Blueberry / Cranberry Natural UTI Cure While Pregnant
Lydian had no problem becoming pregnant. She’d given herself 3-6 months of “trying” to get pregnant before allowing herself to worry about fertility. She’d heard a lot of my stories regarding the difficulties I’d had while trying to conceive when I was her age so she’d prepared herself emotionally for this part of the process. But Lydi really didn’t have to “try” at all to become pregnant. The moment she and her husband stopped using contraception, they conceived a baby.I wasn’t surprised by this given that Lydian takes Lugol’s iodine every day and various other nutrient supplements. What did surprise me though, was that she developed a kidney infection at about 16 weeks gestation. We had gone to Mexico City to visit a group of midwives and an OB/GYN there and shortly after the trip home (wherein, Lydian had held her pee for over two hours), Lydi started feeling unwell. She went to a lab and found out that indeed, she had a kidney infection but she didn’t want to take antibiotics. I agreed with this sentiment since a lot of the antibiotics prescribed during pregnancy are not as safe as doctors would have patients believe. So we went to work on the problem immediately with hourly doses of Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). This seemed prudent as both Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO are safe for use during pregnancy and both are powerful antibiotic medicines that are able to naturally treat urinary infection. UPDATE 2023: Click here to read more about an herbal remedy for urinary tract infection during pregnancy.

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution for Kidney Infection While Pregnant
Unfortunately though, because her kidneys were struggling to keep up with the toxic load of getting rid of infection, Chlorine Dioxide Solution increased her kidney pain. So we backed off on her Chlorine Dioxide dose and she increased her daily dosing of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). But for some reason, this treatment protocol simply didn’t work. Lydian didn’t get worse, but she also didn’t get better.Each night, as I was falling asleep, I’d see different presentations of blueberries in bright flashes. I felt like this was, perhaps, an allusion to cranberries. So I found a cranberry supplement and gave it to Lydian, but to no avail. The cranberry supplement did nothing.
It had been a week since the kidney infection started and I’d been hastily ordering the “safe during pregnancy herbs” that I already knew about. I’d gathered a scant few herbs from my cupboard that I already had in my possession (thankfully). But this was scary. The kidneys are important in pregnancy. They grow by 1 to 1.5 centimeters during pregnancy to accommodate the extra stress on these organs. Kidney problems during pregnancy have associations with both gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. I meditated on these fearful facts as I tried to gather together herbal remedies for kidney infection as quickly as possible.
Dismayed at the fact that the cranberry supplement didn’t work, I gave up on the berries I’d seen in my nightly visions in favor of working with herbs. Chlorine Dioxide Solution, for some reason, didn’t seem to be working. Dimethylsulfoxide also didn’t seem to be working against this gestational kidney infection.
I felt like I was missing something. Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO were powerful antibiotic agents that both are able to target the kidneys and the other organs like the liver. So why weren’t they working? I knew that Lydi had a gallbladder situation happening and I knew that could potentially push pancreatic enzymes back into the pancreas to kill the beta cells that produce insulin. And I knew that a mere gallstone or bile sludge could cause this problem and create a problem with high blood sugar during pregnancy. I thought perhaps her kidney infection was, in fact, coming from issues related to her gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. I put together a group of herbs to treat both gallstones and bile sludge as well as kidney infection.
Lydi dutifully drank this concoction daily though it was bitter and rather thick. But still, her kidney infection persisted. Again, I felt like I was missing some important piece. I knew that the ureters that connect her bladder to her kidneys were likely dilated due to the presence of extra progesterone in the body. And I knew that, as a result, urine in the bladder could back up into the kidneys. Normally, urine in the bladder is sterile, but somehow, despite this, urine backflow into the kidneys could cause a kidney infection. What was I missing?
A Bladder Reservoir and Double Voiding: Cure Kidney Infection While Pregnant
Again, at night, I fell asleep to a series of images of blueberries. And then, it finally occurred to me–Lydian had a “reservoir” in her bladder. The baby and her uterus were pushing on her bladder in such a way that when she peed, not all of the urine came out. Some of the urine was still in the bladder and once she’d peed, that leftover urine had been exposed to bacteria from the outside world. This urine in the reservoir, then built up bacteria. And when the urine backed up into the kidneys, even just one time or perhaps frequently each day, the kidneys would become reinfected. This explained why the Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Dimethylsulfoxide didn’t work to treat the kidney infection. It was because Lydi was being constantly re-exposed to bacteria each time she peed, but failed to empty out her bladder completely.When a woman becomes pregnant, the uterus grows and her organs move out of their original positions. The feelings that she normally uses to tell herself that she’s hungry or that she needs to pee, can get hijacked by the change in position of her various organs. So a bladder reservoir is common during pregnancy. In order to treat a kidney infection while pregnant, a woman must be certain that her bladder empties completely each time she pees. This is also true, of course if you want to treat bladder infection at home during pregnancy too. The process of peeing and then standing up, moving around a bit, and then trying to pee again immediately after finishing an initial pee is called “double voiding”.
