Methylene Blue: An Antibacterial Medicine for the Treatment of Lyme Disease
IMPORTANT NOTE: Methylene Blue should not be used in women who are pregnant or lactating. During pregnancy, use of Methylene Blue can cause severe birth defects in the fetus. Individuals who are taking SSRI and SNRI medications, antidepressant medications, antipsychotic drugs, or other similar drugs should not take Methylene Blue since it is an MAOI and combining these two can cause Serotonin Syndrome. Individuals with kidney disease or a G6PD deficiency should also not take Methylene Blue. Recent scientific studies have shown that Methylene Blue has more potent medicinal effects against the Lyme-disease causing bacteria than the antibiotics that are currently prescribed by doctors. Indeed, as an alternative treatment against drug-resistant Lyme disease, Methylene blue has been used with excellent results. Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride) can help treat what is known in conventional practice as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) or chronic Lyme disease (CLD). These terms arose in response to the number of reports of people who still experienced symptoms of Lyme disease even after so-called “recovery” using antibiotics. The conventional medical community denies the idea that antibiotic treatment may not have effectively eradicated the bacterial infection (and instead claims that the symptoms that follow antibiotic treatment are due to a newly developed autoimmune disease). However, there are numerous studies that suggest that the Borrelia bacteria can and often does survive antibiotic treatment, meaning that people with lingering Lyme disease symptoms actually still harbor an infection. Lyme disease sufferers belong to a large population of people who feel strongly that their diseases are being caused by a pathogen, though doctors vehemently deny that this could be the case. Several years ago, Lydian and I began researching psoriasis, an autoimmune disease with a lot of research into alternative cures that simply haven’t been researched in the Lyme disease community. For example, about 20-50% of psoriasis patients experience complete and sudden remission as a result of dialysis treatment that they receive as a treatment for an entirely different health problem. The patients themselves have taken note of this phenomenon which led researchers to follow up the anecdotal reports to confirm this fact. And a number of other psoriasis patients noted that their symptoms cleared completely when they spent time at the ocean in the sun. This led to the creation of Psoriasis Sunlight and Seawater Treatment Centers at the Dead Sea where psoriasis patients can spend several weeks and then experience several years of remission from the disease or sometimes a total cure. It took Lydian and I over a year to find a connection between psoriasis remission, sunlight and seawater treatments and why dialysis treatments also worked to cure this disease.One day, we learned about something called the Hydrogen Peroxide Pathway, which has to do with how sunlight causes natural hydrogen peroxide in our bodies to be cleaved into a Reactive Oxygen Species known as the hydroxyl radical (which can be medicinal like the superoxide anion that’s released by CDS / MMS). And then, several days later, we stumbled across a gallbladder / liver healing herb known as Fumaria officinalis that contains a substance that our skin naturally produces when we’re exposed to the full-spectrum light of the sun: fumaric acid.
This is when it got interesting. We’d already found plenty of scientific research noting the fact that a lot of psoriasis sufferers had peptidoglycans from streptococcal bacteria on their skin. We drew a mind map and asked ourselves how all of things were connected. And that was when we started finding Big Pharma research into their “fumaric acid esters”, or rather, Franken-fumaric acids that had been synthetically manipulated into patentable products being used as treatments not cures for psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. The fumaric acid esters had been manipulated in such a way in a lab as to make them less effective and indeed quite toxic for psoriasis and multiple sclerosis sufferers. But though research into natural fumaric acids were scanty (due a lack of funding), research into fumaric acid esters allowed to piece together the connections and make sense out of the data that we’d gathered.
Essentially, psoriasis, and other autoimmune diseases involve a colonization of bacteria or other types of pathogens in the body–usually in the organs of detoxification such as the liver and gallbladder as well as the kidneys. Skin involvement often happens because the other organs of detoxification become overloaded. But this connected well with data regarding the psoriasis nightshade diet, whose developer noted this fact about the organs of detoxification. And, it explained why sunlight exposure (without sunscreen) plays a role in curing psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and possibly other autoimmune diseases including Lyme disease. Sunlight exposure causes the creation of powerful Reactive Oxygen Species along with an active substance that detoxifies not only the liver and the gallbladder by spurring the production and release of bile, but that also detoxifies the small intestine. Through its bile-production activities, it literally cleans the intestines (since bile acts like a soapy-detergent in the body), digesting bits and pieces (peptidoglycans) of the colonizing streptococcal bacteria. And meanwhile, having enough bile in the body (as a result of having the fumaric acid necessary to spur production) means that fat-soluble vitamins are being digested and absorbed. This is a big deal. Without fat-soluble vitamin absorption (particularly the absorption of vitamin K2, a newly discovered vitamin that most people in developed nations are deficient in), organs can calcify. This includes the brain and nervous system tissue, though any organ, including blood vessels can calcify (known as atherosclerosis). The result of releasing bile into digestion again and absorbing nutrients, and making Reactive Oxygen Species like the superoxide anion is a general improvement in health and well being. Organs of detoxification are healed as the body begins absorbing nutrients and as sunlight encourages the body to produce superoxide anions and other Reactive Oxygen Species medicines.
