Does Testicular Tanning Actually Support Male Reproductive Health?
In this article, we’re going to discuss, in depth, why you should do testicular tanning, how testicular tanning works, and finally, the basic protocol to follow to get the best results from testicular tanning. If you aren’t interested in the fine, technical details of how the human body interacts with the sun in positive, health-giving ways, then skip to the final section to follow the testicular tanning procedure. Note that both men and women can benefit from exposing the genitals and pelvic region of the body to sunlight. Though this technique is known as "testicular tanning", it might also one day come to be known as "labial tanning" for women. Before we get started on this fascinating topic, I need to mention that you can schedule a health coaching session with Lydian and I and we'll develop a customized plan to help you with sexual dysfunctions and/or health issues that are related to reproductive organs or reproductive hormones. We regularly work with clients who have reproductive hormone imbalance, fertility issues, libido issues, or sexual dysfunction.
Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us now.
Testicular Tanning
Red light therapy and sunlight exposure to the testicles is a controversial topic in the news right now, but in this discussion, we’re going to talk about the science of sunlight and how full-spectrum as well as red and infrared light promotes higher testosterone levels and better male health overall. Testicular tanning may seem like a fad or even just like a silly thing to do, but in reality, this little know cure for male infertility and other male sexual dysfunctions is being carefully covered up through mainstream media propaganda meant to steer readers away from feeling interested in this type of treatment.Whenever we start talking about light, things get pretty interesting. A lot of our readers might be tempted to skip this chapter because at first glance, the idea that light could be used to cure disease might seem far out and improbable. But, in fact, light, specifically ultraviolet light is used regularly in mainstream medicine as a treatment for psoriasis. Unfortunately, the use of narrow spectrum UV without the full-spectrum light that includes other wavelengths as well isn’t enough to cure psoriasis, but only to treat psoriasis. But conventional medicine is all about treatments at the exclusion of cures. While conventional medicine doctors are charging some psoriasis patients thousands of dollars for psoralen (which is derived from the herb Psoralea) plus UV treatments that take place indoors in a clinic settings, other psoriasis patients have discovered that a couple of weeks of beach time with natural sunlight and seawater can clear up their symptoms for years at a time or even sometimes, forever.
So light is, in fact, being used in the treatment of disease even in conventional medicine. There are numerous examples of conventional medicine treatments involving light, but usually, these treatments are called Photodynamic Therapy to ensure that patients never figure out that the treatments could just as easily involve natural things like sunlight and herbs or sunlight and trace mineral therapy (via immersion in seawater, for example). When you start to consider all the ways in which doctors use light as a way to treat disease in conventional medicine, the idea that one could use the full-spectrum light from the sun to heal disease seems easier to comprehend.
This is a technical discussion and we’re going to tie together some of the treatments we’ve discussed already previously to solidify an argument regarding the value of sunlight in the treatment of male infertility and other male reproductive system issues.

Click here to buy a red light therapy device.
Real-Life Application and the Miracle of Red Light
Red light therapy may seem a bit far out and “woo woo” for a lot of people, but actually, light therapies are regularly being used in medicine. For example, in patients with psoriasis, UV light is applied to the skin along with the toxic synthetic pharmaceutical known as “psoralen”. Above, we talked about psoralen, and in another discussion we talked about the herb Psoralea (from which psoralen is derived and then synthesized into a patentable and toxic substance in a lab). We also talked about how the natural whole herb known as Psoralea corylifolia (also known as Bu Gu Zhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine) works by itself and also with the sun to naturally treat premature ejaculation and impotence. Read more about Psoralea here. Unfortunately the toxic, synthetic drug known as psoralen is far more famous than the plant from which is was derived (Psoralea). Psoralea, as a whole herb, has some amazing curative properties though and it is an iconic plant that naturally interacts with the light of the sun.
Click here to buy Psoralea corylifolia extract.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Psoralea is regarded as a valuable herbal remedy for men’s sexual health. The dried fruit of Psoralea corylifolia is famous in that context for being able to cure impotence that emanates from kidney or spleen issues. The kidneys are one of four organs of detoxification which include 1) the skin, 2) the liver 3) the intestines and of course 4) the kidneys. Interestingly, there are two vital substances that pertain to men’s health that are produced in humans when the skin is exposed to sunlight. These include:- Fumaric Acid
- Vitamin D
Cytochrome C is a photoreceptor agent that captures sunlight and then uses photons from sunlight to electrically charge our human cells so that they can heal and repair themselves. It acts a bit like a solar panel to receive the rays of the sun and then convert sun-energy into energy that our bodies can use, but it also plays a role in detoxifying the body. Cytochrome C manages and controls the death of human cells (known as apoptosis) in response to cellular infection or DNA damage. As such, it plays a role in preventing and treating cancer.
Cytochrome C, as a sunlight-interactive molecule, is produced when a superoxide anion is released from the cell. Though this fact may seem extremely technical, we can bring it down-to-earth by remembering the Chlorine Dioxide Solution releases superoxide anions. Superoxide anions are some of the most versatile, valuable and broad-spectrum antibiotics on the planet. Nitric oxide, the same molecule that facilitates an erection is often produced along with the superoxide anion.
Fumaric Acid
Interestingly, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, both fumaric acid and vitamin D are produced in inactivated states. Remember that fumaric acid is a treatment that can sometimes help people with serious autoimmune disease or cancer overcome their symptoms when nothing else is working. Both vitamin D and fumaric acid have to travel to the liver for activation. In the liver, fumaric acid becomes fully activated. In the liver, fumaric acid becomes an essential bioactive substance that facilitates the Kreb’s cycle which is the main cycle responsible for energy production in the human body. Cytochrome C works with fumaric acid in the synthesis of cellular energy. So fumaric acid, like Cytochrome C, plays a role in energy production that helps keep human cells healthy. But like Cytochrome C, fumaric acid plays a role in cell death and DNA production to facilitate detoxification of the body.Vitamin D
Meanwhile, as fumaric acid settles into its role in the Kreb’s cycle in the liver, Vitamin D travels onward to the kidneys. It is activated only halfway in the liver so it has to continue on into the next organ of detoxification, the kidneys, in order to become fully activated.Vitamin D becomes vitamin D2 in the liver and then it becomes vitamin D3 in the kidneys, which is fully bioactive and ready to do the work of transporting calcium into the blood supply, but first, it has to travel to the intestines, the final organ of detoxification. In the intestines, vitamin D3 works to transport calcium into the blood supply. This fact, that vitamin D works in the intestines to transport calcium from the diet into the blood supply, needs our attention here. I’m highlighting this fact about vitamin D3 as a nutrient that pushes calcium up into the blood supply from the intestines because it’s important that readers note that too much calcium in the blood supply for too long of a period of time can be harmful. We encounter this problem of calcium and cholesterol build up in the blood vessels again later in our discussion when we talk about methylation and homocysteine. For now though, let’s just note that calcium must be moved out of the blood supply and into bone cells and teeth, otherwise it builds up in the blood and it causes problems like atherosclerosis. Indeed, atherosclerosis might look like varicocele, impotence, or erectile dysfunction in men.

Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D
Varicocele is an abnormal enlargement in the scrotum that comes from clogged veins. Impotence and erectile dysfunction are often caused by blood vessel issues too, specifically clogged blood vessels that are harboring calcium deposits. So essentially, varicocele, impotence, and erectile dysfunction can all emanate from the same underlying cause: blood vessel obstruction due to abnormal calcium deposits. These abnormal calcium deposits in the blood vessels occur with over-supplementation of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 and under-supplementation of vitamin K2. So, as a general rule, though calcium has to pass through the blood supply on its way to the bones and teeth, it shouldn’t linger in the blood for too long.Vitamin K2 is the nutrient that ushers calcium from the blood into the bones and teeth and it must be present in adequate quantities in the body to work in partnership with vitamin D3. VItamin D3 pushes calcium from the intestines into the blood, but vitamin K2 takes it from there into the bones and teeth. A deficiency of vitamin K2 thus can lead to weak teeth and bones and high cholesterol and calcium buildup in the blood vessels and even in the organs, the brain, and in any soft tissue like breast tissues. I should also mention that Vitamin K2, after ingestion, causes cells to produce Cytochrome C which is then able to capture and use sunlight for energy.
So while Big Pharma and the mainstream media would have us believe that vitamin D will cure every disease, in fact, it is very dangerous to supplement with this non-nutrient without also supplementing with vitamin K2 at the same time. Vitamin D really should’ve never been dubbed a “vitamin” because it’s produced naturally by the human body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Tanning and sunlight exposure is better than taking a vitamin D supplement. The definition of a vitamin, after all, is that it must be a substance that the body cannot produce itself, but that the body still requires in order to be healthy. Vitamin D supplementation worsens other deficiencies like iodine deficiency and vitamin K2 deficiency. So the vitamin D media push is a calculated effort to encourage people to make themselves sicker through their own accidental ignorance on this issue. Read more about the dangers of vitamin D supplementation with vitamin K2 supplementation here.
Sunlight Substances: Vitamin D, Fumaric Acid, and Cytochrome C
I need to emphasize the fact that fumaric acid, vitamin D production are triggered by sunlight. Fumaric acid and natural vitamin D are activated along a pathway that leads through the various organs of detoxification which demonstrates how sunlight and detoxification of the human body are related things. Without sunlight exposure, our bodies are impaired in terms of detoxification which easily leads to serious illness that seems unresolvable, including health issues like infertility and sexual dysfunction in men.When you lay out to do testicular tanning as a natural treatment for male infertility or sexual dysfunction, there’s a lot going on in the body. So far, we’ve talked about fumaric acid, vitamin D, and cytochrome C as substances that are sunlight-interactive. But this story is bigger and it requires some more exploration.
Vitamin K2, when it is absorbed into human cells, produces a superoxide anion that is identical to the superoxide anion produced by the famous broad-spectrum Chlorine Dioxide Solution cure, and then, shortly after that, vitamin K2 releases a molecule of Cytochrome C which is, as I’ve mentioned before, a substance designed like a tiny molecular solar panel, to capture sunlight and convert it into energy that our human cells can use directly without the arduous energy conversion required by food consumption and digestion.
Vitamin K2 and vitamin B17 (which is also known as amygdalin – a topic we explored earlier as a cure for male infertility here) both release reactive oxygen species like the superoxide anion which are able to literally seek out and destroy cancer cells and pathogens or heavy metals to bind to them and remove them safely from the body. Vitamin K2 likely does its most important work in bone cells and blood cells while vitamin B17 / amygdalin likely specializes in releasing reactive oxygen species that can kill cancer cells and pathogens in soft tissues.
Prior to the ubiquitous administration of organophosphate insecticides and herbicides like RoundUp / glyphosate on human foods and the development of GMO plants that don’t produce vitamin K2, we would consume vitamin K2 in green plants and also, our gut flora would produce vitamin K2. After RoundUp / glyphosate came into common use, vitamin K2 consumption dwindled to almost nothing. As such, vitamin K2 was once born and came into existence in the human body in the third organ of detoxification in our list above: the intestines. Today, however, most of those gut-friendly, vitamin-K2-producing microbes have been killed by RoundUp / glyphosate residues on staple foods like corn, wheat, and soybeans.
Vitamin K2, prior to organophosphate herbicide use, would be produced in the intestines and absorbed through the intestines into the blood supply where it would transport calcium into the bones and teeth. Today, vitamin K2 is not produced in the gut in those who consume products covered with RoundUp / glyphosate or other organophosphate herbicides. And it’s not produced in staple products like corn, wheat, and soy that are now GMO products (that were designed to be able to survive the application of herbicides like RoundUp / glyphosate). As such, most people are severely deficient in vitamin K2. This has caused the proliferation of health issues such as sexual dysfunctions like erectile dysfunction and impotence as well as varicocele and male infertility.
Read more about Chlorine Dioxide Solution here.
Read more about Fumaric Acid here.
Read more about vitamin K2 as a nutrient that can naturally protect the body from organophosphate here.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
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Vitamin K2 causes our cells to release Cytochrome C, which allows our bodies to use sunlight directly as an energy source. Without vitamin K2 at normal levels in the body, Cytochrome C release may become dysregulated as this molecule takes its cues from calcium levels in the cellular fluids to decide when to emerge.
It’s odd to think that we can literally convert the energy of sunlight into cellular energy that fuels our bodies as long as vitamin K2 is present. In other words, not all of the energy that our bodies need comes from food. Some of it comes from the sun. The documentary Eat the Sun explores the controversial thought that we could survive without food with regular exposure to the sun. This fact, that our bodies can convert sunlight into energy, might help readers better understand why the media (which is funded and directed by Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big food), guards this secret about testicular tanning so carefully. If people knew that getting sunlight exposure (without sunscreen) could cure male infertility as well as autoimmune disease, cancer, and make them less susceptible to infection, the sunscreen business would be doomed. And Big Pharma would take a big hit too in terms of profits. In order to fully understand all the negative hype about testicular tanning, it’s important to showcase the situation in a political context that makes sense. Sunlight exposure is a free treatment for male sexual dysfunction as well as other diseases like psoriasis. If people find out that sunlight exposure cures disease, certain wealthy people become a lot less wealthy.
Sun-Dependent Pathways: Endorphins and More…
The more research I do, the more captivated I am by the idea that sunlight cures disease. Above, we talked about vitamin K2 and how this nutrient encourages human cells to release the photoreceptor Cytochrome C, but sunlight also activates and inactivates vitamin K1, which is a nutrient that modulates blood coagulation. This fact might make some conspiracy theorists wonder about how sunlight deprivation / quarantining might fuel a disease like COVID, rather than quelling it, while simultaneously guaranteeing vaccine injuries like abnormal blood clotting. But let’s not lose the thread of our discussion, but rather continue to focus on testicular tanning for male infertility and sunlight exposure to improve testosterone levels among other things.Sunlight also spurs the production of natural opiates in the human body known as endorphins. So sunlight exposure is a natural pain-killer. Melanocytes in human skin are equipped with a fully-functioning endorphin receptor system that even makes sunlight exposure mildly addictive. Melanocytes, by the way, are the cells that produce melanin, the substance that colors the skin, eyes, and hair. This solar skin-based system, which is based on the production of melanin helps us deal more effectively with stress, which provides a layer of logic to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that comes on when there’s too little or sometimes even too much sunlight. We’ll talk more about melanin soon.
Neuropeptide Substance P is another sunlight-dependent substance produced by sensory nerve fibers in the skin after sunlight exposure. Neuropeptide Substance P increases lymphocyte production. And the movement of lymphocytes as immune-system warriors can either amp up or tone down immune response, as needed. In other words, Neuropeptide Substance P plays a role in immune system modulation which is relevant for anyone who is dealing with autoimmunity or any kind of chronic infection. Indeed, if you are looking for a cure for male infertility or sexual dysfunction, sunlight can help your body deal with infection and inflammation in a balanced way.
Calcitonin is also released by the sensory nerve fibers in the skin and it modulates cytokine behavior and production. Without calcitonin, and without Neuropeptide Substance P, autoimmunity develops. Alpha-MSH is also released by melanocytes and keratinocytes in the skin. Like calcitonin, and Neuropeptide Substance P, alpha-MSH helps the body modulate its immune response to ensure that the body is neither over-reacting nor under-reacting to potential pathogens. Chronic use of sunscreen or wearing heavy clothes or lack of sunlight due to office work or due to quarantining can all lead to deranged immune system responses in the body for lack of the energy and the natural substances that our bodies produce reflexively as a result of sunlight exposure. On the other hand testicular tanning and tanning in general (even with a few items of clothing still on the body) can help mitigate the effects of a dysregulated immune system.
Red and Blue
Sunlight is full-spectrum light. It contains red light as well as all other forms of light like ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) light. Those in colder, darker climates who can’t get natural sunlight exposure can use red light therapy as an alternative to testicular tanning indoors.In this section, we’re going to talk about the color red and the color blue and how these colors interact in scientifically proven ways to promote health.
Red light therapy can be used in tandem with the first pharmaceutical ever created by Big Pharma, methylene blue. Methylene blue is still used as a microscopic dye in lab settings, but because this drug’s patent has long run out and because it has a broad-spectrum of medicinal action against things like COVID, malaria, and depression (it is an MAOI), it is never prescribed anymore by doctors. It is only used in emergency medicine. Indeed, as an emergency medicine, methylene blue ranks high on a list of must-have medicinals. It saves many lives every year. Because its patent has run out which makes it a less profitable drug, big pharmaceutical companies often try to combine it with medical devices that are still under patent law to make big profits in curing diseases like diabetic neuropathy using methylene blue. But methylene blue is available over-the-counter and applying red light to the body within 20 minutes after taking methylene blue is a lot like exposing the body to natural full-spectrum light. The red light reacts with the blue of the methylene blue stain.
It’s important to note that some studies have shown that certain medications can bind to melanin and stay present in the body for long periods of time. Though we haven’t found studies indicating that methylene blue is one of these medications, we know that some of the methylene blue derivatives tend to stick to melanin and bioaccumulate in this sun-reactive molecule that plays such an important role in human health. So if you decide to work with methylene blue, be aware that it can, theoretically, accumulate in the body. Nonetheless though, methylene blue is a substance that is used in emergency settings to neutralize a wide range of different poisons. So while methylene blue may, theoretically build up in melanin, it also has a powerfully detoxifying effect on the body.
Below we talk a bit about the use of red light with methylene blue as a cure for herpes simplex, a virus that is said to be activated by sunlight.
Red Light Therapy and Methylene Blue as a Cure for Herpes Simplex Infection
Red light therapy can be used as a cure for herpes simplex as well as other types of infection. Herpes simplex is the virus that causes genital herpes. Anyone who has had this infection knows that sores tend to occur when a person is exposed to a lot of sunlight after a period of not having a lot of sunlight exposure. This fact is thought-provoking and it deserves our attention given the current topic that we’re discussing here. While Big Pharma would have us believe that the sun “activates” the herpes simplex virus and causes it to become “infective”, in reality, the sunlight is irritating to the virus and it provides an opening to a channel through which medicinals can be applied that would cure the disease.
Click here to buy Methylene Blue.
In one scientific study, red light therapy was combined with the use of over-the-counter methylene blue 0.1% to inactivate the herpes virus and make it even more photosensitive to eradication using red light therapy. This interaction between the intense blue of methylene blue (which is often used as a lab dye because it can stain viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens to make them visible to the naked eye and thus reactive to light) and an intense red or infrared light is called “photodynamic therapy”. The red and the blue used together, mimics natural sunlight. The methylene blue (which can, by the way, be used outside of medicine to make powerful real-life batteries because of its powerful electrical nature) is literally “charged up” by the application of red light. Methylene blue naturally donates electrons to mitochondria, the battery of our human cells, to super-charge these cells so they can heal and detoxify themselves more quickly and more effectively. When red light is applied to the skin over the areas of the body that are ailing, the red light causes the skin to produce and release Cytochrome C, the natural photosensitive agent that helps the body capture light in order to use it in a manner similar to how plants use the light of the sun to produce energy.In the study, scientists admitted that about 70% of freshly isolated strains of genital herpes virus were extremely sensitive to red light after they were made more photosensitive by methylene blue. About 70% of study participants with genital herpes saw improvement in their condition within 48 hours. Treatment consisted of 0.1% methylene blue followed by exposure to sunlight or red light 20 minutes later over a limited period of time. Longer term treatment could theoretically kill herpes to cure the disease.

