Vitamin K2 as a Natural Treatment for Insecticide Poisoning
In our research, we uncovered this vital link between iodine deficiency and vitamin K2 deficiency after delving into the science of how bromide-containing insecticides and organophosphates function in the human body. A number of our clients have reproductive hormone imbalances and, despite receiving bioidentical hormone treatment, they still experience hormone imbalances and associated health issues. This led us to look more closely at toxins in the environment that might disrupt reproductive hormone levels and make it impossible for some people to absorb iodine from foods or supplementsInitially, when we began our research, we knew that iodine could be used to prevent bromine / bromide toxicity. Indeed, potassium iodide is so powerful by itself in mega-doses that it can even protect the body from nuclear fallout and radiation exposure. So iodine has this incredible ability to protect the body not just from infection, cancer, autoimmune disease, and hormone imbalance but also from radiation exposure and bromide and fluoride-containing toxins in the environment, in cosmetics, in flame retardants, in foods and drinks (as brominated vegetable oils or BVOs), in the municipal water supplies, and in swimming pools.
But vitamin K2 seems to possess a similar effect on the body when it comes to treating the symptoms of organophosphate exposure. Being vitamin K2 deficient seems to make the body susceptible to organophosphate exposure similar to the way that iodine deficiency makes the body susceptible to bromide toxicity and fluoride toxicity. Vitamin K2, after all, promotes the healthy crystallization of calcium and phosphate in bone tissues to make them dense, yet flexible, and very strong. And organophosphates build up in the body in the bone tissues, as evidenced from the fact that organophosphate-containing medications (known as bisphosphonates) are the most commonly used “treatment” for osteoporosis build up in the bone tissues to cause deranged crystalline formation of bone tissue that persists for about 10 years. Bisphosphonates do not make the bones stronger, but they do make the bones look more dense on an x-ray or MRI, which impresses osteoporosis patients. We talk more about the dangers of bisphosphonate drugs like Fosamax here, but the main takeaway here is the fact that bones that are lacking density (due to vitamin K2 deficiency) readily take in bisphosphonates as a toxic alternative to the nutrient that the body is actually needing.
Vitamin K2, Iodine, and the Shikimate Pathway: How to Cure Human Parasite Infection
Organophosphates like RoundUp / glyphosate are programmed to destroy plants and microorganisms that go through the basic shikimate pathway. The shikimate pathway is a biochemical pathway that’s used to produce vitamin K2 in plants and in healthy microorganisms that normally live in the human gut. Exposure to RoundUp / glyphosate and regular consumption of GMO products that were developed to not go through this biochemical pathway, cause humans to develop vitamin K2 deficiency followed by iodine deficiency. The combination of vitamin K2 deficiency and the health problems we’ve noted above along with iodine deficiency, which can cause low immunity, reproductive organ imbalances and disease, and more sets people up to be vulnerable to parasite infection.To make matters worse though, a number of the anti-parasitic pharmaceuticals on the market today like albendazole, mebendazole, and more are shikimate pathway inhibitors. So, when a person with a heavy worm load of intestinal parasites takes these medications, these drugs, after they kill apicomplexan parasites, also kill other healthy gut flora that would naturally produce vitamin K2.
Instead of using a drug like mebendazole or albendazole as a treatment for parasites, consider using herbal remedies for parasite infection or Chlorine Dioxide Solution plus Dimethylsulfoxide. Also supplement with vitamin K2, Lugol’s iodine, pancreatic enzymes, and vitamin B17. These are substances that help the body fight parasite infection naturally to make people less vulnerable to becoming infected with parasites in the first place.
Organophosphate exposure and exposure to drugs that inhibit the shikimate pathway can kill up to 54% of the healthy gut flora that produce vitamins like vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 among other things. When the gut flora is severely compromised by organophosphate or pharmaceutical exposure, there’s a downward spiral that happens in terms of health. If you’re looking for a treatment for severe parasite infection that’s resistant to drugs, then you need to look into taking the nutrients we’re recommending as a way to build up your body’s natural defenses.
