Basic Rules and Information About Administering MMS1 and MMS2
The Basics of MMS1 Administration
It’s important to follow the MMS protocols according to their individual instructions based on your specific situation. This section will review some of the important information to keep in mind for the entire duration of your MMS journey. Make sure, though, to carefully examine all of the MMS protocols. These are only basic guidelines.
- Always make each dose of MMS1 fresh. The MMS protocols are designed to be made fresh, not to be made in advance.
- To achieve the proper dosage recommended for each particular protocol, there are two activator acids that you may use with the MMS solution. These activators are necessary to combine with the MMS solution in a 1:1 ratio in order to produce the MMS1 medicine. The two activators that you may use with MMS1 (sodium chlorite solution) are:
- Citric acid 50%
- Hydrochloric acid (HCL) 4% (avoid using a higher percentage concentration than 4% because this acid can be more dangerous to work with if it’s more concentrated than this)
- Alternative activators -
- fresh lemon juice
- fresh lime juice
- white vinegar
- If you must use these alternatives, you’ll need to use 5 drops per drop of MMS1 solution instead of only 1 drop per drop of MMS1 solution as with the two acid activators above. Additionally, the activation time with these alternative acids should be increased to 3 minutes instead of the normal 30 seconds with citric acid or HCL.
- Do not use any acids other than those suggested here. For instance, do not use ascorbic acid or hydrofluoric acid with MMS1 solution because ascorbic acid will neutralize the solution and hydrofluoric acid is highly poisonous.
- Generally, do not use MMS1 (sodium chlorite) solution without first activating it using a food-grade acid mentioned above. The only exceptions to this rule are when treating a burn or a mosquito bite.
- DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION - Women who are pregnant or lactating may safely use MMS1 and MMS2 according to the normal adult protocols. As normal, make sure to reduce the dosage if a particular amount of MMS makes you particularly sick. The goal is to gradually feel better, not significantly worse, so take care of yourself and move forward slowly with dosing. Otherwise though, using MMS is not harmful during pregnancy or lactation. DMSO is also perfectly safe for use during pregnancy (again, as long as it’s not used with MMS2), and is in fact beneficial for pregnant women. As a reference in terms of its safety, DMSO is currently FDA-approved for the treatment of pregnant women with cystitis (bladder irritation).
The Basics of MMS2 Administration
- The package of calcium hypochlorite that you purchase may say that it has some available chlorine in it. This is not true, as only sodium hypochlorite will contain chlorine. When dissolved in water, calcium hypochlorite (MMS2 powder) will turn into hypochlorous acid (HOCL). This substance is produced naturally by the body’s immune system to kill pathogens and purge toxins.
- Follow the instructions outlined in each protocol that uses MMS2 with care. You’ll need specifically sized capsules. Do not grind down the MMS2 powder, use it just as it is (either as powder or flakes).
- You will always take MMS2 capsules 2 hours apart (never closer together than this).
- You should drink a full glass of water after taking the first MMS2 capsule of the day. For following capsules, you may drink ½ a glass only, or a full glass, your choice.
- If you experience nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or extreme fatigue while using MMS2, reduce the amount in each capsule you’re taking by half. When the symptoms go away, you may gradually start to increase the dosage again. If the capsules of MMS2 that you’ve purchased were pre-filled, then you may have to open them and empty some of the powder out accordingly.

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How to Mix an MMS1 Dose
Follow the instructions below to make a dose of MMS1. Remember, follow the dosage instructions for the protocols below when considering the number of drops to be used. The steps below are only a reference to help you remember the steps involved with MMS1 activation:- When mixing an MMS1 dose, you should always use a clean, dry, glass container.
- When putting the drops into the glass, tilt the container sideways and drop the activator and MMS solution into the corner of the bottom part of the glass. This ensures that the drops will mix together.
- If you’re using either citric acid or hydrochloric acid, use one drop of activator per one drop of MMS (sodium chlorite) solution. If you’re using one of the alternative activators, you’ll use 5 drops of activator per one drop of MMS solution. So if you need 3 activated drops of MMS1, you’ll use 3 drops of activator (or 15 drops with the alternative activators) + 3 drops of sodium chlorite solution.
- Swirl the drops gently and count to 30 seconds (or 3 minutes with the alternative activators). The drops should turn an amber color.
- Finally, add a ½ cup of clean, purified water and gently swirl (do not use a metal utensil for this, just swirl the glass) to combine. Use ½ a cup of water unless otherwise indicated in the protocol instructions.
