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Jim Humble’s MMS / CDS Protocol 2000 - The Cancer Protocol

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Dec 30, 2021


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How to Use MMS to Cure Cancer

Although the Protocol 2000 is termed the “Cancer Protocol” (and indeed, in most cases, it is the most effective MMS/CDS protocol for cancer treatment), readers should note that this protocol may also be used to successfully treat various other life-threatening diseases and illnesses. Some (but not all) of the other medicinal applications of the Protocol 2000 are listed below:    

Lydian and I specialize in health coaching for cancer patients. Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us.

Protocol 2000 - Stage One

There are 2 stages to the Protocol 2000 MMS/CDS treatment. In Stage One, patients will use only MMS1 (28% sodium chlorite + an acid activator). The steps below should be completed every day for 21 days/3 weeks or until you recover fully. You will need to repeat these steps every hour for 10 consecutive hours of the day during this time period.

  1. Activate the appropriate number of drops of MMS1 solution (28% sodium chlorite solution + an acid activator) in a dry, glass container. Wait for 30 seconds until the drops turn an amber color. 
  2. Add ½ cup of clean, purified water to the glass.
  3. Drink the MMS dose immediately after you make it. Do not prepare it in advance!
  4. If you start to feel sicker than normal (whatever “normal” currently means to you), rather than staying “normal” or feeling better, it’s important that you reduce the dosage of MMS to a point where you don’t feel sicker anymore. Dosing the MMS at a dosage that makes you feel sick will not make the healing faster; in fact, if you feel sicker while taking the MMS, the medicine will not work as well and the healing will actually be slower. This is especially true if you’re already struggling with a disease that may be causing uncomfortable or serious symptoms. Like with all other MMS protocols, reduce the dosage as far as you need to until you stop feeling the severe symptoms of detox, but don’t stop taking the MMS. You can work your dosage up to a higher dosa again as soon as you’re ready; consistency is key, even if you have to use a low dose of the medicine at first to achieve this.

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If you’re beginning this MMS protocol right after completing the MMS Starting Procedure (which is recommended if you’re wanting to treat a life-threatening illness like cancer), begin the Protocol 2000 by taking 1 drop of activated MMS1 every hour for 10 consecutive hours of the day. Increase the dosage as fast as you comfortably can until you reach a dose of at least 3 drops per hour for 10 hours daily. If you’re starting the Protocol 2000 after having done the Classic Protocol 1000, you will hopefully already be at a dose of 3 drops per hour (if not, you can still increase your dosage at a comfortable pace).

After reaching a dose of 3 activated MMS1 drops per hour, you’ll continue to increase the hourly dosage of MMS1 by ½ or 1 drop increments until you reach the maximum dosage for your body weight (see the chart below), OR until you reach a point where a particular dose if making you feel more sick than your sickness is making you feel by itself. Most people are likely to have a little bit of a sick, detox-y feeling at some point, which is when one should stop increasing the dosage for a few days or a week, or until the extra-sick feeling goes away. Then, you may continue trying to increase the dosage again until you reach the maximum dosage for your body weight.


The guidelines of dosing by body weight are charted below:

Protocol 2000 Dosing Chart
Weight MAXIMUM dosage
80-100 lbs (36-45 kg) 8 drops per hour
100-120 lbs (45-54 kg) 8 drops per hour
120-140 lbs (54-63 kg) 9 drops per hour
140-160 lbs (63-72 kg) 10 drops per hour
160-180 lbs (72-81 kg) 11 drops per hour
180-200 lbs (81-90 kg) 12 drops per hour
200+ pounds Add one drop extra for every 20 lbs over 200 lbs (for example, if you weigh 220 lbs you should be taking 13 drops, if you weigh 240 lbs take 14 drops, etc.)

There are rare cases where a person might take more than the maximum body weight dosages listed above, specifically when a disease is not improving with the maximum recommended dose. However, that being said, most of the time the dosages listed above are correct and adequate for healing major health problems, like cancer. Avoid going beyond these doses unless you’ve reached the maximum dosage and it’s been 2+ weeks with no improvement to your illness. Then, at this point, you may consider increasing the dosage incrementally until you see positive results. 

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.

Protocol 2000 - Stage Two

In this next stage of the Protocol 2000, you’ll begin incorporating MMS2 (capsulized calcium hypochlorite powder) into your existing MMS1 dosing regime. Begin Stage 2 of this protocol approximately 3-4 days after starting to take the MMS1 according to the steps above. When you introduce the MMS2 into your schedule, WAIT to continue increasing your MMS1 dosage until you reach the full MMS2 dosage (this method is described below). While you’re increasing your MMS2 dosage, keep the MMS1 dosage you’ve been taking at the same level. So if you were taking 6 drops per hour before starting MMS2, continue taking the 6 drops per hour dose until you’ve managed to increase your MMS2 dosage to the full amount. Then, you can continue to increase your MMS1 dosage again until you reach the maximum dose for MMS1 (you’ll keep the MMS2 dosage steady at the recommended dose, then, while you continue to increase your MMS1 dose).

To describe this process a different way, only increase the dose of either MMS1 or MMS2 at a time. Do NOT increase the dose of both MMS1 and MMS2 simultaneously. You’ll start by rapidly increasing your MMS1 dose to at least 3 drops per hour for 10 consecutive hours of the day (as described above) within 3-4 days of starting this protocol. Stop increasing the MMS1 dose, and add in the MMS2. Increase the MMS2 dose to the correct amount, then stop increasing the MMS2 dose. Go back to increasing the MMS1 dose to the maximum recommended dose. When you’ve reached the right dose for both of these medicines, you’ll simply need to remain consistent with your dosing of both MMS1 and MMS2 for a sufficient period of time in order to incite healing.

