Salmonella typhi: Reiter’s Syndrome, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Enteropathic Arthritis Autoimmune Infection Agent
The Pathogens that Cause Autoimmune Disease
Scientists first started noticing the link between Salmonella typhi infection and diseases that involve Reactive Arthritis (Reiter’s Syndrome, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Enteropathic Arthritis) after a 1953 outbreak of Salmonella enterica in Sweden that was caused by the ingestion of meat that was contaminated with this bacteria. Scientists Mark J. Soloski and Eleanor S. Metcalf have established a “clear etiological link” between infection with Salmonella typhi (the microorganisms that causes Typhoid Fever) and other Gram-negative pathogens that are able to colonize the digestive system. Their studies have linked prior infection with these Gram negative bacteria with the later development of Reiter’s Syndrome, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, or Enteropathic Arthritis. These scientists are not alone in their discovery that autoimmune diseases are actually caused by the presence of colonizing pathogens. Below are examples of just a few studies that have shown that autoimmune disease is an infection:- Scientists studying psoriasis, for example, have linked psoriasis symptoms directly to the presence of peptidoglycans from streptococcal bacteria infections which is why over 80% of all psoriasis sufferers are completely cured of their disease when they combine ox bile supplements with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement and Dimethylsulfoxide.
- Scientists studying lupus have also noted a correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and the development of lupus symptoms.
- Indeed, some scientists have even speculated that all autoimmune diseases may be caused by or affected by Helicobacter pylori infection.
- Scientists who are trying to find a cure for Behcet’s disease have repeated noted a relationship between streptococcal bacterial infections, Staphylococcus aureus, herpes virus, and intestinal flora bacteria that indicate that these bacteria and viruses may colonize the body by living in the liver, gallbladder, or in the lymph nodes.
- One study that we found on autoimmune hepatitis said that visceral leishmaniasis, a parasite infection, could “mimic the symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis”. In other words, autoimmune hepatitis may simply be a misdiagnosis of a treatable parasite infection. In this article, we discuss these findings as well as the logic behind how to cure autoimmune hepatitis.
- A study into a bacterial infection that causes Crohn’s disease showed that an overabundance of an invasive E. coli bacteria promotes the intestinal inflammation. Normally, in a healthy intestine, there are plenty of bacteria that produce molecular hydrogen, an antioxidant that can easily be administered at home as drinking water or via inhalation. We provide a link to more information about molecular hydrogen in our section on pH therapies below, but suffice it to say, again there is a pathogen involved in Crohn’s disease, another so-called “autoimmune condition”.
- Scientists studying autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have linked Hepatitis C virus, the human parvovirus B19, the coxsackie virus, and the herpes virus with the disease.
Pathogen Infection vs. Colonization: What’s the Difference?
The difference between a full-blown infection with a pathogen and a colonizing pathogen involves: 1) how the presence of the bacteria affects health and 2) whether or not the pathogen can easily be transmitted as an infection to another person or not. As more and more scientists find evidence that pathogens are at the core of autoimmune diseases, doctors and researchers need to be willing to acknowledge that these pathogens can live in the liver and in the gallbladder as well as in the lymph nodes and that the antibiotics that doctors are prescribing usually can’t reach these parts of the body. The liver is responsible for preventing a buildup of toxic antibiotics in the body. When you take an antibiotic medicine, the liver must break it down to a safe substance that can easily be removed either through intestines as feces or through the kidneys as urine. The only other way that toxins can be removed from the body is through the skin. So, if the liver itself is infected with a pathogen, and the liver breaks down the antibiotics that the doctor prescribes, the pathogens living in the liver and in the gallbladder, as well as in lymph nodes surrounding the intestines (and throughout the body), will able to survive and thrive untouched. These pathogens know how to evade antibiotics and because they’re living in organs and tissues that are in the core of the body and not readily exposed to the outside world, they’re able to cause symptoms of autoimmune disease, but without causing infectious transmission of the disease to others. From this location, at the core of the body, pathogens can disrupt the autonomic nervous system by causing the the Play Dead parasympathetic nervous system response that is identical to the general symptoms of all autoimmune diseases. At the cellular level, this “play dead” parasympathetic nervous system response is called the Cell Danger Response. The Cell Danger Response model has been used successfully to treat autism and autoimmune diseases like fibromyalgia by using a component of Pinus strobus essential oil called Suramin that pulls cells out of a state of dormancy. But at the macro-level, patients can work with these autoimmune symptoms which are caused by deep, untreated and long-standing infections with pathogens by doing gentle exercises to reseat and re-align the cranial bones.Which Reactive Oxygen Species medicines can be used as an Autoimmune Disease Cure?
