Enzyme Therapy Basics

A lot of clients ask about how to manage their diet while taking Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). If you’re trying to overcome a major disease or infection, you probably already know that your diet is important, but CDS/MMS treatments can complicate things a bit. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) medicines like CDS/MMS are powerful but delicate and one of the rules about taking CDS/MMS is to avoid taking your hourly dose with food or other supplements. This is important advice that can prevent you from accidentally canceling out the effects of this powerful OXIDANT medicine (CDS/MMS) by accidentally consuming an ANTIOXIDANT (like vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and more).
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Chlorine Dioxide Kit - Hydrochloric Acid 4% and Sodium Solution (4 Oz)
So, a simple way to think about enzymes and enzyme therapy would be the following:
- Enzymes improve digestion which will make you more comfortable living in your body. Poor digestion leads to gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, and more. It’s hard to feel good if your digestion is poor.
- Improved digestion means that food is being broken down all the way so that the body can absorb nutrients from the food. Without nutrients, the body can’t rebuild itself. Poor health is a natural consequence of poor digestion.
- Betaine HCl and Pepsin can actually help reduce heartburn, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms by increasing acid levels in the stomach which then causes the esophageal sphincter to close. Often, heartburn is NOT caused by high acid levels, but rather by low acid levels that fail to trigger the esophageal sphincter to close after eating. Increasing acid levels in the stomach also helps fight and prevent H. pylori infection.
- Pancreatic enzymes (in excess of what are used for digestion of food) are reabsorbed by the small intestine and travel through the bloodstream. In the blood, they seek out cancer cells and pathogens and they eat away at the outer membrane that protects these dangerous cells. In doing so, they expose these cells to our immune system so that they can be destroyed naturally by the body. Click here to learn more about the use of pancreatic enzymes as a cure for cancer.
- Ox bile acts like a detergent in the small and large intestine. It literally functions as a sort of soap in the digestive system that keeps the tissues clean. If the intestines get clogged with a lot of gunk, like undigested fats and oils, they can start to look like a grease trap. Bile cleans out the intestines, a vital function that goes beyond just digestion of food to actually cleaning out the body.
- Trypsin and Chymotrypsin are pancreatic enzymes that specifically impact lung health.
- Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme in the trypsin family that acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent and a natural painkiller. It has been specifically studied as a natural anti-inflammatory and painkiller for arthritis, but scientists have also used it successfully to treat pain due to ulcerative colitis. Serrapeptase improves surgical wound healing and can be used in the treatment of viral pneumonia (like trypsin and chymotrypsin, serrapeptase has healing effects on the lungs).
The enzyme therapy protocol was designed to improve digestion at all stages, starting with the stomach as food moves through the body. Note that if digestion is disrupted at any stage in the process that digestion at the other stages in the process will also be disrupted. In other words, if your stomach doesn’t produce enough acid to digest food before it moves into the small intestine, you may end up with SIBO or any number of small intestine issues as well as large intestine issues like gas and bloating as a result. Enzyme therapy can help your digestive system rebalance so that food is properly digested at every stage in the digestion process.

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Betaine HCl and Pepsin: Improve Stomach Digestion
Maybe you suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or a Helicobacter pylori infection that just won’t go away. Acid reflux can be caused by at least two different problems that patients will have to troubleshoot on their own to determine the root cause:- The stomach is producing TOO LITTLE hydrochloric acid.
- The stomach is producing TOO MUCH hydrochloric acid
Most people with acid reflux disease / GERD mistakenly believe that if they experience heartburn after eating that they MUST have too much hydrochloric acid in their stomach. Doctors tend to prescribe medicines that reduce acid levels in the stomach when patients complain of GERD / acid reflux symptoms or heartburn. Unfortunately though, the majority of people who suffer from acid reflux and GERD actually have a situation where their stomach is producing TOO LITTLE hydrochloric acid. When the stomach produces too little hydrochloric acid, the esophageal sphincter won’t close all of the way after you finish eating to ensure that digestion and the acid contents of the stomach stay in the stomach and don’t end up in the esophagus.
