How Coffee Enemas Can Support Gallbladder and Liver Health
Enemas are an extremely important detoxification method. They are extremely important and can effectively support the treatment of nearly any health problem, including everything from cancer and autoimmune disease to chronic fatigue and even the common cold. There are various kinds of enemas, including plain water enemas, CDS/MMS enemas, and baking soda enemas (among other types), but coffee enemas are specifically well-suited to supporting the health of the gallbladder and liver, which is relevant especially because many pathogens that are implicated in autoimmunity and chronic fatigue syndrome, for example, are found hiding out in these organs. Coffee enemas can be used safely during pregnancy to prevent constipation and to also prevent the buildup of gallstones and bile sludge in the liver and gallbladder.Though coffee enemas have been used for detoxification for at least 100 years, Dr. Max Gerson, a German doctor and the developer of the Gerson Protocol for cancer treatment, was one of the first major proponents of this treatment. From his research, Dr. Gerson noted that coffee enemas were specifically valuable for cleansing and stimulating the liver and gallbladder. The caffeine in the coffee encourages the gallbladder to release bile more readily. When the gallbladder is stimulated in this way in combination with other therapies that soothe the gallbladder or dissolve gallstones, coffee enemas may be able to support the natural passing of gallstones that may be blocking the bile ducts. This can also be an important part of treatment for conditions involving the pancreas, such as diabetes and pancreatic cancer, since the bile ducts are shared also with the pancreas.
Drinking coffee has also been shown to have similar effects on the gallbladder as doing a coffee enema. In particular, coffee encourages contraction of the gallbladder (which is necessary for bile to be released) and elevates cholecystokinin levels (this is a hormone that’s necessary for stimulating bile flow). Administering coffee in an enema has the same effect since the coffee is absorbed into the bloodstream via the capillaries in the colon, and is transported directly to the liver (in fact, coffee enemas are overall more effective than drinking coffee when it comes to gallbladder and liver problems specifically). Coffee enemas are preferable to drinking coffee not only because the coffee is more effective when it's administered via an enema, but also because coffee enemas don't carry the same negative consequences as drinking coffee on a regular basis. That being said, if you regularly struggle with gallbladder pain during meals, a couple of sips of organic, strong, black coffee may help relieve discomfort in a pinch.
Organic Medium-Roast Coffee for Drinking
Coffee enemas have also been observed to encourage dilation of the bile ducts of the gallbladder. Most gallbladder cleanses require some kind of supplement or therapy that can dilate the bile ducts since this step is essential for allowing gallstones to pass into the intestines unimpeded (where they can then be painlessly excreted later on). Therefore, combining regular coffee enemas with a gallstone-dissolving protocol/gallbladder support protocol is likely to support the passing of gallstones with less pain and discomfort (and more success).
To administer a coffee enema, follow the instructions below:
- Brew 1 quart of coffee using organic, light-roast coffee. Allow the coffee to cool completely before administering it (the coffee can, and in fact should, be slightly warm, but it should NOT be hot… You should be able to put a clean finger into the coffee comfortably without feeling the need to remove your finger because the coffee is too hot. The temperature of a nice warm bath is a good temperature to aim for, since this will be comfortable for your intestines as well, and won't "shock" them with coldness.
- Prepare your space - Lie down a towel in or near to your bathroom and add the quart of coffee to your enema bag. Find someplace above head height to hang the enema bag.
- Administer the enema while lying on your right side. Start slow if you need to, or administer the liquid more quickly. If you need to go to the bathroom at first, that’s fine, but remember that the goal is to hold the liquid in for about 10-15 minutes if possible. Start by administering ½ a quart of liquid and hold it for as long as possible, then do the other ½ quart after holding the first quart in for (ideally) 10 minutes. Again, hold in the liquid of the second ½ quart for 10-15 minutes if you can.
- After the enema, get up and walk around the house a bit. Sit down and stretch out. If you feel like sitting quietly, or more like moving around, either one is fine. You will likely need to use the bathroom again at least one or two more times after doing this, which is positive (but don't be worried if you don't use the bathroom much after an enema, this can also be normal!).

If you plan to use CDS/MMS or another oxidant therapy, don’t administer the coffee enema at the same time as this treatment. Coffee encourages the body to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, and therefore coffee enemas can interfere with oxidant therapies. You can still do a coffee enema, but plan to do it at least 1-2 hours before or after taking CDS/MMS. If you're doing an intensive, day-long CDS treatment protocol, consider doing plain water or baking soda enemas, or even CDS enemas if it seems appropriate, until after you've finished taking all of your CDS doses. Enemas can be extremely helpful for supporting detoxification, especially when you're working with CDS. Read more about using enemas for detoxification while taking CDS in this article.

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