Around this time, we found a study documenting the fact that ox bile supplements as a stand-alone therapy for psoriasis was able to cure about 80% of all psoriasis cases. This is an incredibly high cure rate for a stand-alone medicine.
I tell this story about psoriasis and multiple sclerosis cures because those with Lyme disease are physically experiencing a similar story in terms of how and why their health has deteriorated. In our autoimmune disease book (which is scheduled to be published before the end of August, 2022), we expand on the topic of enzyme therapy as a cure for autoimmune disease and this includes Lyme disease. Though enzyme therapy may not be able to work as a stand-alone cure for Lyme disease, this type of therapy melds well with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines, diet therapy, and herbal treatments. It’s a Lyme disease treatment that does no harm and so we regularly recommend it to clients as a simple way to get started in reclaiming their health.
Now, maybe you’re wondering why I felt like it was important to talk about psoriasis and multiple sclerosis cures in a book about Lyme disease, but there are some important lessons that psoriasis patients have learned through trial and error that might be relevant to Lyme disease patients even though the research isn’t out there.
And in a post about the use of Methylene Blue as a cure for Lyme disease, it’s important for patients to understand how our bodies respond to light and how to use light with certain at-home treatments like Methylene Blue to cure disease.
Methylene Blue and Light
Methylene Blue is specifically effective in treating PTLDS/CLD and stationary stage Borrelia infections. Methylene Blue has been shown to be nearly as effective at treating these conditions as the more popular medication daptomycin, except without causing the same serious side effects. In addition, unlike antibiotics, Methylene Blue leaves the healthy, helpful bacteria in the digestive system intact.Side effects of Methylene Blue may include headache, dizziness, gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea/vomiting, or excessive sweating, though these symptoms are relatively rare if patients follow the proper dosing instructions (see below). It will also inevitably turn your urine blue, and may temporarily stain your teeth and tongue. Keep in mind that Methylene Blue has been used as a dye, and it WILL stain clothes, furniture, and even some solid surfaces, so be careful with it!
Methylene Blue is considered an antioxidant medicine. Therefore, it should not be combined with oxidant medicines like CDS/MMS or Artemisia annua. But Methylene Blue is a special medicine that also releases Reactive Oxygen Species, similar to CDS / MMS except that it works through more than one mechanism of action to cure disease. You see, Methylene Blue is one of few antioxidants that can gain access to the inside of cells (molecular hydrogen is another antioxidant that has this ability and its effects are even more powerful than that of Methylene Blue in that it can actually repair our DNA). And once it gains access to the inside of our cells, it donates electrons to several protein complexes on the mitochondria where cellular energy is made.
This medicinal action of Methylene Blue is important because basically, cells that have gone into the Cell Danger Response mode that causes a lot of autoimmune symptoms, suddenly have some extra energy and they can start to come out of a state of dormancy. We talk a lot about the Cell Danger Response in regard to Suramin (which is found in the Pinus strobus essential oil), a substance that’s been used successfully as a cure for autism, another disease that’s regard as “autoimmune” in some circles.
Though Methylene Blue has not been studied in autism patients, to the best of my knowledge (or the research has been expertly covered up), it has been studied for its effects in patients with dementia and the results were notable. Patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as well as other forms of dementia who were given Methylene Blue at 8-16 mg per day reduced their cognitive decline by 85%. This is a miraculous result that constitutes a cure (an over 80% stand-alone treatment cure rate is generally considered to be a True Cure–most cures for disease require a coordinated protocol of several different curative agents to bring about a full recuperation from a major disease).
Methylene Blue 1 oz USP Pure Antioxidant Brain Booster 1% Solution
At-Home Photodynamic Therapy: Methylene Blue and Red Light Therapy
Methylene Blue is most often used as a dye that makes it easier for people to see different tissues and microorganisms under a microscope. It’s ability to penetrate pathogenic cell membranes to highlight them and turn them blue means that those pathogenic cells will react differently when they’re exposed to light, specifically red light.The human body responds differently to different wavelengths of light, which is a broad, mind-blowing topic but light-therapy is not as sci-fi as you might think. Red light therapy is one of the most powerful wavelengths of light that can be used to cure disease and I’ve recommended with excellent results to many people who had given up on their lives. But if you combine Red Light Therapy with Methylene Blue to do an at-home version of Photodynamic Therapy, chances are good that you’ll have noteworthy results against Lyme disease.