- Drink the MMS1 solution immediately. Do not wait for longer than 60 seconds to drink it.
Here are some things to keep in mind when mixing an MMS dose:
- Don’t mix the MMS directly under your mouth or nose. You should not inhale the fumes of chlorine dioxide gas, so take care to not breathe in the gas as it's released before adding the water to the solution.
- Make sure that the MMS solution turns amber colored before you add water. If it has not turned orange, it means that the solution did not activate and will not work when you drink it. If the solution is only a yellow color (and not amber), it’s possible that your MMS solution or activator is not of a high quality, and you should then try to obtain a higher quality product. Do not use MMS that is only yellow when activated for more than a few days. It is not as powerful.
- Only use drinking water with MMS. Do not use tap water as it may contain chlorine, fluorine, or other undesirable chemicals. Other drinks should also be avoided just in case they may deactivate or reduce the effectiveness of the MMS solution.
- You should aim to store your MMS solution and activator solution in amber or green colored glass containers. If you must use a clear bottle, try to keep it out of the light as much as possible. If using a plastic bottle, make sure that there’s a triangle with a 1 or 2 on the bottle, indicating a higher quality plastic. Do not allow the MMS or activator (or activated MMS) to come into contact with any metals.
- If you have excessive nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or extreme tiredness/fatigue while taking MMS1, reduce your dose by 50%. You may reduce the half-dose by another 50% if needed. Try to keep taking the MMS unless the symptoms are far too severe. If you can continue taking the MMS, this is preferable. You should not be having these severe detoxification symptoms and should reduce the dosage until they cease and you start feeling better rather than worse. You may increase your dose later when it feels appropriate.
Do’s and Don’ts of MMS Administration
What to Avoid
- DON’T take any supplements or eat any foods that are high in antioxidants. This includes foods like oranges that are high in vitamin C as well as supplements such as moringa or CoQ10. Wait AT LEAST 2 hours before and after taking MMS to take/eat anything that is highly antioxidant. This is because MMS is an oxidant therapy, and therefore, antioxidant foods or supplements cancel out the healing effects of the MMS. If there are antioxidant supplements that you will be taking, it’s ideal to wait until the end of the day, about 2 hours after you finish taking your MMS for the day, to take these supplements. The other option is to take them about 2 hours before beginning your MMS dosing for the day.
- DON’T drink alcohol, coffee (either caffeinated or decaf), chocolate/cacao, caffeinated drinks, tea (including black, green, and many herbal teas), milk, orange juice, or other drinks with added vitamin C (usually written in the ingredients as ascorbic acid) while following the MMS protocols. If you do consume these drinks while following the protocols, make sure to not drink them during dosing hours. Wait at least 2 hours before or after an MMS dose to drink these beverages.
- DON’T take MMS doses at mealtimes. Try to space out your meals carefully in between MMS doses. As an example of the correct timing for this, if you take an MMS dose at 12:00pm, you may eat lunch at 12:30pm, and then proceed with the next dose at 1:00pm. Try to make your meals take no longer than 15 minutes during MMS administration hours.
What to Do
- DO take the MMS every hour, on the hour, or according to the specific protocol you choose. The more accurate with the timing you can be, the better. Try to take the doses of MMS on the hour if you can. Don’t break up the doses, try to do them consecutively according to the instructions in the protocol. Hitting pathogens with MMS every hour like this lessens the likelihood that they’ll survive the “attack” and means you’re more likely to get better, faster.
- DO eat smaller meals and/or snacks rather than eating large meals, at least during the hours when you’re administering the MMS every hour, on the hour. You may adjust the exact timing of your dosing according to your personal needs. For example, if you take your first dose of MMS at 8:00am, you will be finished with 8 hours of dosing by 3:00pm (or with 10 hours of dosing by 5:00pm), and you’ll be able to have a normal sized dinnertime meal if you so wish. In contrast, you may prefer to start your dosing routine later in the day so that you may have a morning glass of orange juice or coffee at least 2 hours before starting administration.
Safety Precautions While Using MMS1
Below we have some basic safety guidelines to be aware of when using or storing MMS. Read them carefully before buying or using MMS1 or MMS2:- Make sure to keep MMS out of reach of children and animals. Although it may be administered to children and animals according to an MMS protocol, it can produce negative and potentially toxic effects when ingested in high quantities by kids and pets. Thus, make sure to store it away out of reach of children. Read Dr. Thomas Hesselink’s overdose information to learn more about safe dosing in both children and adults.
