The Cascade of Health Problems That Can Happen as a Result of Vitamin K2 Deficiency
A vitamin K2 deficiency (specifically of the Menaquinone / MK-7 form of vitamin K2) can cause a myriad of health problems because if you’re deficient in vitamin K2 and your bones will be sick. Your blood will then be sick because your bones are sick. Blood, after all, is manufactured inside the bone tissues. Your organs and your glands will also be ailing because there will be too much calcium deposited into them, causing parts of certain organs to become hardened and to die. And with blood problems come tissue problems in the weakest organs, of course. Calcification of the pancreas can lead to diabetes. Calcification of the gallbladder can lead to serious digestive issues as well as porcelain gallbladder. Calcification of the pineal gland can cause or worsen symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / PTSD or autism / ASD. Calcification of the liver or other organs could look like cancer on an MRI. Breast calcifications and false positives for mammograms can happen as a result of a vitamin K2 deficiency–which brings me to the next important revelation regarding vitamin K2.Click here to read about how to decalcify the pineal gland.
Read more here about mammogram false positive results and breast calcification treatment.
Vitamin K2 Deficiency and Iodine Deficiency
If you have a vitamin K2 deficiency, you probably have high calcium levels in your blood supply, but not in your bones and teeth. And these high calcium levels in the blood, (which might be spectacularly high if the person in question is taking a vitamin D supplement on top of already being deficient in vitamin K2 already) can make it exceptionally hard for the body to absorb iodine.We write a lot about iodine and how a deficiency of iodine affects human health. Iodine deficiency was programmed into the food supply in the 1980s when it was removed as a fortifying agent in food and replaced by bromine, an endocrine disruptor (and a major competitor for iodine receptor sites in the body). Fluorine in the water supply added insult to injury in regard to iodine deficiency as both fluorine and bromine are halogen elements just like iodine. When the body becomes deficient in iodine, it becomes susceptible to bromine and to fluorine toxicity. The number of serious health problems that can be caused by iodine deficiency is so long that it is beyond the scope of this article. Add bromine toxicity and fluorine toxicity to the equation and the health problems get even longer and more severe.

Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
Vitamin D supplementation without vitamin K2 to balance its effects will make iodine deficiency worse. It isn’t hard to put two and two together as to why the media (funded by Big Pharma) promotes vitamin D supplementation so heavily unless you have some background information. Vitamin D supplementation without vitamin K2 will cause a serious deterioration in health that ends with the development of autoimmune disease, cancer, or both (the autoimmunity-cancer relationship is usually referred to as “paraneoplastic”. Read more about paraneoplastic disease here.) Thus, vitamin D over-supplementation fuels big industries in healthcare. There are compelling financial reasons for Big Pharma to justify pushing vitamin D so hard by the media.
Lugol’s iodine is a natural cure for breast cancer, for other reproductive organ cancers like prostate cancer or cervical cancer and for thyroid cancer, but anyone with any form of cancer should look more closely at Lugol's iodine. (Read more about Lugol’s iodine as a cure for cancer here). Indeed, Lugol’s iodine is also a natural cure for autoimmune disease, and in this article, we talk in depth about the connection between autoimmunity and cancer and how iodine deficiency factors into both. Now, consider the fact that a vitamin K2 deficiency can cause or worsen iodine deficiency, and also that both vitamin K2 and iodine are not present in adequate quantities in the food supply of most of the developed countries of the world, and you’ll see that the perfect storm has developed in terms of cancer and autoimmune disease. Indeed, a deficiency of iodine can cause extreme weight gain or extreme weight loss, hyperthyroidism, or hypothyroidism, reproductive hormone imbalances, mood disorders, infertility, and a vulnerability to infection (via its effects on the immune system), among other serious health problems.
Read more about Lugol’s iodine works as a weight loss nutrient here.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Iodine Therapy and Vitamin K2 as a Cure for Leukemia, Ovarian Cancer, Liver Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Stomach Cancer, and Lung Cancer
Scientists have studied vitamin K2 as a cure for leukemia and also as a cure for ovarian cancer and their results have been exciting, to say the least.Read more about vitamin K2 as a cure for ovarian cancer and also as a cure for leukemia here.
According to studies, vitamin K2 / MK-7 induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in leukemia cells including HL-60 and U937 leukemia cell lines, but these are just the cell lines that the scientists studied. So if you have a type of leukemia other than HL-60 or U937, vitamin K2 may very well work to treat and cure these other forms of leukemia too. In any case, vitamin K2 / MK-7 will do no harm, so it's worth a try to take this nutrient supplement for leukemia.
