Nutritional Supplements That Can Cure Cystic Fibrosis or at Least Lessen Symptoms and Significantly Improve Outcomes
Potassium Iodide / Lugol’s Iodine as a Cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis and Cystic Fibrosis
Iodine deficiency is common in children and adults with cystic fibrosis. Scientifically studies report that approximately 83.7% of cystic fibrosis patients are observably deficient in iodine and that approximately 11.6% of those individuals have subclinical hypothyroidism.A number of anecdotal reports are out there online that talk about patients using nascent iodine to try to cure cystic fibrosis, but unfortunately nascent iodine does not contain potassium iodide. As such, it doesn't have the same healing effects at Lugol's iodine, which contains both molecular iodine as well as potassium iodide to feed both the reproductive organs as well as the thyroid gland. Individuals with chronic lung diseases like asthma and cystic fibrosis often are deficient in potassium iodide which leads to inflammation in the airways.
Years ago, doctors regularly prescribed an expectorant syrup that contained potassium iodide at a concentration of 2% (20 mg/mL) to cystic fibrosis patients. This was prior to the removal of iodine from medicine and the food supply, however. This potassium iodide expectorant syrup was specifically prescribed for use in infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and in cases of pulmonary disease that involved fibrotic changes that impaired expectoration of mucus such as cystic fibrosis or emphysema. The iodine works as an irritant to promote expectoration, but it also has the ability to protect the lungs from infection. And Lugol’s iodine can also reduce the viscosity of sputum.
Unfortunately, exposure to bromine and fluorine in the environment (in the air and in the water supply as well as in citrus bottled drinks and bread products that contain Bromated Vegetable Oils / BVOs), in swimming pools (as a disinfectant), and in furnishings and pajamas (as a fire retardant) can lead to the development of diseases like cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism by inhibiting the body’s ability to absorb iodine naturally.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
Patients with cystic fibrosis may want to consider taking Lugol’s iodine supplements in liquid form and in small doses initially. Lugol’s iodine 2% should be administered daily as 1 drop applied to the skin anywhere on the body. Increase the dose slowly by 1 drop per week until you are administering 20 drops daily for an adult (2 to 5 drops daily for kids). This treatment is safe for use in pregnant and lactating women. Take some time to read about the iodine deficiency symptoms as well as the symptoms of bromine and fluorine detoxification that occurs that the body throws off the bromine/fluorine. A rash is a common symptom of bromine/fluorine detoxification that occurs when iodine deficient patients begin repairing their deficiency.
Iodine supplementation helps prevent infection generally and it also specifically is used to treat cancers of the reproductive organs and thyroid gland. Asthma is a lung disease that can be cured permanently using Lugol’s iodine, a fact that has been scientifically known since the 1960’s. And Lugol’s iodine has been used by doctors to cure COVID-19, another lung disease that responds well to this treatment. Take time to read about how to use Lugol’s iodine in the treatment of cancer and other lung diseases so that you know what to expect when working with the detoxification symptoms from bromine and fluorine. Detoxing from bromine and fluorine can cause goiter and other health issues if the patient takes high doses of iodine early in the treatment process. Lugol’s iodine 2% should be administered at 1 drop per day for 1 week, increasing by 1 drop weekly only if the patient is not showing symptoms of bromine/fluorine detoxification. Children can take a maximum of 2 to 5 drops daily of Lugol’s Iodine 2% with larger children taking higher doses and smaller children taking lower doses. Adults can take up to 20 drops daily.
All cystic fibrosis patients should also take the following supplements to ensure that their bodies can absorb the iodine properly:
- Selenium - 200 mcg daily; 20 mcg in infants and young children below 8 years; 40 mcg in children 9-13 years
- Vitamin B2 - 800 mg daily; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- Vitamin B3- 1000 mg daily; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- Magnesium - 800-1200 mg; 65 mg per day in infants; 350 mg per day in children
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7 - 200 mcg per day: NOTE: without vitamin K2 supplementation, the patient may not be able to absorb iodine.

Magnesium Supplementation Improves Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body and it is often deficient in patients with cystic fibrosis. A deficiency of magnesium can lead to calcium imbalances that can cause problems like calcification of mitochondria or other serious health issues that affect cellular metabolism in a variety of ways. Magnesium is necessary for the proper absorption and use of potassium iodide in the body. And scientists have done numerous studies showing that cystic fibrosis patients tend to be deficient in magnesium. A number of studies have shown that patients who take magnesium supplements often experience improvements in the strength of their respiratory muscles, and in normal activity of mucus in the body.Studies have shown that oral magnesium supplementation has been able to improve respiratory muscle strength in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients as well as adult cystic fibrosis patients.
Adjusting for Pancreatic Insufficiency to Cure Cystic Fibrosis
NOTE: Pancreatic enzyme deficiency is related in part to deficiencies in essential fatty acids because pancreatic enzymes play a role in digesting fatty acids so that they can be properly utilized by our human cells.
