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What is Psoriasis and How to Cure Psoriasis Using Alternative Medicine: Introduction

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Jan 09, 2022


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Is there a cure for psoriasis?

What is Psoriasis?

If you’re reading this article, you probably already know what psoriasis is. Psoriasis is a major problem. In the United States alone, nearly 3% of the population suffers from this disease. Though it isn’t the type of condition that will kill you (at least not in most cases), psoriasis causes people a lot of pain and anguish along with social embarrassment and psychological stress. At AlivenHealthy, we decided to research this disease in depth, in part because autoimmunity has become a major type of health problem all over the world and psoriasis affects a huge number of people globally.   Conventional medicine claims that psoriasis has an “unclear cause” that seems to result from immune-system dysfunction. This gives psoriasis sufferers little hope in terms of a cure despite the fact that there are numerous scientific studies that have demonstrated a relationship between colonies of infectious pathogens living in the organs of detoxification (especially the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and colon) and the development of different types of psoriasis. Doctors claim that psoriasis is not caused by an infection. Technically speaking, doctors are correct in that the skin manifestation that is known as “psoriasis” is not where the infectious pathogens are located. Rather, the microorganisms that cause psoriasis make their home in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and colon.    Many people wonder how a skin disease could start in organs like the liver or the colon despite the fact that most psoriasis patients have serious digestive issues along with their skin problems. The answer is quite simple actually. Infectious pathogens live quietly in an organ like the liver and emerge only accidentally when bile is released from the organ. The bile causes the pathogen to be only partially digested because the amount of bile that the liver is producing has been diminished by the presence of this pathogen. The pathogen has sickened the liver somewhat and causes it to produce less bile. So the partially digested bits and pieces (known as peptidoglycans) that have been released into the colon go on to irritate the small and large intestines. Over time, leaky gut syndrome develops and the peptidoglycans then pass into the bloodstream through tiny holes in the intestinal tissues. These peptidoglycans travel all over the body, but eventually, they end up in the biggest organ of detoxification that we have, as humans: the skin. The peptidoglycans set off an immune response in the skin that causes inflammation, redness, and the characteristic psoriasis plaques and pustules that patients know so well. The peptidoglycans are not an infectious agent themselves, but rather the leftovers of partially digested microorganisms. And these bits and pieces wreak havoc on the tissues of the body, setting off alarms in the immune system, all the while living in an area of the body that can’t be reached by using antibiotics that a doctor might prescribe.

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Psoriasis appears to be a skin disease and conventional medicine looks at psoriasis as a skin disease. But psoriasis is a disease of the organs of detoxification. For some patients the liver and gallbladder are involved. For others, the kidneys are colonized by pathogens. For still others, all organs of detoxification are involved. There are a variety of different manifestations of psoriasis, but for the most part, patients tend to develop raised plaques and/or scales on the skin. Often, patients also experience significant digestive upsets and arthritis. Arthritic symptoms are most likely caused by involvement of the kidneys in the disease process.    According to, the plaques and scales that develop on the skin are caused by an overactive immune system (autoimmunity) that causes skin cell growth to speed up. Normally, skin cells are born and develop over the course of about 1 month and then they die and are shed without buildup. But psoriasis patients have skin cells that go through this process within only 3 to 4 days. And though the skin cells are supposed to die and fall off, they often pile up on the surface of the skin. The psoriasis plaques may itch, sting, or burn. The plaques / scales may develop on any part of the body though they most often develop on the scalp, elbows, or knees. does not mention that autoimmunity is the result of colonies of pathogens living in areas of the body where antibiotics can’t reach because once patients realize that their disease is caused by an infection, they want to cure the infection. And that makes sense. Telling patients that they have an autoimmune disease or a disease caused by genetics is just a way to get patients to give up on their health. Getting rid of the infection that lives in an organ inside the body is the first step toward restoring your health if you have psoriasis.  

Psoriasis Symptoms

In addition to the skin manifestations of psoriasis, there are other symptoms that many psoriasis sufferers experience to a greater or lesser degree. Though it is, of course, unfortunate that patients experience these additional symptoms, the good news is that these symptoms may be able to point to the root cause of the disease as well as curative treatments that will work to permanently rid patients of their symptoms. 

Psoriatic Arthritis 

Psoriasis sufferers often experience inflammation and pain that affects other areas of the body. It’s common, for example, for psoriasis sufferers to also experience psoriatic arthritis. In fact, says that about 1 in 3 patients with psoriasis will develop arthritis (pain and inflammation in the joints). Though this sounds like a grim prognosis if you’ve recently developed psoriasis (or if you’ve had psoriasis for years), the fact is that arthritis symptoms in psoriasis sufferers are a clue as to what’s going on with this disease. You see, alternative medicine specialists view the various symptoms of psoriasis differently than conventional medicine doctors. Specifically, a practitioner of alternative medicine might look at psoriasis and note that it belongs to several “disease family trees”. 

A “disease family tree” acknowledges that when a particular disease has symptoms in common with other diseases, the two diseases may have common origins that can be treated in the same way. This orientation toward symptoms and diseases allows alternative practitioners to find broad spectrum treatments that conventional medicine doctors know nothing about. So while arthritis symptoms aren’t fun and the prospect of possibly developing arthritis is scary for most patients with psoriasis, the truth is that these symptoms point to an infection-related process that has been researched and that is well-supported by scientific literature. 