Blue, Orange, and Yellow: Estrogen Conversion to Testosterone by Microbial Gut Flora
Sunlight, as you recall, is full-spectrum light. It contains all wavelengths of light, visible and invisible. So based on our model of Red-Blue interactions above, it makes sense to assume that our bodies would respond best to the sunlight when we have an array of intensely colorful nutrients to react in specific ways to full-spectrum light.The Estrogen to Testosterone Conversion
As a general rule, if you ask someone, let’s say, an “expert”, if estrogen can be converted into testosterone in the human body, the answer will be a resounding “no”. And this is true with one caveat. If the body in question has not been exposed to organophosphates like RoundUp / glyphosate or GMOs that have RoundUp / glyphosate or other organophosphate residues on them, then said body will likely be host to an array of beneficial intestinal flora that are able to make estrogen into testosterone inside the human gut.Again, I repeat that most sources claim that it is impossible for estrogen to be converted into testosterone inside the human body, but, in fact, if the microbial flora in our intestines are healthy and still intact, then the conversion of estrogen into testosterone is indeed possible. The conversion from estrogen to testosterone requires methylation and the presence of vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin.
Cobalt Blue: Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, which is also known as methylcobalamin is an intense blue like methylene blue. But unlike methylene blue, methylcobalamin / vitamin B12 is a nutrient. So our bodies need it and want it. Note the prefix “methyl” that is present in both words–we’ll talk more about that later.Blue and Yellow: Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin and vitamin B9 / folate depend on each other and they work together in the human body. While methylcobalamin contains cobalt and it is an intense blue color, vitamin B9 / folate is an intense yellow color. Vitamin B6 / pyridoxal phosphate is also yellow, though slightly less intense. These three B vitamins work together closely.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine.
Red-Orange: Vitamin K2 and Iodine
We should also note here that Vitamin K2 and folate are both quinones that are produced by non-GMO plants and by intestinal flora that have not been damaged by RoundUp / glyphosate. So vitamin K2 and folate are related compounds. They’re like biochemical cousins.Nonetheless, natural vitamin K2 is a red-orange color rather like iodine. Without vitamin K2, iodine there will be too much calcium in the blood supply and the iodine, as a result, won’t be able to be absorbed. Vitamin K2, as we’ve already mentioned a number of times is related to folate through the shikimate pathway, a metabolic process that plants and certain microorganisms go through. GMO plants that have been designed to not go through the basic shikimate pathway provide calories without the essential nutrients that ensure reproductive health. And when we consume these plants in foods, they also inevitably are still covered in RoundUp / glyphosate residues that kill microorganisms in our gut that go through the shikimate pathway.
So vitamin K2 and folate-producing microorganisms in the gut are both destroyed by RoundUp / glyphosate exposure. This means that iodine can’t be absorbed. And it means the all of the B complex vitamins, especially vitamins B6 and B12 are handicapped or completely incapacitated in terms of their ability to perform as nutrients in the human body.
In summary, our intestinal flora was once a source for many important nutrients like vitamin K2, folate, and yes, also testosterone (via skin production of estrogen and then gut bacteria conversions to testosterone). No wonder Big Pharma is so intent on selling people probiotics. But are they the correct probiotics? And how eager should you be to go out and buy Big Pharma-produced probiotics in an effort to treat a Big Pharma / Big Ag-produced problem, namely that of organophosphate exposure? I would be hesitant to seek out probiotics without doing a lot of homework first. But nonetheless, this intestinal gut flora problem raises an interesting question, namely: was it possible for men to convert excess estrogen into testosterone before organophosphates came into common use throughout the world?

The estrogen to testosterone conversion may not be something that human cells can do directly themselves, but it is something that can happen in a human body with the proper microbial flora in the intestines. In other words, we used to have a portable ecosystem of intestinal microorganisms living inside us to help us produce vital nutrients like vitamin K2, folate, and testosterone, but today, we need supplements. But if estrogen can be converted to testosterone by healthy bacterial flora (along with methylation and the addition of cobalamin as a part of the reaction), then the value of producing estrogen in the skin in response to sunlight exposure becomes readily apparent for both males and females.
Scientific studies have shown that natural sunlight exposure enhances romantic passion in humans via the regulation of the endocrine system and sexual hormone release. It’s a well-known fact in the scientific community that sunlight exposure increases the release of testosterone in males though the media would have us believe otherwise. In females, hormone levels rise in response to natural sunlight to improve the health of ovaries too. In other words, both reproductive hormone imbalance and low testosterone levels in males and females can be treated through sunlight exposure (as long as the person getting sunlight exposure is not also wearing sunscreen). The colorful nutrients we talk about above, however, are a part of this equation.
I should also note here that sunscreens contain endocrine disruptors that cause reproductive hormone imbalances. So readers who use sunscreen religiously need to realize that they’re doing double the damage when they slather up.
At this point, you might be thinking about skin cancer and all the Public Service Announcements you’ve endured throughout your life telling you that the sun is scary and bad. You’ll have to work through the brainwashing to decide for yourself whether you buy into all this talk of sunlight exposure as a health-promoting thing. Earlier in our dissertation, we talked about the Budwig Smoothie as a special dietary supplement that was meant to be consumed in the sunlight.
The Budwig Smoothie contains the proper proportion of proteins and healthy fats for cells to make healthy, electrical membranes. And the Budwig Smoothie was designed to be eaten while sitting in the sun so that the body can absorb photons to charge human cells. This simple smoothie has cured many diseases and it’s an important part of any protocol used to cure male infertility. Read more about the Budwig Diet here. The Budwig Smoothie is also a cure for cancer. It was one of the crucial healing diets that my husband did as part of his melanoma cure. Every day he spent 30 minutes or longer in the sun to cure melanoma. And it worked…
In other words, though we’ve all been taught that sunlight can cause cancer, it’s important that we consider the source of this “information” and the possibility that, in fact, sunlight exposure may be a cure for cancer rather than the cause.
Dopamine, Testosterone, Sunlight, and the Shikimate Pathway
In this discussion, we’ve attempted to explain, in depth, why sunlight exposure and testicular tanning is beneficial for men. So far, we’ve talked about nutrients that have vibrant, intense colors that interact with sunlight in a manner that’s similar to how methylene blue reacts with red light. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how sunlight is bad for the skin, but the fact is, human skin was built to deal with radiation from the sun, at least in reasonable moderation.In a different discussion, we talked about the amino acids L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine. L-phenylalanine is converted into L-tyrosine and then L-tyrosine is converted into L-dopa and then L-dopa is eventually into dopamine in the body. I know this sounds complex, but it’s a linear path from L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine, L-dopa and then onward to dopamine. There are detours along the path, but we won’t worry about the detours for now.
These two aminos (L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine) are produced in microbial gut flora through the same biochemical reaction (known as the shikimate pathway) as vitamin K2 and folate. So L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine are also cousins to vitamin K2 and folate.
The Miracle of Melanin
Melanin is the dark pigment that causes skin, hair, fur, and eyes to have color. The same microbial gut flora that normally produce vitamin K2 also produce L-tyrosine, which happens to be the amino acid responsible for melanin production. Back in the 1980s, L-tyrosine supplements were touted as health supplements that could produce a “natural tan” because of the interaction between melanin, L-tyrosine, and the sun.But though L-tyrosine is often featured as the most salient ingredient in the production of melanin, iodine is the second ingredient. This makes sense given the dark red-orange color of iodine. And iodine and L-tyrosine work together well. They’re also the two fundamental ingredients in the production of thyroid hormones (which regulate weight gain, weight loss, and immune system function, and reproductive hormone levels). We’ll talk more about that later.
Mucuna pruriens: Herbal Hair Pigmentation Restoration and Fertility Booster
Mucuna pruriens is one of my favorite herbal remedies. I love to recommend this herb because it proves itself to people within a short period of time. And it does many things that seem otherwise impossible. Mucuna is a humble bean plant that belongs to the same family as Psoralea and soy bean. It’s a bean that produces the dopamine precursor in large amounts. It’s leaves produce droplets of serotonin. And if you take enough Mucuna pruriens for a long enough period of time, your hair will never turn gray. In those who already have graying hair, Mucuna can be used to restore hair pigmentation. It does so by providing the body with plenty of L-dopa.Mucuna pruriens and puerariea plants are herbal remedies for sexual dysfunction in men. They contain nutritive factors like natural L-dopa, the amino acid that’s derived from the metabolism of L-tyrosine. L-dopa is then able to be converted into the neurotransmitter dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in regulating testosterone levels. Dopamine regulates testosterone levels and testosterone levels regulate dopamine levels. The two work bidirectionally to modulate each other such that low testosterone means low dopamine and vice versa. The fact that L-tyrosine was once produced in the gut by microorganisms that have been killed by RoundUp / glyphosate is worth noting here. L-tyrosine is a source of the dopamine precursor-amino known as L-dopa. And L-dopa turns into dopamine which regulates testosterone. A plant medicine like Mucuna pruriens thus works to restore testosterone levels and to cure sexual dysfunction in men via its natural ability to raise testosterone by raising dopamine levels.
We’re talking about RoundUp / glyphosate exposure as a powerful reason why testosterone levels in men may not be as high as they should be, but this herbicide also impacts how our minds work, how our reproductive system works, whether our bodies can absorb nutrients and use them, and a number of other health-related issues. Of concern, is the fact that dopamine levels in men are also impacted given that dopamine plays a role in our ability to make healthy decisions for ourselves. Making good decisions is vital in terms human health.
I think we’ve made our point that RoundUp / glyphosate, other organophosphates, and GMOs play a role in creating health issues in men that otherwise would not arise. And I think we’ve also made the point that vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7, vitamin B9 / folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin, and L-tyrosine supplementation are valuable additions to testicular tanning, but let’s talk a bit more about the dopamine-testosterone connection to better understand how a humble bean-plant like Mucuna pruriens can act as an herbal remedy for male infertility.
Mucuna pruriens: Dopamine and Testosterone
Testosterone is released from the testes when gonadotropic-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released by the hypothalamus which then signals the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone signals the testes to release testosterone. Dopamine deficiency causes GnRH to be reduced by 67% or more. This problem then cascades down to the pituitary, which fails to release the LH that signals the testes to release testosterone. Our reproductive hormone balance is initiated in the brain or, as some might say, in the crown chakra. So if things aren’t okay up north, things won’t be okay down south.When men are dopamine deficient, their LH levels fall because GnRH are 67% lower than they should be. While the hypothalamus is a region of the brain without a lot of easily identifiable landmarks, the pituitary looks a bit like a tiny set of testicles hanging out of the mid-brain. And it is ultimately the pituitary gland that communicates with the reproductive organs via LH. When LH is low, the hormone prolactin rises. High prolactin levels then work against the production of dopamine, further exacerbating low testosterone levels and low dopamine levels. This is how and why dopamine levels and testosterone levels directly influence each other.
Mucuna pruriens helps restore dopamine levels to normal which then restores testosterone levels to normal.