Note that there are certain situations where patients may opt to take mebendazole or albendazole or other shikimate pathway inhibitors. Be aware, however, that these drugs will require probiotic treatment and vitamin K2 and iodine therapy afterwards to restore health.
Read more here about treatments of parasites for humans.
Read more about Chlorine Dioxide Solution as a cure for parasite infection here.
Read more about the miraculous medicinal effects of Dimethylsulfoxide as a cure for parasite infection here.
Read more here about how vitamin B17 can strengthen the body to fight parasite infection naturally.
Read more about how to use Lugol’s iodine to cure parasite infection here.

Synthetic Nutrients That Cause Nutrient Deficiency Diseases
There are a number of synthetic nutrients that are manufactured in Big Pharma labs and then distributed by doctors to treat nutrient-deficiency diseases. A synthetic nutrient will never cure the nutrient-deficiency disease, so this is a buyer-beware situation that all patients should know about. Indeed, if you are deficient in a particular nutrient and you take a synthetic nutrient (rather than the real thing), which was manufactured in a lab and “synthesized” into a molecular configuration that does not exist in nature, you will make your nutrient deficiency worse, not better.You see, in order to be patentable, all drugs that become approved must be made up of molecules and substances that do not exist in nature. A thing that exists naturally, cannot be patented and it therefore cannot be wildly profitable. So this fact about drug patenting means that most doctors will never give you a natural substance.
But your body needs certain nutrients. That’s a fact. And if you don’t give your body the nutrients it needs, it will make do with whatever it has available at the time in order to promote your survival. Often, the body confuses toxic, synthetic substances in foods or in the environment with nutrient substances and it readily takes these toxic, synthetic substances and tries to incorporate them into tissues and body fluids simply to keep the body functioning. At first, these synthetic substances seem like they’re helping, but then, the body realizes that they aren’t the real thing and any medicinal effects from those nutrients go away and the negative impact of being exposed to a toxic drug becomes apparent. Unfortunately, however, many patients who take these synthetic nutrients, which are prescribed by their doctor, often believe that the negative symptoms that they experience within a few weeks of beginning drug therapy are not due to the drug (the synthetic nutrient), but rather simply believe that their disease has taken a turn for the worse.
Vitamin A is an example of a nutrient that has been reworked in a lab to become a patentable, synthetic nutrient. Fenretinide (also known as N-4-hydroxyphenyl-retinamide or 4-HPR) is a synthetic vitamin A drug that is given to patients with breast cancer, bladder cancer, and prostate cancer, for example. But as a synthetic nutrient, Fenretinide actually causes vitamin A deficiency. The only way to legitimately get rid of a vitamin A deficiency is to take a natural form of vitamin A such as beta-carotene or retinol (note that beta-carotene is the inactive form, and excess amounts will be excreted in the urine, and that retinol is the active form of vitamin A, and will immediately be moved into storage in the liver and other areas of the body).
Read more about the use of vitamin A as a cure for cancer here.
However, if you are deficient in natural vitamin A, and you take a substance like Fenretinide, this would ultimately make your situation infinitely worse since the Fenretinide would be going into the body and masquerading as the real, natural form of vitamin A.
Essentially, exposure to bromide, fluoride, and organophosphates work in the body in a manner similar to that of synthetically-produced, unnatural non-nutrients like Fenretinide. If your body is deficient in a particular nutrient (like iodine), it will take in and use almost anything that looks remotely similar (on a molecular level) to the nutrient that is lacking in the diet (such as bromine / bromide or fluorine / fluoride).
So, if your doctor prescribes a synthetic nutrient as a drug, beware. Instead of taking the drug, consider taking a natural form of the nutrient itself and see if it relieves your symptoms.
Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself From Them - BUY HERE!

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