How to Use Chlorine Dioxide on the Skin

The Protocol 3000 is particularly good for people who are treating skin conditions, but it can also be a valuable protocol for patients who are not able to keep fluids down. Children/infants and stubborn adults or teenagers may also prefer this protocol to taking the MMS internally.
This protocol must be administered every hour for a total of 8 consecutive hours each day for about 4 days per week until recovery. Start by completing the steps outlined below for 3 days in a row, and then take a 1-day break (you may take a break for up to 4 days if your skin is particularly dry due to the DMSO). By the end of the first week of the protocol, you may begin administering the MMS+DMSO solution for 4 days of each week (or more if you’re not having any significant problems with skin dryness or irritation). If you’re also doing another MMS protocol at the same time as this one, do not stop taking the MMS internally at the regular dosage while you take a break from the topical MMS+DMSO application of this protocol.
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Below are the instructions for the Protocol 3000:- Activate 10 drops of MMS1 solution (10 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution + 10 drops of an acid) in a dry glass container. Wait for 30 seconds until the drops turn an amber color.
- Add 20 drops of clean, purified water. Mix the solution around so that it’s well combined.NOTE: Some people may find this solution to be too strong, while others find they can tolerate an even stronger solution. If the 20-drop solution of MMS1 causes skin irritation or excessive dryness, add more drops until you don’t experience the dryness/irritation/etc. If you don’t experience any of these symptoms, you may try reducing the number of drops in the solution if you want, but this isn’t necessary.
- Immediately after adding the water, add 1 tsp (30 drops/4ml) of DMSO (you should add the DMSO to the MMS in a ratio of 3:1, as described previously).
- Spread the mix onto one arm immediately after you make it (don’t save the solution for later or make it in advance). You may also spread the solution onto your legs or stomach/torso, just be sure that you leave the area free to dry (don’t cover up with clothes or a towel) until at least 15 minutes after applying the DMSO.NOTE: Only apply the MMS+DMSO solution using your bare hand. Do not wear gloves and do not use any utensils to apply it. DMSO is a solvent and a carrier, and if you were to apply it to gloves and then your skin, the DMSO would pick up and carry away the latex directly into your cells (which you don’t want). So use only your clean, dry, bare hands for this project.
- You may wash your hands using clean water only, or you may use clean water and fragrance-free, natural soap (DO NOT use soaps that are not 100% natural; Dr. Bronner’s soap is a good choice if you’re going to use soap after applying DMSO).
- Repeat the above five steps every hour for a total of 8 consecutive hours of the day.

Click here to buy Dr. Bronner's Soap.
Some people feel a burning sensation on their skin or experience a lot of dryness while following the Protocol 3000. If you have this happen, you may consider:
- Applying more fresh, clean water to your skin. Gently pat on more water to the area where you just applied the MMS+DMSO mixture until the burning sensation stops (DMSO causes your skin to absorb water, and most of the time the burning feeling is simply skin dryness. Thus, when you add water to the DMSO, hydration can be restored to the skin, thus relieving the irritation).
- Apply hexane-free castor oil, apricot kernel oil, extra virgin olive oil, or pure aloe vera gel (make sure it’s ONLY aloe vera, generally avoid mixes that have any other ingredients for this use). These substances are soothing and moisturizing, and as mentioned above, most of the time the cause of the burning feeling is dryness. People who are doing this protocol over a longer period of time may have some dryness either way, so applying some castor oil or olive oil to the areas where you put the MMS+DMSO mixture can help relieve this dryness and keep your skin healthy and comfortable while you follow the Protocol 3000.

