Does melatonin help autism?
Melatonin is a neurohormone that is manufactured by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a gland that's located in the middle of the brain. This gland has been viewed by some as the "seat of the soul". Physiologically, the pineal gland keeps us grounded and physically present in the body by informing the body about our location in space and time. In other words, the pineal gland communicates with our bodies about the orientation of our physical bodies to the world in terms of gravity and about cyclical data regarding time including whether it is day or night and what season it is. The pineal gland has links to the rest of the body via the autonomic nervous system and through neurohormone release into the bloodstream. Though it is located in the brain, it has full access to the blood supply. The blood brain barrier doesn't filter the blood before it reaches the pineal gland. Indeed, the only other organs that receives more blood flow than the pineal gland are the kidneys.Pineal gland dysfunction and melatonin imbalances have been correlated with autism symptoms, so we discuss the pineal gland and melatonin in depth in this article as well as in another autism blog post. The pineal gland often plays a powerful role in ASD symptoms and understanding how certain nutrient deficiencies like vitamin K2 / MK-7 and L-Tryptophan (the precursor to melatonin and serotonin) and deficiencies of other quinones that are no longer produced by GMO staple foods like corn, wheat, and soy play a role in disrupting pineal gland function can be helpful to overcome symptoms of ASD.

Food Sources of Melatonin in Seeds and Plants
Many parents worry about the safety of giving melatonin as a supplement for an autistic child, but scientific studies have shown that melatonin supplementation doesn't cause adverse effects or side effects in the vast majority of ASD kids. In other words melatonin is generally regarded as safe for use in autistic children and adults to treat autism insomnia and sleep problems (as well as daytime behavioral issues. Melatonin is only administered in the evening about an hour before bedtime and perhaps once throughout the night), but by facilitating nighttime rest, melatonin also promotes a better daytime experience for those with ASD.Contrary to popular belief, melatonin is found in certain foods. It is also a metabolite of serotonin which means that it can be derived from serotonin in healthy individuals even if foods containing melatonin aren't a part of the diet. Of course, certain metabolic dysfunctions could make it difficult or impossible for the body to break serotonin down into melatonin, however. And scientists have acknowledged that the pineal gland / melatonin system seems to play an important role in the progression of autism and ASD.

Click here to buy Melatonin for Kids.
Scientists believe that the generative organs of plants such as fruits, flowers, and especially seeds are proposed as having the highest concentrations of melatonin. When melatonin is consumed in the diet or as a supplement, it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and transported to the brain through the bloodstream.Foods that have been scientifically studied to prove that melatonin exists in them include the following:
- White mustard seeds
- Black mustard seeds
- Seeds
- Nuts
- Cereals
- Germinated legumes
- Milk
- Tart cherries
- Rice
- Goji Berries
- Oats
- Mushrooms
- Pistachios
Seeds, flowers, and leaves often contain melatonin. Seeds are the mostly like part to contain high levels of melatonin and some scientists believe that this is because melatonin is able to scavenge for damaging free radicals to prevent oxidative damage as well as damage due to drought, extremes in temperature, and toxins from the environment.
Legumes, especially plants that are members of the Fabaceae family should be added to the diets of autistic children. Fava beans and Mucuna pruriens are my favorite choices. These plants contain vitamin B17 / amygdalin (which we'll discuss below) as well as catecholamine precursors that help the body produce neurotransmitters that specifically feed the amygdala (the area of the brain that processes strong emotions like fear to link these emotions to memories and learning processes.
The neurotransmitter dopamine is particularly important in releasing trauma, but having a healthy amygdala is absolutely essential as this tiny structure links memories with strong emotions like fear. When a traumatic event occurs, memories are split apart from the emotion of fear so that the person experiencing the trauma is impacted with lesser force in the short-term. In the long-term though, having memories that have been split apart from the emotions the person felt at the moment when the event occurred can lead to ongoing symptoms of trauma that mimic the symptoms of ASD, a topic that we elaborate on in much greater detail in this article on our sacred medicines site.
Indeed, the amygdala is a part of a core network of brain structures that are intimately involved in PTSD symptoms. Essentially, if the amygdala malfunctions, the autonomic nervous system is more likely to store trauma as opposed to releasing the trauma during REM sleep or through other natural physiological events like fevers.
ASD symptoms have been linked to trauma by several doctors including Dr. Naviaux, a physician who had been testing Suramin for ASD as a substance that is able to quell the Cell Danger Response. The Cell Danger Response is how human cells react to trauma – by becoming dormant and less communicative with other cells.
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Seeds, Amygdalin, and Amygdala Overgrowth in Autism and ASD
The amygdala is an almond-shaped brain structure that is located near the pineal gland. It begins to grow at an accelerated rate between 6 and 12 months of age. This brain structure processes emotions such as anger and fear and it is the part of the brain that's responsible for extracting meaning from facial expressions and human gestures. Some studies have shown that the greater the overgrowth of the amygdala, the more severe the autism symptoms tend to be in children. This relationship between the size of the amygdala and autism symptoms is important for a number of reasons in this discussion.In contrast to an overgrown amygdala, for example, a smaller-than-average pineal gland (and a correspondingly lower-than-average production of melatonin) has also been shown to lead to an exacerbation of autism symptoms in children.
First of all, we talk in greater depth about a substance known as amygdalin and its value as an essential nutrient that likely exists in high quantities in the amygdala in a related article about autism, Suramin, and pine needle essential oil treatments. For the purposes of our current discussion regarding melatonin, the pineal gland, autism, and ASD, though we're going to skip some of the technicalities and just note that the pineal gland plays a role in amygdala health and function and vice versa.
We encourage you to read this article in order to understand some of the significant correspondences between our current line of thinking and the thread that involves the pineal gland, a pine-cone-shaped structure in the brain that responds positively to treatment with pine needle essential oils. But if you haven't read the article yet, note for now that the amygdala is an almond-shaped structure that is present in both hemispheres of the brain. (As with many brain structures, there is a copy of the amygdala on both sides of the brain.) The pineal gland is the only brain structure for which there is no copy. It is a singular entity that also does not sit behind the protective boundary of the blood brain barrier. As we've mentioned above, it was regarded by Rene Descartes as the seat of the soul.

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In the 1960s, scientists noted that experimental rats who received focused electrical stimulation to certain areas of the brain developed epilepsy that was permanent. In other words, repetitive, focused electrical stimulation of a certain type caused the brain to change its function in a permanent way. This led some scientists to theorize that epilepsy and seizures may be caused by a type of "kindling" effect in the human brain. Studies into this theory, which is known as the "kindling effect as a model of epilepsy" or "kindling theory" are based, to some extent, on the fact that seizures tend to beget more seizures in epileptic patients. At the same time, we need to note that epilepsy can and does spontaneously resolve in up to 30% of patients because the seizures have been misdiagnosed as epilepsy and actually are caused by neurocysticercosis or a tapeworm infection. It's vital to mention this relationship here because of the epilepsy-autism link. Note, especially that a neurocysticercosis infection is curable and treatable. Also note that susceptibility to parasite infections like neurocysticercosis often develops as a result of an amygdalin deficiency. If your child has been given a dual diagnosis of epilepsy and autism, you might want to read more about the possibility that their symptoms are actually being caused by a treatable problem, namely a parasite infection in the brain. Click here to read more about the relationship between autism and epilepsy.