Click here to buy Mucuna pruriens to naturally improve testosterone levels.
For average readers, we just presented a lot of big words and foreign names in the paragraphs above, so let’s review. Mucuna pruriens is an herbal remedy for sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Mucuna pruriens is the most important herbal remedy for sexual dysfunction in men and it combines well with Ashwaghanda, another herbal treatment for male infertility and reproductive hormone balance. Read more about Mucuna pruriens as an herbal cure for male infertility here. Mucuna pruriens is a bean plant. You can add the bean to soups or eat it on tacos. It’s a food. But Mucuna is a food that contains high levels of L-tyrosine and L-dopa.Psoralea is another valuable herbal remedy for low testosterone levels and male infertility. It belongs to the same plant family. L-tyrosine is a vital ingredient in melanin production. Indeed, older, graying men and women who are given high doses of Mucuna pruriens to treat Parkinson’s disease can restore pigmentation to their hair. Read more about restoring hair pigmentation here. We already know that skin and hair pigmentation is related to the idea of sunlight exposure. L-tyrosine is the amino acid precursor to melanin, the pigmentation molecule in skin and hair. Iodine is a necessary ingredient that combines with L-tyrosine to produce melanin. But now, we also know that L-tyrosine is a precursor to L-dopa and that L-dopa is a precursor to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps people make good decisions for themselves. Dopamine and testosterone influence each other, so keeping dopamine levels high should be a priority for any man who wishes to keep his testosterone levels high.
Melanins are natural pigments. In humans, they’re found throughout the body, but they’re also found in all kingdoms of living organisms.Though most of us are familiar with melanin as a substance that makes the skin darker after exposure to sunlight (tanning), melanin does a lot more than that. Its function in both plants and humans is somewhat enigmatic because it’s not soluble in very many solvents which makes it somewhat hard for scientists to study.
In plants, melanin production is associated with the so-called “browning reaction” that occurs when plant tissues are wounded. A bruised banana is a good example of the browning reaction. The bruised, brown part of the banana becomes brown due to melanin. The browning-reaction occurs when enzymes are released from chloroplasts that interact with certain other substances to produce o-quinones that then become melanin. Recall that both folate and vitamin K2 are also quinones.
Quinones and the quinone structure play a role in theories regarding chemical structure and color. In other words, quinones are biological pigments (also known as biochromes). Both vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 are naphthoquinones and they can be used as chemical indicators of acidity or alkalinity. An plant-example of this acid-alkaline test is the butterfly pea plant (also known as Clitoria laurifolia). This plant, which belongs to the same Fabaceae tribe as Mucuna pruriens, closely resembles a woman’s vagina and clitoris. If you make a tea using butterfly pea, the color of the tea will change depending on whether the water is acidic or alkaline.
Acidity and alkalinity (pH) plays a role in melanin production. If a person’s body is especially acidic or alkaline, the melanin production pathway can be altered in negative or positive ways. To me, this is a significant fact, though it might slip through the cracks if readers aren’t familiar with the 48 hour cancer cure that was developed by Dr. Keith Brewer using Cesium, an element that can be taken to raise the body’s pH levels to kill cancer and also get rid of the pain of cancer within only 48 hours. Indeed, melanin is not just a pigment. It plays a role in the development of diseases like cancer, autism, Parkinson’s disease, and even addiction. Indeed, when you do testicular tanning, you’re working with melanin and the host of nutrients that interact with the sun.
Melanin is present in seeds too though seeds don’t manifest a “browning reaction”, but we’ve talked about the importance of seeds in earlier discussions regarding vitamin B17 / amygdalin, another nutrient substance that’s found primarily in seeds. Read more about vitamin B17 as a cure for male infertility here.

It’s a fact that white cats with blue eyes tend to be deaf. And it’s also a fact that albino children tend to have hearing problems. This is because melanocytes are found in the inner ear and a deficiency of melanocytes in the skin, eyes, and hair / fur indicates that there are deficiencies of melanocytes in other areas of the body as well. The melanin pigments do more than just make us look a particular way. They’re just one visibly obvious way in which our bodies were designed to work with sunlight.
Melanin in humans and in animals is roughly analogous to flavonoids in plants though melanins in plants serve a function similar to melanins in humans too. Flavonoids, like melanins are phenol compound. They’re both made in response to sunlight exposure, and they both confer a red-brown tissue pigmentation. Both also play vital roles in reproduction and general health.
Red Grapes / Red Wine
Grapes are a plant-food that contain natural melanin which might explain to some extent why red wine has cardio-protective activity on the body. Red wine is a substance that produces a strong, highly resistant stain if you spill it on something like a white tablecloth. Above, we talked about methylene blue as a dye / stain that can be used with red light therapy to mimic, to some extent, the full-spectrum light of the sun to cure herpes virus infection and other diseases. Red wine is a stain that has a reddish color rather than the bluish color of methylene blue. So it would tend to interact more with the blue or violent spectrum of light (such as the ultraviolet rays of the sun).Studies into the melanin produced by grapes, which is similar to the melanin produced by humans, have shown that grape-melanin suppresses arthritis, cancer, edema, immune system dysfunction, and inflammation. One might assume that endogenously produced melanin has a similar effect on the body.
Though melanins may resist formal study due to their tendency to be insoluble, we might make some assumptions about similarities between melanins and flavonoids in terms of their healing effects on the human body. In food-based health treatments and herbal remedies, the presence of flavonoids in plants often has an immune-system modulating effect on the human body. Flavonoids reduce inflammation, they reduce blood pressure, they help to prevent heart disease. They act as antioxidants to slow the aging process, they can be used to treat diseases like HIV. They have anti-cancer activity.
Types of Melanin
There are three types of melanin produced in the human body:- Neuromelanin
- Pheomelanin
- Eumelanin
Neuromelanin is a pigment produced by dopamine neurons as well as by neurons that produce other catecholamines. Though dopamine neurons are present throughout the body, neuromelanin is present in the highest quantities in an area of the mid-brain known as the “substantia nigra” which literally means “black substance” (referring to the presence of the neuromelanin pigment). Experts have noted that there’s a link between the development of Parkinson’s disease and the neuromelanin-containing neurons of the substantia nigra.Neuromelanin differs from the other two types of melanin in a variety of ways, but scientists have recently begun to recognize that neuromelanin plays a defensive role in protecting the body and the brain from damage by heavy metals and by the presence of too much iron.
Pheomelanin and Eumelanin
Pheomelanin is a pigment that colors the skin, lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and the vaginal tissues. It contains sulfur while eumelanin does not. Eumelanin, in contrast, is present in the skin and hair and it does not contain sulfur. Eumelanin absorbs UV light while pheomelanin reflects the yellow to red spectrum of light. All skin types and colors contain a higher proportion of eumelanin than pheomelanin.One important function of melanin in the skin is to act as a sunscreen. Melanin has an SPF of 1.5-4 which means that melanin can absorb 50-75% of damaging ultraviolet radiation. Darker skin colors contain more eumelanin than lighter skin colors and as such, those with darker skin are better protected against ultraviolet damage.
The production of melanin is a multistep process that begins with L-tyrosine and its conversion into DOPAquinone by an enzyme called “tyrosinase”. DOPAquinone then receives an L-cysteine amino or glutathione to become pheomelanin. L-cysteine is another amino acid that is vital in detoxifying the body to remove harmful substances like heavy metals that can buildup to cause disease. So, as we noted before when we talked about the pathway taken by fumaric acid and vitamin D through the organs of detoxification, sunlight works through multiple pathways in the body to detoxify cells. Melanin, as it turns out, contains L-cysteine which converts to glutathione, the most powerful detoxifying agents currently known.
If there are no thiol compounds, or sulfhydryl or sylfhanyl groups (note that the Budwig Smoothie that we mentioned earlier in this discussion is very high in sulfhydryl groups), a different set of conversions occur leading to the production of eumelanin instead of pheomelanin occurs.
Melanocyte Octopi and Melanin Ink to Envelope Pathogens
Pheomelanin produces reactive oxygen species when it is exposed to UVA light. We’ve talked about superoxide anions as a model reactive oxygen species that kills pathogens, binds heavy metals, and seeks out and destroys cancer cells. In the scientific literature, the production of reactive oxygen species is often portrayed as a negative thing though the fact is, not all reactive oxygen species are created equal. Some reactive oxygen species are “free radicals” that are toxic and damaging to the body. But other reactive oxygen species have protective and medicinal effects on the body. This is one of Big Pharma’s most closely guarded secrets. In the dark hallows of Big Pharma’s laboratories, substances like Chlorine Dioxide Solution, medicinal ozone, and food-grade hydrogen peroxide as well as plant medicines like Artemisia annua are all being studied by scientists specializing in reactive oxygen species biology and medicine. Medicinals like Chlorine Dioxide Solution, food grade hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and Artemisia annua all share in common the ability to release specific reactive oxygen species that have the ability to kill pathogens that can infect the human body. These reactive oxygen species include the likes of superoxide anions and hydroxyl ions.The fact that pheomelanin releases reactive oxygen species means that this pigment plays a role in protecting us from infection, toxins, and cancer.

But while Big Pharma and media conglomerates that are owned by Big Pharma work hard to scare people away from reactive oxygen species like the superoxide anion that’s released by Chlorine Dioxide Solution or the hydroxyl ion produced when food grade hydrogen peroxide molecules are cleaved by sunlight exposure, our bodies were made to produce both superoxide anions and hydroxyl molecules as a front line defense against disease and exposure to toxins. Melanin is the substance that reacts with the sun to produce medicinal reactive oxygen species naturally after exposure to UVA. Pheomelanin is the type of melanin that’s only produced when the body has plenty of the amino acid L-cysteine on hand, and its the type of melanin that’s most reactive with sunlight to produce these healing reactive oxygen species.
So let’s return to the idea of Octopi and how they release ink in order to envelope and confuse predators that are pursuing them. It’s a good metaphor and we should use it. In humans, melanocytes are cells that look a bit like octopi, after all and they produce and release melanin that acts to protect our bodies from predatory pathogens, heavy metals, certain toxins, and cancer by releasing medicinal reactive oxygen species.
Melanin and Testicular Tanning
Getting back to our original topic, which was, of course, testicular tanning, we can now think intelligently about melanin and the testicles. Both pheomelanin and eumelanin are found in human skin including on testicular skin tissues. The healing effects of pheomelanin and the reactive oxygen species medicinals that it releases when the skin is exposed to sunlight are able to remove toxins from the body, kill pathogens that might be causing infection, and also kill cancer cells. Making sure that you have plenty of L-cysteine in your body can be helpful in promoting the beneficial effects of testicular tanning in terms of melanin.Additionally, melanin is a substance that is directly and intimately related to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that directly impacts testosterone levels in men. Dopamine and melanin are both produced from the amino acid L-tyrosine. So now we have two vital amino acids in the testicular tanning equation: L-tyrosine and L-cysteine.