Click here to buy hexane-free, organic castor oil.
- For people who are especially sick (particularly if they have a liver illness) and may be using a lower dose of DMSO, the MMS+DMSO mixture can be applied to a smaller surface area than advised above. Rub the solution into an area no larger than the palm of the hand for at least a few days before increasing the application area size. Only increase the application area size if there is no negative reaction from applying the mixture to the smaller area.
- Particularly sick people may also instead choose to add more water to the MMS+DMSO mixture above and then they may rub the solution into a larger area of skin safely (such as on an arm or a leg).
- If you plan to use the Protocol 3000 solution daily for treatment add up to 5 times the amount of water noted above and apply it to your body using a natural fiber brush (research this carefully, don’t use just any brush, it must be completely natural, no chemicals or synthetics allowed!) or a glass spray bottle. Rub the solution lightly into the skin and apply according to the instructions above.
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Protocol 3000 for Children and Infants
The amounts of MMS used for administration of the Protocol 3000 for children and infants are the same as those for adults, however the administration method is somewhat more convenient. For this protocol, you’ll need 2 spray bottles that are either 2 oz. or 4 oz. in size. Preferably, they should be made of dark colored glass. You will also need your 28% sodium chlorite solution, either 50% citric acid solution or 4% hydrochloric acid solution, 99% purity DMSO, and clean, purified water (either use distilled water or water purified by reverse osmosis).Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind before and while you are administering the Protocol 3000 to your child:
- The burning sensation that your child may experience with the administration of the MMS1+DMSO mixture is generally because the DMSO is too strong for their skin. If this happens, spray on as much pure water as necessary until your child says that the burning has stopped. The burning feeling is a result of the DMSO carrying away water from your skin, and it is normal. However, it’s important that you address the problem by spraying on water so that the skin doesn’t get too dehydrated during treatment.
- Make sure that the area where you will be applying the MMS1 + DMSO solution to your child’s body is clean and free from any lotions, powders, or chemical/fragrance-filled soaps. They should bathe/wash the area with pure, clean water and a natural, chemical- and fragrance-free soap (Dr. Bronner’s soap is a good example, though there are plenty of other options too) before you administer the MMS1 + DMSO solution. DMSO will carry whatever it comes into contact with directly into the cells of your child’s body, so it’s important that their skin is clean and free from any toxic chemicals.

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Follow the steps below to prepare the MMS mixture and then administer it to your child:- Prepare a standard MMS1 spray bottle using 10 drops of activated MMS1 per ounce of water (follow the steps in the section on preparation of MMS spray bottles). Label the bottle clearly as MMS spray.
- Fill the second bottle with clean, fresh water. Label it also. You will use the MMS1 solution, water, and DMSO for this protocol. Although some sources recommend putting the DMSO in a spray bottle too, we don’t advise this because the spray mechanism in spray bottles is generally plastic. DMSO is a carrier and a solvent and can melt plastic and then carry small particles of it directly into the cells if it is then applied to the skin or taken internally. Thus, we recommend using a glass dropper with the DMSO instead. Though it’s perhaps not as efficient as a spray bottle, it’s a significantly safer method in this case.
- Start by testing your child’s reaction to the MMS1 solution by trying it out on a small area of skin (ideally this area of skin should not be broken or affected by any issues) by following these steps:
- Ask your child to tell you if they experience any burning sensations after you administer the spray. Then, spray one single spray of water onto a small area of bare skin. On top of this, apply a drop or two of the DMSO, and then finally apply 1 single spray of the MMS1 solution immediately afterward.
- Rub the liquid into your child’s skin using your bare hands (do not use gloves for this part, and make sure you’ve recently washed your hands with clean water and fragrance- and chemical-free soaps like Dr. Bronner’s).
- Wait for about 5 minutes to see if there’s any stinging or burning. If your child does experience this, spray some more water on and rub it in gently. If not, then proceed to Step 4.
- If they still have stinging after you spray more water on their skin, rinse the skin well using plain purified water. Repeat the test at a later time and this time dilute the DMSO slightly (do not dilute more than 50% or else it won’t be potent enough to warrant doing this particular protocol).
- As long as there is no stinging or burning when you do the skin test, you may apply the MMS1 and DMSO according to the Protocol 3000. Spray the water lightly on the top part of one of your child’s arms and then put a few drops of DMSO (or diluted DMSO if necessary) on top of that. Then apply a spayed layer of the MMS1 solution. Rub it in gently with your bare hand using circular motions. If the skin seems to dry after you do this (in other words, not thoroughly coated), you may apply another layer of DMSO and MMS1 spray to the area before allowing it to dry and soak into the skin. Do not wash the area for at least a few hours after application.
- In an hour, repeat Step 4 on the other arm. The hour after that, apply to another area of the body, such as the leg. Continue to apply the solution every hour for 8 consecutive hours of the day, ideally switching to a different body part with each application. You may apply it on the arms, legs, stomach, back, or chest as long as your child doesn’t experience any negative reactions to application in these areas. Use as much water as you need to. DMSO can be drying, so if your child has dry skin, you may apply hexane free castor oil, extra virgin olive oil, unrefined coconut oil, or pure aloe vera gel to the dry area of the skin to moisturize it and ease any discomfort associated with this dryness.