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Of course, if your stomach actually does tend to produce TOO MUCH acid during digestion and if you esophageal sphincter closes properly in response to rising acid levels during a meal or a snack, then you might want to take ¼ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to reduce acid levels in your stomach during meals. Though this situation does happen sometimes, it’s rarer than acid reflux patients with acid levels in their stomachs that are too low. If you happen to be one of the people who experiences worse indigestion / acid reflux / GERD when you take Betaine HCl and Pepsin, you can easily reverse the symptoms of acid reflux and indigestion by merely taking some baking soda (¼ tsp - 1 tsp.) in 4 -8 ounces of water. Just be aware that an alkaline stomach environment isn’t ideal because the stomach tissues were designed to be acidic, so use the medicinal alkalizing effects of baking soda conservatively. Take the lowest dose necessary in order to relieve the symptoms of indigestion naturally.The majority of individuals produce TOO LITTLE acid when they eat which means that the esophageal sphincter is not triggered properly to close tightly so that acid and undigested bits of food don’t bubble up into the esophagus to produce the symptoms of heartburn / acid reflux. A lot of people who suffer from indigestion experience relief from symptoms when they take Betaine HCl and Pepsin with meals and sometimes with snacks too. Indeed, when people take Betaine HCl and Pepsin to increase acid levels in the stomach, triggering the esophagus to close properly, their stomach becomes healthier and much less susceptible to infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
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How to Use the CDS / MMS 4-5% Hydrochloric Acid Activator to Treat Indigestion and Acid Reflux
Some people have discovered on their own that they can use the hydrochloric acid activator that comes with the CDS/MMS kit to increase acid levels in the stomach to treat indigestion and acid reflux. Essentially, the use of the 4-5% hydrochloric acid activator is nearly identical to the medicinal effects of taking Betaine HCl (the HCl means “hydrochloric acid”) and Pepsin.If you take Betaine HCl and Pepsin or if you give yourself 4 to 8 drops of the hydrochloric acid activator that came with your CDS/MMS kit to increase the acidity of your stomach and you experience LESS indigestion/acid reflux as a result, then your stomach was producing TOO LITTLE acid. An H. pylori bacterial infection can cause this to happen and this is one of the most likely reasons why your stomach may be producing too little acid. Taking Betaine HCl and Pepsin or hydrochloric acid activator drops can improve acid levels in the stomach to make stomach tissues less habitable by H. pylori bacteria. But the use of CDS/MMS is one of the best ways to kill H. pylori bacteria too. So continue to take your activated CDS/MMS doses while you use either Betaine HCl and Pepsin or the hydrochloric acid activator to treat your acid reflux / GERD / indigestion / heartburn.
Note that some people prefer to take just Betaine HCl rather than the Betaine HCl + Pepsin mix, but pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach that functions to digest proteins. Normally, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach changes a protein called pepsinogen into pepsin so basically, in the stomach, hydrochloric acid is changed into pepsin, as needed. Nonetheless, some people prefer the Betaine HCl + Pepsin combination over just a Betaine HCl pill.
Ox Bile 125 mg or Ox Bile 500 mg: Improve Intestinal Digestion
Individuals who still have a gallbladder that is functioning reasonably well should start with ox bile at 125 mg taken at every meal to treat chronic disease. Those who do not have a gallbladder or who have issues with their gallbladder should consider increasing the ox bile dose from 125 mg to 250 mg at every meal or even up to 500 mg per meal. Ox bile supplements are taken to support the liver and the gallbladder, two organs that work to secrete bile into the first part of the small intestine. The liver produces bile, but the gallbladder stores this bile and then later secretes the bile on a regular basis to break down fats and proteins in the second layer of digestion that occurs in the small intestine. Bile is hard for the body to produce so the gallbladder plays an important role in the body as a storage vessel for bile. It has other functions too, but if you have gallbladder issues like gallstones, for example, consider using one or all of the following ways to remove gallstones without surgery. Note that these methods will improve gallbladder health in general, so if you have gallbladder cancer or some other type of gallbladder disease, consider using the following at-home treatment options:Bile production can be disrupted by a variety of different things including:
- Liver infection or colonizing bacteria / pathogens that cause the liver ducts to stop producing bile or to become clogged.
- Liver inflammation due to exposure to toxins or heavy metals that clog liver ducts or that somehow disrupt the production of bile.
- A lack of a gallbladder to store bile (due to surgical removal of the gallbladder) that has been recently produced or recycled by the liver.
- Gallstones can restrict the amount of bile that’s released by the gallbladder. Taking ox bile can reduce the size and quantity of gallstones slowly over time.
- Gallbladder infection that clogs the gallbladder duct or the Ampulla of Vater.
- Emotional stress can cause ducts in the liver or gallbladder to “clench” shut or to irregularly deposit bile in a manner that fails to properly digest food.