At the same time though, patients also need to use a Reactive Oxygen Species medicine like one of the following to overcome the infection itself:- Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Solution
- Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
- Artemisia annua / Artemisinin with Cinchona Bark / Quinine
- Ozone Therapy
- Methylene Blue
Which pH Therapies can be used to strengthen Reactive Oxygen Species medicines?
The pH therapies involving any of the following are also useful as a tool to potentiate Reactive Oxygen Species medicine, restore the internal terrain of the body, while killing pain, and relieving mental health issues such as anxiety, panic, and more:-
- Baking Soda Therapy is also known as Simonici Therapy. Baking soda has a pH of 8 and so it can safely be used to increase alkalinity levels in the body as a natural treatment for autoimmune disease.
- Kangen water and molecule hydrogen generators can be used to alkalize the body as a part of the Reactive Oxygen Species treatment.
- Coffee enemas alkalize the body while detoxifying the liver.
- Cesium is the gold-standard in terms of pH therapy, but it is hard to get this vital mineral to alkalize the body.
- Lithium Orotate is a trace mineral that can be taken as a nutritional supplement. It is very different than the prescription Lithium Carbonate that is given to patients with bipolar disorder.
- We talk a bit about rubidium at the end of this article about Cesium and how to substitute ionic rubidium as well as lithium orotate for cesium.
An Autoimmune Immune Disease Family Tree
At AlivenHealthy, we pay close attention to diseases that have certain characteristics in common. Rather than following the conventional medicine model which tries to create a long list of names and labels to differentiate one disease from another, our goal is to find commonalities among groups of diseases. Often these diseases that share similar characteristics can also be treated using the same medicines. This means that if we find one cure or a set of cures, or a protocol for a particular disease that we may be able to extrapolate those same cures out to other similar diseases in order to reach more people who may then be able to overcome autoimmune disease.Below we provide a brief comparison and contrast of Reiter’s Syndrome, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Enteropathic Arthritis to highlight the similarities among these four diseases that are supposedly very different from one another.
Comparison and Contrast of Reiter's Syndrome, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Enteropathic Arthritis
Reiter’s Syndrome symptoms include:- Arthritis symptoms
- Eye swelling and irritation
- Urethritis or cystitis (inflammation and irritation of the bladder)
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Skin inflammation or irritation
Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms include:
- Arthritis symptoms
- Eye swelling and irritation
- Arthritis symptoms
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Fusion of the vertebrae of the spine and/or ribs that make the spine less flexible
Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms include:
- Arthritis symptoms, especially in the lower back and in the fingers and toes
- Eye swelling and irritation
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Changes in the appearance of the fingernails or toenails
Enteropathic Arthritis symptoms include:
- Arthritis symptoms, especially in the back but also in the joints throughout the body
- Gastrointestinal problems
It doesn’t take a genius to see the common threads between these various diagnoses. All of them involve arthritis symptoms and gastrointestinal upsets and 3 of the 4 involve eye swelling and irritation. The authors of the study that linked these four diagnoses together noted that these so-called autoimmune diseases that take shape due to colonization of the digestive system with certain bacteria, causing inflammation in the gut.
Autoimmune Infection Disease Progression
Studies have shown that patients can develop autoimmune symptoms quite some time after an initial infection with Gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. One study, for example, followed patients who had been infected with Salmonella and recovered and found that some patients didn’t develop joint pain for 4 to 5 months after the initial infection. In reality, there may be no time limit in terms of how long it takes for a patient with Salmonella or another Gram-negative infection to develop autoimmune symptoms.Research indicates that the infectious pathogens that are the root cause of Reiter’s Syndrome, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Enteropathic Arthritis may colonize the Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (lymph nodes located in or near the colon and small intestine). Through the lymph fluids, these bacteria can then cause inflammation and autoimmune symptoms in remote locations throughout the body. Animal studies have shown that Salmonella typhi is better able to travel throughout the body to cause autoimmune symptoms than Salmonella typhimurium or Salmonella enteritidis.
An even more advanced theory of infection that arthritis patients should consider is Terrain Theory, which challenges the prevailing Germ Theory that was developed in 1861 by Louis Pasteur. Terrain Theory accepts that bacteria, viruses, fungi, and all other types of microorganisms are pleiomorphic and can change shape based on environmental conditions inside the human body. This ability to change shape allows infectious pathogens to go unnoticed by scientists who are studying autoimmunity with a Germ Theory stance. The ability that these germs have to change shape also limits the utility of antibiotic treatments that have a narrow spectrum of action. Pleiomorphism, or shape-changing abilities explain why antibiotics prescribed by the doctor do not work to cure diseases that can be cured using chlorine dioxide solution, a substance with a much broader antibiotic spectrum than anything that doctors can prescribe to patients.
