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How to Treat Hair Loss At Home: Types of Hair Loss and Natural Treatment Options

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Sep 16, 2022


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Types of Hair Loss and Alternative Treatment Recommendations

Androgenic Alopecia (Male-Pattern Hair Loss / Female-Pattern Hair Loss)

Androgenic alopecia, which is also referred to as male-pattern hair loss or female-pattern hair loss, is a type of hair loss that is caused by the body having an overexaggerated response to androgens (a group of sex hormones). Individuals with androgenic alopecia have higher levels of 5-alpha-reductase and dihydrotestosterone, an androgen that is produced from testosterone using 5-alpha-reductase.

Androgenic alopecia can affect both men and women and can technically occur anytime after puberty, when young people first begin producing sex hormones, though most people experience the onset of this condition after age 30. In men, androgenic hair loss occurs most often on the top of the head and in areas close to the forehead, while in women the hair loss is more diffuse. 

Effective natural treatments for androgenic alopecia include: 

Alopecia Areata (Autoimmune Hair Loss)

Alopecia areata is also known as autoimmune hair loss. It is characterized by patchy areas of hair loss on the scalp, as well as on other areas of the body such as the eyebrows, beard (in men), armpits, etc. Some patients also develop brittle nails, or nails that are red or have ridges or dents.  This condition affects approximately 2% of the population. While some people suffer from alopecia areata for many years, about 90% of people who develop this condition experience a full recovery a few years after diagnosis (though some patients may continue to go through a cycle of hair loss and regrowth). It may affect both males and females of any age, though it tends to occur most often in children or teenagers. 

According to conventional medicine, alopecia areata occurs when the body attacks its own hair follicles in different areas of the body for an unknown reason. However, other studies have shown that this type of hair loss can indeed be caused (or at least heavily influenced) by more tangible factors such as: 

  • Infection, including possible infections with the following pathogens (one researcher noted that patients with recurrent episodes of hair loss often experienced this hair loss at certain times of the year, such as around February or March, when they were most likely to have contracted a seasonal viral infection that set off the hair loss): 
  • Thyroid dysfunction (including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease; note that hair loss is a symptom of iodine deficiency and bromine toxicity, both of which are also implicated in the development of these thyroid disorders)

Examining which autoimmune diseases are most likely to occur simultaneously in one patient can be illuminating in terms of the way that a particular autoimmune condition actually affects the body, as well as in terms of how that condition can be treated. Treatment of either autoimmune condition is likely to affect the other positively in most cases, since the two are extremely likely to be related to each other. Other autoimmune diseases that have been associated with alopecia areata include: 

Subtypes of Alopecia Areata

There are also two other forms of alopecia areata known as alopecia universalis and alopecia totalis that I’ve described below.

Alopecia Universalis

Alopecia universalis is a rare form of autoimmune hair loss in which the patient loses all of the hair on their body. This includes not only losing hair on the scalp, but also on other areas of the body where there is hair, such as the armpits, legs, genital area, etc. Some patients also may lose their eyebrow hair or eyelashes. 

Alopecia Totalis

Alopecia totalis is a type of alopecia areata where the person loses all of the hair on their scalp, leaving the scalp completely bald. 

Treatments for Alopecia Areata

Some treatments that may be effective in treating autoimmune hair loss (alopecia areata) include the following:  

Cicatricial Alopecia

Cicatricial alopecia is a type of hair loss that is characterized by inflammation that causes scarring on the scalp and destruction of hair follicles. Scar tissue then grows in the place of the hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss (since these hair follicles will not regrow). This type of hair loss may be caused by an infection or by burns on the scalp. Cicatricial alopecia occurs in both men and women (though rarely in children) and may develop slowly over a longer period of time, or quickly over the course of only a few months. 

Besides hair loss, unique symptoms of cicatricial alopecia include: 

  • Burning on the scalp
  • Scalp itchiness
  • Redness on the scalp
  • Scaling skin on the scalp
  • Pustules (similar to pimples) on the scalp

Subtypes of Cicatricial Alopecia

There are two main categories of cicatricial alopecia: lymphocytic inflammatory cicatricial alopecia and neutrophilic inflammatory cicatricial alopecia. Under each of these categories are a few different specific types of hair loss. While these types of hair loss each have some unique manifestations, either clinically or otherwise, they are likely to have similar pathogenesis and treatments and may be treated the same way in many cases. 