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- Reproductive hormone levels
- Cholesterol levels
- Bile / Bile Acid Levels
The production of bile in the liver directly affects the production of cholesterol in the body. About 500 mg of cholesterol is converted to bile for the digestion of food every day. Indeed, scientists have shown that bile acids participate in the metabolism of cholesterol by functioning as hormones in the body. This is a complex topic though, so we’ll just note that there’s a relationship between hormones, cholesterol and bile. Ox bile supplementation, as such, may benefit your whole health through it’s action on cholesterol and reproductive hormone levels.
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If you have been consistently low in terms of bile that’s produced or released into the small intestine for a long period of time, you may develop fecal impactions of undigested fats that stick to the intestinal villi similar to the way that fats and oils would cling to the dishes in your sink. Intestinal villi are tiny hairlike projections inside the small intestine. They increase the surface area of the small intestine to make it easier to absorb nutrients from food, but if your body isn’t producing or releasing bile in a normal, healthy way, these villi can get coated in undigested fats.
The intestinal villi may begin to break down if you don’t run the body’s natural version of “dish soap” through the intestines at every meal. You can imagine how these tiny hairlike projections would get coated with fats and oils and eventually, there would be very little surface area for the body to absorb vitamins and minerals. The villi would get coated with old, undigested fats and oils and eventually they would break off and die. Some people mistakenly believe that they are allergic to wheat or other foods when in fact, the problem has to do with bile production or release issues that lead to small intestine damage.
If you have fecal impactions due to low levels of natural bile in the small intestine and you begin taking ox bile, you may experience constipation initially or diarrhea. The ox bile will digest the fats and oils and as this process crescendos, you may get bloated and even experience an initial digestive upset that lasts for several. This is because the body is suddenly able to remove the fecal impactions that are coating the inside of the intestines leading to a detoxification reaction. Under the fecal impactions, there may be raw, infected tissues underneath. These tissues will probably heal within 3-4 days (this is how long it takes for intestinal tissues to completely replace themselves) as long as your body is reasonably healthy. If you are debilitated in some way (due to autoimmune infection, cancer, the use of chronic prescription medications, heavy metal exposure, etc.), you should consider doing the CDS/MMS Starting Procedure followed by Protocol 1000. You should also consider taking daily doses of vitamin B17 to rebuild tissues. Be sure to follow a special diet for CDS/MMS during treatment with this medicine. Consider doing the Lugol’s iodine protocol to overcome serious health issues and rebuild the digestive system tissues.
Many people with insufficient bile production or insufficient bile release who begin taking ox bile may experience bouts of diarrhea or constipation as large quantities of fecal impactions release from the intestinal wall to be removed from the body. Gas is caused by the “sudsing” action of the bile that naturally rinses and cleans the small intestinal tissues though not all flatulence is the same. If you have toxic, stinky gas, this is probably an infection or fermentation of stools in the intestine. Do regular coffee enemas to promote a faster clearing of fecal materials and to encourage the liver and the gallbladder to release gallstones at the same time. Meanwhile, the bile will properly digest fats and proteins to ensure that nutrients begin to be properly absorbed.
If you don’t have a gallbladder, you may need to take higher doses of ox bile to achieve the proper effects in your body because the gallbladder is not able to store your natural human bile for the liver. Remember, bile is hard for the body to produce so if you lack the bile storage organ (the gallbladder) your liver has to work especially hard to keep up with your body’s digestion needs. Taking an ox bile supplement will ensure that the body can recycle and reuse more of the natural bile produced by your body than what would otherwise be possible.
Taking ox bile supplements will also naturally reduce the quantity and size of gallstones so this enzyme supplement functions as a natural method for removing gallstones without surgery. Ox bile supplementation is a way to naturally dissolve gallstones. The last stretch of small intestine that leads into the large intestine is where most of the bile that was released just outside of the stomach, is reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Typically, in healthy people, about 95% of the bile acids that are secreted into the duodenum are re-absorbed back into the blood from the ileum. The blood from the ileum goes straight into the portal vein which leads directly back to the liver. Liver cells then go to work at extracting bile acids from the blood, but sometimes a little escapes into systemic circulation. In healthy people, the liver cells are very efficient at removing bile from the blood so that the bile can be re-secreted into the digestive system at the next meal. On the average, each bile salt molecule is reused approximately 20 times. Indeed, one bile salt molecule may be reused 2 to 3 times during one single meal. The body tries to be very efficient in its use of bile so you can imagine how a deficiency of bile would seriously impede digestion!
