Overcome Long COVID without Drugs or Doctors
Below is a very brief discussion of the basic elements that I used on myself and my family to overcome Long COVID without a doctor and without taking any drugs. There is definitely a step-wise process to healing from Long COVID. But the reality of getting rid of Long COVID is that the stages of healing may not be in any distinct order. The nature of the disease process, as I understand it, involves a bit of jumping around from stage 3 to stage 5 and then back to stage 1, etc. because of the role that the autonomic nervous system plays in causing Long COVID symptoms.
Holistic Cures for Long COVID
Rather than looking at Long COVID as a disease that occurs in stages, I prefer to look at it as a labyrinth. Everyone has essentially the same areas/experiences inside their labyrinth. The goal is to really explore one’s personal labyrinth and in doing so, find your way out of it. To push into a new set of symptoms is the goal if you have Long COVID and keep exploring new treatments until you start to notice your life getting back to normal. If you've been stuck with a certain set of Long COVID symptoms and then, you do a treatment, and things get worse (or better), that change is noteworthy and whether the results were positive or negative, you should celebrate the changes in your symptom picture. When change happens, you’ve found something important: A Golden Nugget and you're ready to work toward the core of the disease to get rid of the final set of toxins and imbalances that are still causing health problems. The final stage exiting the labyrinth and getting your life back after Long COVID. My hope is that as readers learn about how people have healed from Long COVID they'll be able to visualize their own labyrinth as though they're looking down at it from a high place rather than being enveloped by the walls of this labyrinth. A holistic cure for Long COVID requires that patients with this disease begin to look at their symptoms from a different perspective outside of conventional medicine and how conventional medicine requires people to look at fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain, etc. If you're sick of being sick with Long COVID, then you're ready to look beyond conventional medicine at everything out there that exists to help you heal. There are many things to choose from that really work!
Click here to buy the 2 volume COVID-19 prevention and self-treatment book bundle.
Long COVID Depression and Hopelessness
As I went through the “stages” of Long COVID myself, I often caught myself feeling hopeless and depressed (I had been enveloped by the walls of my own labyrinth). But these feelings reminded me of at least three other major illnesses that I’ve recovered from in my life (fibromyalgia, Reiter's syndrome, and systemic Candida albicans). Having this point of reference helped me stop the toxic, hopeless thoughts and Long COVID depression. But I had to also acknowledge the fact that Candida albicans might be playing a role in my Long COVID mood problems. I feel very blessed to know that something like Candida albicans can cause emotional/mood problems along with many of the physical symptoms of Long COVID. Candida is curable. It’s a process to cure Candida, but it IS curable. And the infectious form of Candida is extremely common and not just an infection that occurs in AIDs patients who are seriously debilitated. Anyone can develop a systemic Candida infection.Click here to learn more about how to cure Candida.
Indeed, many of the symptoms of Long COVID are nothing but symptoms of a Candida infection that emerges at the end of the active stages of Long COVID. But there may be more to this story. Because COVID-19 is such a new disease, there’s a lot of learning still ahead about what it is and how it works. But there is scientific evidence and news media reports of people with Long COVID developing oral thrush which is a visible form a systemic Candida infection. Unfortunately, news reports tend to imply that the patient has developed oral thrush because of COVID or because of some irreparable physiological problem that exists because the patient has Long COVID. The news stories never talk about how the patient’s Long COVID may in fact be nothing more than a Candida albicans infection.

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Having put this down in writing in bold print, no less, I now have to backpedal and explain that for many people, a Candida albicans infection is a very serious thing. Candida can kill you if you it isn’t dealt with properly. So of course, that’s scary. But my goal here is to give readers hope. So, if a systemic Candida infection is too scary to consider, I invite readers to think about the disease from one of the many other perspectives offered on this site. If you have Candida flare-ups from time to time, like vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, or a mental health issues like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (which is almost always worsened by Candida and sometimes will disappear completely when Candida is treated), then you should start by working with the Lugol's Iodine Protocol to improve your immune system function. Candida hijacks immunity and it is particularly problematic in people who have iodine deficiency. Indeed, iodine deficiency is one of the underlying causes of Long COVID depression symptoms because without adequate levels of iodine, your thyroid gland can't function properly. A poorly functioning thyroid gland means low metabolism, brain fog, fatigue, inflammation, and other symptoms that support and lead to the experience of depression.Can Iodine Deficiency Cause Long COVID?
Click here to learn more about the Lugol's Iodine Protocol. Without proper levels of iodine in the body, the body will not be able to overcome Long COVID naturally because iodine plays such a vital role in immune system health. Iodine was once used to fortify the food supply in the U.S. and other developed countries because it plays such an important role in maintaining a healthy weight, preventing cancer, keeping immune system function balanced, and intellectual development. But in the 1980s, Big Food and Big Pharma decided to work together to improve the profitability of the healthcare system and they removed iodine from bread products (bread was an excellent carrier for iodine) and put the iodine in table salt (table salt is a terrible carrier for iodine because the iodine evaporates out of the salt within about 1 day after the box is opened).
Click here to buy Lugol's Iodine 2%.