Lymphocytic Inflammatory Cicatricial Alopecias

Lichen planopilaris is a type of cicatricial alopecia that is caused mostly by lymphocytic inflammation. Other types of cicatricial alopecia in this category include frontal fibrosing alopecia and central centrifugal alopecia.

Lichen planopilaris is related to the autoimmune conditions known as lichen sclerosus and lichen planus. It is relatively rare. Patients with this kind of cicatricial alopecia are more likely  to experience loss of hair in clumps, and will exhibit a rash and dry, flaky scalp along with irritation and/or painful red or white bumps on the scalp. 

Frontal fibrosing alopecia resembles a receding hairline hair loss pattern, and most commonly affects women (though men can also sometimes develop this type of cicatricial alopecia). Some patients may also lose hair in their armpits or on their eyebrows. 

Central centrifugal alopecia is generally considered to be caused by the overuse of hair styling products, such as hair dyes, hair relaxers, blow dryers, curling irons, and “perm” hair treatments. Patients with central centrifugal alopecia may be able to regrow their hair if they stop using these products and make an effort to restore hair health early enough in the development of the condition. 

Neutrophilic Inflammatory Cicatricial Alopecias

This category of cicatricial alopecias have symptoms caused by inflammation due to neutrophils rather than lymphocytes. Alopecias in this category include folliculitis decalvans and tufted folliculitis. In both of these types of scarring alopecia, the hair grows in “tufts” on the head, and often more than one hair may grow from a single hair follicle. Folliculitis decalvans is recognized as sometimes being caused by an infection with Staphylococcus aureus (the strain of this bacteria may be antibiotic resistant in some cases, which classifies it as MRSA… visit this link to learn more about how to treat MRSA). 

One misdiagnosis for folliculitis decalvans is ringworm, a fungal infection that can be caused by around 40 different fungi, including Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp., and Epidermophyton spp. fungi. 

Pseudopelade of Brocq (PPB)

Pseudopelade of Brocq (PPB) is a rare form of cicatricial alopecia that occurs most often in women in their 40s and 50s (though it can also occur in men and in younger people, even children). Unlike other forms of cicatricial alopecia, this form of hair loss appears to not be caused as much by inflammation as it does by atrophy of the hair follicles. PPB generally begins as a small patch of hair loss, often at the vertex/highest point of the scalp. The hair loss is not scaly, unlike other forms of scarring alopecia, and patches of hair loss are round, small, and slightly depressed in most cases. The progression of pseudopelade of Brocq is slow, and the hair loss can develop over the course of many years. Some patients experience large amounts of hair loss, while others only experience a small amount before the progression stops. 

Natural Treatments for Cicatricial Alopecia

Below are some treatment options for patients with cicatricial alopecia: 

To us, cicatricial alopecia appears to have many things in common with psoriasis and other similar skin conditions. Since this is the case, working with the treatments we describe in our book, “The Psoriasis Cure”, may benefit some patients with cicatricial alopecia, in addition to using the specific therapies listed above. 

Involutional Alopecia

Involutional alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs over time as a person ages. After androgenic alopecia, this is one of the most common types of hair loss. In contrast with androgenic alopecia, which often results in bald spots, involutional alopecia hair loss looks like hair that is overall thinner or that struggles to grow to longer lengths; it doesn’t generally change the hairline or cause baldness. 

To understand this involutional alopecia, it’s important to be aware that there are 4 different stages in the life cycle of hair: anagen (growth lasting 2-8 years), catagen (involution/transitional hair growth lasting 2-3 weeks), telogen (resting phase of 2-3 months before exogen), and exogen (hair shedding and the end of the cycle). In involutional alopecia, the more and more hair follicles begin to move into the telogen phase of hair growth, resulting in hair shedding, and the hairs that remain are shorter and fewer in number. 

