What can I use to treat a snake bite FAST?

- Immediately take a 12-drop dose of activated MMS1 (12 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution + 12 drops of an acid).
- At the same time that you take the first dose of MMS1, also apply a special MMS1 snake bite patch. The instructions for this specific patch and the patch portion of this protocol are as follows:
- Activate 10 drops of MMS1 (10 drops of 28% sodium chlorite + 10 drops of an acid) and let them activate for 30 seconds.
- Add 20 drops of fresh, purified water.
- Immediately pour this solution on a piece of gauze that is 2-inches by 2-inches and at least 2 layers thick. The gauze should be soaked through. If it’s not, make more activated drops and water as described before (in a ratio of 1:2 activated MMS1 drops to purified water drops). For extra large snake bites, you may include more than 10 drops on this gauze.
- Tape the soaked gauze to the snake bite and leave it for 15-20 minutes (do not leave it on longer than this!)
- One hour after the first application of the MMS1 patch, apply another patch using the same instructions above. If you had skin irritation from the last patch, you may add more water to this patch to ease this irritation. Leave this patch on for only 15-20 minutes as well.
- After the application of the second patch, wait three hours and then apply a third patch. Three hours after that, you’ll apply a fourth patch. Continue applying patches every 3 hours for a 24-hour period. You may add some water to the solution to ease any burning there might be, but don’t add more than is necessary.
- NOTE: Do not use DMSO in a snake bite patch! This can carry the poisons deeper into your body and have severe consequences.
The steps below are for the internal administration of MMS1 solution as a part of this snake bite protocol:
- One half hour after taking the first 12-drop MMS1 dose, take another dose of MMS1 consisting of 6 drops of activated MMS1.
- Another half hour after this 6-drop dose, take another 6-drop dose (1 ½ hours should have elapsed since your first 12-drop dose of MMS1).
- One half hour after the second 6-drop dose, begin the Classic Protocol 1000 (take 3 activated MMS1 drops every hour for 8 consecutive hours of the day). You may skip the Starting Procedure in the case of a snake bite.
- Continue the Protocol 1000 for the full 21 days of treatment, or longer if it seems like the snake bite is causing you trouble. You may reduce the dose by ½ during this time if needed if it makes you feel much sicker (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, etc), but don’t stop taking the MMS1 until after the 3-week period and until you are better.

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