Patients with cystic fibrosis generally experienced the most pronounced symptoms of disease as lung and airway-related symptoms, but the truth is, most cystic fibrosis patients have pancreatic insufficiencies that worsen the lung symptoms along with a hypertrophy of the ileum of the small intestine. But how is pancreatic function related to lung function? Conventional medicine doctors generally view the pancreas and the lungs as organs that don’t interact or influence each other. And we’re all taught in biology class that the pancreas and the lungs belong to entirely different organ systems. But the fact is, pancreatic enzymes are deposited in the small intestine to digest food, but whatever enzymes are leftover after digestives circulate throughout the body. These excess pancreatic enzymes are absorbed into the bloodstream to perform important functions like dissolving cancer cells or the cellular membranes of infectious pathogens, but they also play a role in dissolving mucus.
Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT) is a foundational tool in nutritional therapies for cystic fibrosis patients. The same thick, sticky mucus that fills the lungs can also prevent the pancreas from releasing pancreatic enzymes that the body needs to digest food into nutrients. If food is not properly digested, certain nutritional deficiencies occur which can make the symptoms of disease worse or that cause additional, new symptoms to arise. Children with nutritional deficiencies are especially at risk of developing new or worsening symptoms of disease because they aren’t able to break down nutrients into usable parts.
But the use of pancreatic enzymes as a cure for cystic fibrosis becomes even more compelling the more you understand just what these enzymes do in the body. For example, few people realize that chemotherapy medications only have about a 2-3% cure rate against cancer, a proliferative disease that is related and correlated to “fibrotic” diseases like cystic fibrosis. But pancreatic enzymes were used in the early 1900’s, before the rise of The Cancer Industry to cure cancer. The cancer cure rate using ONLY pancreatic enzymes as a treatment was low at only 13%, but it was still 5 TIMES HIGHER than the cure rate for chemotherapy with no side effects as opposed to the long list of side effects (including death) that chemotherapy is known to cause. Pancreatic enzymes, when combined with other substances like Lugol’s iodine and vitamin B17 (which we discuss in greater depth below) has close to a 100% cure rate in cancer patients who have not undergone the toxic chemo and radiation treatment prescribed by doctors. Often cancer patients combine Lugol’s iodine, pancreatic enzymes, and vitamin B17 with chlorine dioxide solution and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to treat cancer effectively at home without chemo or radiation. In cystic fibrosis patients, instead of using Chlorine Dioxide Solution (an oxidizing medicine that increases oxidant levels in the body and that should not be used on the lungs except in certain specific health-related situations) to cure the disease, they use molecular hydrogen, which is just as powerful as Chlorine Dioxide Solution, but specifically calibrated to work safely and gently with and through lung tissues that are already under siege by a lot of toxic oxygen-based free radicals.
But going back specifically to the use of pancreatic enzymes to cure cystic fibrosis and other fibrotic lung diseases, it’s important for patients to realize that chymotrypsin and trypsin can have miraculous healing effects on the lungs. In one case study, doctors put drops of chymotrypsin in an 8 year old boy’s trachea because the boy had plastic bronchitis, a disease that involves the development of hard “casts” inside the lungs that plug airways. The doctors were unable to intubate the body until they administered the chymotrpysin drops inside the boy’s trachea. Then, they were able to successfully remove the cast and intubate him. After administering the chymotrypsin directly to the trachea and intubation, the boy recovered completely and no longer suffered from plastic bronchitis.
Scientists have studied infants and discovered that newborn babies with cystic fibrosis have predictably low pancreatic enzyme levels. This suggests that early supplementation with pancreatic enzymes may help prevent some of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis to change the course of the disease.
How to Take Pancreatic Enzymes for Cystic Fibrosis
Most pancreatic enzymes come in capsule form. They are generally taken every time the patient consumes food. Infants or very young children who can’t swallow capsules must have the powdered enzymes inside the capsules mixed with acidic food such as applesauce.If the patient cannot swallow a pancreatic enzyme capsule, the powder can be sprinkled on food, but don’t crush the “beads” that have a special coating that protects them so that they are released at the proper time during the digestive process inside the body. And if the meal or snack lasts longer than 30 minutes, split the dose of enzymes and take half the dose at the beginning of the meal and the other half of the dose halfway through the meal.
Choose a pancreatic enzyme product that includes both chymotrypsin and trypsin for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
Serrapeptase Supplements for Cystic Fibrosis
Some cystic fibrosis patients take high dose serrapeptase enzymes and experience symptom relief. Serrapeptase is noted as one of the most effective enzymes for clearing mucus from the lungs and airways and it also reduces inflammation in the airways. The use of serrapeptase by cystic fibrosis patients helps remove mucus from the lungs to keep infections at bay.
DHA Supplementation, Flaxseed Oil, and the Budwig Diet to Cure Cystic Fibrosis
It has been common knowledge in the scientific community for quite some time that patients with cystic fibrosis have fatty acid deficiencies that seem to lead to a downward spiral of worsening symptoms.
