How to Use DMSO Safely
While DMSO has an extremely low toxicity level and generally produces no side effects except skin dryness (when it is applied to the skin), it still must be used with caution and respect because of its ability to dissolve other things and carry them deep into the body. As such, there are some safety rules to keep in mind when using this powerful medicine either with or without CDS / MMS.DMSO Use During Pregnancy and Lactation
- DMSO is safe for use and FDA approved for use during pregnancy.
- DMSO is safe for use in infants and young children.
- DMSO is safe for use in lactating mothers.
Using DMSO with Other Pharmaceuticals / Medicinals
- If you are taking prescription or even non-prescription medications, it’s important that you don’t use DMSO at the same time as these prescription medications. DMSO can combine with practically anything and when it combines with other medicines, it strengthens their medicinal action in the body. This characteristic of DMSO can be used in positive, beneficial ways, but anyone who is using DMSO should be aware that DMSO can combine with other pharmaceutical medications to make them too powerful in the body.
- Do your research before combining DMSO with essential oils or herbal medications. Make sure that it’s safe to combine DMSO with plant-based medicines and that you combine DMSO with these medicines in the proper proportions to ensure that they are safe and also effective.
Click here to buy The DMSO Guidebook.
Drying Effects of DMSO
- Do a spot test on the skin if you have never used DMSO before. Apply the DMSO at 25% concentration (with 75% filtered water) to a dime-sized area of the skin on the wrist and leave it for 2 hours. If the area becomes red, apply more water to the skin and begin with a 5-10% concentration of DMSO for your initial skin treatments to avoid over-drying the skin.
- If you are taking DMSO internally, you need to combine it with water because it is very drying.
- DMSO attracts water to itself. As such, it can dry the skin and other tissues when it is applied externally. Move the location of your topical DMSO applications to different areas of the body if you are treating a systemic illness. In other words, if you are treating a systemic infection such as influenza in a person who doesn’t want to drink CDS / MMS or DMSO, you apply the dosing to the right wrist on the first dose the left wrist the next dose, the chest, on the dose after that, and the abdomen, on the dose after that. Move the treated area to prevent drying of the skin. If you are treating a wound, be sure to combine DMSO (and/or CDS / MMS) with plenty of clean, filtered water to avoid over-drying the skin.
- CDS / MMS also dries the hair. If you are applying DMSO to the scalp, it may have a drying effect on the hair. Combine the treatment with plenty of water to avoid over-drying the skin.
- If your skin becomes red after using DMSO, apply water to the area that was treated. Often, applying water to the reddened area will immediately relieve the problem. Water works better than oil at rehydrating skin that is dry because of DMSO application.
How to Safely Apply DMSO to the Skin
- DMSO is a solvent that combines with practically everything that it touches. If DMSO touches a toxic substance, like plastic or toxic chemicals in perfumes, cleaning solutions, beauty products, shampoos, or soaps, it will take these toxic chemicals deep into the body. Make a DMSO “kit” that includes safe soaps, shampoos, glass containers, and other “safe” materials to remind you to wash your hands and wash treated areas with “safe”, non-toxic soaps.
- Wash the areas of the skin that are going to be treated with a non-toxic soap. Bronner’s is a soap brand that dedicates itself to using only non-toxic ingredients. DMSO combines with almost everything it touches, so if you use a shampoo, dish soap, handsoap, or even cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals, DMSO will combine with ingredients that were left on your skin after use if you don’t wash with Bronner’s, pure vegetable glycerin soap, or some other non-toxic, pure soap product first. In a pinch, you could rinse the skin thoroughly with filtered water rather than using soap, but be aware that it is exceedingly difficult to find soap and shampoo brands that don’t contain toxic chemicals. Any product that calls itself “unscented” or that contains fragrances contains toxic ingredients. We talk in depth about non-toxic shampoos, soaps, cleaning products, and personal care products here.
- Use only glass bowls to mix DMSO with CDS / MMS. DMSO can combine with plastics and even metals, paint, the dyes in clothing, and just about anything it touches.
- If you are applying DMSO to the skin, remove clothing items that touch that area of skin before applying it. Dyes in the clothing can combine with DMSO and then go deep into human cells. It typically takes about 15 minutes for DMSO to soak in. Don’t put your clothes back over that area of skin until the DMSO has soaked in completely and the skin is totally dry.