Bile Deficiency and Fat Soluble Vitamin Deficiency
If you have a deficiency of bile, you are probably not digesting fats down to absorbable units on a regular basis. As such, some of the health problems you are experiencing could be due to a deficiency of fat soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins include the following:- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K1
- Vitamin K2
- Omega Fatty Acids
Ox Bile as a Cure for Autoimmunity
Curing autoimmune disease often involves a protocol of several different types of medicine like vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and a reactive oxygen species medicine, but diseases like psoriasis can be cured with ox bile supplements about 80% of the time. Ox bile supplements promote gallbladder and liver health and often, the gallbladder and liver are “hiding places” for bacteria that cause irritation in the gut when they are totally digested. As a cure for Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, ox bile should be used with CDS/MMS or another reactive oxygen species medicine like food grade hydrogen peroxide. And note that while we’ve mostly written about and researched ox bile supplements as a cure for psoriasis (all types) and digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, ox bile supplementation has the potential to cure autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis too. Many autoimmune diseases are caused by colonizing bacteria that live in the liver or gallbladder and that cause problems in the body through physiological actions that differ slightly from the physiological actions that takes place during an “infection”.
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Conjugated Bile Acids or Ox Bile?
Conjugated bile acids may be a better choice than ox bile for people who have certain health issues such as:- High estrogen levels
- Low bile production
- Hypothyroidism
- Constipation
- SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
- Liver cirrhosis
Pancreatic Enzymes: Improve Intestinal Digestion
We’ve written a lot about the use of pancreatic enzymes in preventing and treating cancer. Pancreatic enzymes, as a stand-alone, SOLO treatment for cancer has a cure rate of 13%. When you compare the cure rate of pancreatic enzymes to the cure rate for chemo, which is only 2-3% as a stand-alone cancer treatment, it’s apparent that people are getting bamboozled by conventional medicine. Pancreatic enzymes were studied carefully and successfully used in the early 1900’s as a cure for cancer and their mechanism of action is quite well understood. When used in combination with vitamin B17, and iodine therapy, pancreatic enzymes perform very well as a cancer cure.But pancreatic enzymes do more than just cure cancer. They also play an important role in digestion. They have an alkalizing effect on the body which may not sound like a big deal, but in reality, this function of pancreatic enzymes is one of the big reasons why it naturally functions as a cure for cancer. The alkalizing effect of pancreatic enzymes help them neutralize stomach acids, but alkalizing also helps kill pathogens and cancer cells because both pathogens and cancer cells tend to have a more acidic pH than healthy human cells. If that isn’t enough to impress you, pancreatic enzyme therapy has also been used by integrative medicine doctors to cure diabetes. The pancreas, after all, is responsible for releasing insulin, which, in turn, is responsible for shuttling glucose into cells. Glucose is the primary source of fuel and energy for cells. Without glucose, cells starve to death. So this is the connection between the pancreas and all human cells. Every cell in the body needs glucose which means that every cell in the body depends on the pancreas to release this crucial substance known as insulin.
Of course, there are different types of diabetes, but enzyme therapy using pancreatic enzymes will do no harm and as such, can be used by those with diabetes to support the pancreas. The pancreas after all, does more than one thing in the body. While it produces insulin to escort glucose into cells, it also produces enzymes that digest food down to glucose in the first place. So, without the proper amount of pancreatic enzymes to digest foods down to absorbable component parts like glucose, the body can’t absorb glucose in the first place. So the pancreas is this organ that really manages glucose, the energy fuel for human cells. While one side of the pancreas is producing enzymes to break down food into glucose, the other side of the pancreas is producing and releasing insulin so that the exact right amount of glucose can be taken into each cell that needs it.

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And if that isn’t enough, then you need to know that pancreatic enzymes also play an important role in mucus production and in the health and function of mucus in the body. This means that pancreatic enzymes directly affect lung health. Indeed, one of the most important cures for cystic fibrosis is trypsin / chymotrypsin and serrapeptase, all of them pancreatic enzymes.So while ox bile supplements can cure psoriasis 80% of the time, pancreatic enzymes are a cure for diabetes and lung disease. Many doctors have been shocked at how well pancreatic enzymes worked to cure diabetes, even when the disease was severe and long-standing.