Around the same time, Genetically Modified staple food plants like corn, wheat, and soy because mainstream. These plant-foods no longer were going through the Shikimate Pathway to produce vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7 / MK-7 which is a vitamin that prevents the calcification of soft tissues like blood vessels (calcification of blood vessels is known as "atherosclerosis"), breast tissues (breast calcifications cause many false positives and spur numerous unnecessary biopsies and surgeries in women each year), and the pineal gland (which can cause people to experience Long COVID symptoms and other symptoms of autism or autoimmunity). Click here to learn more about diseases caused by a deficiency of vitamin K2. Click here to read more about the government-supported decision to remove vitamin K2 and iodine from the food supply so as to cause higher rates of disease.
Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
If you aren't aware of the politics of iodine and nutrients, then it may be hard to understand how to heal from Long COVID using nutrient therapies. Many people require a table-full of nutrient supplements to overcome Long COVID naturally without drugs or doctors. If you don't understand how nutrients have been removed from the food supply systematically to literally set people up to have certain health-related vulnerabilities, then you'll miss this important information about how Long COVID is cured. Lugol's iodine was once the most prescribed medicine on the planet by conventional medicine doctors because it could cure so many diseases that resisted treatment.
Long COVID and PTSD: How Trauma and Long COVID are Related
All of the Long COVID health coaching clients that we work with online have two things that they need to work with before they begin making progress in treating Long COVID at home:- Iodine supplementation along with the supportive nutrients at the suggested doses for at least 1 year.
- Trauma-informed therapies to address autonomic nervous system dysfunction and COVID trauma / COVID PTSD.
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Above, we talked briefly about the Lugol's Iodine Protocol for Long COVID and how you'll end up with an array of nutrient supplements that you'll take daily on a table or a shelf if you decide to work with this form of therapy to restore your immune system to baseline health. Trauma-informed therapies are just as important though, but very different in terms of Long COVID treatment. Trauma is something that seems really simple at first glance. Most people think of trauma as something that happens when a person is raped or when someone goes to war, but in fact, as I learned from personal experience, trauma can also be caused by a dental procedure that's really painful or by simply witnessing something that another person experiences that causes you to feel as though you might die or be seriously harmed. Click here to read this article about trauma development and evolution where I describe how I developed panic attacks as a result of a dental procedure that was scary and painful. I was lucky in that I got to actually retrospectively look back and observe how trauma caused my panic attacks, and how my autonomic nervous system had encoded this dental experience in my subconscious / unconscious mind, causing me actual physical symptoms of distress. This experience helped me better understand what causes Long COVID and how to treat it at home. Most trauma-informed therapies are elegantly simple and easy to do at home if you simply know what they are and how they're working to reset your body. I think of trauma as a big bag of stones that we carry in our autonomic nervous system. The bag of stones can make the hearts feel heavy, the guts feel wrenched, our minds feel crazy among other things. Releasing the trauma-stones one by one takes time, but slowly, with each treatment, people feel less fear, less heaviness, fewer physical symptoms, and less isolation. Some of the trauma-informed therapies work fairly quickly while others take a bit more time. Some of my favorite trauma-informed therapies that I've worked with myself and that I've recommended to health coaching clients who have used them with success in treating Long COVID include:- Psilocybin mushroom microdosing plus integrative psychotherapy / coaching
- Psilocybin mushroom macrodosing plus integrative psychotherapy / coaching
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Online Therapy at Home
- Hypnotherapy / Mind-Body Guided Meditations: The DreamLight.app
Psilocybin for Long COVID
Lydian and I are both trained in integrative psychotherapy and we also have extensive experience working under a curandera in Mexico to fully understand the sacred medicines like psilocybin mushrooms. Using psilocybin for Long COVID works very well to release COVID trauma and untangle the emotional material such that it is no longer being expressed in the form of physical symptoms.
Click here to buy psilocybin for Long COVID treatment: MACRODOSE.
Both macrodosing and microdosing psilocybin is helpful to our health coaching clients who wish to make progress quickly with regard to removing trauma due to COVID or trauma due to other causes, but we usually recommend that our clients work with both macrodosing and microdosing for best results.
Click here to buy psilocybin microdosing for Long COVID.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR for Long COVID / EMDR for COVID Trauma and More...
The Long COVID mind-body connection creates a lot of frustration for people who work with conventional medicine. Essentially, the autonomic nervous system is the interface between the mind and the body. If you ignore the interface or if you ignore the role of the mind in causing physical symptoms, you'll get stuck treating Long COVID. On the other hand, if you work with something simple like EMDR for Long COVID and experience first-hand how something as easy as specific eye movements can cure disease, you'll have the opportunity to realize how far off course drugs and pharmaceuticals are taking us in terms of human health. EMDR is a system that basically involves calibrated back and forth eye movements to release trauma (it really works!). EMDR mimics the natural eye movements that we make during REM sleep. If you're looking for a way to get rid of insomnia due to Long COVID and start sleeping soundly again, EMDR can help. Anyone can use EMDR to reduce symptoms of Long COVID at home, without a doctor and without drug interventions. EMDR is safe for use in kids, in pregnant women, in the elderly, and in people with other health issues. The eye movements that you make when you do EMDR pull gently on the cranial bones to put them back in place (the cranial bones "float" and can move just slightly along with movements of the topmost vertebrae, the atlas). When the cranial bones or the atlas move out of alignment, even slightly, they put pressure on the cranial nerves that have to pass through little holes in the skull to innervate the entire body. If our cranial bones or vertebrae are putting pressure on the cranial nerves, this hijacks the autonomic nervous system and causes us to experience mental or physical health issues.
Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
The DreamLight.app Guided Meditation for Long COVID
The DreamLight.app is a popular guided meditation tool that uses brain entrainment and hypnotherapy for Long COVID and other serious diseases. This app is particularly popular with people who have serious diseases that have a strong, established mind-body component because the guided meditation specifically pertain to the unconscious release of physical symptoms of disease. Trance states are healing states of mind that can be used to accomplish miraculous healing effects. Some people have trouble going into a hypnotic trance though, so the developers of The DreamLight.app created a brain entrainment tool that uses flickering lights that mimic the appearance of light passing through the leaves of a tree on a breezy day. The use of lights for brain entrainment takes users into a deep, healing trance state to overcome Long COVID. Users can choose from several different guided meditations or use the program without any guided meditation to produce a trance for Long COVID healing.
Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
How Trauma Hijacks Long COVID Cures
Some illnesses are purely physical. Other illnesses include a social component (contagious disease is an example, but so is mass hysteria). And still other illnesses involve emotions and trauma. The medical model used in conventional medicine doesn’t acknowledge that humans have layers and that healing needs to address the layers involved in a given patient’s disease state. In conventional medicine, patients are nothing but a number and they are viewed as a source of profits rather than as human beings.Trauma causes people to go numb. Or it causes them to be easily "triggered". Trauma triggers in Long COVID patients may, in fact, consist primarily of medical treatments. In other words, people with Long COVID may actually experience a powerful, negative physical response to even thinking about going to a doctor or taking drugs for Long COVID. Perhaps you're reading this article now, for example, because you're trying to help a loved one overcome Long COVID. Perhaps every time you try to talk to this person about alternative treatments for Long COVID, they get a distant look in their eyes and they freak out a little bit. Maybe they get angry with you for bringing it up and it seems (to you), like they might be losing their marbles. This is what a PTSD "flashback" looks like to someone who is watching the flashback in another person. Flashbacks in PTSD have been overly dramatized in the movies, unfortunately, and many people think that flashbacks are dramatic and easy to identify. In real life, a person who has been "triggered" and is having a "flashback" just gets really hard to wrangle and they stop being reasonable. When a person is having a flashback after having been triggered their bodies (specifically the autonomic nervous system parts that have been traumatized), not their minds are talking.
The good news is that, though trauma can hijack the mind via the autonomic nervous system, you can offer a person who is "trigger-y" physical treatments to reduce their "trigger-iness" so as to improve your ability to educate them about what's actually happening. Once a person has been triggered and they become distant and perhaps very emotional due to trauma, they have to come back to the present moment before you can communicate with them again. I often recommend that people carry 3 strings with them to braid together into a necklace or bracelet when they feel like they've been triggered. While braiding, a person who is having a flashback should focus on the present moment by noticing the five senses (what can be seen, heard, felt with the skin, smelled, or even tasted) along with the breath. This is called Mindfulness. Many of our clients are able to use mindfulness to overcome Long COVID symptoms that resist other forms of treatment.
If you feel fear about your Long COVID treatments, you need to find something that inspires you to feel faith in the idea that you can, in fact, heal from Long COVID. This may involve finding a different treatment or even an entirely different system of medicine. Or perhaps you just need to learn more about how the treatment you’re using actually works. The treatments that are included in the books that Lydian and I write are all part of a system of medical models that have to connect in a particular way or we don’t include them in the discussion. In other words, Lydian and I scour the research to figure out how treatment with something like Chlorine Dioxide Solution for Long COVID meshes with all (or most) of the other medical models in the book before we include it. When we start seeing the connections between the various models for a given disease, we know it’s time to write a book.
COVID-19 and Respiratory Infection Self treatment and Prevention BUNDLE - Volumes 1, 2, and 3
Just as a cloud can take shape in only one or two layers of the atmosphere at the same time or it can take shape as a huge supercell that’s 12 kilometers tall and spanning the lower levels of the atmosphere to the higher levels, diseases can take shape as superficial events that are easily treated using a pill or a one-time treatment or the disease can be dense, angry, destructive, and deeply rooted. In either case, the storm can clear and the clouds can go away. Conventional medicine teaches us that the clouds never go away -- that the clouds are solid things that are ever-present and unchanging, but this isn't true. Clouds are constantly changing and moving. They're a part of a process that we call "weather" just as diseases are a part of a process that we call "health".
Maintaining hope that you can cure Long COVID and move on with your life is extremely important. According to a number of models of medicine, hope IS the medicine for Long COVID. The COVID pandemic has robbed people of hope by traumatizing them, but you can overcome COVID trauma and get your life back again after Long COVID too. I've done it and I've helped other people do it too. Now it's your turn.