How to Get Rid of Kidney Infection While Pregnant
All pregnant women should be taught to double void once they enter their second trimester. Though some women may not need to do double voiding to prevent kidney infection during pregnancy, a simple reminder that such a process exists as a natural treatment for kidney infection can save women and their babies a lot of woe.After a month of struggling with a kidney infection that was unresponsive to even the “big guns” (Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Dimethylsulfoxide), we tried a new strategy. We used a gentle treatment (2-3 cups per day of blueberry juice and cranberry juice) plus double-voiding. This was the magic ticket. Lydi started to notice progress right away. Her skin cleared up, her energy came back, and her back pain went away.
Lakewood Organic Cranberry Juice, 32 Fl Oz
Blueberries and Double Voiding: Prevent Kidney Infection During Pregnancy
After working with a long list of herbs, I was shocked to see how quickly blueberry juice and cranberry juice (no sugar added), worked to cure a kidney infection during pregnancy. Of course, the key was double-voiding. Peeing and then getting up, moving around to get the urine trapped in the reservoir to move toward the urethra, and then peeing again—also known as “double voiding”, was the thing that really helped us turn a corner.This revelation was spectacular and I wish all pregnant women knew how to treat a kidney infection at home naturally. How often does a kidney infection during pregnancy evolve into preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, or other serious health issues? It’s such a simple thing to do double voiding to prevent the pain,stress, and fear of having a kidney infection during pregnancy. But it’s a very rare thing for a doctor to talk to their patient about double-voiding to prevent kidney infection during pregnancy.
How Much Blueberry Juice to Drink as an At-Home Treatment for Kidney Infection During Pregnancy?
Here in Mexico, it isn’t easy to get cranberry juice all the time. So we ended up with products that contained mostly blueberry juice with just a bit of cranberry juice. And this worked very well actually. These products were medicinal and created specifically to treat urinary tract infections during pregnancy or convalescence. In the States and in other areas of the world, it’s important to look for a cranberry or blueberry juice product that is sugar free. Sugar, after all, can feed bacteria which is the opposite of what you’d want to do when you have a kidney infection. That being said, however, if you can’t find a totally unsweetened cranberry juice or blueberry juice product, choose a product that contains a natural sugar and not a sugar substitute at the very least. Agave nectar, evaporated cane juice, raw honey, or even brown rice syrup would be better than corn syrup, refined sugars, or a sugar substitute if you wish to treat a kidney infection without antibiotics during pregnancy.Antibiotic Alternatives for UTI During Pregnancy
There are a number of antibiotic alternatives for UTI that are safe for use during pregnancy. I mentioned Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO above. Probably, if Lydi had used double voiding with Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO treatment, she would’ve been successful at getting rid of the infection. But, as it turned out, it wasn’t necessary to use Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO. Rather, a simple food-medicine was all we needed once we recognized that there was a physical issue (a bladder reservoir) causing the kidney infection in the first place. Once Lydi started drinking blueberry/cranberry juice and double-voiding to treat kidney infection symptoms, the symptoms were gone within 3 days. However, I do want to mention D-Mannose powder, a sugar that prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder. D-Mannose is safe for use during pregnancy and it can taken throughout pregnancy to prevent UTI. In my experience it works best to prevent infection. Once an infection occurs, it's often necessary to use more powerful antibiotics like Chlorine Dioxide Solution, cranberry, or blueberry juice.Naturally Prevent Kidney Infection During Pregnancy
Women who have kidney infections during previous pregnancies should start their gestation with daily doses of cranberry / blueberry juice. I recall from my work in nursing homes that patients who were prone to developing urinary tract infections would be given a prophylactic dose of cranberry juice every day. Just a half of a cup of cranberry juice was all it took to prevent urinary tract infection even in convalescent seniors with catheters. A woman who has suffered through the fear and pain of a kidney infection in previous pregnancies should begin a second pregnancy with a reminder to do double voiding starting in the second trimester and make a point to drink a cup of cranberry or blueberry juice each day.
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