Systemic Enzyme Therapy: Cure Emphysema Naturally
In some countries, doctors have been prescribing systemic enzymes as a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema for over 50 years. Serrapeptase and nattokinase are often used together. Serrapeptase is used to treat inflammatory diseases like COPD, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, or arthritis. As an anti-inflammatory, it is extremely effective and many people notice a difference in their emphysema symptoms after only a few days of treatment with this enzyme. Nattokinase, in contrast is often used to get rid of arterial plaque and blood clots. It may take longer to notice the difference from nattokinase, but the vitamin K2 content in this enzyme supplement ensures that it will make a big difference in lowering cholesterol levels and getting rid of atherosclerotic plaques.
Roughly speaking, there are two types of enzymes in the body: digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes. While digestive enzymes work to digest food down to absorbable parts, systemic enzymes circulate in the body performing other functions. Some digestive enzymes such as pancreatic enzymes are also systemic enzymes, so there is some overlap, but the main takeaway is the fact that systemic enzymes are essential for good health and they decline with age. Supplementing with specific systemic enzymes can prevent the progression of emphysema, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis.
Serrapeptase is an enzyme that can reduce lung inflammation as well as abnormal blood clotting and atherosclerosis. Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from natto, a Japanese soybean food produced through fermentation by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto to it. These enzymes can be used together to reduce the amount of scar tissue that builds up in the lungs while improving tissue healing at the same time. Serrapeptase and Nattokinase both work to break up fibrin, a vital building block of scar tissue. Fibrin is an insoluble protein so it doesn’t dissolve easily after the healing process is complete. Rather, enzymes like serrapeptase must dissolve the fibrin mesh after an injury heals. If serrapeptase levels are low in the body, scar tissue may proliferate causing problems with the normal functioning of organs like the lungs. As we age, fibrin can become hard and thick. A buildup of scar tissue and fibrin in the lungs is called “pulmonary fibrosis” and it restricts the normal, healthy air exchange that happens when we breathe.
Serrapeptase and Nattokinase can be used together to reduce inflammation in the lungs due to emphysema and COPD, protect against infections, diminish abnormal blood clotting, and reduce fibrin buildup in the organs and blood. Serrapeptase reduces mucus and coughing in emphysema patients. Nattokinase also breaks down mucus in the lungs.
Nattokinase has been used for hundreds of years to treat cardiovascular disorders and to dissolve blood clots. It reduces inflammation in the body and promotes healthy circulation of blood which can improve oxygenation of the organs in patients with emphysema.
Serrapeptase and Nattokinase Administration Guidelines
Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are taken orally and they work systemically throughout the body. It takes some time for systemic enzyme therapy to work so take serrapeptase and nattokinase consistently for best results.Serrapeptase
For emphysema and/or COPD, you should take at least 80,000 IU of serrapeptase daily on an empty stomach. Ideally, take this supplement 2 hours after meals and 1 hour before the next meal so they have plenty of time to transit the digestive system and be absorbed into the bloodstream. Drink plenty of water with the serrapeptase to ensure that it works properly. Take 80,000-120,000 IU up to 3 times per day.
Serrapeptase can be taken in very high doses without a risk of adverse effects.
Patients should take 2,000 FU of nattokinase up to 3 times per day. Don’t take more than the recommended amount of nattokinase because this enzyme has the ability to thin the blood. Unlike serrapeptase, it is possible to take too much nattokinase.

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