Amygdalin and the Amygdala
As I mentioned above, I'm not going to go into great detail about amygdalin / vitamin B17 and the amygdala because we expand on this topic in regard to autism in another, related article. But we do want to say that it's likely that children with autism have certain nutrient deficiencies, including a deficiency of vitamin B17 / amygdalin. Indeed, a deficiency of amygdalin can make the body susceptible to parasite infection including an infection with tapeworms (neurocysticercosis). While it's a proven fact that tapeworm infections cause epileptic seizures (and corresponding misdiagnoses of epilepsy) in at least 30% of patients, the possibility that tapeworm infection might cause autism symptoms has not been proven or studied to the best of my knowledge. However, there are a number of studies and anecdotal reports about the misdiagnosis of epilepsy for autism or vice versa. This could explain why Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) has been successful as a cure for autism in some cases. And amygdalin deficiency (as well as Lugol's iodine deficiency) might explain why Chlorine Dioxide Solution is not always enough for other children to permanently cure autism in other cases. Amygdalin, like Chlorine Dioxide, after all, could be classified as a Reactive Oxygen Species medicine that releases reactive oxygen species that kill an extremely broad spectrum of pathogens in the body including tapeworms and other parasitic infections. But amygdalin is a nutrient that should be consumed daily for the entirety of one's life, not just as a medicine on an as-needed basis. Without this nutrient, which happens to be found in many of the same foods that contain melatonin and also the precursor aminos for dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline, the body is susceptible to infection with pathogens that don't normally infect a healthy body. Amygdalin was first discovered by the same doctor who invented chemotherapy at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. He found that rats given amygdalin had a 100% cancer cure rate. He was quietly let go as an employee of Sloan Kettering as a result of his discovery and everything that happened next became one of the most tragic cover-ups in the history of modern healthcare. You can read more about it here.But let's return now to our discussion of the epilepsy-autism link. At this juncture, I need to mention that a number of societies such as the Khmer culture in Cambodia, view epilepsy as a disease in which the soul or parts of the soul are leaving the body and then returning the body. Epilepsy, for them, is regarded as a symptom of "soul loss". Treatment for epilepsy involves soul retrieval work by a shaman. I highly recommend that anyone who's interested in this topic get the book called The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. In the Khmer cultural context, epileptic seizures are viewed as a gift and a sign that the child is able to travel between worlds. Epileptic children in the Khmer context are often become shaman or medicine men/women.
Dr. Naviaux is a doctor-scientist who views autism as a disease that resembles something called resignation syndrome on a cellular level. Resignation syndrome is a comatose state that occurs when a person, usually a child, receives shocking news, or experiences some kind of trauma (emotional or physical) that causes them to react by shutting down on a cellular level. Dr. Naviaux refers to this cellular shut down as The Cell Danger Response. On a cellular level, the cells go into a state of sleep or dormancy. Another doctor-scientist, Dr. Stephen Porges, a psychiatrist-scientist meanwhile, developed a theory that mirrors The Cell Danger Response theory but that focuses on the autonomic nervous system instead of on human cells. According to Porges' theory, humans can go into a "freeze" response or "play dead" response as an alternative to the fight-or-flight response when threatened. This "freeze" or "play dead" response may be more productive and life-saving for someone who's threatened than a response like running or attempting to fight. This could explain why children tend to be more likely to manifest a Cell Danger Response or Play Dead Response than adults---children are small and vulnerable creatures and they can't really fight back against trauma, toxins, or an onslaught of pathogens. Going into a dormant state can sometimes save their lives by conserving energy and also by alerting adults to the fact that there is a major problem that requires attention. I also need to mention here that while Dr. Naviaux's studies have received funding, Dr. Porges' theories, which are almost identical, have been shunned by the scientific community. I would guess that the difference in funding is reflected by the idea that Dr. Naviaux is working with what could become a pharmaceutical for autism treatment while Dr. Porges' theories allow patients to treat the symptoms of disease themselves through cranial bone manipulation and other strategies. Read more here about how Dr. Porges' theories have been applied by craniosacral therapists and people who are simply willing to learn some simple techniques at home.
So, right now, we're talking about several different levels of reality that aren't normally mixed. A person might look closely at the cells of a child with autism and say "many of these cells are asleep". Or a person might look closely at the autonomic nervous system of a child with autism and say, "this child is in a parasympathetic, play-dead or “freeze” state". Or a person might look at the autistic child and say, "this child has experienced soul loss." Others might say, "this child has a vitamin B17 / amygdalin deficiency or a deficiency in iodine that makes them abnormally susceptible to infection with tapeworms or other pathogens." And that infection might involve the brain, especially certain structures in the brain (such as the amygdala, the pineal gland, or structures in the brain that connect the two). Or the infection may not be observable or measure-able on an MRI or using lab tests because the infectious pathogen that causes autism might be extremely small or it might belong to a class or microorganisms that we haven't discovered yet. Our research into autoimmune diseases has revealed that every single autoimmune disease is associated with one or more pathogenic infections and for every single one of these diseases, there are scientists who believe that the autoimmune disease is actually caused by a low-level infection or colonization of this pathogen in the body. All of the above statements could be true, partially true, or totally true. Some might be true while others might not be true. But, at any rate, we can look at all these layers of autism to try to find a permanent cure for this disease, ideally one that comes from nature or that is widely available to all parents. And because there's already an autism-epilepsy link, we can pull from epilepsy studies to try to develop new theories about autism. The soul loss link may seem a bit too far out for some people, but let's bring that one back down to earth by connecting the dots with the pineal gland, the so-called seat of the soul.
Scientists have demonstrated that the pineal gland plays a role in "amygdala kindling" In other words, in epileptic patients, dysfunction of the pineal gland or, in some cases, removal of the pineal gland (pinealectomy) can lead to epileptic seizures that begin in the amygdala. Removal or dysfunction of the pineal gland essentially can start an electrical fire in the amygdala. At the same time, other studies have shown that autism may be caused by an amygdala abnormality. Some experts have drawn a link between autism and Kluver-Bucy Syndrome, a rare disease of the amygdala that involves inappropriate sexual behavior, mouthing of objects, loss of normal anger and fear responses, memory problems, easy distractibility, seizures, and dementia symptoms. Kluver-Bucy syndrome is associated with herpes infection and/or head trauma. Scientists who noted a link between Kluver-Bucy Syndrome and autism have been able to show that the autistic children who are trying to judge the meaning of facial expressions in another person to determine what they are thinking or feeling are not activating their amygdala. On that basis, the scientists have concluded that the amygdala clearly plays a role in autism.
The amygdala is the primary structure in the brain that's responsible for responding to the social environment, reading facial expressions and gesturing, and determining whether to go into a sympathetic, fight-or-flight response, a freeze/play dead response, or a social rest-digest response on the basis of environmental stimuli. The pineal gland is also hard-wired into the sympathetic, fight-or-flight branch of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system which include 1) the socialization and rest-digest branch and 2) the freeze or play dead branch. Both the sympathetic and the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system are fueled by acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that also plays a role in motor function, but we'll talk about acetylcholine and autism more in another article.
It's easy to see the importance of the amygdala in autism, but it's nearly impossible to find information about the amygdala and amygdalin, which is the substance that is also known as vitamin B17. Vitamin B17 / amygdalin is one of the least funded substances on the planet by Big Pharma and its supporting organizations because of its ability to cure cancer. It's important for Big Pharma to hide this information from the public to the greatest extent possible because if enough people knew that they could prevent or cure cancer using vitamin B17 / amygdalin, a natural substance that is found in seeds, especially seeds that have an almond-shape and seeds from legumes / plants in the Fabaceae family, the Cancer Industry would be utterly destroyed. Indeed, there may be other industries that would be destroyed by the discovery that amygdalin feeds the amygdala. Perhaps the Autism Industry is one of those industries. Currently, it's too soon to tell, but it's definitely worth considering.