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Follow the steps below to get started with Stage 2 of the Protocol 2000: 
  1. Purchase and prepare some #1 size capsules filled with calcium hypochlorite (MMS2). We recommend using #1 size capsules if you can since this is the correct size, but #0 size (which are larger than #1) may also be used if they’re only filled up to ¾ of the way full. 
  2. Fill the #1 size capsules about ¼ of the way full (or an ⅛ of the way full if you’re using the #0 capsule size). You’re going to gradually increase your dose of MMS2 over the next few days of the protocol, and thus are starting with a lower dose. Fill at least 5 capsules up to ¼ full, another five at ½ full, another five at ¾ full, and a final five all the way full. After you’ve taken all of these pre-filled capsules, you’ll need to fill more at a dose that suits you. Keep in mind that you may need to stay at a lower dosage if you experience a severe detox, so be prepared to fill capsules at only half full if this is your situation. For this reason, don’t fill so many to start that you can’t regulate your dosage comfortably and as needed; only fill a larger number later when you’ve reached a dose that’s comfortable for you (and even then, only fill enough for about 1 week in advance, just in case you need to reduce your dose later on).
  3. Take the first MM2 capsule (which will be ¼ of the way full) at a half-hour after you take your second dose of MMS1 (so, if you take your second dose of MMS1 at 8am, you’ll take the first dose of MMS2 at 8:30, and then proceed with MMS1 again at 9am, etc.). Two hours later, take another capsule (this will be 30 minutes after your 4th MMS1 dose of the day). You will take a total of 5 doses of MMS2 total per day, taken once every 2 hours, in addition to the hourly MMS1 doses.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.

Below is a sample schedule that you may utilize to arrange your own dosing schedule (the time of day that you start/end your schedule doesn’t necessarily matter, so it’s up to you when you’d like to start your doses each day). Remember to NEVER take an MMS1 dose that includes DMSO at the same time as an MMS2 dose. You’re unlikely, however, to take MMS2 anywhere near the same time that you take DMSO, since DMSO is not included in this protocol; nonetheless, if you take DMSO internally, independently of the Protocol 2000, take care to separate the use of DMSO and MMS2 by an hour or more.

Sample Protocol 2000 Dosing Schedule
9:00am MMS1 dose
10:00am MMS1 dose
10:30am MMS2 dose
11:00am MMS1 dose
12:00pm MMS1 dose
12:30pm MMS2 dose
1:00pm MMS1 dose
2:00pm MMS1 dose
2:30pm MMS2 dose
3:00pm MMS1 dose
4:00pm MMS1 dose
4:30pm MMS2 dose
5:00pm MMS1 dose
6:00pm MMS1 dose
6:30pm MMS2 dose

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Protocol 2000 for Childhood Cancer

We’ve already described the general guidelines for the Protocol 2000 above, but there are some other important pieces of information to be aware of when administering this protocol to a child with a life-threatening illness like cancer. Read the above section on the Protocol 2000 carefully in addition to this section specific to children so that you can completely understand the protocol before starting. Keep in mind that the guidelines above are essentially the same for both children and adults; the primary difference lies in the number of drops/capsules that should be administered (the medicine doses). Nevertheless, be sure to read everything about this protocol with care!

Here is the dosage information for MMS1 and MMS2 for children on the Protocol 2000:
Protocol 2000 MMS1 Dosage Guide for Children
Weight Maximum Dosage
10lbs or less (4.5 kg or less) No more than 3 drops per hour
10-20 lbs (5-9 kg) No more than 5 drops per hour
20-40 lbs (9-18 kg) No more than 5 drops per hour
40-60 lbs (18-27 kg) No more than 6 drops per hour
60-80 lbs (27-36 kg) No more 7 drops per hour
Protocol 2000 MMS2 Dosage Guide for Children
Weight Maximum Dosage
Children under 75 lbs (34 kg) Do not use MMS2 for children who weigh less than 75lbs.
Children between 75-100 lbs (34-45 kg) and up Start with size #4 capsules filled only ¼ full. Work up to size #4 capsules filled to ¾ full over the course of the next two days. 

Children under 75 pounds should not take MMS2. Children over 75 pounds can handle ingesting MMS2, however they should only be given this medicine in addition to the MMS1 if they can be trusted to swallow the pills whole and not bite down on them or choke on them; there is no other realistic way to safely administer the MMS2 medicine other than via capsules. So, in other words, the child should feel comfortable with swallowing capsules (and you should feel comfortable with them doing this too). If they bite down on the capsule or let it dissolve in their mouth/throat by accident, it will be quite unpleasant, so it’s best to only administer the MMS2 if you believe that they can handle the capsules like an older child or adult. If this isn’t the case, simply omit the MMS2 portion of the Protocol 2000 and focus only on MMS1 dosing. 

If you or a loved one has a recently been diagnosed with cancer, click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.

Carefully study the Protocol 2000 information in addition to the basics of MMS administration before administering MMS2 to a child. The rules for administration of the Protocol 2000 to a child are exactly the same as for an adult, but as mentioned before, the dosages are different. You’ll still follow the same MMS1 and/or MMS2 administration schedules and the guidelines for increasing doses as described above (albeit with different maximum dosages). Refer back to the table above for the correct dosage information for your child and substitute this dosing information for the adult-oriented numbers in the previous section. 

IMPORTANT NOTE - As mentioned in the before section, do not administer DMSO at the same time as MMS2. Use great caution with this as it can have serious consequences. 

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