Vitamin K2 also is able to inhibit the growth of ovarian cancer cells or induce apoptosis as well. It’s rare for scientists to readily acknowledge that a particular substance is able to cure cancer or kill cancer cells, but vitamin K2 does just that. Vitamin K2, Lugol’s iodine, and vitamin B17 (another cancer cure with an 70-90% cure rate) should be used together as a cure for lymphoma, leukemia, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer. Other types of cancer will also respond well to these therapies.
Read more about vitamin B17 (amygdalin) as a cure for leukemia and other types of cancer here.
It's likely that vitamin K2 / MK-7 works to cure ovarian cancer because it moves calcium out of the blood supply so that the reproductive organs (including the ovaries) and the thyroid gland are then able to absorb the two forms of iodine in Lugol's iodine. Lugol's iodine and vitamin K2 go together and support each other after all, but there are several other nutrients that your body needs in order to make the most out of Lugol's iodine. Lydian and I compiled this list of nutrients and a Lugol's iodine protocol to ensure that people who are seriously ill have a good starting block to overcome their deficiencies and reclaim their health. It's a long list of nutrients, but most people are severely deficient in one or more nutrients in this list and if the deficiency persists, the body may or may not be able to overcome it to ultimately be able to absorb iodine. Click here to learn about the Lugol's iodine protocol. Note that if you have a thyroid issue of any kind, you should begin by taking only the supportive nutrients for 2 weeks to 2 months before beginning supplementation with Lugol's iodine.
Note that pancreatic enzyme therapy is vital as a natural treatment to prevent the metastasis of cancer and to cure serious forms of cancer like pancreatic cancer. If you have a pancreatic disease like diabetes, pancreatic enzyme therapy may also be warranted. Often, vitamin K2 deficiency can cause pancreatic calcification and a corresponding "pancreatic exocrine insufficiency". Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (which is just a fancy way of saying that the pancreatic enzymes of the pancreas are not being released in the proper amounts at the proper time), in turn can lead to poor digestion of fat-soluble nutrients (of which vitamin K2 is just one). In turn, poor absorption of fat-soluble nutrients can lead to diabetes. The endocrine function of the pancreas (which entail insulin production and release) is directly related to its exocrine function (which involves the production and release of insulin). Without proper levels of fat-soluble vitamins, the pancreas can't heal itself and can't do simple upkeep on it's own tissues. So the endocrine and exocrine function of the pancreas is related. Also, calcification of the common bile duct that connects the pancreas and the liver can cause backflow of pancreatic enzymes into the pancreas. If the pancreatic enzymes are not activated yet, this isn't as serious of an issue, but if they become activated, the pancreatic enzymes can kill pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.
Read more about Dr. John Beard’s pancreatic enzyme therapy as a cure for cancer here, but also note that pancreatic enzyme therapy may be valuable as a cure for diabetes as well.
Click here to read more about enzyme therapy and detoxification as a cure for diabetes.
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As we discussed above, ovarian cancer as a reproductive organ cancer also responds very well to Lugol’s iodine therapy, so it makes sense that correcting a vitamin K2 deficiency would benefit ovarian cancer patients and patients with other types of reproductive organ cancer. Correcting a vitamin K2 deficiency in a patient with ovarian cancer helps the body absorb and utilize iodine better from food or from supplements. In countries where kelp and other iodine-containing foods are not eaten in high quantities, cancer sufferers should take Lugol’s iodine 2% at 50 mg per day (20 drops) to ensure that they get both potassium iodide (which feeds the reproductive organs) and molecular iodine (which feeds the thyroid gland). Nascent iodine is not the same as Lugol's iodine and unfortunately this nutrient supplement does not work to overcome cancer, diabetes, or other serious forms of illness. Taking Lugol's iodine as well as a vitamin K2 supplement (and other supportive supplements mentioned here in this previous article) will help ensure that the iodine will actually be absorbed and used by the body. The relapse rate for ovarian cancer is high, and the survival rate for relapsing patients is low. But in Japan, where patients tend to eat a lot of high-iodine-containing foods, vitamin K2 has been studied as a remarkably effective cure for ovarian cancer. But these results may not be the same for patients in other areas of the world where iodine deficiency is built into the food supply and where bromine / bromide toxicity and fluoride toxicity are ubiquitous. That’s why patients who wish to use vitamin K2 as a cure for cancer or any other disease should always combine it with Iodine Therapy.
Read more about how to do Iodine Therapy with supportive nutrients here.
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