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Over-the-Counter Medicines and Herbal Remedy for MPOX, Smallpox, and Other Orthopoxviruses

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Jun 19, 2022


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Herbal Remedy for MPOX/ Monkeypox: Powerful Alternative Medicines with Strong Antiviral Capabilities

Monkeypox is a new disease, but a lot of people are worried about it so we decided to put together a compilation article about monkeypox symptoms and basic information about the disease along with alternative treatments using broad spectrum antiviral medications. Because this is a new disease, we don’t have personal experience with it yet but we do have information about diseases like chicken pox, necrotizing fasciitis (also known as flesh-eating bacteria disease, which can develop in pox patients who take NSAIDs like ibuprofen to reduce fever or muscle pain), ebola, yellow fever, dengue, tetanus, rabies, etc. and how to cure these supposedly incurable diseases. As time goes on, we’ll update this article with new information that becomes available.

The designation “monkeypox” is currently being reconsidered, though the official name that the media will use to propagate fear of this disease hasn’t been announced yet. In the meantime, MPXV is being used in place of monkeypox. Though it is possible that the name is being changed in order to protect a social group, the COVID-19 virus name was changed early on from coronavirus to COVID-19, in part to reduce the impact of alternative medicine influencers who were writing about how to cure the disease during the early stages. When government groups change the names of diseases, it makes it harder for people to find information online about how to treat and cure monkeypox and other diseases.

Click here to buy Herpes, Orthopox, and Smallpox Remedies, Treatments, and Interventions, Volume 1 and Volume 2

Monkeypox Symptoms and Basic Information

MPXV / Monkeypox is a viral disease that involves the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Inflamed lymph nodes
  • Rash that forms into blisters that then crust over

Symptoms of monkeypox generally last for 2 to 4 weeks and often the symptoms listed above don’t occur at the same time. In other words, you may experience a fever at the beginning of a MPXV / monkeypox infection, but not develop the rash until a week later or more. Symptoms may be very mild or they may be more severe.

There are several other illnesses involving a blistering rash that might be confused with monkeypox. These include:

Children, people with suppressed immune system function, and pregnant women are most likely to develop severe symptoms. Below, we discuss cures for monkeypox in children, individuals with low immunity, and in pregnant women.

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Monkeypox Incubation Period

The incubation period for monkeypox is 5 to 21 days. 

Epidemiologists have noted that monkeypox is not as contagious as smallpox.

The Monkeypox Virus

The monkeypox virus comes from the genus Orthopoxvirus. The smallpox virus belongs to the same Orthopoxvirus genus. Currently, there are two types of monkeypox that have been identified:

  • West African Type
  • Central African Type (from the Congo Basin)

How is monkeypox spread?

According to the information that’s currently available, monkeypox is spread through body fluids, contaminated objects, open wounds, animal bites, and through close contact with an infected person. Some sources say that monkeypox can be spread through the air via small droplets. 

If you develop monkeypox, you may remain contagious to others until your blisters have crusted over completely. This is similar to the chickenpox virus and indeed, monkeypox has a presentation that’s very similar to chickenpox.

Is there a monkeypox vaccine?

There is a monkeypox vaccine has been approved, however, the smallpox vaccine is said to be about 85% effective at preventing monkeypox. The approved vaccine is a combination of smallpox and monkeypox that’s based on modified vaccinia Ankara. For those who wish to avoid getting a smallpox vaccine (or a monkeypox vaccine, should one be developed in the future), we discuss alternative treatments for monkeypox below. 

The smallpox vaccine is said to lessen the severity of monkeypox. 

Is the smallpox vaccine safe? Is the monkeypox vaccine safe?

The smallpox vaccine causes similar adverse reactions as the COVID-19 vaccine, which is why people in the United States were not vaccinated after risk of the disease was significantly diminished. Essentially, the health risks posed by the smallpox vaccine outweighed the potential benefits of vaccinating the population even though the threat of bioterrorism and the use of smallpox during war was very real. 