In psoriasis, there is a strong correlation between the development of specific types of infection followed by the development of psoriasis. Scientists, for example, have proven over and over again that psoriasis sufferers have streptococcal antigens in the serum and autoantibodies in the skin. This confirms that, in psoriasis patients, the immune system is reacting to a streptococcal infection. Other scientists have noted the strong association between strep infections in the throat followed by the development of psoriasis. 

Essentially, patients need to use a broad-spectrum anti-infection treatment such as Chlorine Dioxide, Colloidal Silver, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, or Rife Machine Therapy to treat their disease and cure psoriasis permanently. Both Chlorine Dioxide Solution (especially when it is used in tandem with Dimethylsulfoxide / DMSO) and Rife Machine therapy have the power to seek out and destroy very tiny pathogens, or even parts of pathogens that are causing the symptoms of a disease (otherwise known as peptidoglycans, as discussed above). Getting rid of the Streptococcus pyogenes infection/colonization is ultimately at the root of curing psoriasis permanently though there are many ways to accomplish this goal even if you were to only use supporting treatments. 

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Psoriasis Patients

Many psoriasis patients are given additional digestive diagnoses. Specifically, patients may receive the following diagnoses or any diagnosis related to inflammation in the digestive system:

We would argue that if there is a significant correlation between psoriasis skin symptoms and digestive upsets in psoriasis patients, that there is no need for an additional diagnostic label (Crohn’s Disease, IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.). Rather, it might be more logical to say that people with psoriasis skin symptoms also often suffer from digestive problems. Or, better yet…it might be even more logical yet, to draw on thousands of years of wisdom in medicine, and say that it is likely that digestive issues are the root cause of the skin symptoms as well as the arthritis symptoms caused by psoriasis. It does make sense, after all, that poor digestion (due to some cause–perhaps an infection or colonization of pathogens in the gut or another digestive system organ) would lead to skin problems because the skin is an organ of detoxification. Its primary jobs involve protecting the body from the external environment while assisting in the transmission of toxic things on the inside of the body to the outside of the body via sweat and body oil secretions. 

This is logical. And if psoriasis patients look at their disease as one that originates in the gut and moves outward to the skin, it isn’t hard to imagine toxins that build up in the joints (again, as a result of colonization of an organ of detoxification by a pathogen) causing inflammation of the skin and joint tissues since these tissues are closely related and even attached to each other.

It is a tragedy that sources like WebMD and the CDC propagate the belief that there is nothing you can do about psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, or the inflammatory bowel diseases that are correlated with psoriasis. This is simply untrue and patients need to know that the treatments for psoriasis are not only accessible and affordable, but they also work! In other words, you can cure psoriasis as well as the arthritic symptoms and the inflammatory or gastrointestinal disease symptoms that are so often associated with this disease.

Patients who have been given a dual diagnosis of psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease may end up on a battery of pharmaceuticals for both psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. Often, doctors prescribe chemotherapy drugs for patients with psoriasis and/or inflammatory bowel disease, both of which are considered autoimmune in origin or sometimes (depending on the source) “genetic” and therefore untreatable / chronic. Methotrexate and other chemotherapy agents that are used to treat cancer actually function to cause cancer over time. If you can avoid taking these drugs, you will fare better healthwise over time. 

Obesity and Psoriasis

There is a correlation between obesity and the development of psoriasis. Indeed, weight loss may help you cure your disease, but for many people, obesity develops as a result of the low-level infection/colonies of pathogens in the body and the chronic inflammation in the gut that causes malabsorption of nutrients in the body. When the body is chronically malnourished, it tends to hold onto whatever nutrients it currently has on stock, especially fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K. This means that the body holds onto fat cells and that it tends to store nutrients in an abnormal manner that makes it extremely difficult to lose weight. Fixing this problem means getting to the core of curing psoriasis. You need to treat the infection, restore bile production and release (bile digests fats so they can be absorbed by the gut), and nourish the body. Nourishing the body will inevitably involve a course of treatment to reduce inflammation in the gut. Psoriasis patients who wish to cure psoriasis permanently should do a protocol of treatments aimed at reducing gut inflammation (through diet, colonic, enema treatments, and supplements) while treating the low-level infection that causes psoriasis using Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO and/or Rife Machine Treatments. 

Types of Psoriasis

There are a variety of types of psoriasis including:

  • Plaque Psoriasis
  • Guttate Psoriasis
  • Pustular Psoriasis
  • Inverse Psoriasis 
  • Erythrodemic Psoriasis 

At AlivenHealthy, we don’t make a strong differentiation between these various types of psoriasis because our view is that the creation of multiple disease types serves to do nothing but confuse patients making it harder for patients to cure themselves of disease. The creation of multiple sub-disease types is similar to adding a diagnosis of “arthritis” or “inflammatory bowel disease” onto an existing diagnosis of psoriasis. It merely gives doctors the opportunity to prescribe new and expensive pharmaceuticals to patients who are already paying plenty of money for “treatments” that will never cure their disease.

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The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease, Volume 1 - BUY HERE!

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