Note that one of the best ways to administer amygdalin to a child with ASD is to put expeller-pressed grapeseed oil that has not been heated in foods such as salad dressings OR administer the oil as a topical lotion to the entire body. Amygdalin can be absorbed through the skin.

Click here to buy expeller-pressed grapeseed oil.
Amygdala Sensitivity Dictates the Autonomic Nervous System Pathway
In this article, we're trying to connect the dots between why melatonin and the pineal gland play such an important role in autism symptoms. Our view of the situation is definitely an alternative view, but one that's still based on science. To review, the pineal gland is the only structure in the human body that is able to respond to and modulate the body in response to changing conditions in the environment. It is the brain structure that helps our consciousness (including both our logical conscious mind and our symbolic unconscious mind) connect to our bodies in terms of time and space. The pineal gland and the amygdala have a strong relationship and they influence each other in important ways.Sensitivity of the amygdala is normally under the control of the pineal gland in order to prevent the amygdala from becoming overly sensitive and reactive to stimuli. Normally, the amygdala works with the hippocampus, an area of the brain where long-term memories are stored. The amygdala observes a given event or stimuli or a human interaction in the environment and then converses with the hippocampus about past experiences stored in long-term memory to decide whether the current event matches anything significant in the long-term memory warehouse. An excessively sensitive amygdala might respond to the stimuli only on the basis of similar experiences in the past which would result in a slowly diminishing window of possibilities and subject matter as the person with the sensitive amygdala would be unable to experience hope in alternative possibilities that don't match the concrete nature of negative past experiences.
Amygdala sensitivity is enhanced by the hormone vasopressin (which is made in the hypothalamus, but released by the pituitary gland). But amygdala sensitivity is reduced by oxytocin (which is also made in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland). Amygdala sensitivity is also reduced by cannabinoids such as marijuana or CBD. And the pineal gland can also have a sensitivity-reducing effect on the amygdala.
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Melatonin: Autism, ASD, and Asperger's
Recent studies are focusing more and more on the connection between abnormalities in melatonin level imbalances and pineal gland dysfunction in autistic children because there is a clearly a link between autistic behavioral issues and circadian rhythm disruption. To date, at least four studies have observed that the severity of autistic behaviors is directly correlated with imbalances in melatonin levels. Scientists have measured nighttime melatonin levels and melatonin metabolite concentrations in children with autism or ASD in comparison with healthy children to find that melatonin and melatonin metabolite levels are lower than normal in autistic children.To date, twenty different studies have shown that autistic children who take melatonin supplements experience improvements in their sleep. The following sleep parameters have been observably impacted by melatonin supplements for autistic children including:
- Longer sleep duration
- Fewer nighttime awakenings
- More rapid sleep onset
At least four studies have shown that supplementing with melatonin at night improves daytime behaviors.
No adverse effects have been reported in any of the scientific studies to date examining the link between melatonin and autism.
Decreased Melatonin Production or Melatonin Receptor Malfunction in Autism, ASD, and Asperger's
Melatonin Dosage:
Melatonin dosage for Autistic Child
Children should take between 1 mg and 5 mg per night. Extended release tablets are preferable to standard melatonin tablets.Melatonin Dose for Autistic Adult
Adults with autism should take between 3 mg and 10 mg of melatonin nightly. Extended release tablets are preferable to standard melatonin tablets.Melatonin and Tryptamine
The technical name for melatonin is N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine. Melatonin is a neurohormone derived from serotonin that tells the body when it is nighttime. Melatonin is released when the retina notices that there is darkness in the environment. The technical name for melatonin is important in establishing links between pineal gland, autism, and melatonin imbalance because it easily demonstrates the relationship between melatonin and the following:- Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT)
- Serotonin is the daytime equivalent to melatonin.
- Bufotein - a psychedelic substance found in certain frogs, mushrooms, and plants that contains tryptamine.
- Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
- This is a substance that is famous for our ability to make us feel like we are "one with the universe".
- Psilocybin - a natural substance found in magic mushrooms”
- Psilocybin in low doses has been used to cure cluster headaches and migraines.
- Psilocybin also contains tryptamine.
- Psilocin - another natural substance that is also found in magic mushrooms
- Psilocin also contains tryptamine.

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Tryptamine and Autism
Tryptamine is a metabolite or “byproduct” of tryptophan, an essential amino acid. Foods like chicken, milk, eggs, chocolate, and oats all contain tryptophan. It is a rather ordinary amino acid, but tryptamine balance is important and if the gut flora does not contain the right bacteria, tryptamines may not be properly metabolized or broken down from tryptophan in the diet.Serotonin is derived from tryptophan. Melatonin, in turn, is derived from serotonin. But while serotonin and melatonin have been the focus of a lot of autism research, tryptamine, which is tightly woven into any discussion regarding serotonin or melatonin because it is a molecule that forms the basis of both.
Tryptamine is a metabolite of tryptophan. In other words, when the body breaks down tryptophan into smaller parts, tryptamine is one of those parts. Tryptamine levels in the brain tend to be present in only very minute quantities, but higher levels are observed in those with bipolar depression and schizophrenia. On the other hand, tryptamine levels are much more abundant in the human gut. Certain bacteria such as Ruminococcus gnavus and Clostridium sporogenes possess an enzyme that efficiently produces tryptamine from dietary tryptophan. Tryptamine in the gut regulates electrolyte balance and it is a ligand or binding agent for serotonin type 4 (5-HT4) receptors.
Some experts on the subject of tryptamine back in the 1990s believed that tryptamine might be as important as serotonin in the brain and body and that the metabolism of serotonin and so-called serotonergic effects may actually be physiological changes that occur as a result of tryptamine (which is a byproduct of serotonin metabolism). There was no proof to substantiate this intuition however at that time. But scientists at that time observed that metabolic disorders involving electrolyte imbalance, alterations in enzyme induction or enzyme co-factor availability, or increased levels of precursors to tryptamine could cause an array of mental and physical diseases and disorders. Liver dysfunction and even physical stress affects tryptamine in subtle, but behaviorally and physiologically observable ways. So tryptamine is obviously important and again, a related but separate topic from melatonin and serotonin.
Tryptamine can be converted into serotonin or melatonin in a lab, but these conversions don’t happen naturally inside the human body. In the body, serotonin and melatonin are broken down into tryptamines but the conversion doesn't go the other way around.
So now that we've established the importance of tryptamine and its relationship to melatonin and serotonin, we just want to not that DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful psychoactive substance that causes people to experience a sense of profound connection to others and to the Universe. Tryptamine is a part of a normal metabolism and physiology in healthy individuals albeit in trace amounts. As such, it seems plausible that tryptamine plays big a role in our ability to make meaningful social connections with other human beings. Because autism involves a disruption in a child's social interactions and their ability to connect to their own physical experience of the world as well as to other human beings, it's important to note the relationship between tryptamine and melatonin as well as to serotonin and how these substances might become imbalanced to cause a disorder like autism.
As we've discussed in other articles, parents / guardians of children with autism are essential in finding a cure for this disease. Because autism and ASD is now an "industry" and because it is far more profitable for Big Pharma to make sure that children never overcome this disease, parents are a vital resource for their children. Unfortunately though, many parents feel incapacitated and traumatized by their child's autism which causes parents of ASD kids to doubt themselves and their intuition about what their child needs.