- Make sure to clearly label spray bottles or dropper bottles of pre-prepared MMS for what they’re for. Though MMS can be used in both the eyes as well as on the skin, for example, using the skin solution in the eyes can be painful and may even cause eye damage. Make sure you make note of the different formulas on each MMS mixture that you bottle for use.
- Do not deposit MMS wastes down the drain if your home uses a septic tank. This can kill the septic tank bacteria and cause a big mess.
- Full strength MMS liquid (sodium chlorite solution) can be irritating if it comes in direct contact with bare skin. If you happen to get it on your skin, rinse it off with clean water. You should also avoid getting this solution on your clothes, if possible, because it can discolor them irreparably.
- AVOID BREATHING THE CHLORINE DIOXIDE GAS. The gas produced by activated MMS1 should not be inhaled in most cases. There is only one MMS protocol that involves breathing of chlorine dioxide gas, and this protocol should only be used in serious cases and only with strict, careful observance of the steps involved with no variations whatsoever. Inhalation of too much chlorine dioxide gas can prove toxic to the lungs and nasal passages and any inhalation should be done VERY carefully and with extreme moderation. Thus, mix the MMS carefully and in protocols that involve the application of chlorine gas to the skin, use great caution and take care to position yourself so that you’re unlikely to breathe in much of the gas.
- Do not EVER ingest unactivated MMS solution (sodium chlorite solution) without first activating it with either citric acid or hydrochloric acid (HCl). Sodium chlorite is highly alkaline and can be considered corrosive when ingested on its own. If it’s ingested without the activator, it can cause heavy metal poisoning in people with metal stints or other metal objects in their bodies due to corrosion of these materials. After activation of the MMS with an acid, you should ALWAYS mix the drops with a suitable amount of water according to the protocol you’re following.
- Always label your MMS bottles clearly and explicitly. It’s not always possible to tell the difference between sodium chlorite solution and water, and drinking sodium chlorite by accident in place of water can lead to lengthy hospital visits. If you accidentally drink a large quantity of unactivated MMS, you should start drinking as much saltwater as possible (mix 1 tablespoon of sea salt with 1 liter/quart of water) until you feel like vomiting. Drink more to induce vomiting again. Try to do this a few more times. If this is not possible, you will need to go to the hospital.
- MMS protocols may cancel out the effects of birth control pills.
- If you travel with MMS making materials, be sure to pack them up carefully to avoid spillage (or minimize the effects of any such spillage that may occur). Store the sodium chlorite (MMS) solution in a separate bag from the acid activator, and make sure to double bag both. Ideally, DMSO should not be packed in the same bag as MMS. The MMS materials and the DMSO should be kept in completely different suitcases if this is at all possible. If not, triple bag the MMS solution, acid, and DMSO and keep them all in different, separated locations to avoid interactions with each other in case they should spill en route to your destination. You may also wrap tape around the MMS, acid, and DMSO bottles for extra protection.
- Do not transport or travel with pre-prepared CDS or CDH, particularly in larger quantities of 2 ounces or more. These solutions can be highly combustible.
Safety Precautions While Using MMS2 (Calcium Hypochlorite)
Make sure to read these MMS2 safety precautions before purchasing, storing, or using MMS2 at home. MMS2 is a powerful and highly effective medicine, but it’s important to carefully adhere to the precautions below for safe use of it:- Calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) is quite flammable. It can ignite even if there’s only a small spark nearby. Do not use flames or anything that might spark ANYWHERE near MMS2 powder because there is a high risk that it will cause a major fire, even with very little flame or sparks.
- If you spill calcium hypochlorite, do not clean it up using a broom because the broom may cause small sparks that could cause a fire. Instead, use two dustpans or one dustpan and a wet rag to clean up the mess.
- Calcium hypochlorite is hydroscopic, meaning that it easily absorbs water from the air. If your supply of MMS2 capsules becomes moist, deposit them. Do not put them down the drain if you have a septic tank. If you’re connected to a city water supply, you can safely deposit about 1 liter of MMS2 powder at a time down the drain. If you cannot deposit them down the drain, then mix them with some water to ensure they cannot ignite and then take them out in the garbage. However, if you’ve mixed the MMS2 powder with water, you may safely deposit it anywhere. The instructions above are for the powder form.
- Do not breathe in MMS2 fumes and do not get the powder form in your eyes or on your skin. There are protocols involving the use of a solution with dissolved MMS2 in water that can be applied to the skin, but the powder should not touch the skin or eyes.
