of few herbs that work directly with opening microcirculation in the body. Indeed, its DMHA content, the natural substance that was harvested from Juglans regia and reconfigured into a synthetic molecule, is likely at work in opening blood vessels by altering the function noradrenaline in the sympathetic nervous system. But as a whole plant, Juglans regia is far less dangerous than a synthetic stand-alone chemical like Octodrine. The other substances in Juglans regia modulate the blood-vessel-opening effects of this herb to provide diabetics with an ideal herbal remedy for diabetic tissue damage.

Juglans regia Dosage as an Alternative treatment for Diabetes

Walnut tree leaves are typically administered at 1-2 grams per day to cure diabetes and relieve the symptoms of this disease, however, in scientific studies, animal models have been given up to 200 mg per kilogram of body weight to treat microcirculation-related disorders like diabetic neuropathy, diabetic wounds, and diabetic neuropathy. Take 30 drops daily (15 drops twice a day) as a tincture.

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Natural Remedies (2016). Walnut Tree Leaves Regulate Glycemic Levels. Retrieved March 29, 2023 from

Rabiei, K. et al. (2018). Effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of Juglans regia (walnut) leaves on blood glucose and major cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from

Uslu, G. A. (2019). Evaluating the effects of Juglans regia L. extract on hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity in experimental type 2 diabetes in rat. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from

Nasiry, D. et al. (2022). Topical administration of Juglans regia L. leaf extract accelerates diabetic wound healing. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from

Nasiry, D. et al. (2017). Therapeutic potential of Juglans regia L. leaf extract against diabetic retinopathy in rat. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from
Nasiry, D. et al. (2017). Protective effects of methanolic extract of Juglans regia L. leaf on streptozotocin-induced diabetic peripheral neuropathy in rats. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from

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