Tryptamines are the substance from which the word "trip" and "tripping" was derived to describe psychedelic medicines like psilocybin mushrooms that have been both demonized as illegal "drugs" and then later, decriminalized as vital plant medicines that have been in use for centuries. Parents of ASD kids who were themselves raised under a regime that criminalized the sacred plant medicines like psilocybin mushrooms, have not been marketed to the same degree with PSAs proclaiming that sometimes, yes sometimes, you should "Say Yes to Psilocybin" and other psychedelics. The prevailing view that all psychedelics are "bad" has lingered despite strong and compelling evidence to the contrary. In our view, psilocybin is a medicine is extremely valuable for parents with ASD kids to help parents overcome trauma and get their intuition back online, but psilocybin could potentially benefit ASD kids as well through a similar mechanism of action -- by releasing trauma from the autonomic nervous system. We talk more about the sacred medicines like psilocybin for ASD here.
Trace Amine-Associated Receptors and Tryptamine
In addition to its effect on serotonin in the gut, tryptamine also has an activating effect on Trace Amine-Associated Receptors in the human brain. The Trace Amine System is a relatively new discovery. Trace Amine-Associated Receptors were discovered in 2001 and they’ve been given Breakthrough status by the FDA. The Trace Amine-Associated Receptors are special connecting points that are found naturally inside the human body. They are receptors for trace amines, which are a type of neurotransmitter that’s present in trace concentrations in contrast to traditional neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin that are present in much higher quantities. The trace amines are monoamine neuro-modulators that are structurally related to neurotransmitters such as:- Dopamine
- Serotonin / 5-HT
- Norepinephrine / Noradrenaline
Trace Amines and the Trace Amine-Associated Receptors are distributed throughout the human brain and in peripheral nervous system tissues. They are metabolized quickly and evidence seems to indicate that they are a part of their own independent neurotransmitter system somewhat analogous to the endocannabinoid system, but they can be manufactured by the parent neurotransmitter system, and they deal exclusively with trace amounts of specific amines such as tryptamine.
The trace amines seem to play a role in a variety of human disorders including autism, depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia to name just a few of the identified disorders that scientists have studied so far. The trace amines including phenylethylamine, tyramine, and tryptamine are made inside the body from the following amino acids:
- Phenylalanine
- Tyrosine
- Tryptophan
Tryptamine has been shown to activate these Trace Amine-Associated Receptors in the brain. Tryptamine thus regulates the activity of other neurotransmitters like dopamine, glutamine, and serotonin according to this new scientific model. Note that dopamine belongs to a class of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines. Serotonin belongs to a class of neurotransmitters known as monoamines while glutamine works with GABA within the context of its own special system as well known as the glutamatergic system. But let's keep it simple: in the human intestines, bacterial flora convert the amino acid tryptophan into tryptamine which, in turn, activates the serotonin / 5-HT receptors that regulate gastrointestinal motility.
In other words, in the past, scientists believed that serotonin levels influenced tryptamine levels, but it appears that the modulation of serotonin is actually overseen by tryptamine and the other trace amines. At any rate, we might sum up these three neuromodulators (melatonin, serotonin, tryptamine) in the following way:
- Melatonin helps the body adjust to time and space and respond appropriately to conditions such as light and dark.
- Serotonin also plays a role in the body's adjustment to daytime and nighttime stimuli.
- Tryptamine and the trace amines play a role in our ability to connect meaningfully in a social context with other human beings.
Melatonin for Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain. It is a gland that’s associated with the third eye in part due to its role in producing sleep and dreams that allow us to see into other planes of reality. The pineal gland regulates whether we are in the “here and now” or “elsewhere” in terms of time and space. Melatonin also plays a role in healing trance states that assist in the mind-body connection as well as the ability to process data, especially trauma. Healing trance states help us process daily events and derive meaning from our symbolic experience of being alive. Scientists have noted that the pineal gland and the melatonin system plays an important role in the progression of autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which may, in part, be viewed as a disorder involving an inability (or diminished ability) to process events through natural healing trance states that most people experience regularly throughout a given day. According to this view, autism might be viewed as an experience that is roughly equivalent to having severe, chronic jet lag.Melatonin is neuroprotective which means that it protects the brain from injury, but that isn’t all that melatonin does. Melatonin also helps entrain the human brain to natural circadian rhythms involving day and night, seasonal variations in terms of light and temperature and more.
Melatonin can cross from the maternal blood supply through the placenta into fetal circulation to transmit circadian information to the fetus which can, in theory, help the developing baby establish normal sleep patterns in the womb. Needless to say, impairment in melatonin synthesis can cause the nervous system to become vulnerable to certain types of stress both in the womb and after birth.
Autism and ASD involve the following characteristic symptoms:
- Social deficits / inability or diminished ability to connect socially
- Impaired communication
- Stereotypical or repetitive behaviors
- Cognitive delays
Low plasma melatonin levels have been observed as a common symptom of autism and ASD and some scientists believe that targeting the pineal gland via the melatonin pathway may be a novel way to treat autism and ASD naturally.
Melatonin supplements for autism can be extremely beneficial for children in terms of promoting sleep as well as in terms of promoting positive daytime behaviors. But how and why melatonin benefits ASD kids is part of a bigger story that needs to be unraveled in order to find natural treatments for autism. In another article we discuss the idea that the pine-cone shaped pineal gland benefits from pine needle essential oils in the same way that almond-shaped seeds tend to promote health in the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure in the brain. The fact that the presence of certain molecules produce certain shapes in nature is a proven fact, though it requires some logical consideration before applying this idea to medicine and the use of herbs or other natural substances. For now, we refer the reader to this article about suramin, a substance that is found in most pine needle essential oils that we talked about earlier in this article.Also note that calcification of the pineal gland can cause serious diseases and dysfunctions in the body. Read more about how to decalcify the pineal gland using vitamin K2. Note that the pineal plays a vital role in endocrine function which affects the entire body -- the pineal tells the other glands about daytime, nighttime, temperature, seasons, and location in space. The other endocrine glands respond to this data, which is what allows healthy people to feel grounded and connected to the world and the other people in it.
Also, don't miss this article that talks through some of the technical details of how organophosphates, healthy phosphates, and calcium work in the body to either promote health or hijack it. Studies have shown that women who live within 1 mile of a crop-sprayed field treated with organophosphates have a 60% higher risk of giving birth to a child with autism. We are currently studying the effects of organophosphates and autism, but this article discusses how and why organophosphate exposure could lead to nervous system disorder including pineal gland calcification and melatonin dysregulation and imbalance.
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Salehi, B. et al. (2019). Melatonin in Medicinal and Food Plants: Occurrence, Bioavailability, and Health Potential for Humans. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Manchester, L. C. et al. (2000). High levels of melatonin in the seeds of edible plants: possible function in germ tissue protection. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
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Garstang, J. and Wallis, M. (2006). Randomized controlled trial of melatonin for children with autistic spectrum disorders and sleep problems. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Carr, R. et al. (2007). Long-term effectiveness outcome of melatonin therapy in children with treatment-resistant circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Malow, B. A. et al. (2013). Melatonin for Sleep in Children with Autism: A Controlled Trial Examining Dose, Tolerability, and Outcomes. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Baron-Cohen, S. et al. (2000). The amygdala theory of autism. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Janjoppi, L. et al. (2022). Influence of pinealectomy on the amygdala kindling development in rats. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Wikipedia (2022). Kindling Theory. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Lissoni, P. et al. (2020). A review on the cognitive function of basal ganglia, amygdala, hippocampus, habenula, nucleus accumbens, cerebellum, and pineal gland. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
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Does melatonin help autism?