Click here to buy L-Tyrosine supplements.
But in addition to its role in the production of melanin and dopamine, L-tyrosine also plays a role in the production of thyroid hormones when it is combined with another photo-active nutrient, iodine. Iodine feeds the thyroid gland through one biological pathway and it feeds the reproductive organs through another. Iodine is an orange-red color and the nutrient form, Lugol’s iodine, is always stored in a dark brown container because of its reactivity to sunlight exposure.We know that reproductive organs and the thyroid gland need iodine in order to be healthy. But we also know that red spectrum light, in particular, can mitigate some of the negative effects of being iodine deficient. Red light therapy can be shone at the thyroid gland, for example, to promote thyroid hormone production even if a person is iodine-deficient, which is an interesting fact worth considering though the actual mechanism of action is currently beyond anything that’s being considered scientifically in the U.S.
We know that methylene blue can be used with light in the red and infra-red spectrum to kill pathogens in the body, to increase cellular energy (through the donation of electrons to mitochondria), and more. So we might surmise that a nutrient like Lugol’s iodine, which is red-orange in color would interact with the blue or violet / ultraviolet spectrum of light though iodine in some contexts, when mixed with starches becomes a deep blue color. Other nutrient substances with intense colors like the striking blue of cobalt in vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin is likely the nutrient equivalent to methylene blue in terms of its ability to interact with the red spectrum light of sunlight.
Iodine deficiency, L-tyrosine deficiency, and vitamin B12 deficiency would thus play a role in how the body reacts to sunlight and the body’s ability to use the full-spectrum light of the sun to its fullest capacity. Folate / vitamin B9 is another important photo-reactive nutrient-molecule along with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is indirectly photo-reactive in that it produces Cytochrome C in human cells, which then functions like a biological solar panel in the human body. These nutrients along with what we know about melanin make strong argument in favor of testicular tanning for male infertility and sexual dysfunction.

Testicular Tanning: Folate as a Sun-Sensitive Molecule and Iodine as an Ingredient in Melanin
Folate / vitamin B9 is a nutrient substance that is manufactured via the shikimate pathway in plants and microorganisms, including healthy intestinal flora that have not been exposed to RoundUp / glyphosate. This is the same biochemical path that’s used to manufacture vitamin K2 and L-tyrosine which both interact with sunlight. Vitamin B12 is an anti-dementia nutrient that it also promotes healthy digestion and fertility. But without folate / vitamin B9, vitamin B12 is inactive. And without active vitamin B12, iodine may not be properly absorbed by the body. So here, we introduce folate as a nutrient that interacts with the ultraviolet light of the sun.UV light by itself, as from a tanning bed or from a conventional medicine treatment for disease, can cause folate to break down in very light-skinned individuals. Scientists have studied this phenomenon in light-skinned pregnant women who had a folate deficiency as a result of UV exposure at tanning salons or due to the focused concentration of ultraviolet light at doctor’s clinics. In contrast, populations of people who live in areas of the world with intense, natural sunlight tend to have a lot of melanin in the skin and they’re much less likely to develop folate / vitamin B9 deficiency in response to sunlight exposure. Scientists hypothesize that dark pigmentation of the skin can protect the body against the breakdown of crucial nutrients like folate.

Click here to buy high -dose methyl folate.
Folate deficiency causes infertility, maternal death, fetal death, neural tube defects in infants, and severe anemia. So, with these scientific studies in mind, one might be tempted to believe that sunlight will automatically break down folate / vitamin B9 to actually cause problems like male infertility. But now that you better appreciate and understand the value of melanin in the body, and now that you also understand the value of iodine as a thyroid and reproductive organ nutrient and how a nutrient deficiency like that of vitamin K2 can contribute to the production and health of melanin, you may also now be able to truly appreciate the fact that iodine is necessary for the production of melanin in the human body.We’ve come full-circle now. If we were going to mix up a big metaphorical pot of melanin on the stove, we’d start by putting L-tyrosine in a glass bowl with tyrosinase, the enzyme that breaks L-tyrosine down into L-DOPA. L-DOPA, remember, is the precursor to dopamine. Without high dopamine levels, you can’t have high testosterone levels as these two neurohormones directly influence each other. We’d throw iodine into the pot of L-DOPA with some hydrogen peroxide to produce “DOPAchrome”. Then we’d stir vigorously until the DOPAchrome turns into melanin.
Tyrosinase is the key enzyme responsible for the production of melanin. Cytokines and hormone levels in the body also play a key role in the production of melanin. And pH levels, as we’ve previously discussed and body temperature also impact the melanin-production process. This is an important point because, in the treatment of serious diseases, cold temperatures tend to enhance the healing effects of high pH / high alkalinity while hot temperatures tend to enhance the healing effects of low pH / high acidity. In a previous article, we talked about the use of “opposites” like hot and cold and photodynamic therapy as a way to cure Long COVID and Post COVID Vaccine Injury.
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Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin for Testicular Tanning
In the natural world, there is only one form of vitamin B12: methylcobalamin. But in the world of supplements, there are two forms: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. If you intend to do testicular tanning to raise testosterone levels, you’ll want to seek out methylcobalamin, the natural form of vitamin B12.For one thing, methylcobalamin is a vital nutrient in the conversion of estrogen to testosterone by microbes that are capable of this biochemical feat. But methylcobalamin does more than just that and it trumps cyanocobalamin in terms of what it can accomplish health-wise in the human body.
Methylcobalamin vs. Cyanocobalamin
Cyanocobalamin is synthetic. And unfortunately, this is the most common type of vitamin B12 in supplements. Methylcobalamin is still available in some supplements, but you have to seek out those supplements by reading ingredient labels. Both methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin contain cobalt an element with an intense blue color not unlike the intense blue color of methylene blue.As we’ve discussed previously, methylcobalamin and methylene blue have the prefix “methyl” in their names. While the cobalt part of methylcobalamin is important, the methyl part is also important in the body’s methylation cycle. Methylene blue, the substance we discussed earlier as a photoreactive pharmaceutical that reacts positively with red light therapy, can improve the methylation cycle in the body as well.
Methyl is one of the most important organic molecules found in living things. Methyl and methylation is not a very hot topic in most circles except those involving autism, but it deserves some attention in a discussion about testicular tanning or in any conversation about melanin. Indeed, autistic children tend to have very pale skin with low levels of melanin and parents report that methylated folate supplementation can relieve symptoms of autism.Methylfolate likely works through its ability to speed up detoxification of the body (via L-cysteine and glutathione production) and its ability to regulate dopamine and noradrenaline production. We’ve already discussed the importance of dopamine in regard to testosterone levels. But methylation processes also regulate homocysteine levels which can play a role in sexual function. Nonetheless, we won’t dwell for long on homocysteine as a topic except to point out that this substance is held up like a smoke screen to prevent scientists from learning about and studying vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7.
Homocysteine is a homolog of the detoxification amino acid known as L-cysteine. Homocysteine differs from L-cysteine only in terms of a chemical entity known as a methylene bridge. That methylene bridge makes a big difference in terms of how homocysteine behaves in the body though. While L-cysteine is beneficial to human health, high homocysteine levels are associated with issues like heart disease or calcium deposition in the blood vessels, abnormal blood clotting, stroke, or heart attack. These health issues are all modulated by vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7. As we’ve already discussed previously, calcium deposits in blood vessels happen when the body is vitamin K2 deficient. We’ve also talked about how a vitamin K2 deficiency causes an iodine deficiency to happen because of the high calcium levels in the blood, tissues, and organs.
When homocysteine levels are high, patients are at risk of developing blood clots, which brings to mind issues like vaccine injury. In pregnant women, high levels of homocysteine can also lead to miscarriage and neural tube defects in infants. But wait— neural tube defects occur most often when the mother is deficient in folate, which is a substance that’s produced through the same shikimate pathway as vitamin K2. Recall that staple food crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat all used to contain vitamin K2, folate, and L-tyrosine, some of the most important ingredients in the melanin soup that we talked about above. Without vitamin K2, iodine, the other essential ingredient (besides hydrogen peroxide) won’t be properly absorbed by the body for use in the production of melanin, the miracle substance that protects folate and that interacts with full spectrum light of the sun. So maybe we shouldn’t be looking at homocysteine at all.
Luckily, homocysteine levels can be controlled and recycled into methionine, which can then be converted into L-cysteine and glutathione as long as B complex vitamins are present. So if you were worried about homocysteine, you can let that go. In autism circles, there’s a focus on the B vitamins, especially folate and the proper and hasty methylation of folate as a nutrient that calms autism. Methylcobalamin or vitamin B12 and SAM-e are the two substances most commonly used to promote the methylation of folate to make it bioavailable in the human body.
Folate vs. Synthetic Folic Acid
Natural vitamin B12, known as methylcobalamin has been reconfigured in Big Pharma’s lab into cyanocobalamin, a substance that doesn’t function the same way in the body as methylcobalamin. Folate has a similar story. The synthetic version of folic acid has also, interestingly, had its methyl groups removed to produce a substance that doesn’t perform in the same way in the human body. In other words, natural folate is already methylated. The real problem here is synthetic nutrients that have been chemically altered such that they don’t behave like natural nutrients in the human body.So why is Big Pharma removing all of these methyl groups of vitamins that specifically work with sunlight and melanin production? Interestingly, GMO food products that contain ingredients like corn, wheat, and soy that used to contain natural versions of nutrients like vitamin K2 and folate are now being “fortified” with synthetic versions of these nutrients. Most multivitamins also contain the synthetic form of vitamin B12, folate, and yes, even vitamin K2 (MK-7 is the natural form and MK-4 is synthetic).
Folate supplementation with the natural methylated form of this vitamin, can be used to raise sperm count. Without proper folate levels, certain genes are not expressed in men, leading to reduced production of sperm which can cause infertility. Natural methylfolate and vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin work together and indeed, all of the B vitamins are beneficial in male infertility.
Vitamin B12 and iodine work together in the production of melanin. Indeed, while an iodine deficiency can lead to pale skin and the under-production of melanin, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to hyperpigmentation and the over-production of melanin. So vitamin B12 and iodine work together to balance and regulate the production of melanin.
Iodine as a Sunlight-Responsive Nutrient
So let’s talk about iodine again for a moment. We spend a lot of time writing about the value of Lugol’s iodine as a cure for many diseases, but we can’t emphasize enough how important iodine is as a natural treatment for male sexual dysfunction especially iodine in combination with natural sunlight exposure. Let’s imagine for a moment, red light and its interaction with methylene blue, which is a bright blue, electrolytic substance that easily reacts with red light to make good things happen in a man’s body.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Iodine is a reddish-orange substance that is always stored in dark bottles. It is photolytic which means that sunlight causes it to split apart. Iodine can react with certain substances like amylose to produce a striking blue color on contact. So let’s just assume that iodine is a brightly colored nutrient that reacts with more than one part of the full-spectrum light of the sun in the same way that red light reacts with the intense blue of methylene blue to create electrical energy in human cells.
The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
The interaction of a particular spectrum of light with a nutrient of a particular color, in other words, is able to charge human cells and provide them with the energy they need to survive, repair themselves, and stay healthy.
We already know that iodine is the key nutrient that every man needs in order to have healthy reproductive organs. Without Lugol’s iodine supplementation, most men will be deficient in this mineral. And men who are deficient in vitamin K2 may have difficulty absorbing iodine properly. Vitamin K2, is also a red/orange color. We know that vitamin K2 is produced in those same intestinal gut flora that convert estrogen into testosterone and we know that the gut flora is damaged and sometimes even obliterated by GMO plants like corn, wheat, and soy that are covered in RoundUp / glyphosate residues. And we know that those staple food products also no longer produce vitamin K2 and folate (which is one of the reasons why Big Food started “fortifying” foods with synthetic, non-methylated folic acid. But now that we fully acknowledge that reddish things and bluish things interact when one or the other of these things is a light source, we can also appreciate the idea that other complementary colors and parts of the light spectrum can also interact to produce positive health benefits as well.
Testicular Tanning Procedure
Testicular tanning by itself without certain nutrient supplements won’t be as successful as testicular tanning with the following list of nutrients and herbs administered daily:-
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7: 200 mcg per day
- Lugol’s iodine 2%: 50 mg per day (20 drops in water or directly applied to the testicles)
- Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin: 1/4 teaspoon per day
- Methyl Folate: 15 mg
- Vitamin B Complex: Take 2 capsules daily (make sure the B complex contains methylfolate and methylcobalamin, not the synthetic forms of these vitamins)
- L-Tyrosine: 2000 mg (in 2 divided doses of 1000 mg each)
- L-Cysteine: 1000 mg
- Mucuna pruriens + Ashwaghanda: 4000 mg per day (in 4 divided doses of 1000 mg each)
- Fumaric Acid or Fumaria officinalis - Take fumaric acid supplements or take a daily dose of fumitory / fumaria officinalis tincture seasonally if you live in an area where there is limited sunlight for parts of the year.
Spend 30-60 minutes per day in the sun with the testicles exposed. Prior to a testicular tanning session, make the Budwig Smoothie and consume it in the sunlight. Read more about the Budwig Smoothie as a cure for male infertility and sexual dysfunction here. Note that a tanning bed only provides ultraviolet, not full-spectrum light so the health benefits of tanning beds are significantly diminished. Red light therapy should be administered along with fumaric acid or Fumaria officinalis / Fumitory tincture during seasons of the year when there is limited sunlight.

Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:
Does Testicular Tanning Actually Support Male Reproductive Health?
In this article, we’re going to discuss, in depth, why you should do testicular tanning, how testicular tanning works, and finally, the basic protocol to follow to get the best results from testicular tanning. If you aren’t interested in the fine, technical details of how the human body interacts with the sun in positive, health-giving ways, then skip to the final section to follow the testicular tanning procedure. Note that both men and women can benefit from exposing the genitals and pelvic region of the body to sunlight. Though this technique is known as "testicular tanning", it might also one day come to be known as "labial tanning" for women. Before we get started on this fascinating topic, I need to mention that you can schedule a health coaching session with Lydian and I and we'll develop a customized plan to help you with sexual dysfunctions and/or health issues that are related to reproductive organs or reproductive hormones. We regularly work with clients who have reproductive hormone imbalance, fertility issues, libido issues, or sexual dysfunction.
Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us now.
Testicular Tanning
Red light therapy and sunlight exposure to the testicles is a controversial topic in the news right now, but in this discussion, we’re going to talk about the science of sunlight and how full-spectrum as well as red and infrared light promotes higher testosterone levels and better male health overall. Testicular tanning may seem like a fad or even just like a silly thing to do, but in reality, this little know cure for male infertility and other male sexual dysfunctions is being carefully covered up through mainstream media propaganda meant to steer readers away from feeling interested in this type of treatment.Whenever we start talking about light, things get pretty interesting. A lot of our readers might be tempted to skip this chapter because at first glance, the idea that light could be used to cure disease might seem far out and improbable. But, in fact, light, specifically ultraviolet light is used regularly in mainstream medicine as a treatment for psoriasis. Unfortunately, the use of narrow spectrum UV without the full-spectrum light that includes other wavelengths as well isn’t enough to cure psoriasis, but only to treat psoriasis. But conventional medicine is all about treatments at the exclusion of cures. While conventional medicine doctors are charging some psoriasis patients thousands of dollars for psoralen (which is derived from the herb Psoralea) plus UV treatments that take place indoors in a clinic settings, other psoriasis patients have discovered that a couple of weeks of beach time with natural sunlight and seawater can clear up their symptoms for years at a time or even sometimes, forever.
So light is, in fact, being used in the treatment of disease even in conventional medicine. There are numerous examples of conventional medicine treatments involving light, but usually, these treatments are called Photodynamic Therapy to ensure that patients never figure out that the treatments could just as easily involve natural things like sunlight and herbs or sunlight and trace mineral therapy (via immersion in seawater, for example). When you start to consider all the ways in which doctors use light as a way to treat disease in conventional medicine, the idea that one could use the full-spectrum light from the sun to heal disease seems easier to comprehend.
This is a technical discussion and we’re going to tie together some of the treatments we’ve discussed already previously to solidify an argument regarding the value of sunlight in the treatment of male infertility and other male reproductive system issues.

Click here to buy a red light therapy device.
Real-Life Application and the Miracle of Red Light
Red light therapy may seem a bit far out and “woo woo” for a lot of people, but actually, light therapies are regularly being used in medicine. For example, in patients with psoriasis, UV light is applied to the skin along with the toxic synthetic pharmaceutical known as “psoralen”. Above, we talked about psoralen, and in another discussion we talked about the herb Psoralea (from which psoralen is derived and then synthesized into a patentable and toxic substance in a lab). We also talked about how the natural whole herb known as Psoralea corylifolia (also known as Bu Gu Zhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine) works by itself and also with the sun to naturally treat premature ejaculation and impotence. Read more about Psoralea here. Unfortunately the toxic, synthetic drug known as psoralen is far more famous than the plant from which is was derived (Psoralea). Psoralea, as a whole herb, has some amazing curative properties though and it is an iconic plant that naturally interacts with the light of the sun.
Click here to buy Psoralea corylifolia extract.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Psoralea is regarded as a valuable herbal remedy for men’s sexual health. The dried fruit of Psoralea corylifolia is famous in that context for being able to cure impotence that emanates from kidney or spleen issues. The kidneys are one of four organs of detoxification which include 1) the skin, 2) the liver 3) the intestines and of course 4) the kidneys. Interestingly, there are two vital substances that pertain to men’s health that are produced in humans when the skin is exposed to sunlight. These include:- Fumaric Acid
- Vitamin D
Cytochrome C is a photoreceptor agent that captures sunlight and then uses photons from sunlight to electrically charge our human cells so that they can heal and repair themselves. It acts a bit like a solar panel to receive the rays of the sun and then convert sun-energy into energy that our bodies can use, but it also plays a role in detoxifying the body. Cytochrome C manages and controls the death of human cells (known as apoptosis) in response to cellular infection or DNA damage. As such, it plays a role in preventing and treating cancer.
Cytochrome C, as a sunlight-interactive molecule, is produced when a superoxide anion is released from the cell. Though this fact may seem extremely technical, we can bring it down-to-earth by remembering the Chlorine Dioxide Solution releases superoxide anions. Superoxide anions are some of the most versatile, valuable and broad-spectrum antibiotics on the planet. Nitric oxide, the same molecule that facilitates an erection is often produced along with the superoxide anion.
Fumaric Acid
Interestingly, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, both fumaric acid and vitamin D are produced in inactivated states. Remember that fumaric acid is a treatment that can sometimes help people with serious autoimmune disease or cancer overcome their symptoms when nothing else is working. Both vitamin D and fumaric acid have to travel to the liver for activation. In the liver, fumaric acid becomes fully activated. In the liver, fumaric acid becomes an essential bioactive substance that facilitates the Kreb’s cycle which is the main cycle responsible for energy production in the human body. Cytochrome C works with fumaric acid in the synthesis of cellular energy. So fumaric acid, like Cytochrome C, plays a role in energy production that helps keep human cells healthy. But like Cytochrome C, fumaric acid plays a role in cell death and DNA production to facilitate detoxification of the body.Vitamin D
Meanwhile, as fumaric acid settles into its role in the Kreb’s cycle in the liver, Vitamin D travels onward to the kidneys. It is activated only halfway in the liver so it has to continue on into the next organ of detoxification, the kidneys, in order to become fully activated.Vitamin D becomes vitamin D2 in the liver and then it becomes vitamin D3 in the kidneys, which is fully bioactive and ready to do the work of transporting calcium into the blood supply, but first, it has to travel to the intestines, the final organ of detoxification. In the intestines, vitamin D3 works to transport calcium into the blood supply. This fact, that vitamin D works in the intestines to transport calcium from the diet into the blood supply, needs our attention here. I’m highlighting this fact about vitamin D3 as a nutrient that pushes calcium up into the blood supply from the intestines because it’s important that readers note that too much calcium in the blood supply for too long of a period of time can be harmful. We encounter this problem of calcium and cholesterol build up in the blood vessels again later in our discussion when we talk about methylation and homocysteine. For now though, let’s just note that calcium must be moved out of the blood supply and into bone cells and teeth, otherwise it builds up in the blood and it causes problems like atherosclerosis. Indeed, atherosclerosis might look like varicocele, impotence, or erectile dysfunction in men.

Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D
Varicocele is an abnormal enlargement in the scrotum that comes from clogged veins. Impotence and erectile dysfunction are often caused by blood vessel issues too, specifically clogged blood vessels that are harboring calcium deposits. So essentially, varicocele, impotence, and erectile dysfunction can all emanate from the same underlying cause: blood vessel obstruction due to abnormal calcium deposits. These abnormal calcium deposits in the blood vessels occur with over-supplementation of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 and under-supplementation of vitamin K2. So, as a general rule, though calcium has to pass through the blood supply on its way to the bones and teeth, it shouldn’t linger in the blood for too long.Vitamin K2 is the nutrient that ushers calcium from the blood into the bones and teeth and it must be present in adequate quantities in the body to work in partnership with vitamin D3. VItamin D3 pushes calcium from the intestines into the blood, but vitamin K2 takes it from there into the bones and teeth. A deficiency of vitamin K2 thus can lead to weak teeth and bones and high cholesterol and calcium buildup in the blood vessels and even in the organs, the brain, and in any soft tissue like breast tissues. I should also mention that Vitamin K2, after ingestion, causes cells to produce Cytochrome C which is then able to capture and use sunlight for energy.
So while Big Pharma and the mainstream media would have us believe that vitamin D will cure every disease, in fact, it is very dangerous to supplement with this non-nutrient without also supplementing with vitamin K2 at the same time. Vitamin D really should’ve never been dubbed a “vitamin” because it’s produced naturally by the human body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Tanning and sunlight exposure is better than taking a vitamin D supplement. The definition of a vitamin, after all, is that it must be a substance that the body cannot produce itself, but that the body still requires in order to be healthy. Vitamin D supplementation worsens other deficiencies like iodine deficiency and vitamin K2 deficiency. So the vitamin D media push is a calculated effort to encourage people to make themselves sicker through their own accidental ignorance on this issue. Read more about the dangers of vitamin D supplementation with vitamin K2 supplementation here.
Sunlight Substances: Vitamin D, Fumaric Acid, and Cytochrome C
I need to emphasize the fact that fumaric acid, vitamin D production are triggered by sunlight. Fumaric acid and natural vitamin D are activated along a pathway that leads through the various organs of detoxification which demonstrates how sunlight and detoxification of the human body are related things. Without sunlight exposure, our bodies are impaired in terms of detoxification which easily leads to serious illness that seems unresolvable, including health issues like infertility and sexual dysfunction in men.When you lay out to do testicular tanning as a natural treatment for male infertility or sexual dysfunction, there’s a lot going on in the body. So far, we’ve talked about fumaric acid, vitamin D, and cytochrome C as substances that are sunlight-interactive. But this story is bigger and it requires some more exploration.
Vitamin K2, when it is absorbed into human cells, produces a superoxide anion that is identical to the superoxide anion produced by the famous broad-spectrum Chlorine Dioxide Solution cure, and then, shortly after that, vitamin K2 releases a molecule of Cytochrome C which is, as I’ve mentioned before, a substance designed like a tiny molecular solar panel, to capture sunlight and convert it into energy that our human cells can use directly without the arduous energy conversion required by food consumption and digestion.
Vitamin K2 and vitamin B17 (which is also known as amygdalin – a topic we explored earlier as a cure for male infertility here) both release reactive oxygen species like the superoxide anion which are able to literally seek out and destroy cancer cells and pathogens or heavy metals to bind to them and remove them safely from the body. Vitamin K2 likely does its most important work in bone cells and blood cells while vitamin B17 / amygdalin likely specializes in releasing reactive oxygen species that can kill cancer cells and pathogens in soft tissues.
Prior to the ubiquitous administration of organophosphate insecticides and herbicides like RoundUp / glyphosate on human foods and the development of GMO plants that don’t produce vitamin K2, we would consume vitamin K2 in green plants and also, our gut flora would produce vitamin K2. After RoundUp / glyphosate came into common use, vitamin K2 consumption dwindled to almost nothing. As such, vitamin K2 was once born and came into existence in the human body in the third organ of detoxification in our list above: the intestines. Today, however, most of those gut-friendly, vitamin-K2-producing microbes have been killed by RoundUp / glyphosate residues on staple foods like corn, wheat, and soybeans.
Vitamin K2, prior to organophosphate herbicide use, would be produced in the intestines and absorbed through the intestines into the blood supply where it would transport calcium into the bones and teeth. Today, vitamin K2 is not produced in the gut in those who consume products covered with RoundUp / glyphosate or other organophosphate herbicides. And it’s not produced in staple products like corn, wheat, and soy that are now GMO products (that were designed to be able to survive the application of herbicides like RoundUp / glyphosate). As such, most people are severely deficient in vitamin K2. This has caused the proliferation of health issues such as sexual dysfunctions like erectile dysfunction and impotence as well as varicocele and male infertility.
Read more about Chlorine Dioxide Solution here.
Read more about Fumaric Acid here.
Read more about vitamin K2 as a nutrient that can naturally protect the body from organophosphate here.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
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Vitamin K2 causes our cells to release Cytochrome C, which allows our bodies to use sunlight directly as an energy source. Without vitamin K2 at normal levels in the body, Cytochrome C release may become dysregulated as this molecule takes its cues from calcium levels in the cellular fluids to decide when to emerge.
It’s odd to think that we can literally convert the energy of sunlight into cellular energy that fuels our bodies as long as vitamin K2 is present. In other words, not all of the energy that our bodies need comes from food. Some of it comes from the sun. The documentary Eat the Sun explores the controversial thought that we could survive without food with regular exposure to the sun. This fact, that our bodies can convert sunlight into energy, might help readers better understand why the media (which is funded and directed by Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big food), guards this secret about testicular tanning so carefully. If people knew that getting sunlight exposure (without sunscreen) could cure male infertility as well as autoimmune disease, cancer, and make them less susceptible to infection, the sunscreen business would be doomed. And Big Pharma would take a big hit too in terms of profits. In order to fully understand all the negative hype about testicular tanning, it’s important to showcase the situation in a political context that makes sense. Sunlight exposure is a free treatment for male sexual dysfunction as well as other diseases like psoriasis. If people find out that sunlight exposure cures disease, certain wealthy people become a lot less wealthy.
Sun-Dependent Pathways: Endorphins and More…
The more research I do, the more captivated I am by the idea that sunlight cures disease. Above, we talked about vitamin K2 and how this nutrient encourages human cells to release the photoreceptor Cytochrome C, but sunlight also activates and inactivates vitamin K1, which is a nutrient that modulates blood coagulation. This fact might make some conspiracy theorists wonder about how sunlight deprivation / quarantining might fuel a disease like COVID, rather than quelling it, while simultaneously guaranteeing vaccine injuries like abnormal blood clotting. But let’s not lose the thread of our discussion, but rather continue to focus on testicular tanning for male infertility and sunlight exposure to improve testosterone levels among other things.Sunlight also spurs the production of natural opiates in the human body known as endorphins. So sunlight exposure is a natural pain-killer. Melanocytes in human skin are equipped with a fully-functioning endorphin receptor system that even makes sunlight exposure mildly addictive. Melanocytes, by the way, are the cells that produce melanin, the substance that colors the skin, eyes, and hair. This solar skin-based system, which is based on the production of melanin helps us deal more effectively with stress, which provides a layer of logic to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that comes on when there’s too little or sometimes even too much sunlight. We’ll talk more about melanin soon.
Neuropeptide Substance P is another sunlight-dependent substance produced by sensory nerve fibers in the skin after sunlight exposure. Neuropeptide Substance P increases lymphocyte production. And the movement of lymphocytes as immune-system warriors can either amp up or tone down immune response, as needed. In other words, Neuropeptide Substance P plays a role in immune system modulation which is relevant for anyone who is dealing with autoimmunity or any kind of chronic infection. Indeed, if you are looking for a cure for male infertility or sexual dysfunction, sunlight can help your body deal with infection and inflammation in a balanced way.
Calcitonin is also released by the sensory nerve fibers in the skin and it modulates cytokine behavior and production. Without calcitonin, and without Neuropeptide Substance P, autoimmunity develops. Alpha-MSH is also released by melanocytes and keratinocytes in the skin. Like calcitonin, and Neuropeptide Substance P, alpha-MSH helps the body modulate its immune response to ensure that the body is neither over-reacting nor under-reacting to potential pathogens. Chronic use of sunscreen or wearing heavy clothes or lack of sunlight due to office work or due to quarantining can all lead to deranged immune system responses in the body for lack of the energy and the natural substances that our bodies produce reflexively as a result of sunlight exposure. On the other hand testicular tanning and tanning in general (even with a few items of clothing still on the body) can help mitigate the effects of a dysregulated immune system.
Red and Blue
Sunlight is full-spectrum light. It contains red light as well as all other forms of light like ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) light. Those in colder, darker climates who can’t get natural sunlight exposure can use red light therapy as an alternative to testicular tanning indoors.In this section, we’re going to talk about the color red and the color blue and how these colors interact in scientifically proven ways to promote health.
Red light therapy can be used in tandem with the first pharmaceutical ever created by Big Pharma, methylene blue. Methylene blue is still used as a microscopic dye in lab settings, but because this drug’s patent has long run out and because it has a broad-spectrum of medicinal action against things like COVID, malaria, and depression (it is an MAOI), it is never prescribed anymore by doctors. It is only used in emergency medicine. Indeed, as an emergency medicine, methylene blue ranks high on a list of must-have medicinals. It saves many lives every year. Because its patent has run out which makes it a less profitable drug, big pharmaceutical companies often try to combine it with medical devices that are still under patent law to make big profits in curing diseases like diabetic neuropathy using methylene blue. But methylene blue is available over-the-counter and applying red light to the body within 20 minutes after taking methylene blue is a lot like exposing the body to natural full-spectrum light. The red light reacts with the blue of the methylene blue stain.
It’s important to note that some studies have shown that certain medications can bind to melanin and stay present in the body for long periods of time. Though we haven’t found studies indicating that methylene blue is one of these medications, we know that some of the methylene blue derivatives tend to stick to melanin and bioaccumulate in this sun-reactive molecule that plays such an important role in human health. So if you decide to work with methylene blue, be aware that it can, theoretically, accumulate in the body. Nonetheless though, methylene blue is a substance that is used in emergency settings to neutralize a wide range of different poisons. So while methylene blue may, theoretically build up in melanin, it also has a powerfully detoxifying effect on the body.
Below we talk a bit about the use of red light with methylene blue as a cure for herpes simplex, a virus that is said to be activated by sunlight.
Red Light Therapy and Methylene Blue as a Cure for Herpes Simplex Infection
Red light therapy can be used as a cure for herpes simplex as well as other types of infection. Herpes simplex is the virus that causes genital herpes. Anyone who has had this infection knows that sores tend to occur when a person is exposed to a lot of sunlight after a period of not having a lot of sunlight exposure. This fact is thought-provoking and it deserves our attention given the current topic that we’re discussing here. While Big Pharma would have us believe that the sun “activates” the herpes simplex virus and causes it to become “infective”, in reality, the sunlight is irritating to the virus and it provides an opening to a channel through which medicinals can be applied that would cure the disease.
Click here to buy Methylene Blue.
In one scientific study, red light therapy was combined with the use of over-the-counter methylene blue 0.1% to inactivate the herpes virus and make it even more photosensitive to eradication using red light therapy. This interaction between the intense blue of methylene blue (which is often used as a lab dye because it can stain viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens to make them visible to the naked eye and thus reactive to light) and an intense red or infrared light is called “photodynamic therapy”. The red and the blue used together, mimics natural sunlight. The methylene blue (which can, by the way, be used outside of medicine to make powerful real-life batteries because of its powerful electrical nature) is literally “charged up” by the application of red light. Methylene blue naturally donates electrons to mitochondria, the battery of our human cells, to super-charge these cells so they can heal and detoxify themselves more quickly and more effectively. When red light is applied to the skin over the areas of the body that are ailing, the red light causes the skin to produce and release Cytochrome C, the natural photosensitive agent that helps the body capture light in order to use it in a manner similar to how plants use the light of the sun to produce energy.In the study, scientists admitted that about 70% of freshly isolated strains of genital herpes virus were extremely sensitive to red light after they were made more photosensitive by methylene blue. About 70% of study participants with genital herpes saw improvement in their condition within 48 hours. Treatment consisted of 0.1% methylene blue followed by exposure to sunlight or red light 20 minutes later over a limited period of time. Longer term treatment could theoretically kill herpes to cure the disease.