The smallpox vaccine causes an increased risk of the following health complications:

  • Myocarditis
  • Pericarditis
  • Immunodeficiency disease / autoimmunity
  • Atopic dermatitis 
  • Eczema

Antiviral Drugs for Monkeypox / MPXV and Other Conventional Medicine Treatments

Antiviral drugs like cidofovir, brincidofovir, and tecovirimat are being used in conventional medicine settings to treat monkeypox. Supportive treatments such as IV fluids, oxygen administration, and drugs that control fever may be administered in hospital settings. 

Patients need to be aware of the fact that a number of epidemiological studies have shown that the use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen, diclofenac, and aspirin increases the risk of severe skin and soft tissue infection complications in children, the elderly, and adults with chickenpox (varicella). In a hospital setting, doctors or nurses may insist that patients take NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, etc.), diclofenac, or aspirin to bring down a fever associated with monkeypox, but studies have shown that NSAIDs may impair the production of white blood cells and other immune defense strategies. In other words, NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin can impair immune function which can lead to serious skin infections such as gangrene or flesh eating bacterial disease (also known as necrotizing fasciitis). If you or a loved one develops monkeypox, it may be valuable to read and learn about the cure for necrotizing fasciitis that was discovered by doctors in India who abandoned expensive pharmaceutical treatments for patients who couldn’t afford them. 

Though soft tissue infection (gangrene / necrotizing fasciitis / flesh-eating bacteria disease) may develop in adults or elderly patients, children are most at risk for developing this kind of serious side effect from being given an NSAID medication like ibuprofen or aspirin during a pox virus like monkeypox or chickenpox. The most common cause of severe skin problems from a pox infection treated with NSAIDs is an invasive streptococcal or staphylococcal superinfection. Paracetamol or acetaminophen has not been shown to provoke the same skin problems in pox victims. 

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How to Safely Reduce a Fever Due to Monkeypox 

Obviously, it’s unwise to use NSAIDs to reduce a fever during a monkeypox infection because NSAIDs may also lower immunity and lead to a bacterial superinfection in the skin. Below are treatments that can be used to reduce a fever during a monkeypox infection:

Do NOT use NSAIDs like ibuprofen or aspirin to reduce fever during a pox infection. NSAIDs lower immune system response and can cause monkeypox sufferers to develop a superinfection in the skin as a result of the blistering rash. Children are particularly susceptible to developing a superinfection due to the use of NSAIDs during a pox infection. 

Alternative Medicine Treatments for Monkeypox

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)  is one of several medicines that belong to the category of Reactive Oxygen Species medicines. Big Pharma has been investigating these Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) medicines for years, but they haven’t figured out how to make a profit off of them yet because they work by releasing naturally-occurring reactive oxygen species that react chemically with pathogens that infect the human body. 

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ROS medicines work through an elegantly simple mechanism of action. These medicines release a reactive oxygen species (there are several different kinds that are not damaging to healthy human cells). These reactive oxygen species are identical to the reactive oxygen species that are produced naturally in the human body as a front-line immune response against infective pathogens. The reactive oxygen species have a negative charge which makes them magnetically attractive to pathogens which generally carry a positive charge. The simple magnetic attraction between ROS medicines and pathogens is just one of several characteristics of this type of medicine that makes them particularly effective at killing pathogens.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (which is also known as Miracle Mineral Solution) has an extremely broad spectrum of action against pathogens. Because this ROS medicine kills pathogens by oxidizing them, it isn’t possible for the pathogens to become resistant to their effects. This is why CDS/MMS can be used to cure diseases like cancer (cancer cells generally have a positive charge that makes them susceptible to oxidation by ROS medicines), autoimmune diseases (which are often caused by bacterial colonization of lymph nodes around the intestine or the gallbladder/liver), and serious illnesses like ebola or tetanus that are generally considered incurable.

CDS/MMS is one of the most versatile medicines to have in your medicine cabinet during a pandemic. There are just a few diseases that won’t respond to CDS/MMS treatment. Necrotizing fasciitis / gangrene / flesh-eating bacteria disease is one of those diseases, but luckily, though activated CDS/MMS won’t work to cure the disease the CDS/MMS activator by itself can be used to cure gangrene / flesh-eating bacteria disease / necrotizing fasciitis

CDS/MMS can be safely used by pregnant women, children, and the elderly to treat and cure monkeypox. For more information about how to use CDS/MMS, we recommend that you download and read the Layperson’s Guide to Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)  / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

If you become ill and you believe that you have a serious illness like monkeypox, you can do the 6-and-6 Protocol, which is a bigger dose of CDS/MMS. This protocol gives your body a boost of reactive oxygen species that are identical to what your white blood cells are also producing in order to fight the infection. It’s important to have CDS/MMS on hand when you develop an illness though because CDS/MMS does the most good when you take it during the initial stages of infection. Also, it’s best to go through the Starting Procedure using CDS/MMS when you’re relatively healthy to understand better how your body reacts to this medicine and which dose is right for you.