Melatonin is a neurohormone that is manufactured by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a gland that's located in the middle of the brain. This gland has been viewed by some as the "seat of the soul". Physiologically, the pineal gland keeps us grounded and physically present in the body by informing the body about our location in space and time. In other words, the pineal gland communicates with our bodies about the orientation of our physical bodies to the world in terms of gravity and about cyclical data regarding time including whether it is day or night and what season it is. The pineal gland has links to the rest of the body via the autonomic nervous system and through neurohormone release into the bloodstream. Though it is located in the brain, it has full access to the blood supply. The blood brain barrier doesn't filter the blood before it reaches the pineal gland. Indeed, the only other organs that receives more blood flow than the pineal gland are the kidneys.Pineal gland dysfunction and melatonin imbalances have been correlated with autism symptoms, so we discuss the pineal gland and melatonin in depth in this article as well as in another autism blog post. The pineal gland often plays a powerful role in ASD symptoms and understanding how certain nutrient deficiencies like vitamin K2 / MK-7 and L-Tryptophan (the precursor to melatonin and serotonin) and deficiencies of other quinones that are no longer produced by GMO staple foods like corn, wheat, and soy play a role in disrupting pineal gland function can be helpful to overcome symptoms of ASD.

Food Sources of Melatonin in Seeds and Plants
Many parents worry about the safety of giving melatonin as a supplement for an autistic child, but scientific studies have shown that melatonin supplementation doesn't cause adverse effects or side effects in the vast majority of ASD kids. In other words melatonin is generally regarded as safe for use in autistic children and adults to treat autism insomnia and sleep problems (as well as daytime behavioral issues. Melatonin is only administered in the evening about an hour before bedtime and perhaps once throughout the night), but by facilitating nighttime rest, melatonin also promotes a better daytime experience for those with ASD.Contrary to popular belief, melatonin is found in certain foods. It is also a metabolite of serotonin which means that it can be derived from serotonin in healthy individuals even if foods containing melatonin aren't a part of the diet. Of course, certain metabolic dysfunctions could make it difficult or impossible for the body to break serotonin down into melatonin, however. And scientists have acknowledged that the pineal gland / melatonin system seems to play an important role in the progression of autism and ASD.

Click here to buy Melatonin for Kids.
Scientists believe that the generative organs of plants such as fruits, flowers, and especially seeds are proposed as having the highest concentrations of melatonin. When melatonin is consumed in the diet or as a supplement, it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and transported to the brain through the bloodstream.Foods that have been scientifically studied to prove that melatonin exists in them include the following:
- White mustard seeds
- Black mustard seeds
- Seeds
- Nuts
- Cereals
- Germinated legumes
- Milk
- Tart cherries
- Rice
- Goji Berries
- Oats
- Mushrooms
- Pistachios
Seeds, flowers, and leaves often contain melatonin. Seeds are the mostly like part to contain high levels of melatonin and some scientists believe that this is because melatonin is able to scavenge for damaging free radicals to prevent oxidative damage as well as damage due to drought, extremes in temperature, and toxins from the environment.
Legumes, especially plants that are members of the Fabaceae family should be added to the diets of autistic children. Fava beans and Mucuna pruriens are my favorite choices. These plants contain vitamin B17 / amygdalin (which we'll discuss below) as well as catecholamine precursors that help the body produce neurotransmitters that specifically feed the amygdala (the area of the brain that processes strong emotions like fear to link these emotions to memories and learning processes.
The neurotransmitter dopamine is particularly important in releasing trauma, but having a healthy amygdala is absolutely essential as this tiny structure links memories with strong emotions like fear. When a traumatic event occurs, memories are split apart from the emotion of fear so that the person experiencing the trauma is impacted with lesser force in the short-term. In the long-term though, having memories that have been split apart from the emotions the person felt at the moment when the event occurred can lead to ongoing symptoms of trauma that mimic the symptoms of ASD, a topic that we elaborate on in much greater detail in this article on our sacred medicines site.
Indeed, the amygdala is a part of a core network of brain structures that are intimately involved in PTSD symptoms. Essentially, if the amygdala malfunctions, the autonomic nervous system is more likely to store trauma as opposed to releasing the trauma during REM sleep or through other natural physiological events like fevers.
ASD symptoms have been linked to trauma by several doctors including Dr. Naviaux, a physician who had been testing Suramin for ASD as a substance that is able to quell the Cell Danger Response. The Cell Danger Response is how human cells react to trauma – by becoming dormant and less communicative with other cells.
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Seeds, Amygdalin, and Amygdala Overgrowth in Autism and ASD
The amygdala is an almond-shaped brain structure that is located near the pineal gland. It begins to grow at an accelerated rate between 6 and 12 months of age. This brain structure processes emotions such as anger and fear and it is the part of the brain that's responsible for extracting meaning from facial expressions and human gestures. Some studies have shown that the greater the overgrowth of the amygdala, the more severe the autism symptoms tend to be in children. This relationship between the size of the amygdala and autism symptoms is important for a number of reasons in this discussion.In contrast to an overgrown amygdala, for example, a smaller-than-average pineal gland (and a correspondingly lower-than-average production of melatonin) has also been shown to lead to an exacerbation of autism symptoms in children.
First of all, we talk in greater depth about a substance known as amygdalin and its value as an essential nutrient that likely exists in high quantities in the amygdala in a related article about autism, Suramin, and pine needle essential oil treatments. For the purposes of our current discussion regarding melatonin, the pineal gland, autism, and ASD, though we're going to skip some of the technicalities and just note that the pineal gland plays a role in amygdala health and function and vice versa.
We encourage you to read this article in order to understand some of the significant correspondences between our current line of thinking and the thread that involves the pineal gland, a pine-cone-shaped structure in the brain that responds positively to treatment with pine needle essential oils. But if you haven't read the article yet, note for now that the amygdala is an almond-shaped structure that is present in both hemispheres of the brain. (As with many brain structures, there is a copy of the amygdala on both sides of the brain.) The pineal gland is the only brain structure for which there is no copy. It is a singular entity that also does not sit behind the protective boundary of the blood brain barrier. As we've mentioned above, it was regarded by Rene Descartes as the seat of the soul.

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In the 1960s, scientists noted that experimental rats who received focused electrical stimulation to certain areas of the brain developed epilepsy that was permanent. In other words, repetitive, focused electrical stimulation of a certain type caused the brain to change its function in a permanent way. This led some scientists to theorize that epilepsy and seizures may be caused by a type of "kindling" effect in the human brain. Studies into this theory, which is known as the "kindling effect as a model of epilepsy" or "kindling theory" are based, to some extent, on the fact that seizures tend to beget more seizures in epileptic patients. At the same time, we need to note that epilepsy can and does spontaneously resolve in up to 30% of patients because the seizures have been misdiagnosed as epilepsy and actually are caused by neurocysticercosis or a tapeworm infection. It's vital to mention this relationship here because of the epilepsy-autism link. Note, especially that a neurocysticercosis infection is curable and treatable. Also note that susceptibility to parasite infections like neurocysticercosis often develops as a result of an amygdalin deficiency. If your child has been given a dual diagnosis of epilepsy and autism, you might want to read more about the possibility that their symptoms are actually being caused by a treatable problem, namely a parasite infection in the brain. Click here to read more about the relationship between autism and epilepsy.
