Coenzyme Q10 as a Natural Treatment for Threatened Miscarriage
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We’ve already talked about the use of Coenzyme Q10 as nutrient that prevents preeclampsia. Indeed, we’ve even discussed why Coenzyme Q10 would work to prevent and treat preeclampsia naturally. But now, we need to talk about this nutrient in terms of threatened miscarriage and how Coenzyme Q10 along with the other Shikimate Pathway nutrients can help reduce the odds of having a miscarriage and possibly also stop a threatened miscarriage from happening.Recently, a study in the journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology showed that coenzyme Q10 has a positive impact on egg quality and embryo quality. The study focused on women with poor ovarian reserve and poor response to ovarian stimulation. In the study, scientists were watching women’s IVF cycles and they noted that Coenzyme Q10 boosts fertility by fueling natural cell growth and activity. As a natural part of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, Coenzyme Q10 is able to boost ATP production. Essentially this means that it promotes the production of energy in cells. This energy is essential for a growing embryo and the scientists who worked with Coenzyme Q10 noted that having proper levels of this nutrient might play a role in ovarian aging.
Coenzyme Q10: Stop Miscarriage Naturally
We’ve discussed a variety of ways to stop a miscarriage naturally including a discussion of the herbs Vitex Berry and false unicorn root, and castor oil packs. But while vitex berry, false unicorn root, and castor oil all involve herbal remedies, Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a nutrient remedy. If you wish to stop a miscarriage naturally, take the higher dose of Coenzyme Q10 (the ubiquinone form is best) along with using one or more of the herbal remedies that we recommend above.Patients treated with Coenzyme Q19 are more likely to have a live birth (28.95%) according to studies of high-risk pregnancies in comparison to control groups (15.54%). Ideally, if you are experiencing bleeding or if you are concerned about threatened miscarriage, natural treatment should also include Lugol’s iodine and supportive nutrients plus The Shikimate Pathway nutrients list that we discuss in this article about preeclampsia.
Coenzyme Q10 Dose During Pregnancy:
Depending on your health situation, you might opt to take more or less Coenzyme Q10. The recommended dose ranges from 200 mg to 600 mg per day. If you take 600 mg of Coenzyme Q10 per day as a natural treatment for threatened miscarriage, take it in 3 divided doses of 200 mg per dose every 6 hours.Coenzyme Q10 can often be found at a grocery store or pharmacy in many areas of the world.
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