Blue, Orange, and Yellow: Estrogen Conversion to Testosterone by Microbial Gut Flora
Sunlight, as you recall, is full-spectrum light. It contains all wavelengths of light, visible and invisible. So based on our model of Red-Blue interactions above, it makes sense to assume that our bodies would respond best to the sunlight when we have an array of intensely colorful nutrients to react in specific ways to full-spectrum light.The Estrogen to Testosterone Conversion
As a general rule, if you ask someone, let’s say, an “expert”, if estrogen can be converted into testosterone in the human body, the answer will be a resounding “no”. And this is true with one caveat. If the body in question has not been exposed to organophosphates like RoundUp / glyphosate or GMOs that have RoundUp / glyphosate or other organophosphate residues on them, then said body will likely be host to an array of beneficial intestinal flora that are able to make estrogen into testosterone inside the human gut.Again, I repeat that most sources claim that it is impossible for estrogen to be converted into testosterone inside the human body, but, in fact, if the microbial flora in our intestines are healthy and still intact, then the conversion of estrogen into testosterone is indeed possible. The conversion from estrogen to testosterone requires methylation and the presence of vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin.
Cobalt Blue: Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, which is also known as methylcobalamin is an intense blue like methylene blue. But unlike methylene blue, methylcobalamin / vitamin B12 is a nutrient. So our bodies need it and want it. Note the prefix “methyl” that is present in both words–we’ll talk more about that later.Blue and Yellow: Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin and vitamin B9 / folate depend on each other and they work together in the human body. While methylcobalamin contains cobalt and it is an intense blue color, vitamin B9 / folate is an intense yellow color. Vitamin B6 / pyridoxal phosphate is also yellow, though slightly less intense. These three B vitamins work together closely.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine.
Red-Orange: Vitamin K2 and Iodine
We should also note here that Vitamin K2 and folate are both quinones that are produced by non-GMO plants and by intestinal flora that have not been damaged by RoundUp / glyphosate. So vitamin K2 and folate are related compounds. They’re like biochemical cousins.Nonetheless, natural vitamin K2 is a red-orange color rather like iodine. Without vitamin K2, iodine there will be too much calcium in the blood supply and the iodine, as a result, won’t be able to be absorbed. Vitamin K2, as we’ve already mentioned a number of times is related to folate through the shikimate pathway, a metabolic process that plants and certain microorganisms go through. GMO plants that have been designed to not go through the basic shikimate pathway provide calories without the essential nutrients that ensure reproductive health. And when we consume these plants in foods, they also inevitably are still covered in RoundUp / glyphosate residues that kill microorganisms in our gut that go through the shikimate pathway.
So vitamin K2 and folate-producing microorganisms in the gut are both destroyed by RoundUp / glyphosate exposure. This means that iodine can’t be absorbed. And it means the all of the B complex vitamins, especially vitamins B6 and B12 are handicapped or completely incapacitated in terms of their ability to perform as nutrients in the human body.
In summary, our intestinal flora was once a source for many important nutrients like vitamin K2, folate, and yes, also testosterone (via skin production of estrogen and then gut bacteria conversions to testosterone). No wonder Big Pharma is so intent on selling people probiotics. But are they the correct probiotics? And how eager should you be to go out and buy Big Pharma-produced probiotics in an effort to treat a Big Pharma / Big Ag-produced problem, namely that of organophosphate exposure? I would be hesitant to seek out probiotics without doing a lot of homework first. But nonetheless, this intestinal gut flora problem raises an interesting question, namely: was it possible for men to convert excess estrogen into testosterone before organophosphates came into common use throughout the world?

The estrogen to testosterone conversion may not be something that human cells can do directly themselves, but it is something that can happen in a human body with the proper microbial flora in the intestines. In other words, we used to have a portable ecosystem of intestinal microorganisms living inside us to help us produce vital nutrients like vitamin K2, folate, and testosterone, but today, we need supplements. But if estrogen can be converted to testosterone by healthy bacterial flora (along with methylation and the addition of cobalamin as a part of the reaction), then the value of producing estrogen in the skin in response to sunlight exposure becomes readily apparent for both males and females.
Scientific studies have shown that natural sunlight exposure enhances romantic passion in humans via the regulation of the endocrine system and sexual hormone release. It’s a well-known fact in the scientific community that sunlight exposure increases the release of testosterone in males though the media would have us believe otherwise. In females, hormone levels rise in response to natural sunlight to improve the health of ovaries too. In other words, both reproductive hormone imbalance and low testosterone levels in males and females can be treated through sunlight exposure (as long as the person getting sunlight exposure is not also wearing sunscreen). The colorful nutrients we talk about above, however, are a part of this equation.
I should also note here that sunscreens contain endocrine disruptors that cause reproductive hormone imbalances. So readers who use sunscreen religiously need to realize that they’re doing double the damage when they slather up.
At this point, you might be thinking about skin cancer and all the Public Service Announcements you’ve endured throughout your life telling you that the sun is scary and bad. You’ll have to work through the brainwashing to decide for yourself whether you buy into all this talk of sunlight exposure as a health-promoting thing. Earlier in our dissertation, we talked about the Budwig Smoothie as a special dietary supplement that was meant to be consumed in the sunlight.
The Budwig Smoothie contains the proper proportion of proteins and healthy fats for cells to make healthy, electrical membranes. And the Budwig Smoothie was designed to be eaten while sitting in the sun so that the body can absorb photons to charge human cells. This simple smoothie has cured many diseases and it’s an important part of any protocol used to cure male infertility. Read more about the Budwig Diet here. The Budwig Smoothie is also a cure for cancer. It was one of the crucial healing diets that my husband did as part of his melanoma cure. Every day he spent 30 minutes or longer in the sun to cure melanoma. And it worked…
In other words, though we’ve all been taught that sunlight can cause cancer, it’s important that we consider the source of this “information” and the possibility that, in fact, sunlight exposure may be a cure for cancer rather than the cause.
Dopamine, Testosterone, Sunlight, and the Shikimate Pathway
In this discussion, we’ve attempted to explain, in depth, why sunlight exposure and testicular tanning is beneficial for men. So far, we’ve talked about nutrients that have vibrant, intense colors that interact with sunlight in a manner that’s similar to how methylene blue reacts with red light. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how sunlight is bad for the skin, but the fact is, human skin was built to deal with radiation from the sun, at least in reasonable moderation.In a different discussion, we talked about the amino acids L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine. L-phenylalanine is converted into L-tyrosine and then L-tyrosine is converted into L-dopa and then L-dopa is eventually into dopamine in the body. I know this sounds complex, but it’s a linear path from L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine, L-dopa and then onward to dopamine. There are detours along the path, but we won’t worry about the detours for now.
These two aminos (L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine) are produced in microbial gut flora through the same biochemical reaction (known as the shikimate pathway) as vitamin K2 and folate. So L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine are also cousins to vitamin K2 and folate.
The Miracle of Melanin
Melanin is the dark pigment that causes skin, hair, fur, and eyes to have color. The same microbial gut flora that normally produce vitamin K2 also produce L-tyrosine, which happens to be the amino acid responsible for melanin production. Back in the 1980s, L-tyrosine supplements were touted as health supplements that could produce a “natural tan” because of the interaction between melanin, L-tyrosine, and the sun.But though L-tyrosine is often featured as the most salient ingredient in the production of melanin, iodine is the second ingredient. This makes sense given the dark red-orange color of iodine. And iodine and L-tyrosine work together well. They’re also the two fundamental ingredients in the production of thyroid hormones (which regulate weight gain, weight loss, and immune system function, and reproductive hormone levels). We’ll talk more about that later.
Mucuna pruriens: Herbal Hair Pigmentation Restoration and Fertility Booster
Mucuna pruriens is one of my favorite herbal remedies. I love to recommend this herb because it proves itself to people within a short period of time. And it does many things that seem otherwise impossible. Mucuna is a humble bean plant that belongs to the same family as Psoralea and soy bean. It’s a bean that produces the dopamine precursor in large amounts. It’s leaves produce droplets of serotonin. And if you take enough Mucuna pruriens for a long enough period of time, your hair will never turn gray. In those who already have graying hair, Mucuna can be used to restore hair pigmentation. It does so by providing the body with plenty of L-dopa.Mucuna pruriens and puerariea plants are herbal remedies for sexual dysfunction in men. They contain nutritive factors like natural L-dopa, the amino acid that’s derived from the metabolism of L-tyrosine. L-dopa is then able to be converted into the neurotransmitter dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in regulating testosterone levels. Dopamine regulates testosterone levels and testosterone levels regulate dopamine levels. The two work bidirectionally to modulate each other such that low testosterone means low dopamine and vice versa. The fact that L-tyrosine was once produced in the gut by microorganisms that have been killed by RoundUp / glyphosate is worth noting here. L-tyrosine is a source of the dopamine precursor-amino known as L-dopa. And L-dopa turns into dopamine which regulates testosterone. A plant medicine like Mucuna pruriens thus works to restore testosterone levels and to cure sexual dysfunction in men via its natural ability to raise testosterone by raising dopamine levels.
We’re talking about RoundUp / glyphosate exposure as a powerful reason why testosterone levels in men may not be as high as they should be, but this herbicide also impacts how our minds work, how our reproductive system works, whether our bodies can absorb nutrients and use them, and a number of other health-related issues. Of concern, is the fact that dopamine levels in men are also impacted given that dopamine plays a role in our ability to make healthy decisions for ourselves. Making good decisions is vital in terms human health.
I think we’ve made our point that RoundUp / glyphosate, other organophosphates, and GMOs play a role in creating health issues in men that otherwise would not arise. And I think we’ve also made the point that vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7, vitamin B9 / folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin, and L-tyrosine supplementation are valuable additions to testicular tanning, but let’s talk a bit more about the dopamine-testosterone connection to better understand how a humble bean-plant like Mucuna pruriens can act as an herbal remedy for male infertility.
Mucuna pruriens: Dopamine and Testosterone
Testosterone is released from the testes when gonadotropic-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released by the hypothalamus which then signals the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone signals the testes to release testosterone. Dopamine deficiency causes GnRH to be reduced by 67% or more. This problem then cascades down to the pituitary, which fails to release the LH that signals the testes to release testosterone. Our reproductive hormone balance is initiated in the brain or, as some might say, in the crown chakra. So if things aren’t okay up north, things won’t be okay down south.When men are dopamine deficient, their LH levels fall because GnRH are 67% lower than they should be. While the hypothalamus is a region of the brain without a lot of easily identifiable landmarks, the pituitary looks a bit like a tiny set of testicles hanging out of the mid-brain. And it is ultimately the pituitary gland that communicates with the reproductive organs via LH. When LH is low, the hormone prolactin rises. High prolactin levels then work against the production of dopamine, further exacerbating low testosterone levels and low dopamine levels. This is how and why dopamine levels and testosterone levels directly influence each other.
Mucuna pruriens helps restore dopamine levels to normal which then restores testosterone levels to normal.