Amygdalin and the Amygdala
As I mentioned above, I'm not going to go into great detail about amygdalin / vitamin B17 and the amygdala because we expand on this topic in regard to autism in another, related article. But we do want to say that it's likely that children with autism have certain nutrient deficiencies, including a deficiency of vitamin B17 / amygdalin. Indeed, a deficiency of amygdalin can make the body susceptible to parasite infection including an infection with tapeworms (neurocysticercosis). While it's a proven fact that tapeworm infections cause epileptic seizures (and corresponding misdiagnoses of epilepsy) in at least 30% of patients, the possibility that tapeworm infection might cause autism symptoms has not been proven or studied to the best of my knowledge. However, there are a number of studies and anecdotal reports about the misdiagnosis of epilepsy for autism or vice versa. This could explain why Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) has been successful as a cure for autism in some cases. And amygdalin deficiency (as well as Lugol's iodine deficiency) might explain why Chlorine Dioxide Solution is not always enough for other children to permanently cure autism in other cases. Amygdalin, like Chlorine Dioxide, after all, could be classified as a Reactive Oxygen Species medicine that releases reactive oxygen species that kill an extremely broad spectrum of pathogens in the body including tapeworms and other parasitic infections. But amygdalin is a nutrient that should be consumed daily for the entirety of one's life, not just as a medicine on an as-needed basis. Without this nutrient, which happens to be found in many of the same foods that contain melatonin and also the precursor aminos for dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline, the body is susceptible to infection with pathogens that don't normally infect a healthy body. Amygdalin was first discovered by the same doctor who invented chemotherapy at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. He found that rats given amygdalin had a 100% cancer cure rate. He was quietly let go as an employee of Sloan Kettering as a result of his discovery and everything that happened next became one of the most tragic cover-ups in the history of modern healthcare. You can read more about it here.But let's return now to our discussion of the epilepsy-autism link. At this juncture, I need to mention that a number of societies such as the Khmer culture in Cambodia, view epilepsy as a disease in which the soul or parts of the soul are leaving the body and then returning the body. Epilepsy, for them, is regarded as a symptom of "soul loss". Treatment for epilepsy involves soul retrieval work by a shaman. I highly recommend that anyone who's interested in this topic get the book called The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. In the Khmer cultural context, epileptic seizures are viewed as a gift and a sign that the child is able to travel between worlds. Epileptic children in the Khmer context are often become shaman or medicine men/women.
Dr. Naviaux is a doctor-scientist who views autism as a disease that resembles something called resignation syndrome on a cellular level. Resignation syndrome is a comatose state that occurs when a person, usually a child, receives shocking news, or experiences some kind of trauma (emotional or physical) that causes them to react by shutting down on a cellular level. Dr. Naviaux refers to this cellular shut down as The Cell Danger Response. On a cellular level, the cells go into a state of sleep or dormancy. Another doctor-scientist, Dr. Stephen Porges, a psychiatrist-scientist meanwhile, developed a theory that mirrors The Cell Danger Response theory but that focuses on the autonomic nervous system instead of on human cells. According to Porges' theory, humans can go into a "freeze" response or "play dead" response as an alternative to the fight-or-flight response when threatened. This "freeze" or "play dead" response may be more productive and life-saving for someone who's threatened than a response like running or attempting to fight. This could explain why children tend to be more likely to manifest a Cell Danger Response or Play Dead Response than adults---children are small and vulnerable creatures and they can't really fight back against trauma, toxins, or an onslaught of pathogens. Going into a dormant state can sometimes save their lives by conserving energy and also by alerting adults to the fact that there is a major problem that requires attention. I also need to mention here that while Dr. Naviaux's studies have received funding, Dr. Porges' theories, which are almost identical, have been shunned by the scientific community. I would guess that the difference in funding is reflected by the idea that Dr. Naviaux is working with what could become a pharmaceutical for autism treatment while Dr. Porges' theories allow patients to treat the symptoms of disease themselves through cranial bone manipulation and other strategies. Read more here about how Dr. Porges' theories have been applied by craniosacral therapists and people who are simply willing to learn some simple techniques at home.
So, right now, we're talking about several different levels of reality that aren't normally mixed. A person might look closely at the cells of a child with autism and say "many of these cells are asleep". Or a person might look closely at the autonomic nervous system of a child with autism and say, "this child is in a parasympathetic, play-dead or “freeze” state". Or a person might look at the autistic child and say, "this child has experienced soul loss." Others might say, "this child has a vitamin B17 / amygdalin deficiency or a deficiency in iodine that makes them abnormally susceptible to infection with tapeworms or other pathogens." And that infection might involve the brain, especially certain structures in the brain (such as the amygdala, the pineal gland, or structures in the brain that connect the two). Or the infection may not be observable or measure-able on an MRI or using lab tests because the infectious pathogen that causes autism might be extremely small or it might belong to a class or microorganisms that we haven't discovered yet. Our research into autoimmune diseases has revealed that every single autoimmune disease is associated with one or more pathogenic infections and for every single one of these diseases, there are scientists who believe that the autoimmune disease is actually caused by a low-level infection or colonization of this pathogen in the body. All of the above statements could be true, partially true, or totally true. Some might be true while others might not be true. But, at any rate, we can look at all these layers of autism to try to find a permanent cure for this disease, ideally one that comes from nature or that is widely available to all parents. And because there's already an autism-epilepsy link, we can pull from epilepsy studies to try to develop new theories about autism. The soul loss link may seem a bit too far out for some people, but let's bring that one back down to earth by connecting the dots with the pineal gland, the so-called seat of the soul.
Scientists have demonstrated that the pineal gland plays a role in "amygdala kindling" In other words, in epileptic patients, dysfunction of the pineal gland or, in some cases, removal of the pineal gland (pinealectomy) can lead to epileptic seizures that begin in the amygdala. Removal or dysfunction of the pineal gland essentially can start an electrical fire in the amygdala. At the same time, other studies have shown that autism may be caused by an amygdala abnormality. Some experts have drawn a link between autism and Kluver-Bucy Syndrome, a rare disease of the amygdala that involves inappropriate sexual behavior, mouthing of objects, loss of normal anger and fear responses, memory problems, easy distractibility, seizures, and dementia symptoms. Kluver-Bucy syndrome is associated with herpes infection and/or head trauma. Scientists who noted a link between Kluver-Bucy Syndrome and autism have been able to show that the autistic children who are trying to judge the meaning of facial expressions in another person to determine what they are thinking or feeling are not activating their amygdala. On that basis, the scientists have concluded that the amygdala clearly plays a role in autism.
The amygdala is the primary structure in the brain that's responsible for responding to the social environment, reading facial expressions and gesturing, and determining whether to go into a sympathetic, fight-or-flight response, a freeze/play dead response, or a social rest-digest response on the basis of environmental stimuli. The pineal gland is also hard-wired into the sympathetic, fight-or-flight branch of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system which include 1) the socialization and rest-digest branch and 2) the freeze or play dead branch. Both the sympathetic and the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system are fueled by acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that also plays a role in motor function, but we'll talk about acetylcholine and autism more in another article.
It's easy to see the importance of the amygdala in autism, but it's nearly impossible to find information about the amygdala and amygdalin, which is the substance that is also known as vitamin B17. Vitamin B17 / amygdalin is one of the least funded substances on the planet by Big Pharma and its supporting organizations because of its ability to cure cancer. It's important for Big Pharma to hide this information from the public to the greatest extent possible because if enough people knew that they could prevent or cure cancer using vitamin B17 / amygdalin, a natural substance that is found in seeds, especially seeds that have an almond-shape and seeds from legumes / plants in the Fabaceae family, the Cancer Industry would be utterly destroyed. Indeed, there may be other industries that would be destroyed by the discovery that amygdalin feeds the amygdala. Perhaps the Autism Industry is one of those industries. Currently, it's too soon to tell, but it's definitely worth considering.
Note that one of the best ways to administer amygdalin to a child with ASD is to put expeller-pressed grapeseed oil that has not been heated in foods such as salad dressings OR administer the oil as a topical lotion to the entire body. Amygdalin can be absorbed through the skin.

Click here to buy expeller-pressed grapeseed oil.
