Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neuroinflammation
NOTE: DMSO increases the number and density of melanin cells. Scientists believe that this is how DMSO works to reduce neuroinflammation in ASD. DMSO also reduces the amount of inflammatory cytokines impacting intestinal cells which can be extremely beneficial for patients with ASD. Click here to read more about melanin, pale skin in autism, and sensory intolerance.
All vaccines can cause the brain to become inflamed. Whether a given child responds to a vaccine by developing neuroinflammation or not depends on when the vaccine is administered in terms of the child’s development. Scientists have linked the presence of inflammatory cytokines with the development of autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In particular IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-8 are at higher levels in ASD children than in children without ASD.

The Nervous System and the Immune System
The nervous system and the immune system are inextricably linked. An event that activates the immune system can change neural development in children too. Newborn infants must transition from a sterile environment to an environment filled with pathogens, toxins, and microbes and successfully defend themselves from all of these things starting from the moment they’re born. Early infection can have an impact on the activation of the immune system as well as the brain and nervous system development. Vaccines pose yet another challenge for young children.Cytokines not only impact immune system functioning, but also human behavior. In children with ASD, elevated cytokine profiles influence behavior as well as the growth of brain cells, the proper development of brain circuitry, and neuroendocrine activity.
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Microglia in Autistic Children
Microglia are small amoeboid cells that are located in the central nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. They are part of the immune defense for this area of the body but they also function like gardeners or grounds-keepers for the brain to maintain it in optimal condition. Microglia “weed” the nervous system to remove plaques as well as neurons and synapses that are unnecessary or superfluous.The microglia are extremely sensitive to changes in the central nervous system because their job is to be vigilant in sensing potential problems and dealing with them expeditiously, not only in terms of pathogens but also in terms of an overabundance of certain neuronal connections and synapses. They maintain proper brain functioning when a person is healthy and they offer protection from invading pathogens via phagocytic activity at sites of neuron damage or inflammation.
Microglia are found near neurons, synapses, and blood vessels in the brain. They must defend the neural parenchyma and govern over the brain’s immune response. They must remove cellular debris and toxins from the brain as well as extra axons. Microglia also prune synapses (connections between neurons in the brain) to ensure proper circuitry and development in an embryo. Microglia can be overambitious and overly reactive in some cases which can lead to the release of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. The presence of MCP-1, a pro-inflammatory chemokine that is released by activated microglia in the brain has been connected to the development of autism due to the brain inflammation that it can cause.
Microglia also release glutamate that has a negative effect on neurons and synaptic connections. They also release nitric oxide, which can be either beneficial or harmful depending on the amount of nitric oxide they release. As such, we have a love-hate relationship with microglia in terms of the service they provide to us in the brain and spinal cord, knowing that at times, they save our lives, while at other times they over-react and cause neuroinflammation that can look symptomatically like autism.
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How to Reduce Brain Inflammation in Autistic Children
Molecular hydrogen is a non-toxic gas that can be administered in drinking water or as a nebulized medicine that is inhaled from a nebulizer, or it can simply be inhaled as “air” from an airtight container in which molecular hydrogen is being released. Molecular hydrogen is a component of regular drinking water, but it can be produced in higher concentrations that are therapeutic in a wide variety of contexts. For example, because molecular hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that can penetrate the human cell membrane and add electrons to mitochondria and also penetrate the nucleus of the cell to repair DNA, it has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects on the body. It has been used to treat depression, anxiety, and also traumatic brain injury and recently scientists have started investigating the use of molecular hydrogen as a treatment for brain inflammation to cure autism, Asperger’s, and autism-related diseases or reduce symptoms of these diseases.
Molecular hydrogen works by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in the brain and the body. Water with a high concentration of molecular hydrogen does not taste any different from regular water, so it is palatable to children, yet it functions as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Indeed, the autonomic nervous system is often imbalanced in children with autism wherein cells have gone into a metabolically “dormant” state as we discuss at this link. Molecular hydrogen has the ability to donate electrons to the mitochondria in cells, causing the cells to wake up and become more present and alive.
