How to Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis
I met Sarah in early 2021 when she was visiting Guanajuato. A few weeks ago, she sent us a message through AlivenHealthy to update us on her health progress since she'd left Mexico. This is her success story that she wrote to share with other readers: ------------- When the pandemic hit, schools switched from in person to distance-learning. This meant that educators as well as students had to be on their devices all day long. So, as a teacher, I went from working in-person to spending hours on my computer, tablet, and phone. I started noticing that there was an ache in my wrists, and then over time the ache started to progress into my lower arms and then shoot up into my upper arms. I noticed that I would wake up at night and my arm would be numb.I had to go to numerous doctors who all said that everything in my blood work was fine. But I knew something was wrong so I was persistent, and finally I was referred to a rheumatoid arthritis doctor and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
Around the same time, I was also experiencing immense brain fog. I would start speaking a sentence and immediately forget what I was saying in the middle of my thought, or I would drive somewhere and find out later that I wasn’t going in the direction I was supposed to go. Several times a day, I’d go into a room and forget why I was there. I would pronounce words wrong or flip things around while I was talking. For example, I would sometimes say the opposite of what I meant.
This was a scary time in my life because not only did I feel like my body was in pain, but my mind was dwindling, too. Without the help of my mind, how could I make decisions to help my body? Everyone said that what I was experiencing was OK, but I didn’t feel like myself at the end of the day.
At age 30, was it normal to forget what you just said and to have throbbing pain in your arms?
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I was trying to figure out what I could do, but it was becoming more and more clear to me that there wasn’t a cure for this condition (rheumatoid arthritis). One day, when I was driving home from a friend’s place, my car spun out and I was facing oncoming traffic on the 5S freeway. Luckily, there was enough time for the driver to stop, however he was hit and I was hit lightly. Had I spun out and there had been another car in the way or an oncoming semi truck, my life would have been over.
This experience led me to believe that I’d been given another chance to live. This encouraged me to travel to Mexico because one of my bucket list items was to learn Spanish in a Spanish speaking country. In Mexico, I met Jennifer and Lydian in group Spanish class, and they invited me to a seminar about alternative cancer cures where I learned a world of things I would have never learned in the United States. They were godsent and if we hadn’t met, I don’t think I’d be where I am today. At the end of my trip, I hadn’t learned much Spanish, however I had learned the meaning of relationships and health and I’d received healing support. I soon learned from Jennifer and Lydian about various supplements that could help me, and when I arrived home I started my health journey.
In July, I returned home and immediately started taking an anti-parasite medicine (I took a one-dose medicine I got in Mexico, Loxcell, which is a combination of Albendazole and Quinfamide). I had no reaction from the medicine, and so then I started to take iodine and worked my way up to 4 drops per day for about a month or so. I had only a minor rash and some itchiness from the iodine that I put on my wrists, but it was minor and went away quickly.
Starting in August, I began using CDS, and gradually worked up to 3 drops, 8 times a day, which I continued taking for 4 weeks. I also was taking iodine, a multivitamin, and Mucuna pruriens. I had also gained a lot of “COVID weight” and had crazy food addictions at night.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
But then, I started doing juicing (carrots and green juices a few times per week), weekly coffee enemas, and regular exercise. In addition, I also followed a mostly vegetarian diet, stopped eating processed foods and refined sugar, and only ate fish a few times over 4 weeks. I began a transcendental meditation practice that I did 2 times per day and reduced the amount of time I spent on my devices. I was determined to get healthy. At last, I lost the weight and was at my healthiest. The pain stopped and my cognitive functioning (clarity, reasoning, memory) came back.
Then one week after taking the CDS for 4 weeks, I got pregnant! Prior to this, I was off of birth control for six months. I’m so grateful to meet these amazing women! Thank you for your empowerment.

The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!

The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution - BUY NOW!

The Post-COVID Vaccine Recovery Book and Autoimmunity Reference Guide

The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease, Volume 1 - BUY HERE!

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