Scientists have not yet identified a pathogen that cannot be killed using red light. The challenge is in getting the red light to infected areas of the body. But red light does have decent penetration abilities. For example, the red wavelength of 660 nm was able to penetrate the skull and brain up to 21 mm. At 808 nm, the depth of penetration was 40 mm. For people with Lyme disease or any autoimmune disease that involves the brain, this is good news! Now, if you want to kill Borrelia burgdorferi, you can use red light at 660 or 808 nm to do it because red light has this ability along with other medicinal actions on the body. It won’t just kill Borrelia burgdorferi though. Like Methylene Blue, red light also improves the functioning of mitochrondria through its action on Cytochrome C Oxidase, a photo acceptor in our bodies that’s stimulated by red light wavelengths. When you shine a red light at your body for 5-15 minutes, this Cytochrome C Oxidase effect lasts for a full 48 hours afterwards. But that’s not all that happens when you shine a red light at your skull (or other areas of your body). Red light therapy stimulates the mitochondria to improve cellular wakefulness (and get the cells out of the Cell Danger Response state). Red light assists with the natural production of singlet oxygen species and superoxide anion production as well as the production fo hydrogen peroxide (another Reactive Oxygen Species medicine). Because Reactive Oxygen Species medicines do more than just kill pathogens, many scientists believe that Methylene Blue and other Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Solution (CDS / MMS) work, at least in part, by acting as a signaling molecule telling cells to stop over-reacting with exaggerated inflammatory responses to the presence of the Lyme bacteria. This is essentially what happens when a medicine lowers the Cell Danger Response. Cellular functioning normalizes and patients are able to heal from disease.
But the medicinal effects of Red Light Therapy as a stand-alone treatment and of Methylene Blue Therapy as a stand-alone cure for Lyme disease, while noteworthy, are not as interesting as the use of these two healing modalities together. When a person with Lyme disease takes a dose of Methylene Blue (about 20 mg per day) and then administers red light in the 660-808 nm spectrum, these two medicines work together to improve mitochondrial function, the wakefulness and activity of human cells, and the subsequent ability for those cells to fight against disease-causing pathogens like Borrelia burgdorferi.
In a 2020 review, scientists noted that red light therapy and methylene blue have similarly beneficial effects on mitochondrial function, inflammation, oxidative damage, and behavioral benefits. The use of red light after Methylene Blue administration maximizes the potential curative effects of treatment, particularly on metabolically challenged brain cells. Red light therapy may involve any of the following:
- Near Infrared Light Therapy
- Infrared light therapy
- Red light laser therapy
- Red light therapy using LED lights or other types of lights that emit a red color
- Far infrared light therapy
- Reduces inflammation
- Enhances circulation
- Promotes wound healing
- Improves respiratory function
- Reduces pain
- Reduces the visibility of scars
- Decreases hair loss
- Improves memory and cognitive function
- Increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of human cells
- Increases the production of medicinally active Reactive Oxygen Species
- Near Infrared light may increase the production of Nitric Oxide, though this is still being debated scientifically.
Methylene Blue + Red Light Therapy Dosage
The average dose of Methylene Blue for adults is 20 mg per day, though we offer a dosing chart by body weight below that you can use to find a more exact dose.High intensity red light exposure is usually administered twice daily for 10 minutes per session.
How to Dose Methylene Blue for Lyme Disease
For an adult dosage, take 50mg of Methylene Blue twice a day (for a total dose of 100mg per day) in combination with other Lyme disease treatments as part of a Lyme disease treatment protocol. If you’re a smaller adult or if you’re administering Methylene Blue to an older child (weighing no less than 110lbs/50kg), follow the dosing information below.Dosing for Methylene Blue 1% Solution
- Body Weight: 50 kg/110 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 50 mg/day or 100 drops/day
- Body Weight: 55 kg/121 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 55 mg/day or 110 drops/day
- Body Weight: 60 kg/132 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 60 mg/day or 120 drops/day
- Body Weight: 65 kg/143 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 65 mg/day or 130 drops/day
- Body Weight: 70 kg/154 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 70 mg/day or 140 drops/day
- Body Weight: 75 kg/165 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 75 mg/day or 150 drops/day
- Body Weight: 80 kg/176 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 80 mg/day or 160 drops
- Body Weight: 85 kg/187 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 85 mg/day or 170 drops/day
- Body Weight: 90 kg/198 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 90 mg/day or 180 drops/day
- Body Weight: 95 kg/209 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 95 mg/day or 190 drops
- Body Weight: 100 kg/220 lbs: 1 mg/kg dose = 100 mg/day or 200 drops/day

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