Molecular hydrogen reduces symptoms of autism by reducing inflammation in the brain and in the body while also energizing cells. This simple, natural substance can have a profound effect on healing in children with autism and it can be used while parents are also administering chlorine dioxide solution for autism. Though molecular hydrogen is an antioxidant and chlorine dioxide is an oxidant, both have a short half life which means that they can be used within an hour of each other without one canceling out the effects of the other.
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Choose a molecular hydrogen generator that includes an inhalation attachment and have children use the machine for 45 minutes up to two times per day (inhalation of the gas) or administer molecular hydrogen as an 8 ounce drink administered two to three times daily.

The Post-COVID Vaccine Recovery Book and Autoimmunity Reference Guide
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) to Reduce Brain Inflammation in ASD
Dimethyl Sulfoxide / DMSO is an FDA-approved medicine that has a toxicity level similar to that of water and that has the broadest medicinal action of any other medicine listed in the pharmaceutical manuals. But DMSO is no longer under patent, so it is a very affordable medicine that’s available over-the-counter. Nonetheless, few people know about the miraculous healing effects of DMSO and the people who are aware of DMSO as an over-the-counter medicine are unsure about how to use it. By itself, DMSO has a very low toxicity, but the thing that scares a lot of people away from this medicine is the fact that it is a powerful solvent. DMSO combines with a lot of substances like medicines, toxins, plastics, and more and it does so quickly and easily. When DMSO combines with a medicines, let’s say, an antibiotic, it potentiates that medicine making it stronger and more targeted inside the body. This can be extremely positive, of course, and some would argue that DMSO is tragically underutilized in modern conventional medicine. DMSO has the ability to regenerate nerves and nervous system tissues when it is administered in very high doses intravenously. Dr. Stanley Jacobs is the physician who is most well-known for having explored the possible uses of DMSO for issues like spinal cord injuries and the administration of DMSO to cure Down’s syndrome. His work using DMSO to treat injuries like severe spinal cord fractures have become epic and in fact, some of his less successful endeavors with DMSO have even become mythical. Dr. Jacobs was a physician who had great success at treating and overcoming severe problems like a C5 spinal fracture (the patient not only survived, but also walked out of the hospital) but he was less astute at navigating the political jungle of scientific research. I imagine that he was a man who cared little for politics and just wanted to help his patients. In any case, some of his work has been formally dissed by the Powers That Be in Scientific Circles for this reason. In any case, Dr. Jacobs inspired others to use DMSO to overcome issues like neuroinflammation and often (but not always), parents of ASD children use a combination of DMSO and chlorine dioxide solution for treatment. Because DMSO can increase the effectiveness of certain medicines like CDS, using DMSO can sometimes lead to better outcomes treating ASD. And also, because DMSO is specifically known for its beneficial effects on nervous system tissue, it has been used to treat a number of different neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s disease and it stands to reason that it can be beneficial as an alternative medicine for ASD. DMSO treatment causes a distinctive body odor which can be a deterrent to ongoing treatment, though parents and other siblings should know that if they take a small amount of DMSO they won’t be able to smell the person in the home being treated. Choose the Low Odor form of DMSO to treat ASD.
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DMSO and Social Interaction Studies
Though DMSO is FDA approved for use during pregnancy for the treatment of bladder irritation, one isolated study in very young rats, showed that DMSO can cause changes in behavior and social interaction. These isolated animal studies run contrary to a massive amount of research that’s been done on DMSO showing that it causes few or no adverse reactions in the vast majority of patients young and old. A number of studies have been done showing that DMSO in combination with other toxic medications can worsen the side effects of these medications, but by and large, by itself, DMSO has a healing effect on the nervous system. A number of recent studies have begun to acknowledge that the use of DMSO as a solvent with other substances can alter the potency and behavior of those substances but that isn’t new information. It’s information that’s being presented anew in scientific circles because the old information has been covered up or lost in the Consensus Science circles. This one study about DMSO and social interaction has been heavily publicized so that parents easily find it if they try to look up DMSO for autism. Unfortunately, because this study has been pushed through several scientific media channels, it has the appearance of being more than one study and its importance is amplified even though this was a study of a very small group of rats (20 of them total including the control group). A study of this size on animals is hardly worth the attention it’s getting, but parents need to know about the study so that they can evaluate it using their own critical thinking before making a decision about whether or not to use DMSO.Lydian has used DMSO on her infant daughter for teething with no adverse effects, for example. DMSO can reduce the pain of teething when it is administered directly to the gums. This is a tiny dose of DMSO (several drops of it) and it allows my daughter to put off using paracetamol for teething pain. No parent wants to roll the dice with their child’s mental and cognitive health, but in some cases like those involving severe neurological issues like brain inflammation, DMSO use may be warranted. Parents can begin treatment with a small dose of DMSO for autism and slowly increase the dose and observe the effects. It’s also important to note here that the rats in this study were newly born and less than 1 day old when these doses of DMSO were administered.