Click here to buy Mucuna pruriens to naturally improve testosterone levels.
For average readers, we just presented a lot of big words and foreign names in the paragraphs above, so let’s review. Mucuna pruriens is an herbal remedy for sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Mucuna pruriens is the most important herbal remedy for sexual dysfunction in men and it combines well with Ashwaghanda, another herbal treatment for male infertility and reproductive hormone balance. Read more about Mucuna pruriens as an herbal cure for male infertility here. Mucuna pruriens is a bean plant. You can add the bean to soups or eat it on tacos. It’s a food. But Mucuna is a food that contains high levels of L-tyrosine and L-dopa.Psoralea is another valuable herbal remedy for low testosterone levels and male infertility. It belongs to the same plant family. L-tyrosine is a vital ingredient in melanin production. Indeed, older, graying men and women who are given high doses of Mucuna pruriens to treat Parkinson’s disease can restore pigmentation to their hair. Read more about restoring hair pigmentation here. We already know that skin and hair pigmentation is related to the idea of sunlight exposure. L-tyrosine is the amino acid precursor to melanin, the pigmentation molecule in skin and hair. Iodine is a necessary ingredient that combines with L-tyrosine to produce melanin. But now, we also know that L-tyrosine is a precursor to L-dopa and that L-dopa is a precursor to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps people make good decisions for themselves. Dopamine and testosterone influence each other, so keeping dopamine levels high should be a priority for any man who wishes to keep his testosterone levels high.
Melanins are natural pigments. In humans, they’re found throughout the body, but they’re also found in all kingdoms of living organisms.Though most of us are familiar with melanin as a substance that makes the skin darker after exposure to sunlight (tanning), melanin does a lot more than that. Its function in both plants and humans is somewhat enigmatic because it’s not soluble in very many solvents which makes it somewhat hard for scientists to study.
In plants, melanin production is associated with the so-called “browning reaction” that occurs when plant tissues are wounded. A bruised banana is a good example of the browning reaction. The bruised, brown part of the banana becomes brown due to melanin. The browning-reaction occurs when enzymes are released from chloroplasts that interact with certain other substances to produce o-quinones that then become melanin. Recall that both folate and vitamin K2 are also quinones.
Quinones and the quinone structure play a role in theories regarding chemical structure and color. In other words, quinones are biological pigments (also known as biochromes). Both vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 are naphthoquinones and they can be used as chemical indicators of acidity or alkalinity. An plant-example of this acid-alkaline test is the butterfly pea plant (also known as Clitoria laurifolia). This plant, which belongs to the same Fabaceae tribe as Mucuna pruriens, closely resembles a woman’s vagina and clitoris. If you make a tea using butterfly pea, the color of the tea will change depending on whether the water is acidic or alkaline.
Acidity and alkalinity (pH) plays a role in melanin production. If a person’s body is especially acidic or alkaline, the melanin production pathway can be altered in negative or positive ways. To me, this is a significant fact, though it might slip through the cracks if readers aren’t familiar with the 48 hour cancer cure that was developed by Dr. Keith Brewer using Cesium, an element that can be taken to raise the body’s pH levels to kill cancer and also get rid of the pain of cancer within only 48 hours. Indeed, melanin is not just a pigment. It plays a role in the development of diseases like cancer, autism, Parkinson’s disease, and even addiction. Indeed, when you do testicular tanning, you’re working with melanin and the host of nutrients that interact with the sun.
Melanin is present in seeds too though seeds don’t manifest a “browning reaction”, but we’ve talked about the importance of seeds in earlier discussions regarding vitamin B17 / amygdalin, another nutrient substance that’s found primarily in seeds. Read more about vitamin B17 as a cure for male infertility here.

It’s a fact that white cats with blue eyes tend to be deaf. And it’s also a fact that albino children tend to have hearing problems. This is because melanocytes are found in the inner ear and a deficiency of melanocytes in the skin, eyes, and hair / fur indicates that there are deficiencies of melanocytes in other areas of the body as well. The melanin pigments do more than just make us look a particular way. They’re just one visibly obvious way in which our bodies were designed to work with sunlight.
Melanin in humans and in animals is roughly analogous to flavonoids in plants though melanins in plants serve a function similar to melanins in humans too. Flavonoids, like melanins are phenol compound. They’re both made in response to sunlight exposure, and they both confer a red-brown tissue pigmentation. Both also play vital roles in reproduction and general health.
Red Grapes / Red Wine
Grapes are a plant-food that contain natural melanin which might explain to some extent why red wine has cardio-protective activity on the body. Red wine is a substance that produces a strong, highly resistant stain if you spill it on something like a white tablecloth. Above, we talked about methylene blue as a dye / stain that can be used with red light therapy to mimic, to some extent, the full-spectrum light of the sun to cure herpes virus infection and other diseases. Red wine is a stain that has a reddish color rather than the bluish color of methylene blue. So it would tend to interact more with the blue or violent spectrum of light (such as the ultraviolet rays of the sun).Studies into the melanin produced by grapes, which is similar to the melanin produced by humans, have shown that grape-melanin suppresses arthritis, cancer, edema, immune system dysfunction, and inflammation. One might assume that endogenously produced melanin has a similar effect on the body.
Though melanins may resist formal study due to their tendency to be insoluble, we might make some assumptions about similarities between melanins and flavonoids in terms of their healing effects on the human body. In food-based health treatments and herbal remedies, the presence of flavonoids in plants often has an immune-system modulating effect on the human body. Flavonoids reduce inflammation, they reduce blood pressure, they help to prevent heart disease. They act as antioxidants to slow the aging process, they can be used to treat diseases like HIV. They have anti-cancer activity.
Types of Melanin
There are three types of melanin produced in the human body:- Neuromelanin
- Pheomelanin
- Eumelanin
Neuromelanin is a pigment produced by dopamine neurons as well as by neurons that produce other catecholamines. Though dopamine neurons are present throughout the body, neuromelanin is present in the highest quantities in an area of the mid-brain known as the “substantia nigra” which literally means “black substance” (referring to the presence of the neuromelanin pigment). Experts have noted that there’s a link between the development of Parkinson’s disease and the neuromelanin-containing neurons of the substantia nigra.Neuromelanin differs from the other two types of melanin in a variety of ways, but scientists have recently begun to recognize that neuromelanin plays a defensive role in protecting the body and the brain from damage by heavy metals and by the presence of too much iron.
Pheomelanin and Eumelanin
Pheomelanin is a pigment that colors the skin, lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and the vaginal tissues. It contains sulfur while eumelanin does not. Eumelanin, in contrast, is present in the skin and hair and it does not contain sulfur. Eumelanin absorbs UV light while pheomelanin reflects the yellow to red spectrum of light. All skin types and colors contain a higher proportion of eumelanin than pheomelanin.One important function of melanin in the skin is to act as a sunscreen. Melanin has an SPF of 1.5-4 which means that melanin can absorb 50-75% of damaging ultraviolet radiation. Darker skin colors contain more eumelanin than lighter skin colors and as such, those with darker skin are better protected against ultraviolet damage.
The production of melanin is a multistep process that begins with L-tyrosine and its conversion into DOPAquinone by an enzyme called “tyrosinase”. DOPAquinone then receives an L-cysteine amino or glutathione to become pheomelanin. L-cysteine is another amino acid that is vital in detoxifying the body to remove harmful substances like heavy metals that can buildup to cause disease. So, as we noted before when we talked about the pathway taken by fumaric acid and vitamin D through the organs of detoxification, sunlight works through multiple pathways in the body to detoxify cells. Melanin, as it turns out, contains L-cysteine which converts to glutathione, the most powerful detoxifying agents currently known.
If there are no thiol compounds, or sulfhydryl or sylfhanyl groups (note that the Budwig Smoothie that we mentioned earlier in this discussion is very high in sulfhydryl groups), a different set of conversions occur leading to the production of eumelanin instead of pheomelanin occurs.
Melanocyte Octopi and Melanin Ink to Envelope Pathogens
Pheomelanin produces reactive oxygen species when it is exposed to UVA light. We’ve talked about superoxide anions as a model reactive oxygen species that kills pathogens, binds heavy metals, and seeks out and destroys cancer cells. In the scientific literature, the production of reactive oxygen species is often portrayed as a negative thing though the fact is, not all reactive oxygen species are created equal. Some reactive oxygen species are “free radicals” that are toxic and damaging to the body. But other reactive oxygen species have protective and medicinal effects on the body. This is one of Big Pharma’s most closely guarded secrets. In the dark hallows of Big Pharma’s laboratories, substances like Chlorine Dioxide Solution, medicinal ozone, and food-grade hydrogen peroxide as well as plant medicines like Artemisia annua are all being studied by scientists specializing in reactive oxygen species biology and medicine. Medicinals like Chlorine Dioxide Solution, food grade hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and Artemisia annua all share in common the ability to release specific reactive oxygen species that have the ability to kill pathogens that can infect the human body. These reactive oxygen species include the likes of superoxide anions and hydroxyl ions.The fact that pheomelanin releases reactive oxygen species means that this pigment plays a role in protecting us from infection, toxins, and cancer.

But while Big Pharma and media conglomerates that are owned by Big Pharma work hard to scare people away from reactive oxygen species like the superoxide anion that’s released by Chlorine Dioxide Solution or the hydroxyl ion produced when food grade hydrogen peroxide molecules are cleaved by sunlight exposure, our bodies were made to produce both superoxide anions and hydroxyl molecules as a front line defense against disease and exposure to toxins. Melanin is the substance that reacts with the sun to produce medicinal reactive oxygen species naturally after exposure to UVA. Pheomelanin is the type of melanin that’s only produced when the body has plenty of the amino acid L-cysteine on hand, and its the type of melanin that’s most reactive with sunlight to produce these healing reactive oxygen species.
So let’s return to the idea of Octopi and how they release ink in order to envelope and confuse predators that are pursuing them. It’s a good metaphor and we should use it. In humans, melanocytes are cells that look a bit like octopi, after all and they produce and release melanin that acts to protect our bodies from predatory pathogens, heavy metals, certain toxins, and cancer by releasing medicinal reactive oxygen species.
Melanin and Testicular Tanning
Getting back to our original topic, which was, of course, testicular tanning, we can now think intelligently about melanin and the testicles. Both pheomelanin and eumelanin are found in human skin including on testicular skin tissues. The healing effects of pheomelanin and the reactive oxygen species medicinals that it releases when the skin is exposed to sunlight are able to remove toxins from the body, kill pathogens that might be causing infection, and also kill cancer cells. Making sure that you have plenty of L-cysteine in your body can be helpful in promoting the beneficial effects of testicular tanning in terms of melanin.Additionally, melanin is a substance that is directly and intimately related to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that directly impacts testosterone levels in men. Dopamine and melanin are both produced from the amino acid L-tyrosine. So now we have two vital amino acids in the testicular tanning equation: L-tyrosine and L-cysteine.