Amygdala Sensitivity Dictates the Autonomic Nervous System Pathway
In this article, we're trying to connect the dots between why melatonin and the pineal gland play such an important role in autism symptoms. Our view of the situation is definitely an alternative view, but one that's still based on science. To review, the pineal gland is the only structure in the human body that is able to respond to and modulate the body in response to changing conditions in the environment. It is the brain structure that helps our consciousness (including both our logical conscious mind and our symbolic unconscious mind) connect to our bodies in terms of time and space. The pineal gland and the amygdala have a strong relationship and they influence each other in important ways.Sensitivity of the amygdala is normally under the control of the pineal gland in order to prevent the amygdala from becoming overly sensitive and reactive to stimuli. Normally, the amygdala works with the hippocampus, an area of the brain where long-term memories are stored. The amygdala observes a given event or stimuli or a human interaction in the environment and then converses with the hippocampus about past experiences stored in long-term memory to decide whether the current event matches anything significant in the long-term memory warehouse. An excessively sensitive amygdala might respond to the stimuli only on the basis of similar experiences in the past which would result in a slowly diminishing window of possibilities and subject matter as the person with the sensitive amygdala would be unable to experience hope in alternative possibilities that don't match the concrete nature of negative past experiences.
Amygdala sensitivity is enhanced by the hormone vasopressin (which is made in the hypothalamus, but released by the pituitary gland). But amygdala sensitivity is reduced by oxytocin (which is also made in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland). Amygdala sensitivity is also reduced by cannabinoids such as marijuana or CBD. And the pineal gland can also have a sensitivity-reducing effect on the amygdala.
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Melatonin: Autism, ASD, and Asperger's
Recent studies are focusing more and more on the connection between abnormalities in melatonin level imbalances and pineal gland dysfunction in autistic children because there is a clearly a link between autistic behavioral issues and circadian rhythm disruption. To date, at least four studies have observed that the severity of autistic behaviors is directly correlated with imbalances in melatonin levels. Scientists have measured nighttime melatonin levels and melatonin metabolite concentrations in children with autism or ASD in comparison with healthy children to find that melatonin and melatonin metabolite levels are lower than normal in autistic children.To date, twenty different studies have shown that autistic children who take melatonin supplements experience improvements in their sleep. The following sleep parameters have been observably impacted by melatonin supplements for autistic children including:
- Longer sleep duration
- Fewer nighttime awakenings
- More rapid sleep onset
At least four studies have shown that supplementing with melatonin at night improves daytime behaviors.
No adverse effects have been reported in any of the scientific studies to date examining the link between melatonin and autism.
Decreased Melatonin Production or Melatonin Receptor Malfunction in Autism, ASD, and Asperger's
Melatonin Dosage:
Melatonin dosage for Autistic Child
Children should take between 1 mg and 5 mg per night. Extended release tablets are preferable to standard melatonin tablets.Melatonin Dose for Autistic Adult
Adults with autism should take between 3 mg and 10 mg of melatonin nightly. Extended release tablets are preferable to standard melatonin tablets.Melatonin and Tryptamine
The technical name for melatonin is N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine. Melatonin is a neurohormone derived from serotonin that tells the body when it is nighttime. Melatonin is released when the retina notices that there is darkness in the environment. The technical name for melatonin is important in establishing links between pineal gland, autism, and melatonin imbalance because it easily demonstrates the relationship between melatonin and the following:- Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT)
- Serotonin is the daytime equivalent to melatonin.
- Bufotein - a psychedelic substance found in certain frogs, mushrooms, and plants that contains tryptamine.
- Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
- This is a substance that is famous for our ability to make us feel like we are "one with the universe".
- Psilocybin - a natural substance found in magic mushrooms”
- Psilocybin in low doses has been used to cure cluster headaches and migraines.
- Psilocybin also contains tryptamine.
- Psilocin - another natural substance that is also found in magic mushrooms
- Psilocin also contains tryptamine.

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Tryptamine and Autism
Tryptamine is a metabolite or “byproduct” of tryptophan, an essential amino acid. Foods like chicken, milk, eggs, chocolate, and oats all contain tryptophan. It is a rather ordinary amino acid, but tryptamine balance is important and if the gut flora does not contain the right bacteria, tryptamines may not be properly metabolized or broken down from tryptophan in the diet.Serotonin is derived from tryptophan. Melatonin, in turn, is derived from serotonin. But while serotonin and melatonin have been the focus of a lot of autism research, tryptamine, which is tightly woven into any discussion regarding serotonin or melatonin because it is a molecule that forms the basis of both.
Tryptamine is a metabolite of tryptophan. In other words, when the body breaks down tryptophan into smaller parts, tryptamine is one of those parts. Tryptamine levels in the brain tend to be present in only very minute quantities, but higher levels are observed in those with bipolar depression and schizophrenia. On the other hand, tryptamine levels are much more abundant in the human gut. Certain bacteria such as Ruminococcus gnavus and Clostridium sporogenes possess an enzyme that efficiently produces tryptamine from dietary tryptophan. Tryptamine in the gut regulates electrolyte balance and it is a ligand or binding agent for serotonin type 4 (5-HT4) receptors.
Some experts on the subject of tryptamine back in the 1990s believed that tryptamine might be as important as serotonin in the brain and body and that the metabolism of serotonin and so-called serotonergic effects may actually be physiological changes that occur as a result of tryptamine (which is a byproduct of serotonin metabolism). There was no proof to substantiate this intuition however at that time. But scientists at that time observed that metabolic disorders involving electrolyte imbalance, alterations in enzyme induction or enzyme co-factor availability, or increased levels of precursors to tryptamine could cause an array of mental and physical diseases and disorders. Liver dysfunction and even physical stress affects tryptamine in subtle, but behaviorally and physiologically observable ways. So tryptamine is obviously important and again, a related but separate topic from melatonin and serotonin.
Tryptamine can be converted into serotonin or melatonin in a lab, but these conversions don’t happen naturally inside the human body. In the body, serotonin and melatonin are broken down into tryptamines but the conversion doesn't go the other way around.
So now that we've established the importance of tryptamine and its relationship to melatonin and serotonin, we just want to not that DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful psychoactive substance that causes people to experience a sense of profound connection to others and to the Universe. Tryptamine is a part of a normal metabolism and physiology in healthy individuals albeit in trace amounts. As such, it seems plausible that tryptamine plays big a role in our ability to make meaningful social connections with other human beings. Because autism involves a disruption in a child's social interactions and their ability to connect to their own physical experience of the world as well as to other human beings, it's important to note the relationship between tryptamine and melatonin as well as to serotonin and how these substances might become imbalanced to cause a disorder like autism.
As we've discussed in other articles, parents / guardians of children with autism are essential in finding a cure for this disease. Because autism and ASD is now an "industry" and because it is far more profitable for Big Pharma to make sure that children never overcome this disease, parents are a vital resource for their children. Unfortunately though, many parents feel incapacitated and traumatized by their child's autism which causes parents of ASD kids to doubt themselves and their intuition about what their child needs.
Tryptamines are the substance from which the word "trip" and "tripping" was derived to describe psychedelic medicines like psilocybin mushrooms that have been both demonized as illegal "drugs" and then later, decriminalized as vital plant medicines that have been in use for centuries. Parents of ASD kids who were themselves raised under a regime that criminalized the sacred plant medicines like psilocybin mushrooms, have not been marketed to the same degree with PSAs proclaiming that sometimes, yes sometimes, you should "Say Yes to Psilocybin" and other psychedelics. The prevailing view that all psychedelics are "bad" has lingered despite strong and compelling evidence to the contrary. In our view, psilocybin is a medicine is extremely valuable for parents with ASD kids to help parents overcome trauma and get their intuition back online, but psilocybin could potentially benefit ASD kids as well through a similar mechanism of action -- by releasing trauma from the autonomic nervous system. We talk more about the sacred medicines like psilocybin for ASD here.