We recommend that parents keep this study in mind if they are trying to decide whether or not to use DMSO for neuroinflammation in ASD, but to also remember that Big Pharma has a lot riding on DMSO. An entirely new system of medicine could be based on this substance wherein only tiny doses of antibiotics or chemotherapy agents are given to patients, which would diminish side effects and also lower the cost of treatment for patients. If DMSO is safe for use during pregnancy to treat the bladder according to the FDA (which is located right next to the uterus — DMSO is known to permeate easily through human tissues and cell membranes so it would have easy access to a rapidly developing fetus) but unsafe for a newborn baby, then there is something terribly wrong with conventional medicine as a system. Drugs have to undergo a rigorous process before they are approved for use by the FDA for specific health problems, after all, so if the FDA missed something big like this in the multi-year, intensive drug trials for DMSO, it should be noted. These scientists with their 20 behaviorally impaired rats should let everyone at the FDA know what’s going on, right? Doctors should be notified. But of course, the problems with conventional medicine and Consensus Science have already been established, and most of our readers are well aware of these issues already.
Finally, this one small animal study into DMSO in young rats, showed behavioral “changes” but these changes don’t necessarily translate into human behavior. Also, behavioral changes are pretty subjective and open to interpretation by scientists. Most of our readers with ASD kids know how doctors and other people in positions of authority are prone to blowing off even the assessment of a parent’s sense of their child’s behavioral changes regarding worsening of symptoms or improvements, yet, we’re supposed to be impressed that a group of scientists saw behavioral changes in newborn rats. But most importantly, it’s important to note that in this study, the only rats that showed behavioral changes or neuronal and glial cell alterations in response to DMSO treatment were newborn baby rats that were given 2-4 mL of DMSO per kilogram of body weight for 5 days intraperitoneally. This is a high dose of DMSO for a newborn animal and intraperitoneal administration itself is traumatic for a tiny newborn animal.
How to Administer DMSO for Autism Neuroinflammation
DMSO should be administered at 25% concentration in drinking water. Begin with a low dose of just 10 drops in drinking water throughout the day. Increase this dose up to about 1 mL up to 4 times throughout the day. In theory, this dose could be increased even further and may need to be increased to a higher dose in order for you to see its effect as a treatment for ASD neuroinflammation. Be sure to administer the DMSO with clean, filtered drinking water in a glass container as opposed to plastics. Do not administer DMSO using a bottle with a plastic nipple.Click here to read more about how DMSO with specific amino acids has been used successfully to treat children with Down’s syndrome.
Click here to read more about how to use DMSO safely.
Vitamin B3 to Reduce ASD Brain Inflammation Naturally
Vitamin B3 in its niacinamide form has been shown to modulate cytokine response in regard to endotoxins from vaccine administration. Specifically, vitamin B3 / niacinamide can alter the effects of IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-alpha cytokines. These pro-inflammatory cytokines are inhibited by niacinamide administration in a dose-dependent manner. This means that brain inflammation caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines following vaccination can be controlled, to some extent, through the administration of high doses of vitamin B3 and other B vitamins.Niacinamide balances the effects of the immune response system to quell an immune response that's damaging to the brain and body. This vitamin reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine levels while improving respiratory functioning and maintaining the health of blood vessels.
Vitamin B3 / Nicotinamide Dose for Autism / ASD
Uncorrected vitamin deficiencies can lead to permanent damage if the deficiency is not corrected within a reasonable period of time so the sooner you can begin working with vitamin B3 / niacinamide at a high dose to treat ASD naturally, the better. Adult doses range between 1000-3000 mg per day for a 120 pound individual, but children should take a proportion of this amount based on their body weight.
Click here to buy Niacinamide powder.