DMSO Skin Administration Guidelines
The Alive-N-Healthy DMSO Guidebook - Buy Here!
DMSO is a powerful solvent which means that it can combine with just about anything. Additionally, DMSO has the power to permeate human cells and tissues. This means that if DMSO accidentally or intentionally comes into contact with the wrong materials before, during, or after you administer it, it can take those materials deep into your human cells. If these materials are toxic, the results would obviously be undesirable. So when you start working with DMSO, I suggest setting up a “DMSO Administration Station” where you keep items like non-toxic soaps and non-toxic, safe administration materials that you know you can use safely with DMSO. This DMSO Administration Station doesn’t have to be anything more than a side table or a small shelf covered with a piece of undyed cotton fabric that has been washed with soap nuts prior to use. The following items are easy-to-find and they can safely be used with DMSO to administer this medication safely:
- Cotton wool
- Cotton swab
- Brown glass bottles with glass pipettes
- Glass mixing bowls
- Glass measuring tools
- Plastic containers that are made of HDPE are also acceptable
If you are using DMSO for the first time, perform a tolerance test by putting a 70% DMSO pharmaceutical grade solution on your skin at the crease of your elbow. Start by washing your skin with a non-toxic soap like Bronner’s soap to remove any beauty products, lotions, or residuals from other soaps from the skin. If you have a 99.99% DMSO product, put 7 drops of DMSO with 3 drops of clean, filtered water in a glass bowl and then apply it to the skin. Your skin may turn red and become itchy because DMSO absorbs water from its surroundings. If this happens, simply apply clean water to the area. Usually, the rash caused by DMSO is actually just dry skin. If you experience a prolonged rash from DMSO or if you have other unpleasant, but very rare symptoms such as liver pain, don’t use DMSO.
If you develop nothing more than slight itching or redness of the skin after the initial application of DMSO, you can safely use this medicine. If you develop a raised area or a wheal on the skin or a pustule, wait for 24 hours and then observe what happens to the skin. If no additional problems develop, consider using a weaker solution (40-60% concentration).
Vivaplex, 6, Amber, 4 oz Glass Bottles, with Glass Eye Droppers
Don’t allow the DMSO to drip onto furnishings that have been painted or varnished because the DMSO will combine with the paint and the varnish which can ruin your furniture. Cover furnishings with a piece of undyed, cotton wool fabric to protect your furnishings. Keep some cotton wool free to use as an application tool at the your DMSO Administration Station, but make sure you don’t set it down directly on your furniture after use!
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