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Neem: A Safe and Highly Effective Female and Male Herbal Contraceptive Option

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Jan 20, 2022


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Neem: Herbal Birth Control Pill Alternative for Women and Herbal Contraceptive for Men

Neem is an amazing herb that can be used as an herbal alternative to birth control pills for women and as an herbal birth control option for men.
NOTE: As a contraceptive, anti-fertility herb, Neem / Azadiracta indica should not be used during pregnancy or if you’re trying to conceive. 

Neem, otherwise known as Azadirachta indica, Indian lilac, or dogoyaro, is a flowering, fruit-producing tree in the mahogany (Meliaceae) family. Most westerners who have heard of neem are likely familiar with its usage as a natural insect repellent or as an anti-malarial, but native populations in India, Africa, and other countries where neem grows know that the neem tree actually has a surprisingly wide variety of medicinal actions. In fact, among people in eastern Africa, the neem tree is called “40 cures”, alluding to its diversity as a healing plant. 

This article will focus on neem’s use as a male and female contraceptive, but readers should know that some of the other medicinal actions of neem include: 
  • Pain relief
  • Parasitic treatment
  • Antimalarial
  • Antibacterial effects
  • Antifungal treatment (including treatment of Candida albicans infections)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stomach ulcer treatment
  • Dengue Cure
  • Malaria Cure
  • West Nile Cure
  • Herbal PCOS Cure
  • Natural Abortifacient
  • Off-grid medicine (an herbal treatment that works for many health issues)
  • Survival medicine
  • Travel medicine (neem is especially useful in the treatment of insect-borne, tropical illnesses)
  • More…

NOTE: Before continuing onward, female readers in particular should note that neem is an abortifacient, meaning that it can cause spontaneous abortions. While this article is indeed about contraception, women in particular should note that the use of neem during pregnancy is likely to cause an abortion. So, if you’re trying to conceive or if you’re currently pregnant, put any neem products (oil, capsules, teas, etc) to the side for now. Men, if you’re trying to conceive, you should also avoid neem since it has a contraceptive effect for you too!

Click here to learn more about herbs that cause abortion. 

Neem as a Female Contraceptive

Neem has been studied fairly extensively in India as a female contraceptive. For example, in a study done in 1992, the wives of 20 Indian soldiers were instructed to administer neem oil intravaginally each time after they had sex, which was shown to be successful as a contraceptive option. 

More recent studies show that neem oil administered this way is successful because the oil is able to kill any sperm in the vagina within 30 seconds. Additionally, these spermicidal effects last for 5 hours after application, meaning that neem may work well not only as a post-coital contraceptive, but also as an option that can be administered before having sex. In rats, neem oil that was administered intravaginally was shown to be able to prevent embryonic implantation and cause abortion in the case that a sperm did indeed meet with the female’s egg. 

One milliliter of neem oil (no more than this) should be applied intravaginally soon before having sex if it is to be used as a contraceptive. Because neem has a distinctive (and occasionally unpleasant) smell resembling peanuts or garlic, a lot of women choose to add lemongrass essential oil or another suitable essential oil (lavender is another good choice) to the neem to improve its scent.