CDS/MMS is an alternative monkeypox treatment that has no side effects and that can be used to safely treat a pregnant woman with monkeypox, a child with monkeypox, or an elderly person. CDS/MMS is used to cure HIV as well as other serious autoimmune diseases in people of all ages. Many people who use CDS/MMS to cure a minor disease end up curing other, major diseases that they thought were incurable. 

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Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 

Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is an FDA-approved, over-the-counter medicine that’s derived from trees. It’s one of Big Pharma’s best kept secrets. Before Big Pharma realized the full potential of DMSO, it approved this medicine for use in pregnant women with cystitis. 

DMSO has a toxicity level similar to that of water and it is safe for use in children and pregnant women. DMSO is a solvent and this is one of its most important medicinal properties that people need to understand before they begin using this medication. As a solvent, DMSO has the ability to combine with practically anything from the varnish on your kitchen table to the dye in the fabrics of your bathroom towels. So it needs to be used with care and we recommend that you download and read the Complementary Therapies book that provides detailed information about how to use DMSO by itself and also with CDS/MMS to potentiate the effects of this ROS medicine. 

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Don’t use DMSO if you are taking a prescription medication. Talk to your doctor first because DMSO can strengthen the meds that you’re taking which can have unpredictable effects. A lot of people ask if they can use DMSO if they’re being given bioidentical hormone treatments. The answer is no. DMSO strengthens the effects of the bioidentical hormones, so it’s not possible predict the outcomes of these two medicines when they’re combined. Talk to your doctor about using DMSO to reduce your dosage or specific prescription medications. DMSO is often used in alternative treatment facilities for cancer to significantly reduce the dose of chemotherapy, minimizing side effects while enhancing the targeted effects of the chemo against cancer cells. This type of therapy is called DMSO-Potentiation Therapy or DPT.

So, DMSO potentiates or strengthens the effects of other substances, including medicines. As such, many experts on DMSO believe that an entirely new system of medicine could be based on the use of this substance. 

DMSO has antimicrobial, anti-pathogenic effects as a stand-alone medication. It is a skin-penetration enhancer, so it can be used to apply CDS/MMS or other medications through the skin (which is like administering an IV medication except without the needles). DMSO detoxifies cells from the inside out while simultaneously escorting CDS/MMS and other medicines into the cells to kill viruses that may be replicating inside the cell. 

If you decide to use DMSO as an alternative medicine for monkeypox, be sure to use higher doses, especially during the initial stages of the disease and combine it with CDS/MMS rather than using it by itself. Some studies have shown that DMSO used at lower doses by itself can enhance viral replication because of its ability to make healthy human cells more efficient. Viruses can use this efficiency to improve viral replication in human cells. So always combine the DMSO with CDS/MMS and don’t take it by itself at very low doses. 

Sarracenia purpurea 

Sarracenia purpurea is a carnivorous plant that was used for medicinal purposes to treat smallpox naturally by some of the early Native American tribes in the northeastern and Great Lakes region. They used an infusion of the Sarracenia purpurea root to cure smallpox.

It was the MicMac Indians of Nova Scotia who first announced that they’d found a cure for smallpox after the infusion was able to cure every case of the disease during an outbreak. In 1892, Charles Millspaugh described how Sarracenia purpurea was used as a poultice, or as a topical remedy that functioned as an herbal cure for smallpox, providing “the greatest remedy known for the dreadful scourge.”  

Sarracenia purpurea arrests the development of pustules, which significantly changes the character of smallpox in terms of its disease presentation. The use of Sarracenia purpurea to treat monkeypox naturally (or smallpox or any other orthopoxvirus infection), represents an alternative to the smallpox vaccine which can cause serious side effects. 