- Do not use a paint brush to apply DMSO unless the paint brush is made of totally natural, non-toxic materials. If the paint brush is made of natural, non-toxic materials, soak it in water with non-toxic soap for 2 hours and then rinse it thoroughly prior to first use.
- Do not use latex gloves when applying DMSO.
- If you are applying DMSO as a treatment for patients or family members, put a natural, undyed fabric underneath the patient during treatment.
DMSO for Wound Care
- DMSO warms when it comes into contact with the skin. Be prepared for this effect if you are treating an external wound with DMSO.
- DMSO is bacteriostatic which means that it is a natural antibacterial.
- DMSO also has anti-viral capabilities, but it must be used in higher doses against viral infections. In low to intermediate doses, DMSO can actually facilitate the production of viruses inside human cells. This is perhaps due to the fact that DMSO generally works as a detoxifier that improves cellular function. In low doses, DMSO improves the rate at which cells are able to produce viruses. Only at higher doses can DMSO kill viruses.
- DMSO should not be applied directly as drops to the eyeballs. Rather, you can apply a low concentration of DMSO (25% or less) with water to the eyelids above and below the eyes if you have an eye infection.
- DMSO should only be applied to the ears in low concentrations of 0.1% or 0.25%. Concentrations higher than this can cause damage to the cells of the inner ear. Studies have shown that at low concentrations between 0.1-0.25%, no damage is done and DMSO can be combined with other medicines like CDS / MMS to overcome drug-resistant ear infections or sinus infections. Start with the lower dose of DMSO (0.1%) at first and increase the dose to 0.25% only when it feels right to do so.
DMSO for Bladder Infections, Cystitis, Vaginal Infections, and Kidney Infections
- Approximately 40% of DMSO that ends up in the bloodstream via the skin or through the digestive system, is filtered out by the kidneys intact. This DMSO ends up in the bladder and can be extremely helpful in treating bladder infections and cystitis. Patients do not need to go to a hospital to have DMSO injected via a catheter into the bladder. Catheters increase bladder irritation and risk of bladder infection.
- DMSO can be used as part of a vaginal douching protocol, but do not put the DMSO in a plastic container. And do not administer DMSO from a plastic container through a plastic tube. Rather, administer the DMSO with clean, washed fingers inside the vagina. Then, you can administer other medicines like Lugol’s iodine, or CDS / MMS.
- Remember that DMSO can be drying to the skin and mucus membranes. If you apply DMSO to the vaginal area, be sure to add water to lower the concentration of the DMSO to a level that does cause drying of the tissues. Dry vaginal tissues are often “itchy” and if you use too high of a concentration of DMSO to get rid of a yeast infection or an STD or any other type of vaginal infection, you may have a difficult time knowing when the infection goes away if you use a high-concentration of DMSO that causes itching.
- DMSO has a strong antibacterial action at low doses, but it only functions as an antiviral at higher doses. If you have a viral infection of the vagina, kidney, or bladder, be sure to combine DMSO with CDS / MMS to ensure that you can use DMSO at the appropriate concentration that does not overdry delicate vaginal tissues but where you still combine the DMSO with a powerful antiviral to overcome DMSO’s tendency to promote viral replication at low doses.
DMSO for Respiratory Infections and Sinus Infections
- Do not put DMSO in a nebulizer unless the nebulizer is made of glass or plastics that are not dissolved by DMSO.
- If you wish to administer DMSO to the sinuses or the lungs, first reduce the concentration of DMSO down to 25% by combining it with filtered water. Then, use a glass dropper to administer 1-2 drops of the DMSO just inside the nostrils. Then sniff the DMSO up into the sinuses or breathe the drops into the lungs.
- If you wish to combine DMSO with a medicine like Lugol’s iodine, or baking soda to overcome a drug-resistant sinus infection or lung infection, you must apply it directly to the inside of the nose without using plastics. Most nasal spray bottles have a plastic tube through which DMSO must travel to get to the nose/lungs. And most nebulizers require the DMSO to travel through plastics that are susceptible to dissolving into the DMSO. To get around this problem, you can either combine DMSO with water and then combine it with Lugol’s iodine (add 1-2 drops of Lugol’s to 10 drops of DMSO in about 1.5 ounces of water, which is about a shot glass), or you can combine DMSO with water and then combine it with baking soda (add 10 drops of DMSO to about 1.5 ounces of water + about ¼ teaspoon of baking soda). Use a glass bowl when mixing DMSO with water or other ingredients. Then, administer a drop of the DMSO mixture just inside both nostrils and inhale it into either the sinuses or the lungs.