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But in addition to its role in the production of melanin and dopamine, L-tyrosine also plays a role in the production of thyroid hormones when it is combined with another photo-active nutrient, iodine. Iodine feeds the thyroid gland through one biological pathway and it feeds the reproductive organs through another. Iodine is an orange-red color and the nutrient form, Lugol’s iodine, is always stored in a dark brown container because of its reactivity to sunlight exposure.We know that reproductive organs and the thyroid gland need iodine in order to be healthy. But we also know that red spectrum light, in particular, can mitigate some of the negative effects of being iodine deficient. Red light therapy can be shone at the thyroid gland, for example, to promote thyroid hormone production even if a person is iodine-deficient, which is an interesting fact worth considering though the actual mechanism of action is currently beyond anything that’s being considered scientifically in the U.S.
We know that methylene blue can be used with light in the red and infra-red spectrum to kill pathogens in the body, to increase cellular energy (through the donation of electrons to mitochondria), and more. So we might surmise that a nutrient like Lugol’s iodine, which is red-orange in color would interact with the blue or violet / ultraviolet spectrum of light though iodine in some contexts, when mixed with starches becomes a deep blue color. Other nutrient substances with intense colors like the striking blue of cobalt in vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin is likely the nutrient equivalent to methylene blue in terms of its ability to interact with the red spectrum light of sunlight.
Iodine deficiency, L-tyrosine deficiency, and vitamin B12 deficiency would thus play a role in how the body reacts to sunlight and the body’s ability to use the full-spectrum light of the sun to its fullest capacity. Folate / vitamin B9 is another important photo-reactive nutrient-molecule along with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is indirectly photo-reactive in that it produces Cytochrome C in human cells, which then functions like a biological solar panel in the human body. These nutrients along with what we know about melanin make strong argument in favor of testicular tanning for male infertility and sexual dysfunction.

Testicular Tanning: Folate as a Sun-Sensitive Molecule and Iodine as an Ingredient in Melanin
Folate / vitamin B9 is a nutrient substance that is manufactured via the shikimate pathway in plants and microorganisms, including healthy intestinal flora that have not been exposed to RoundUp / glyphosate. This is the same biochemical path that’s used to manufacture vitamin K2 and L-tyrosine which both interact with sunlight. Vitamin B12 is an anti-dementia nutrient that it also promotes healthy digestion and fertility. But without folate / vitamin B9, vitamin B12 is inactive. And without active vitamin B12, iodine may not be properly absorbed by the body. So here, we introduce folate as a nutrient that interacts with the ultraviolet light of the sun.UV light by itself, as from a tanning bed or from a conventional medicine treatment for disease, can cause folate to break down in very light-skinned individuals. Scientists have studied this phenomenon in light-skinned pregnant women who had a folate deficiency as a result of UV exposure at tanning salons or due to the focused concentration of ultraviolet light at doctor’s clinics. In contrast, populations of people who live in areas of the world with intense, natural sunlight tend to have a lot of melanin in the skin and they’re much less likely to develop folate / vitamin B9 deficiency in response to sunlight exposure. Scientists hypothesize that dark pigmentation of the skin can protect the body against the breakdown of crucial nutrients like folate.

Click here to buy high -dose methyl folate.
Folate deficiency causes infertility, maternal death, fetal death, neural tube defects in infants, and severe anemia. So, with these scientific studies in mind, one might be tempted to believe that sunlight will automatically break down folate / vitamin B9 to actually cause problems like male infertility. But now that you better appreciate and understand the value of melanin in the body, and now that you also understand the value of iodine as a thyroid and reproductive organ nutrient and how a nutrient deficiency like that of vitamin K2 can contribute to the production and health of melanin, you may also now be able to truly appreciate the fact that iodine is necessary for the production of melanin in the human body.We’ve come full-circle now. If we were going to mix up a big metaphorical pot of melanin on the stove, we’d start by putting L-tyrosine in a glass bowl with tyrosinase, the enzyme that breaks L-tyrosine down into L-DOPA. L-DOPA, remember, is the precursor to dopamine. Without high dopamine levels, you can’t have high testosterone levels as these two neurohormones directly influence each other. We’d throw iodine into the pot of L-DOPA with some hydrogen peroxide to produce “DOPAchrome”. Then we’d stir vigorously until the DOPAchrome turns into melanin.
Tyrosinase is the key enzyme responsible for the production of melanin. Cytokines and hormone levels in the body also play a key role in the production of melanin. And pH levels, as we’ve previously discussed and body temperature also impact the melanin-production process. This is an important point because, in the treatment of serious diseases, cold temperatures tend to enhance the healing effects of high pH / high alkalinity while hot temperatures tend to enhance the healing effects of low pH / high acidity. In a previous article, we talked about the use of “opposites” like hot and cold and photodynamic therapy as a way to cure Long COVID and Post COVID Vaccine Injury.
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Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin for Testicular Tanning
In the natural world, there is only one form of vitamin B12: methylcobalamin. But in the world of supplements, there are two forms: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. If you intend to do testicular tanning to raise testosterone levels, you’ll want to seek out methylcobalamin, the natural form of vitamin B12.For one thing, methylcobalamin is a vital nutrient in the conversion of estrogen to testosterone by microbes that are capable of this biochemical feat. But methylcobalamin does more than just that and it trumps cyanocobalamin in terms of what it can accomplish health-wise in the human body.
Methylcobalamin vs. Cyanocobalamin
Cyanocobalamin is synthetic. And unfortunately, this is the most common type of vitamin B12 in supplements. Methylcobalamin is still available in some supplements, but you have to seek out those supplements by reading ingredient labels. Both methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin contain cobalt an element with an intense blue color not unlike the intense blue color of methylene blue.As we’ve discussed previously, methylcobalamin and methylene blue have the prefix “methyl” in their names. While the cobalt part of methylcobalamin is important, the methyl part is also important in the body’s methylation cycle. Methylene blue, the substance we discussed earlier as a photoreactive pharmaceutical that reacts positively with red light therapy, can improve the methylation cycle in the body as well.
Methyl is one of the most important organic molecules found in living things. Methyl and methylation is not a very hot topic in most circles except those involving autism, but it deserves some attention in a discussion about testicular tanning or in any conversation about melanin. Indeed, autistic children tend to have very pale skin with low levels of melanin and parents report that methylated folate supplementation can relieve symptoms of autism.Methylfolate likely works through its ability to speed up detoxification of the body (via L-cysteine and glutathione production) and its ability to regulate dopamine and noradrenaline production. We’ve already discussed the importance of dopamine in regard to testosterone levels. But methylation processes also regulate homocysteine levels which can play a role in sexual function. Nonetheless, we won’t dwell for long on homocysteine as a topic except to point out that this substance is held up like a smoke screen to prevent scientists from learning about and studying vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7.
Homocysteine is a homolog of the detoxification amino acid known as L-cysteine. Homocysteine differs from L-cysteine only in terms of a chemical entity known as a methylene bridge. That methylene bridge makes a big difference in terms of how homocysteine behaves in the body though. While L-cysteine is beneficial to human health, high homocysteine levels are associated with issues like heart disease or calcium deposition in the blood vessels, abnormal blood clotting, stroke, or heart attack. These health issues are all modulated by vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7. As we’ve already discussed previously, calcium deposits in blood vessels happen when the body is vitamin K2 deficient. We’ve also talked about how a vitamin K2 deficiency causes an iodine deficiency to happen because of the high calcium levels in the blood, tissues, and organs.
When homocysteine levels are high, patients are at risk of developing blood clots, which brings to mind issues like vaccine injury. In pregnant women, high levels of homocysteine can also lead to miscarriage and neural tube defects in infants. But wait— neural tube defects occur most often when the mother is deficient in folate, which is a substance that’s produced through the same shikimate pathway as vitamin K2. Recall that staple food crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat all used to contain vitamin K2, folate, and L-tyrosine, some of the most important ingredients in the melanin soup that we talked about above. Without vitamin K2, iodine, the other essential ingredient (besides hydrogen peroxide) won’t be properly absorbed by the body for use in the production of melanin, the miracle substance that protects folate and that interacts with full spectrum light of the sun. So maybe we shouldn’t be looking at homocysteine at all.
Luckily, homocysteine levels can be controlled and recycled into methionine, which can then be converted into L-cysteine and glutathione as long as B complex vitamins are present. So if you were worried about homocysteine, you can let that go. In autism circles, there’s a focus on the B vitamins, especially folate and the proper and hasty methylation of folate as a nutrient that calms autism. Methylcobalamin or vitamin B12 and SAM-e are the two substances most commonly used to promote the methylation of folate to make it bioavailable in the human body.
Folate vs. Synthetic Folic Acid
Natural vitamin B12, known as methylcobalamin has been reconfigured in Big Pharma’s lab into cyanocobalamin, a substance that doesn’t function the same way in the body as methylcobalamin. Folate has a similar story. The synthetic version of folic acid has also, interestingly, had its methyl groups removed to produce a substance that doesn’t perform in the same way in the human body. In other words, natural folate is already methylated. The real problem here is synthetic nutrients that have been chemically altered such that they don’t behave like natural nutrients in the human body.So why is Big Pharma removing all of these methyl groups of vitamins that specifically work with sunlight and melanin production? Interestingly, GMO food products that contain ingredients like corn, wheat, and soy that used to contain natural versions of nutrients like vitamin K2 and folate are now being “fortified” with synthetic versions of these nutrients. Most multivitamins also contain the synthetic form of vitamin B12, folate, and yes, even vitamin K2 (MK-7 is the natural form and MK-4 is synthetic).
Folate supplementation with the natural methylated form of this vitamin, can be used to raise sperm count. Without proper folate levels, certain genes are not expressed in men, leading to reduced production of sperm which can cause infertility. Natural methylfolate and vitamin B12 / methylcobalamin work together and indeed, all of the B vitamins are beneficial in male infertility.
Vitamin B12 and iodine work together in the production of melanin. Indeed, while an iodine deficiency can lead to pale skin and the under-production of melanin, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to hyperpigmentation and the over-production of melanin. So vitamin B12 and iodine work together to balance and regulate the production of melanin.
Iodine as a Sunlight-Responsive Nutrient
So let’s talk about iodine again for a moment. We spend a lot of time writing about the value of Lugol’s iodine as a cure for many diseases, but we can’t emphasize enough how important iodine is as a natural treatment for male sexual dysfunction especially iodine in combination with natural sunlight exposure. Let’s imagine for a moment, red light and its interaction with methylene blue, which is a bright blue, electrolytic substance that easily reacts with red light to make good things happen in a man’s body.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Iodine is a reddish-orange substance that is always stored in dark bottles. It is photolytic which means that sunlight causes it to split apart. Iodine can react with certain substances like amylose to produce a striking blue color on contact. So let’s just assume that iodine is a brightly colored nutrient that reacts with more than one part of the full-spectrum light of the sun in the same way that red light reacts with the intense blue of methylene blue to create electrical energy in human cells.
The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
The interaction of a particular spectrum of light with a nutrient of a particular color, in other words, is able to charge human cells and provide them with the energy they need to survive, repair themselves, and stay healthy.
We already know that iodine is the key nutrient that every man needs in order to have healthy reproductive organs. Without Lugol’s iodine supplementation, most men will be deficient in this mineral. And men who are deficient in vitamin K2 may have difficulty absorbing iodine properly. Vitamin K2, is also a red/orange color. We know that vitamin K2 is produced in those same intestinal gut flora that convert estrogen into testosterone and we know that the gut flora is damaged and sometimes even obliterated by GMO plants like corn, wheat, and soy that are covered in RoundUp / glyphosate residues. And we know that those staple food products also no longer produce vitamin K2 and folate (which is one of the reasons why Big Food started “fortifying” foods with synthetic, non-methylated folic acid. But now that we fully acknowledge that reddish things and bluish things interact when one or the other of these things is a light source, we can also appreciate the idea that other complementary colors and parts of the light spectrum can also interact to produce positive health benefits as well.
Testicular Tanning Procedure
Testicular tanning by itself without certain nutrient supplements won’t be as successful as testicular tanning with the following list of nutrients and herbs administered daily:-
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7: 200 mcg per day
- Lugol’s iodine 2%: 50 mg per day (20 drops in water or directly applied to the testicles)
- Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin: 1/4 teaspoon per day
- Methyl Folate: 15 mg
- Vitamin B Complex: Take 2 capsules daily (make sure the B complex contains methylfolate and methylcobalamin, not the synthetic forms of these vitamins)
- L-Tyrosine: 2000 mg (in 2 divided doses of 1000 mg each)
- L-Cysteine: 1000 mg
- Mucuna pruriens + Ashwaghanda: 4000 mg per day (in 4 divided doses of 1000 mg each)
- Fumaric Acid or Fumaria officinalis - Take fumaric acid supplements or take a daily dose of fumitory / fumaria officinalis tincture seasonally if you live in an area where there is limited sunlight for parts of the year.
Spend 30-60 minutes per day in the sun with the testicles exposed. Prior to a testicular tanning session, make the Budwig Smoothie and consume it in the sunlight. Read more about the Budwig Smoothie as a cure for male infertility and sexual dysfunction here. Note that a tanning bed only provides ultraviolet, not full-spectrum light so the health benefits of tanning beds are significantly diminished. Red light therapy should be administered along with fumaric acid or Fumaria officinalis / Fumitory tincture during seasons of the year when there is limited sunlight.

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