Scientists have studied the membrane lipid imbalance in cystic fibrosis animal models with the CFTR deletion that causes an imbalance that results in lung inflammation, pancreatic changes, and hypertrophy of the ileum in the small intestine (the last segment of the small intestine).. One study examined essential fatty acids and their metabolism in cystic fibrosis patients, noting that problems with fatty acid metabolism were corrected with Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) supplementation. In animal models with the CFTR deletion, the membrane lipid balance was restored resulting in cystic fibrosis symptom resolution. Mice with the CFTR deletion who were given DHA supplements no longer had lung inflammation, ileal hypertrophy, or any of the pancreatic problems that characterize this disease.
The use of flaxseed oil as a fatty acid supplement, particularly when it is administered as part of the Budwig Diet has been shown to reduce lung fibrosis, but DHA supplementation has similar effects on the body. In either case, essential fatty acids help restore proper cell membrane function in patients with cystic fibrosis.
How to Cure Infection Naturally in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Chlorine Dioxide Solution
One of the biggest dangers that cystic fibrosis patients face is serious infection due to chronic inflammation and irritation in the lungs and airways. Antibiotic treatments prescribed by doctors can damage the immune system and gut health which is already compromised in cystic fibrosis patients so many parents of pediatric cystic fibrosis patients and adult cystic fibrosis patients look for natural cures for lung infections. Our favorite cure for lung infection in cystic fibrosis is Chlorine Dioxide Solution with Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO).At first glance, Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO may not seem like “natural” cures for cystic fibrosis infections, but the reason why I can use this word, “natural” to describe these cures for infection is because Chlorine Dioxide Solution releases oxygen. It works by breaking down to release oxygen molecules that can easily travel anywhere in the body to kill most infectious pathogens that infect the human body with just a few exceptions.
DMSO has a naturally detoxifying effect on the body and it is used to break up adhesions and scar tissues. It should not, however, be administered with other medications that your doctor may have prescribed for cystic fibrosis. Dimethylsulfoxide or DMSO, in contrast, is an FDA approved medicine that is derived from trees. It is vital that you read about this tree-medicine before you use it to treat cystic fibrosis. It can substantially increase the power of other prescription and non-prescription medications in the body, but it seems vital to mention DMSO as a treatment for cystic fibrosis infections because if a patient, such as a very young child is extremely ill and cannot easily swallow medications, DMSO can be applied with Chlorine Dioxide Solution to the skin and it will soak to the skin where oxygen will be released into the bloodstream. The DMSO molecule combines with the oxygen molecules and has a special ability to seek out infectious pathogens to kill them. When combined with the reactive oxygen species that are released by Chlorine Dioxide, they are even more powerful against infection. And the effects of this DMSO-Chlorine Dioxide combo can be administered through the skin.
But again, it is VITAL that patients who wish to use these medicines in cystic fibrosis patients learn how to use these medicines safely. DMSO is a powerful solvent. It has a toxicity levels similar to that of water, but when combined with almost any other substance it can become toxic. In other words, if you apply a grocery-store-bought baby lotion to an infant prior to administering DMSO, you may be doing more harm than good to your baby. A good rule of thumb when using DMSO on the skin is as follows: if you wouldn’t eat the substance on the skin then you shouldn’t mix DMSO with it by administering DMSO to skin that has been coated in soaps that contain “fragrances” or other chemicals, lotions, etc.
We have written a book about how to use Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO, including protocols for specific diseases and we also offer a Chlorine Dioxide Solution database search for disease names with links to the appropriate protocol as a good place to start with using these medicines to cure infection in cystic fibrosis patients.
NOTE: Chlorine Dioxide Solution is an oxidant medicine. It works by oxidizing pathogens. In contrast, molecular hydrogen is a powerful ANTI-oxidant. As such, if you use these medicines together at the exact same time, they may cancel each other out. Separate the use of Chlorine Dioxide from the use of molecular hydrogen by at least 1 hour to ensure that both of these medicines can do their jobs!
Selenium as a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis
Selenium is essential in order for iodine to be properly absorbed by the body. And since Lugol's iodine supplementation is such an important part of the cure for cystic fibrosis, it makes sense that selenium also plays a starring role. Though we do mention selenium above in the section on Lugol's iodine, we also want to reiterate the importance of selenium because it has been studied in depth by Dr. Joel Wallach in the 1970's. He was able to completely cure cystic fibrosis in 450 people (including infants and pregnant women) using nothing but selenium supplementation. He details his methods for using selenium to cure cystic fibrosis in Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures.Summary
Some cystic fibrosis patients will not need all of the treatments described above. There is a learning curve in terms of determining the proper timing and dose of treatments that we describe above for cystic fibrosis. Always start with small doses of medicines and treatments, especially in children and slowly increase doses step-by-step when you experience positive results.