Sarracenia purpurea is an herbal cure for monkeypox and smallpox that works by inhibiting virus transcription. Indeed, studies that have investigated the use of Sarracenia purpurea as an herbal cure for monkeypox and smallpox have noted that the botanical extract of this plant is also effect against the following pox viruses:

  • Vaccinia virus
  • Variola virus
  • Papovirus SV-40
  • Orthopoxvirus infections
  • Herpes viruses (various types)
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Epstein-Barr virus-associated carcinomas

Sarracenia purpurea Dosage

Five drops of Sarracenia purpurea is usually administered in about ½ cup of water for adults. It should be taken either before or after meals, three times per day. 

Other Medicinal Benefits of Sarracenia purpurea

Sarracenia purpurea is an interesting plant that has an anti-pox effect on the body. It also used to treat digestive disorders, especially constipation, which indicates that it may have strong effects on the liver or gallbladder. It is used to treat urinary tract infections and fluid retention / edema as well. As such Sarracenia purpurea is an herbal cure for monkeypox and smallpox that may work its magic through the organs of detoxifications (the liver and the kidneys) to ensure that the skin, another organ of detoxification, is less dramatically affected with the characteristic monkeypox rash. Sarracenia purpurea is also used to prevent the formation of scar tissue which further suggests that this plant specifically works with the organs of detoxification (the liver, kidneys, and the skin) in important ways that ultimately cures smallpox, monkeypox / MPXV and other pox-infections.

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Quassia amara Herbal Monkeypox Treatment

Quassia amara is another herbs that has historically been used to treat smallpox as well as measles. As such, it may be a useful herbal remedy for monkeypox as well. To use Quassia amara, make a decoction of the bark and leaves and then wash the skin with it. Taken internally, Quassia amara can be used to cure leukemia, get rid of intestinal parasites, as a digestive tonic, and as an herbal antipyretic to lower fevers.

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Quassia amara tincture here. 

Methylene Blue as a Cure for Monkeypox and Smallpox

Methylene Blue is another FDA-approved, over-the-counter medication that has the ability to inactivate virions prior to infection to inhibit viral binding, fusion, and entry into human cells, according to research. Methylene blue has a strong antiviral effects at concentrations that are not toxic to human cells and in studies that specifically looked at orthopoxvirus infections (such as vaccinia virus and monkeypox), this medicine was able to inhibit pox viruses when used prior to infection as a preventive measure or during/after infection as treatment for monkeypox and other pox viruses. Methylene blue and its derivatives are effective against the following orthopoxvirus diseases according to the research:

  • MPXV / Monkeypox
  • Cowpox Virus
  • Akhmeta virus (newly identified)
  • Vaccinia virus
Do not take methylene blue with the other medications listed in this article. It should be taken as a separate, stand-alone medication. We usually recommend that patients take CDS/MMS in large doses at the beginning of a major infection and then, when the cytokine storm begins (for example, if a skin rash develops), switch to the use of methylene blue 1% at about 40 drops in water twice daily for an adult of 120-130 pounds. For more information about methylene blue dosage, visit this page. Consider following our recommended COVID-19 at home treatment protocol which combines the uses of Methylene Blue with N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), and vitamin C after you complete the initial 6-and-6 protocol with CDS/MMS.

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Wikipedia (2022). Monkeypox. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

Mikaeloff, Y., Kezouh, A., Suissa, S. (2008). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and the risk of severe skin and soft tissue complications in patients with varicella or zoster disease. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

No Author (2010). Varicella, herpes zoster, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: serious cutaneous complications. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

Scholtissek, C., Muller, K. (1988). Effect of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on virus replication and maturation. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

Wikipedia (2022). Sarracenia purpurea. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

Arndt. W. et al. (2012). In Vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth-Century Therapy for Smallpox. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

Wollenberg, A., and Engler, R. (2004). Smallpox, vaccination, and adverse reactions to smallpox vaccine. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from
Garcia (2020). Pandemics and Traditional Plant-Based Remedies. A Historical-Botanical Review in the Era of COVID-19. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from
Priyamvada, L. et al. (2021). New methylene blue derivatives suggest novel anti-orthopoxviral strategies. Retrieved June 19, 2022 from

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