There are a number of pancreatic enzymes, but we’re going to focus on just a few of them that can be supplemented to cure disease:
Lipase, Amylase, Protease
These pancreatic enzymes are often packaged together and are typically taken at meal times for best results, so we’ll deal with them under the same subheading for simplicity.Amylase
Amylase breaks down carbohydrates like sucrose, fructose, and starch into glucose, a substance that is easily absorbed by the intestines. Glucose is the most important source of energy for our cells.Lipase
Lipase gets its name from the fact that it breaks down fats and oils into fatty acids and glycerols that are easier to digest.Protease
Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids in the digestive system, but it seems to have a more extensive systemic role in the body’s health. Protease also plays a role in blood clotting, cellular division, the recycling of proteins in the body, and immune system health.Trypsin and Chymotrypsin
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are activated by enterokinase released by microvilli in the intestines. They break down proteins in food into smaller units known as peptides.Systemic Enzymes
The enzymes below work systemically throughout the body and are not produced naturally on the body. Nonetheless, they have important health benefits and they can be used as part of a protocol to cure autoimmunity and degenerative diseases (in particular, cardiovascular disease and lung disease). Serrapeptase is a valuable natural pain-killer and anti-inflammatory agent.Serrapeptase / Serratiopeptidase
Serrapeptase (also known as Serratiopeptidase) is an enzyme derived from Serratia marcesens from the intestines of the silkworm Bombyx mori. This enzyme is not naturally produced in the human body, but it is still an enzyme and it has important medicinal effects on the body. Below are some of the ways in which serrapeptase can be used medicinally by patients at home on an as-needed basis in the treatment of the following:- Inflammation
- Neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s and other dementias
- Healing from injuries
- Healing from surgical wounds
- Heart disease
- Sinusitus
- Bronchitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Fibrocystic Breast Disease (see iodine therapy for information on how to cure fibrocystic breast disease)
- Muscle inflammation and pain
- Respiratory infection
- Reduces excess mucus
- Autoimmune disease - dissolves dead or damaged tissues without harming healthy tissues
- Atherosclerosis
- Prevents blood clots
- Stroke prevention
- Burns
- Skin trauma
- Reduces the formation of scar tissue
- Breaks down excess proteins
- Decreases the permeability of capillaries
- Regulates histamine
- Controls skin temperature
Serrapeptase is particularly useful as a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. It does not produce the same harmful side effects as NSAIDs like ibuprofen or diclofenac. Indeed, it has an extensive list of benefits for human health.
Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from a Japanese food known as natto. Natto is produced through fermentation of soybeans by a bacteria called Bacillus natto.
Nattokinase is not a kinase enzyme.
Often, serrapeptase is combined with a substance known as nattokinase, which contains high levels of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is a vitamin that was only recently discovered. It works in tandem with vitamin D in the metabolism of calcium in the body. While vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium, vitamin D by itself puts calcium into soft tissues like blood vessels (which causes atherosclerosis), the pancreas (which can cause diabetes, cancer, and recurrent infection or autoimmune disease), the liver (which can cause bile deficiency diseases like psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.). Soft tissues are not meant to hold onto calcium deposits, so when a person takes a vitamin D3 or D2 supplement without also supplement with vitamin K2, they end up with unnatural soft tissue calcifications that inevitably cause diseases. Vitamin K2 ensure that:
- Calcium ends up in the bones and teeth.
- Note that having calcium in the bones and teeth means the risk of dental issues like cavities or osteoporosis is significantly reduced.
- Calcium does NOT end up in soft tissues organs where it does not belong.
The high vitamin K2 content in nattokinase explains many but not all of the medicinal benefits of nattokinase which include the following:
- Prevents and reduces blood clot formation / anti-coagulant
- Functions as an alkaline protease of 275 amino acids
- Lowers blood pressure
- Cure for atherosclerosis
- Lowers lipid levels in the blood
- Neuroprotective - has the ability to reduce amyloid plaques
Enzyme Therapy Summary
Anyone who wishes to cure autoimmune disease or overcome chronic degenerative disorders can benefit from enzyme therapy. Enzyme therapy is very safe and it is generally unlikely to cause harm. Those who have had their gallbladder removed may experience alleviation of certain digestive symptoms when they start taking ox bile, but it is also possible that ox bile can make digestive symptoms worse if the ox bile supplement is not given in the proper dose. Experiment to find the proper dose if you’ve had your gallbladder removed and you wish to use ox bile to cure Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or psoriasis.
Hofmann, A. F. and Eckmann, L. (2006). How bile acids confer gut mucosal protection against bacteria. Retrieved June 11, 2022 from https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0600780103