Trace Amine-Associated Receptors and Tryptamine
In addition to its effect on serotonin in the gut, tryptamine also has an activating effect on Trace Amine-Associated Receptors in the human brain. The Trace Amine System is a relatively new discovery. Trace Amine-Associated Receptors were discovered in 2001 and they’ve been given Breakthrough status by the FDA. The Trace Amine-Associated Receptors are special connecting points that are found naturally inside the human body. They are receptors for trace amines, which are a type of neurotransmitter that’s present in trace concentrations in contrast to traditional neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin that are present in much higher quantities. The trace amines are monoamine neuro-modulators that are structurally related to neurotransmitters such as:- Dopamine
- Serotonin / 5-HT
- Norepinephrine / Noradrenaline
Trace Amines and the Trace Amine-Associated Receptors are distributed throughout the human brain and in peripheral nervous system tissues. They are metabolized quickly and evidence seems to indicate that they are a part of their own independent neurotransmitter system somewhat analogous to the endocannabinoid system, but they can be manufactured by the parent neurotransmitter system, and they deal exclusively with trace amounts of specific amines such as tryptamine.
The trace amines seem to play a role in a variety of human disorders including autism, depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia to name just a few of the identified disorders that scientists have studied so far. The trace amines including phenylethylamine, tyramine, and tryptamine are made inside the body from the following amino acids:
- Phenylalanine
- Tyrosine
- Tryptophan
Tryptamine has been shown to activate these Trace Amine-Associated Receptors in the brain. Tryptamine thus regulates the activity of other neurotransmitters like dopamine, glutamine, and serotonin according to this new scientific model. Note that dopamine belongs to a class of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines. Serotonin belongs to a class of neurotransmitters known as monoamines while glutamine works with GABA within the context of its own special system as well known as the glutamatergic system. But let's keep it simple: in the human intestines, bacterial flora convert the amino acid tryptophan into tryptamine which, in turn, activates the serotonin / 5-HT receptors that regulate gastrointestinal motility.
In other words, in the past, scientists believed that serotonin levels influenced tryptamine levels, but it appears that the modulation of serotonin is actually overseen by tryptamine and the other trace amines. At any rate, we might sum up these three neuromodulators (melatonin, serotonin, tryptamine) in the following way:
- Melatonin helps the body adjust to time and space and respond appropriately to conditions such as light and dark.
- Serotonin also plays a role in the body's adjustment to daytime and nighttime stimuli.
- Tryptamine and the trace amines play a role in our ability to connect meaningfully in a social context with other human beings.
Melatonin for Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain. It is a gland that’s associated with the third eye in part due to its role in producing sleep and dreams that allow us to see into other planes of reality. The pineal gland regulates whether we are in the “here and now” or “elsewhere” in terms of time and space. Melatonin also plays a role in healing trance states that assist in the mind-body connection as well as the ability to process data, especially trauma. Healing trance states help us process daily events and derive meaning from our symbolic experience of being alive. Scientists have noted that the pineal gland and the melatonin system plays an important role in the progression of autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which may, in part, be viewed as a disorder involving an inability (or diminished ability) to process events through natural healing trance states that most people experience regularly throughout a given day. According to this view, autism might be viewed as an experience that is roughly equivalent to having severe, chronic jet lag.Melatonin is neuroprotective which means that it protects the brain from injury, but that isn’t all that melatonin does. Melatonin also helps entrain the human brain to natural circadian rhythms involving day and night, seasonal variations in terms of light and temperature and more.
Melatonin can cross from the maternal blood supply through the placenta into fetal circulation to transmit circadian information to the fetus which can, in theory, help the developing baby establish normal sleep patterns in the womb. Needless to say, impairment in melatonin synthesis can cause the nervous system to become vulnerable to certain types of stress both in the womb and after birth.
Autism and ASD involve the following characteristic symptoms:
- Social deficits / inability or diminished ability to connect socially
- Impaired communication
- Stereotypical or repetitive behaviors
- Cognitive delays
Low plasma melatonin levels have been observed as a common symptom of autism and ASD and some scientists believe that targeting the pineal gland via the melatonin pathway may be a novel way to treat autism and ASD naturally.
Melatonin supplements for autism can be extremely beneficial for children in terms of promoting sleep as well as in terms of promoting positive daytime behaviors. But how and why melatonin benefits ASD kids is part of a bigger story that needs to be unraveled in order to find natural treatments for autism. In another article we discuss the idea that the pine-cone shaped pineal gland benefits from pine needle essential oils in the same way that almond-shaped seeds tend to promote health in the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure in the brain. The fact that the presence of certain molecules produce certain shapes in nature is a proven fact, though it requires some logical consideration before applying this idea to medicine and the use of herbs or other natural substances. For now, we refer the reader to this article about suramin, a substance that is found in most pine needle essential oils that we talked about earlier in this article.Also note that calcification of the pineal gland can cause serious diseases and dysfunctions in the body. Read more about how to decalcify the pineal gland using vitamin K2. Note that the pineal plays a vital role in endocrine function which affects the entire body -- the pineal tells the other glands about daytime, nighttime, temperature, seasons, and location in space. The other endocrine glands respond to this data, which is what allows healthy people to feel grounded and connected to the world and the other people in it.
Also, don't miss this article that talks through some of the technical details of how organophosphates, healthy phosphates, and calcium work in the body to either promote health or hijack it. Studies have shown that women who live within 1 mile of a crop-sprayed field treated with organophosphates have a 60% higher risk of giving birth to a child with autism. We are currently studying the effects of organophosphates and autism, but this article discusses how and why organophosphate exposure could lead to nervous system disorder including pineal gland calcification and melatonin dysregulation and imbalance.
Zhou, Y. W. et al. (2020). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Disturbance of the melatonin system and its implications. Retrieved October 18, 2022 from,with%20the%20progression%20of%20ASD.
Mousseau, D. D: (1993). Trypatmine: a metabolite of tryptophan implicated in various neuropsychiatric disorders. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Salehi, B. et al. (2019). Melatonin in Medicinal and Food Plants: Occurrence, Bioavailability, and Health Potential for Humans. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Manchester, L. C. et al. (2000). High levels of melatonin in the seeds of edible plants: possible function in germ tissue protection. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Rossignol, D. A. and Frye, R. E. (2014). Melatonin in autism spectrum disorders. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
NIH (2022). Amygdala overgrowth that occurs in autism spectrum disorder may begin during infancy. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Rossignol, D. A. and Frye, R. E. (2011). Melatonin in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Garstang, J. and Wallis, M. (2006). Randomized controlled trial of melatonin for children with autistic spectrum disorders and sleep problems. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Carr, R. et al. (2007). Long-term effectiveness outcome of melatonin therapy in children with treatment-resistant circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Malow, B. A. et al. (2013). Melatonin for Sleep in Children with Autism: A Controlled Trial Examining Dose, Tolerability, and Outcomes. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Baron-Cohen, S. et al. (2000). The amygdala theory of autism. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Janjoppi, L. et al. (2022). Influence of pinealectomy on the amygdala kindling development in rats. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Wikipedia (2022). Kindling Theory. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
Lissoni, P. et al. (2020). A review on the cognitive function of basal ganglia, amygdala, hippocampus, habenula, nucleus accumbens, cerebellum, and pineal gland. Retrieved October 19, 2022 from
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