Autoimmune Infection Disease Progression
Studies have shown that patients can develop autoimmune symptoms quite some time after an initial infection with Gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. One study, for example, followed patients who had been infected with Salmonella and recovered and found that some patients didn’t develop joint pain for 4 to 5 months after the initial infection. In reality, there may be no time limit in terms of how long it takes for a patient with Salmonella or another Gram-negative infection to develop autoimmune symptoms. Research indicates that the infectious pathogens that are the root cause of Reiter’s Syndrome, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Enteropathic Arthritis may colonize the Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (lymph nodes located in or near the colon and small intestine). Through the lymph fluids, these bacteria can then cause inflammation and autoimmune symptoms in remote locations throughout the body. Animal studies have shown that Salmonella typhi is better able to travel throughout the body to cause autoimmune symptoms than Salmonella typhimurium or Salmonella enteritidis. An even more advanced theory of infection that arthritis patients should consider is Terrain Theory, which challenges the prevailing Germ Theory that was developed in 1861 by Louis Pasteur. Terrain Theory accepts that bacteria, viruses, fungi, and all other types of microorganisms are pleomorphic and can change shape based on environmental conditions inside the human body (in particularly pH and alkaline tissues tend to promote good health, causing infectious pathogens to either die or revert back to non-infectious states). This ability to change shape allows infectious pathogens to go unnoticed by scientists who are studying autoimmunity with a Germ Theory stance. The ability that these germs have to change shape also limits the utility of antibiotic treatments that have a narrow spectrum of action. Pleomorphism, or shape-changing abilities explain why antibiotics prescribed by the doctor do not work to cure diseases that can be cured using chlorine dioxide solution, a substance with a much broader antibiotic spectrum than anything that doctors can prescribe to patients.Lipopolysaccharides and Peptidoglycans in Arthritis Patients
Lipopolysaccharides make up a significant proportion of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Peptidoglycans make up the outer cell walls of both Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria. In some patients, the digestive system is able to break bacteria down partially, leaving behind lipopolysaccharides or peptidoglycans. Both types of “bits and pieces” of infectious pathogens are able to set off innate immunity in plants and in humans. Indeed, in psoriasis patients, peptidoglycans from Streptococcal bacteria cause extreme irritation and inflammation in the intestines, skin, and joints. And recently, researchers have found Salmonella lipopolysaccharides and nucleic acids in the joints of arthritis patients. In animal models of arthritis, researchers have found that even tiny amounts of peptidoglycans or lipopolysaccharides can cause joint inflammation and pain.Chlorine Dioxide as a Cure for Autoimmune Disease
Chlorine dioxide solution is a substance that was originally used as a water purification agent in industrial water systems throughout the world. As such, most of the world’s population have consumed at least small quantities of chlorine dioxide solution. Chlorine dioxide is non-toxic and it can be used by pregnant women, lactating women, infants, and young children without causing negative side effects. Chlorine dioxide has an extremely broad spectrum of medicinal action on the body because it works through a process of oxidation. It has been used to cure autoimmune diseases ranging from autism to rheumatoid arthritis and HIV. This scares some people because we’ve been programmed to believe that there should be “1 pill for 1 disease” and to be skeptical of any panacea or medicine that could cure many diseases. But Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement has become famous despite efforts by Big Pharma to make people afraid of this medicine. The fact that it works to cure autoimmune disease (and diseases like cancer) has helped to spread the word despite the propaganda. Nonetheless, chlorine dioxide solution is the most common medicine used by people today to actually cure autoimmune disease. This medicine works quickly. Many people experience uncomfortable symptoms of detoxification at first, but then, notice immediately that their autoimmune disease has improved. If you aren’t familiar with chlorine dioxide or it’s sister compound, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO–an FDA approved medicine that also has an extremely broad medicinal action), then we recommend that you download The Layperson’s Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution to acquaint yourself with these medicines and how they can be used to cure autoimmune diseases. And if you have an autoimmune disease, also consider downloading our Gallbladder book which details how to get rid of pathogens that are colonizing the gallbladder as well as the liver to restore health. Learning how to work with the gallbladder and the liver can help you control autoimmune diseases, which typically are rooted in these two organs.
1ness Chlorine Dioxide Kit - Set Hydrochloric Acid 4% (HCl) : Sodium Solution 28% (4 Oz)

The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease, Volume 1 - BUY HERE!

The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!