Natural treatments that may improve hair health for patients with involutional alopecia include: 

Telogen Effluvium (TE)

Telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss caused by a stressful, triggering event. The hair loss generally occurs within 3 months after this stressful event and is diffuse, meaning that it doesn’t generally result in bald spots but rather makes the hair volume thinner. In most cases, hair loss doesn’t exceed 50% of the total hair count (some individuals may lose more or less during the shedding period). Some individuals (mostly women in their 40s and 50s) may develop chronic telogen effluvium, a condition where diffuse hair loss occurs continuously over the course of many years, with or without a stressful event. 

Stressful, triggering events that may cause telogen effluvium include these (note that a lot of people don’t initially consider or associate these kinds of events with subsequent hair loss, so if you have this kind of hair loss, consider if you’ve experienced one of the following events within the past 3-6 months): 

  • Illness / Infection (specifically illnesses and infections with fever)
  • Emotional stress
  • Serious physical injury
  • Major surgeries
  • Difficult labor/childbirth
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Starvation
  • Extreme weight loss diets
  • Some pharmaceutical or street drugs like:
  • Presence of disease, such as:
  • Nutritional problems
    • Iron deficiency anemia
    • Acquired zinc deficiency
    • Acrodermatitis enteropathica
    • Malnutrition
  • Use of hair dye
  • Heavy metal poisoning

In some cases, telogen effluvium hair loss may also be caused by a short anagen stage in the hair cycle, which is sometimes referred to as Short anagen syndrome. Postpartum effluvium, otherwise known as telogen gravidarum, is a variation of telogen effluvium that occurs after a woman gives birth (in this case, childbirth and the circumstances surrounding the birth, including the woman’s experience of pregnancy, would qualify as the triggering event). Newborn infants may also experience a form of telogen effluvium known as neonatal occipital alopecia in response to the trauma of birth. This form of alopecia in infants goes away within a few weeks after birth in many cases. 

Treatments that may be of particular benefit to patients with telogen effluvium include: 

Loose Anagen Syndrome

Loose anagen syndrome is a type of hair loss that most frequently affects girls with blonde or brown hair (though it can also occur in boys). In this condition, hair can be easily pulled out of the scalp, and it may be difficult to grow hair beyond a short length since hair may stop growing or fall out before it can grow longer. Children often outgrow this condition when they hit puberty, or at least see significant improvement in their condition. 

Treatments that may benefit children with loose anagen syndrome include: 

Additional Cures for Hair Loss: The AlivenHealthy Living Database

The AlivenHealthy Living Database of Alternative Medicines and our Living Database of Essential Oils is now available by subscription. Currently our database of alternative medicines with links to scientific research along with our database of essential oil treatments for diseases are available by subscription. Our databases are "alive" and "living" because we add to them daily with new links to scientifically proven cures for diseases, treatments for serious injuries, disorders, mental health problems, and even natural alternatives in terms of insect repellants and sunscreens (for example). It has become more and more difficult to find this information through a search engine so we decided to make these databases available to the public so they can find the documented cures for diseases that we've been studying for years. Also, consider downloading our package that includes The Psoriasis Cure and The Gallbladder as a book bundle to begin working with the core issues underlying hair loss.

The Complete Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth BOOK BUNDLE - Buy Here! 

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Mount Sinai (n.d). Cicatricial (Scarring) Alopecia. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

NORD (2016). Cicatricial Alopecia. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Ho, Chin H. (2021). Androgenetic Alopecia. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

WebMD (2022). Understanding Hair Loss: The Basics. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from;

Barat, Jill (n.d). What is involutional alopecia? How does this differ from androgenic alopecia? Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

American Academy of Dermatology (n.d). Hair Loss Types: Alopecia Areata Overview. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Ito, Taisuke (2013). Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Hair Loss Disease Alopecia Areata. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

McElwee, K. J., et. al. (2014). What causes alopecia areata? Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Malkud, Shashikant (2015). Telogen Effluvium: A Review. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Cleveland Clinic (n.d). Folliculitis Decalvans. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Dyall-Smith, Delwyn (2011). Pseudopelade of Brocq. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

NYU Langone (n.d). Types of Hair Loss. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

Hughes, Elizabeth C. and Badri, Talel (2022). Tufted Hair Folliculitis. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from:

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