- Don’t make more than a 1-month supply of MMS2 capsules at a time. They can become brittle and break open if stored for too long, which can not only be inconvenient but a waste of medicinal material.
- If you use a capsule maker, ensure that the one you use is made of plastic and not metal. MMS2 powder reacts negatively with metal.
- DO NOT TAKE MMS2 INTERNALLY AT THE SAME TIME AS DMSO. DO NOT USE MMS2 SOLUTION WITH DMSO ON THE SKIN. This can cause burns either internally in the mouth/esophagus/stomach or on the surface of the skin. Do not EVER do this under ANY circumstances. Use great care to never mix MMS2 and DMSO. If you’re following a protocol like the Protocol 2000 that calls for the use of MMS1 + DMSO along with MMS2, make sure to wait at least 30 minutes before and after taking the MMS1 + DMSO mix before taking the MMS2 capsule.
- DO NOT LET MMS2 POWDER (CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE POWDER) COME IN CONTACT WITH DMSO. This will immediately cause the MMS2 to ignite and cause a large and hot fire, with or without a spark. Stand back and put the fire out with water if this happens (the water will spatter, so be careful).
Safety Precautions for MMS1 Activators
Citric Acid
- If you get citric acid powder or liquid in your eyes or on your skin, flush the eyes/skin immediately with clean water until the stinging sensation is gone. If you flush your eyes immediately you will likely be fine. But, if you wait longer than 30 seconds before beginning to flush your eyes you should go to the hospital because there could be damage from leaving acid in the eyes for 30+ seconds. First rinse your eyes still, and then go to the hospital if it’s taken you longer than 30 seconds to begin the rinsing.
- Citric acid can cause a stomach upset for some people. If you experience significant gastrointestinal problems after using citric acid as an activator, then you may use hydrochloric acid instead to activate the MMS solution.
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
- As with citric acid, if you get hydrochloric acid solution in your eyes you should flush them IMMEDIATELY with clean water.
- If you get the 4% hydrochloric acid solution suggested on your skin, you shouldn’t have much irritation as long as you wash it off right away. However, keep in mind that large spills of this acid, particularly if its a higher concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl), can cause serious burns or even death, so use caution.
Safety Precautions for DMSO Use
By itself, DMSO is one of the safest substances in the world with a toxicity profile similar to that of clean water. However, DMSO also has some unique qualities that make it extremely powerful as a medicine which means that it should be used intelligently according to the safety guidelines outlined below:- DMSO is a solvent and a carrier. Do not put it in a plastic container or use it with plastic utensils because it will dissolve them over time. As a carrier, it is capable of picking up and carrying with it any substance it comes in contact with. Therefore, applying DMSO to plastic and then to your skin would leech the plastic from the container and carry it directly into your cells. This quality increases the penetration ability of DMSO, but it also means that you must be careful with what substances you mix with DMSO when you use it. If you’re currently taking prescription medications, you should check with a doctor or medical professional for advice on whether it’s safe for you to use DMSO with the medication you’re on. For the same reasons, DO NOT USE DMSO WITH RUBBER GLOVES! You can apply it directly to your hands in most cases, and this is preferable.
- Do not use soap, lotions, nail polish, unclean water, or any other similar substances that would include chemicals or fragrances at the same time that you use DMSO. You should wait AT LEAST 15 minutes after using DMSO to prevent yourself from coming into contact with any of these chemical substances. If you absolutely must use soap, choose a chemical- and fragrance-free option like Dr. Bronner’s soap.
- Do not put full-strength DMSO directly into your eyes (DMSO carries water into the body too and can be somewhat drying, so it can dry out the eyes if used directly like this, which isn’t good).
- Make sure to carefully clean the area of the skin where you’ll apply DMSO before application. Use clean water and chemical- and fragrance-free soap, or only water.
- NEVER ADD DMSO TO AN ENEMA SOLUTION. See the section on MMS enemas for more information on this detail.
- DO NOT USE DMSO WITH MMS2 INTERNALLY OR EXTERNALLY. See information on MMS2 safety precautions for the reason why.
- Try to obtain a No-Odor DMSO product of 90-99% purity. You may use DMSO that is only 70% purity, but if you use this, you’ll need to use 4 drops to every 1 activated drop of MMS1 rather than only 3 drops to every 1 activated drop as is used with 90-99% purity DMSO. Check on the bottle to see if the DMSO is diluted further (there is purity level and then there is dilution level… you want for the dilution level and the purity level both to be between 90-99%).

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