DMSO Use for the Ears
- In the ears, only administer DMSO drops in low concentrations of 0.1 - 0.25%. At higher concentrations, DMSO can damage the inner ear.
- If you have a drug-resistant ear infection, a fungal ear infection, or if you simply just want to treat an ear infection at home, you can use DMSO with Lugol’s iodine with water and apply this mixture to the ear canal using a finger (as opposed to administering a drop of DMSO that can pass through the tympanic membrane) and also apply it outside of the ear on the ear flap and on the areas around the ear on the neck where blood vessels travel deep into the ear. Below is a recipe for a mixture of Lugol’s iodine with DMSO and water:
In a glass bowl, add 1-2 drops of Lugol’s to 10 drops of DMSO in about 1.5 ounces of water, (about 1 full shot glass). Then administer this treatment using a finger inside the ear canal, on the ear flap, and around the ear on the neck.
- If you are using Jim Humble’s CDS / MMS Supporting Protocol for the Ears, Nose and Eyes for an ear infection, you can also use the Protocol 3000 or Protocol 1000 Plus to strengthen the ear infection treatment and ensure that it reaches the ears. }

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
DMSO for the Eyes
- Do not apply drops of DMSO directly to the eyes. Rather, you can apply DMSO to the eyelids in low concentrations mixed with water (less than 25% DMSO with 75% water) or you can simply use Jim Humble’s CDS / MMS Supporting Protocol for the Ears, Nose and Eyes to treat an eye infection at home.
Do Not Use DMSO in Enemas
- Most enema bags and tubes are made with plastics or metals that should not interact with DMSO.
- DMSO takes things deeper into the body and the large intestine plays the role of transmitting the most toxic items that our body has discarded out of the body. To administer DMSO in an enema bag can take these toxic items back into the body, making you sicker. So NEVER put DMSO in an enema bag.
Administer DMSO to the Skin Rather Than Bathwater if You Wish to Administer Bath-Time Medications
- Bathtubs are made from a variety of materials. If you put DMSO in bathwater, it can leach plastics and paints from the bathtub into solution and then take it into the body.
- If you wish to administer DMSO with a medicine in bathwater, apply the DMSO to the skin and allow it to soak in for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, have the patients get into the bathwater containing the medicine. Or apply the DMSO and the medication as a mixture directly to the skin.

The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!
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The AlivenHealthy LivingDatabase is a tool that Lydian and I use to gather and store information as we're doing research on various diseases for our clients. The LivingDatabase is a searchable organizational tool that we've been using for nearly a decade to gather information, but now it's available to the public. Use it to find information about scientifically proven cures for serious diseases and disorders. Lydi and I are constantly adding to this database of information. Every time we find a new scientific report about natural substances that have high cure rates for cancer or other diseases, we link to it in the database. Our Living Databases includes only curated information. Currently we have two LivingDatabases that are live to the public: The Alternative Medicines Living Database and the Essential Oils Database, but soon we hope to release our DMSO Database of DMSO-Combination Treatments as well. The Alternative Medicines Database includes data about substances like herbs, nutrients, or even over-the-counter pharmaceuticals that are widely available and powerful as medicines, but that have been hidden by Big Pharma because their patents have expired. The Alternative Medicines Living Database contains Ayurvedic remedies and information about Traditional Chinese Medicine cures for diseases as well. In contrast, we also recently released the Natural and Essential Oils Living Database which contains information about oil-based therapies, including powerful essential oils that are not always well-known even among those who use essential oils regularly to cure disease. Though Lydi and I can't write about every cure for disease that we find, the Living Databases allow us to provide more information to more people who need it. It's like a private search engine of direct links to scientific and anecdotal information about cures for diseases that are otherwise hidden or nearly impossible for the average person to find. Subscribe today by going to this link and clicking "Sign Up".Resources: