Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Solution and Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine for COVID Treatment at Home
IMPORTANT NOTE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.
Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with Methylene Blue through Phase 2 for COVID-19.
NOTE: Never combine an oxidant therapy with an antioxidant like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E or any other type of antioxidant. To do so, would render the oxidant therapy (such as Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone Therapy, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Artemisia annua, etc.) ineffective.
Definition of Terms for Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine
Free Radical: A free radical is an uncharged molecule that is highly reactive and usually short-lived because it contains an unpaired electron in its outer electron shell. These electrons are “lonely” in that they seek the companionship of other electrons.Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are highly reactive chemical “species” that contain oxygen. ROS are essential for proper cellular functioning and they are used by human cells to communicate with other human cells, particularly about stressors or infection, in order to maintain balance and general well-being inside the body. But ROS also cause irreversible damage to DNA and can cause modification of cellular organs that prevent cells from properly performing their normal healthy functions. As such, ROS perform a dual role in the body. They tend to be released by human cells that are under stress, and they play a role in promoting immunity, but they can also cause damage to human cells in the process if they are not properly balanced with antioxidants in the body.
Some ROS are also free radicals. As such, they may also be called oxygen radicals or oxygen free radicals. For the sake of simplicity, to accentuate the opposing affects of free radicals, ROS, and antioxidants, we refer to ROS and free radicals as “oxidants”.
Oxidant: For the sake of simplicity and to accentuate the opposing roles of oxidants and antioxidants, we use the term oxidant throughout this material. The word oxidant is often used in describing oxidation-reduction reactions in chemistry, but the technical definition of an oxidant (as an electron RECEIVER) is extremely confusing for laypeople and we’re trying to distill this information and make it simpler without oversimplifying it to the point of being useless. So the word oxidant is used in this document to mean “the opposite of an antioxidant”. Readers who are knowledgeable about chemistry, please forgive us for technical problems in the chemistry of the metaphor we’re attempting to present here!
Antioxidant: Antioxidants are substances that counteract the effects of oxidants and oxidation that is caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants DONATE electrons to oxidants to make lonely, unpaired electrons less lonely.
Antioxidants and Oxidants
The field of Reactive Oxygen Medicine is relatively new and it is the study of theoretical chemical reactions that often cannot be observed, particularly if they happen inside the human body. But that doesn’t change the fact that oxidants and antioxidants are a vital part of human health. It doesn’t change the fact that our bodies produce oxidants and antioxidants to maintain health and well-being against infection and stress. But in an effort to make this information more accessible to lay-people who wish to use oxidants and antioxidants to reclaim their health at home, outside of a hospital or a conventional medical setting, we’re going to simplify this material we’re going to talk only briefly and superficially about how the Antioxidant-Oxidant Model of Medicine works. Formally this system of medicine is known as Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine, though this is apt to change in the future when patentable medicines become available using these technologies.Based on our studies and the current, available research, there is a very simple rule that average people can follow to use oxidants and antioxidants for healing:
The Basic Rule for Using Oxidants and Antioxidants for Healing
Use oxidants short-term to treat infections or to chelate heavy metals or other toxins and remove them from the body.
Use antioxidants long-term to prevent infections. SOMETIMES certain powerful antioxidants can be used to treat infections or to improve the energy levels in cells and in the body as a whole.
Most of us are familiar with antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. Antioxidants have gotten a lot of good press over the years because they have the ability to bind with those lonely electrons in free radicals and thus stop the oxidation of tissues. Stopping the oxidation of tissues amounts to a roughly an “anti-aging” affect on the body, but while anti-aging effects are important and valuable to people who are in general good health, the oxidant effects that are caused by free radicals can also be important for health. The opposite of an “antioxidant” is an “oxidant”. And while antioxidants can keep human tissues young and supple, there’s a time and a place for oxidants. Oxidants are substances that interact with pathogens in a way that causes the pathogens to die. So oxidant therapies are particularly useful and important during infection. But oxidants can also interact with heavy metals and other unhealthy toxins to carry them safely (like police escorts) out of the body.
But while oxidants are extremely important in the treatment of infection, antioxidants can also help us treat infection because antioxidants sometimes donate electrons not just to calm the radical nature of oxidants and the aging effects that oxidants can have on the body, but to recharge the batteries (mitochondria) inside human cells.
Our front line immune defenses, white blood cells (neutrophils), release oxidants and free radicals when an infectious pathogen is detected inside the body. These naturally-occurring, human-made free radicals have the ability to seek out and destroy a broad spectrum of infectious pathogens, which is why they stand sentinel at the front line of the immune system in the first place. When pathogens breach those front-line free radical defenses, the immune system must come up with other strategies to protect the body and overcome invaders. These other strategies take time for the immune system to implement. But these naturally-occurring, human-made oxidants, however, can do a lot of damage to the invading pathogens while the immune system comes up with a fool-proof defensive strategy to restore our bodies to health.
Though our immune system is constantly working to produce naturally-occuring, human-made oxidants to protect us from disease and our bodies are constantly counteracting the effects of these oxidants, we can sometimes hack into this system by taking oxidants or antioxidants as medicines.

Free Radicals and Oxidants for Human Health
Oxidant medicine has a lot to offer self-hackers and anyone who is ready to take control over their own health. Both oxidants and antioxidants are widely available and affordable and they exist in a variety of different formats. But one of the most tragic things about oxidant and antioxidant medicine is the fact that it’s easy to do it WRONG. It’s unlikely that you’ll hurt yourself using an oxidant, but it’s VERY likely that you’ll accidentally combine your oxidant medicine with an antioxidant that cancels out its effects if you aren’t vigilant about following a protocol that takes into account the basic chemistry of how these substances work.Oxidants have an extremely broad antimicrobial action. They can be used to cure diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoan, amoeba, parasites, and more. Indeed, oxidants can also combine with heavy metals and environmental toxins to remove them safely from the body. So oxidants are extremely valuable as medicines, though they can cause stress to bodily tissues if they’re administered for long-periods of time and without the EVENTUAL balance of antioxidant medicines to restore tissues. But when you take an oxidant medicine, you need to avoid FOODS that contain antioxidants as well as supplements or other medicines that contain antioxidants.
The field of conventional medicines that works with antioxidant and oxidant therapies for the treatment and prevention of disease is called Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine, an awkward term for a field that’s supposed to be hidden from public view. When Donald Trump listed off a series of COVID cures in the early days of the pandemic, he drew almost exclusively from Reactive Oxygen Species medicine in his list of options which included (this document is not, by the way, a political stance regarding Donald Trump):
- Ozone Therapy - this type of therapy uses reactive molecules of oxygen that contain 3 oxygen atoms rather than the usual 2 oxygen atoms to ensure high reactivity when the ozone encounters a pathogen in the body.
- Chlorine Dioxide (also known as Miracle Mineral Solution) - This therapy involves the production of a reactive substance by mixing sodium chlorite with an acid activator to create a substance that easily releases oxygen that kills pathogens throughout the body.
- Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide - Food grade hydrogen peroxide is chemically just water with an extra oxygen in the molecule. This extra oxygen can easily detach to seek out and destroy pathogens in the body. It works in a manner that’s similar to chlorine dioxide / miracle mineral solution.
- Artemisia annua (Wormwood) / Artemisinin + Quinine - This herb was used in Tanzania during the first year after the pandemic to cure COVID. I visited Tanzania in person during this time period. No one wore masks and COVID was practically unknown in the population. The president at that time had declared that COVID was not a problem in the country because of widespread use of Artemisia annua to treat the disease. Artemisia is known to release hydrogen peroxide when it is taken orally by humans, though this treatment must be used in the sunlight because the broad-spectrum, long wave light that the sun provides releases hydroxyl radicals that have an oxidation potential that’s superior to ozone. Combining artemisinin, a substance found in Artemisia annua with quinine, a substance found in the bark of the Cinchona tree, is a powerful natural treatment for COVID too, although the mechanisms through which these two substances work together may be different than the oxidant-antioxidant mechanism.
- Nano-Colloidal Silver - Colloidal silver has been popular for many years as an alternative treatment of disease, but nano-colloidal silver is the best choice for treating infection because it works through the generation of reactive oxygen species as well as by attaching itself to bacterial cell walls to disrupt cellular respiration and more. Combining nano-colloidal silver with certain wavelengths of light (infrared, radiowaves, and magnetic fields) can strengthen or target its effects on the body. Certain nanoparticle shapes are more potent against infection. For example, truncated, triangular nanoparticles of silver have the strongest activity against Escherichia coli while the tetrasilver tetroxide molecule can be used to cure HIV (as an intravenous medicine).
Important Chlorine Dioxide Caveat
The incredibly broad-spectrum action of oxidants like Chlorine Dioxide, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide + Sunlight, Artemisia annua, Ozone Therapy, and Nano Colloidal Silver can be deceptive for some people. Though oxidants like Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) have an extremely broad-spectrum action against many infections, they don’t work on all infections. And though they may be able to cure an infection, if your body is already sick, adding an oxidant into your physiological milieu to kill the infection necessitates a balanced application of other medicines that your body will need in order to rebuild after the onslaught of infection plus oxidation.Though Chlorine Dioxide (which is activated sodium chlorite) has become more popular over the use of Miracle Mineral Solution (which is un-activated Chlorine Dioxide that is stored in two different bottles: one that contains sodium chlorite and one that contains an acid activator such as citric acid), I always recommend that people activate their sodium chlorite for each use (rather than storing Chlorine Dioxide in bulk for use in small doses over time). In some cases, it may work to make fresh Chlorine Dioxide every morning for a day’s worth of doses but the reason why I avoid making the Chlorine Dioxide in advance is because it’s very easy for Chlorine Dioxide to lose its potency and stop working. And there’s no way for people to know when it’s lost its potency. Nonetheless, if the Chlorine Dioxide is no longer potent, and no longer working as an Oxidant Medicine, and you’re using it to treat a serious disease like COVID or cancer, then you don’t want to take doses of Chlorine Dioxide that’s completely inactive.
Further, when people have this medicine stored in two separate bottles (which is colloquially known as “Miracle Mineral Solution”): 1 bottle of sodium chlorite and 1 bottle of an acid such as 3% citric acid solution, they can dilute the citric acid solution down to 3% to cure a disease like flesh-eating bacteria disease should they need to. That’s right. Doctors in India have been using 3% citric acid solutions to cure flesh-eating bacteria disease when all other, more expensive antibiotic treatments don’t work. So, when you store this oxidant medicine in two separate bottles (sodium chlorite and an acid activator) and only activate the Chlorine Dioxide within less than 30 minutes of when you intend to use it, you’re guaranteed to have a fully active dose of the medicine. And you technically have two extremely valuable medications on hand, as needed: citric acid (for bacteria that hate the acidic qualities of the activator) and/or (activated) chlorine dioxide.
As more and more people become aware of the virtues and utility of oxidant medicines in the self-treatment of diseases, it’s vital that they understand the limitations of these medications too as well as the incredible diversity of illnesses that can be treated using oxidants and antioxidants.
Antibiotic Resistance, Chlorine Dioxide, and Other Oxidant Medicines
Antibiotic resistance is a major world issue that affects all of us negatively. Not only are human pathogens developing a resistance to antibiotics at an alarming rate, but animal pathogens are too. If we continue to use antibiotics as our primary protection against pathogens, the human race will inevitably die because antibiotics are toxic to our gut flora and they’re becoming less and less toxic to pathogen too. But oxidants are much harder for pathogens to overcome. A pathogen that hates oxidants will have a much more difficult time evolving into a pathogen that loves or can deal with oxidant exposure than it would evolving a defense against a single antibiotic.Oxidant medicines are significantly less likely to push pathogens toward an evolution of defense against oxygen. This is a major advantage of Oxidant Medicines. They won’t harm your gut flora so long as you use them in moderation and they won’t cause the infecting pathogen to become resistant to the medication over time the way that infectious pathogens become resistant to antibiotics.
Antioxidant Medicines Against COVID and Other Infectious Diseases
As we mentioned above, antioxidants oppose the action of oxidants. And antioxidants, as a general rule, are best used to prevent and recuperate from disease. They can, however, be used effectively to cure certain diseases too! For example, Methylene Blue, NAC, and Vitamin C are three powerful antioxidants that have been used to cure COVID through mechanisms of action that are very different from how oxidants work.Nonetheless, when used in the right way and at the right time, antioxidants can be used to fight infection and at times, they may be a better choice than oxidant medicines. For example, perhaps you’ve been taking oxidant medicines for 2 weeks to treat a COVID-19 infection and though the active phase of the disease appears to be over (according to lab results), maybe you still feel terrible. Your doctor may tell you that you have Long COVID (also known as Long Haul COVID) and tell you that you’ll just have to hope that the symptoms clear up on their own. If this is your story, it would be best to switch to heavy-duty antioxidants like Methylene Blue, NAC, and Vitamin C. Antioxidants are an excellent choice for recovery from a major infection or disease.
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) Alternative Treatment for COVID
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) is essentially the same thing as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Actually, to be more precise, Chlorine Dioxide is the activated version of Miracle Mineral Solution. In other words, Chlorine Dioxide is the mixture of the sodium chlorite + the acid activator, which is usually stored in the refrigerator in a dark brown bottle for later use. Mineral Mineral Solution, on the other hand, is sodium chlorite stored in one brown bottle and an acid activator stored in another, separate bottle. When a person wants to use Miracle Mineral Solution, they have to activate the mixture by putting 1 drop of the sodium chlorite with 1 drop of the activator to create Chlorine Dioxide (which is a 1:1 solution of sodium chlorite: acid activator). In this author’s opinion, it’s wise to keep the sodium chlorite separate from the activator until right before use or else one risks the possibility of taking Chlorine Dioxide that longer has any potency. Oxidant medicines are often reactive to sunlight and other wavelengths of light. So every time they are exposed to light (as when the refrigerator door opens), they can lose their potency. It’s true that the pre-mixed Chlorine Dioxide is more convenient, but storing this stuff for longer than 1 day is unwise in my opinion. It only takes a few minutes to mix, activate, and then consume Chlorine Dioxide. And if you activate your Chlorine Dioxide each time you use it (and make sure that the activated solution turns an amber brown color), you can rest assured that it will work as promised as an anti-infective inside the body.DOSAGE: Take 6 activated drops of Chlorine Dioxide with drinking water by mouth every 8 hours at the first sign of a coronavirus infection. Add 18 drops of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to the solution to make it more powerful.
Hydrogen Peroxide Alternative Treatment for COVID
Food grade hydrogen peroxide has a chemical formula that’s very similar to water. Water, which is H2O, becomes hydrogen peroxide when an extra oxygen is added to the molecule to become H2O2. Food grade hydrogen peroxide can be made even more powerful through the UV/H2O2 System. This is an advanced oxidation pathway in the body that relies on the body’s exposure to sunlight after consuming food grade hydrogen peroxide. When the hydrogen peroxide is absorbed into the blood and then exposed to sunlight (through the skin), the hydrogen peroxide is changed into a hydroxyl radical that is more potent than ozone in terms of its antimicrobial effects. DOSAGE:Take 0.06% food grade hydrogen peroxide by mouth during the daytime hours when you can expose your body to sunlight..
Use a 1.5% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash to prevent COVID infection.
Use 0.2% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer to treat an active COVID-19 infection.
NOTE: Nausea, dizziness, and vomiting can occur with food grade hydrogen peroxide treatment.
Artemisia annua Herb for COVID Treatment
Artemisia annua, also known as Sweet Wormwood, is an herb that works by releasing hydrogen peroxide into the body when it encounters a pathogen. This medicine has been used to cure malaria and it is also a famous COVID cure that was widely used in Tanzania. A scientific study confirmed that the herb Artemisia annua as well as artesunate and artemether, two drugs that are derived from Artemisia that has been successfully used to treat malaria for years, were both successful at inhibiting COVID viruses. Artemisinin is the active element in Artemisia annua that has been scientifically proven to work against COVID-19. The use of Artemisinin and Quinine is a powerful COVID-19 cure that works through a variety of mechanisms. DOSAGE: Take 600 mg of Artemisinin with a 200 mg Quinine extract daily for 10 days to treat COVID-19 at home. The quinine extract could be added to 1 L of tonic water with lemon juice, if desired.Ozone Therapy Alternative Treatment for COVID
Ozone is one of the most potent oxidant therapies currently available. This type of therapy reduces stress on the lungs by increasing blood oxygen levels through the injection of ozone into the blood. Ozone gas (which is a molecule that consists of three atoms of oxygen), was discovered in the middle of the 19th century. It has been heavily utilized in medicine to produce scientifically proven, consistent, and safe effects with minimal and preventable side effects. It works by deactivating bacteria, yeast, viruses such as the coronavirus and COVID-19, fungi, and protozoa through its oxidant effect and the stimulation and activation of the immune system. Ozone can be administered in a variety of ways including the following:- Transcutaneous ozone gas baths at low pressure in a closed system that guarantees that no ozone will escape into the surrounding air during the procedure.
- Ozonized water is regularly used in dentistry which can be applied as a spray or as a compress.
Diseases that have been successfully treated using ozone therapy include the following:
- COVID-19
- AIDs and HIV infection
- Infected wounds
- Circulatory disorders
- Geriatric conditions
- Viral disease
- Cancer
- Macular degeneration
- Lyme Disease
- Celiac Disease
- Mold Toxicity
- Autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis
- Ulcers
- Dental Infections / Cavitations
- Sinus infection
- Brain fog
- Sore throat
- Common cold infection
- Chest congestion
- Receding gums / periodontal disease
Ozone therapy works specifically on viral infections such as COVID-19 by destroying the viral capsid, which disrupts the ability of the virus to reproduce. Peroxidation makes it impossible for the virus to interact with human cells.
You can do ozone therapy at home, but don’t attempt to breathe ozone (wear a mask during ozone preparation if you’re afraid of breathing it). When applied correctly, ozone therapy is extremely safe. The best type of ozone treatments are listed below:
- Ear insufflation
- Ozone Water (for drinking)
- Rectal insufflation
- Vaginal insufflation
Ozone therapy is usually performed for 3 minute sessions, 3 times per week. It may be used on a local, limited area of the body or as a systemic, holistic treatment aimed at whole-body wellness.
In order to do Ozone Therapy, you’ll need an oxygen tank or an oxygen concentrator and a Medical Ozone Generator. Oxygen tanks are better than oxygen generators because oxygen tanks provide 99.9% purity, while oxygen concentrators provide only about 95% purity levels at best. Oxygen tanks can be acquired through Airgas, Praxair, or a welding supply store for about $100. Do not indicate that you’re purchasing oxygen for medical reasons if you go his route. Rather, you need to pretend that you’re buying oxygen to do welding. Ask for a 20 cubic foot oxygen tank (size R).
DO NOT USE AN AQUARIUM OZONE GENERATOR TO TREAT MEDICAL DISEASES. These ozone generators produce contaminants. You need a medical ozone generator that is made with ozone-resistant materials that won’t break down over time.
- Ozone Therapy Rectal Insufflation Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
- Ozone Therapy Ear Insufflation Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
- Ozone Water Ozone Therapy Treatment Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
Nano-Colloidal Silver Alternative Treatment for COVID
Nano-colloidal silver is an oxidant therapy that has been scientifically studied to prove that it possesses potent antiviral properties that specifically inhibits the COVID-19 virus. Silver particles of 10 nm are effective at preventing the COVID-19 virus from replicating in the body when the Nano-Colloidal Silver solution had a concentration of 20 ppm or above. It works by preventing the COVID-19 virus from entering the human cell to reproduce. In scientific studies, nano-colloidal silver was able to kill coronaviruses and also prevent reproduction inside a human host. Nano-colloidal silver has a very broad antimicrobial action against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other types of microorganisms. Silver nano-particulars have been used in the following ways in conventional medicine:- Wound dressing
- Disinfection of medical devices
- Deodorant sprays
Several scientific studies have demonstrated that nano-colloidal silver can be used to combat various types of human disease including:
- Respiratory synctial virus (RSV)
- Influenza
- Norovirus
- Hepatitis virus (HBV)
- HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
- Herpes Simplex Virus
- Monkey Pox Virus
Because silver nano-particles are able to attack a broad range of microbial targets, there is a much lower probability that resistance will develop to this medicine in comparison with other narrow-target antivirals produced by pharmaceutical companies.
DOSAGE: ¼ tsp 500 ppm nano-colloidal silver 3 times daily until symptoms have been absent for at least 2 days.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: A special silver-based treatment called Tetrasilver Tetroxide has been used to cure supposedly incurable diseases such as HIV / AIDs. Tetrasilver Tetroxide can also be used to cure COVID-19. It is administered intravenously by a doctor who is knowledgeable about this type of medicine.
COVID-19 and Respiratory Infection Self treatment and Prevention BUNDLE - Volumes 1, 2, and 3
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:
Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Solution and Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine for COVID Treatment at Home
IMPORTANT NOTE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.
Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with Methylene Blue through Phase 2 for COVID-19.
NOTE: Never combine an oxidant therapy with an antioxidant like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E or any other type of antioxidant. To do so, would render the oxidant therapy (such as Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone Therapy, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Artemisia annua, etc.) ineffective.
Definition of Terms for Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine
Free Radical: A free radical is an uncharged molecule that is highly reactive and usually short-lived because it contains an unpaired electron in its outer electron shell. These electrons are “lonely” in that they seek the companionship of other electrons.Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are highly reactive chemical “species” that contain oxygen. ROS are essential for proper cellular functioning and they are used by human cells to communicate with other human cells, particularly about stressors or infection, in order to maintain balance and general well-being inside the body. But ROS also cause irreversible damage to DNA and can cause modification of cellular organs that prevent cells from properly performing their normal healthy functions. As such, ROS perform a dual role in the body. They tend to be released by human cells that are under stress, and they play a role in promoting immunity, but they can also cause damage to human cells in the process if they are not properly balanced with antioxidants in the body.
Some ROS are also free radicals. As such, they may also be called oxygen radicals or oxygen free radicals. For the sake of simplicity, to accentuate the opposing affects of free radicals, ROS, and antioxidants, we refer to ROS and free radicals as “oxidants”.
Oxidant: For the sake of simplicity and to accentuate the opposing roles of oxidants and antioxidants, we use the term oxidant throughout this material. The word oxidant is often used in describing oxidation-reduction reactions in chemistry, but the technical definition of an oxidant (as an electron RECEIVER) is extremely confusing for laypeople and we’re trying to distill this information and make it simpler without oversimplifying it to the point of being useless. So the word oxidant is used in this document to mean “the opposite of an antioxidant”. Readers who are knowledgeable about chemistry, please forgive us for technical problems in the chemistry of the metaphor we’re attempting to present here!
Antioxidant: Antioxidants are substances that counteract the effects of oxidants and oxidation that is caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants DONATE electrons to oxidants to make lonely, unpaired electrons less lonely.
Antioxidants and Oxidants
The field of Reactive Oxygen Medicine is relatively new and it is the study of theoretical chemical reactions that often cannot be observed, particularly if they happen inside the human body. But that doesn’t change the fact that oxidants and antioxidants are a vital part of human health. It doesn’t change the fact that our bodies produce oxidants and antioxidants to maintain health and well-being against infection and stress. But in an effort to make this information more accessible to lay-people who wish to use oxidants and antioxidants to reclaim their health at home, outside of a hospital or a conventional medical setting, we’re going to simplify this material we’re going to talk only briefly and superficially about how the Antioxidant-Oxidant Model of Medicine works. Formally this system of medicine is known as Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine, though this is apt to change in the future when patentable medicines become available using these technologies.Based on our studies and the current, available research, there is a very simple rule that average people can follow to use oxidants and antioxidants for healing:
The Basic Rule for Using Oxidants and Antioxidants for Healing
Use oxidants short-term to treat infections or to chelate heavy metals or other toxins and remove them from the body.
Use antioxidants long-term to prevent infections. SOMETIMES certain powerful antioxidants can be used to treat infections or to improve the energy levels in cells and in the body as a whole.
Most of us are familiar with antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. Antioxidants have gotten a lot of good press over the years because they have the ability to bind with those lonely electrons in free radicals and thus stop the oxidation of tissues. Stopping the oxidation of tissues amounts to a roughly an “anti-aging” affect on the body, but while anti-aging effects are important and valuable to people who are in general good health, the oxidant effects that are caused by free radicals can also be important for health. The opposite of an “antioxidant” is an “oxidant”. And while antioxidants can keep human tissues young and supple, there’s a time and a place for oxidants. Oxidants are substances that interact with pathogens in a way that causes the pathogens to die. So oxidant therapies are particularly useful and important during infection. But oxidants can also interact with heavy metals and other unhealthy toxins to carry them safely (like police escorts) out of the body.
But while oxidants are extremely important in the treatment of infection, antioxidants can also help us treat infection because antioxidants sometimes donate electrons not just to calm the radical nature of oxidants and the aging effects that oxidants can have on the body, but to recharge the batteries (mitochondria) inside human cells.
Our front line immune defenses, white blood cells (neutrophils), release oxidants and free radicals when an infectious pathogen is detected inside the body. These naturally-occurring, human-made free radicals have the ability to seek out and destroy a broad spectrum of infectious pathogens, which is why they stand sentinel at the front line of the immune system in the first place. When pathogens breach those front-line free radical defenses, the immune system must come up with other strategies to protect the body and overcome invaders. These other strategies take time for the immune system to implement. But these naturally-occurring, human-made oxidants, however, can do a lot of damage to the invading pathogens while the immune system comes up with a fool-proof defensive strategy to restore our bodies to health.
Though our immune system is constantly working to produce naturally-occuring, human-made oxidants to protect us from disease and our bodies are constantly counteracting the effects of these oxidants, we can sometimes hack into this system by taking oxidants or antioxidants as medicines.

Free Radicals and Oxidants for Human Health
Oxidant medicine has a lot to offer self-hackers and anyone who is ready to take control over their own health. Both oxidants and antioxidants are widely available and affordable and they exist in a variety of different formats. But one of the most tragic things about oxidant and antioxidant medicine is the fact that it’s easy to do it WRONG. It’s unlikely that you’ll hurt yourself using an oxidant, but it’s VERY likely that you’ll accidentally combine your oxidant medicine with an antioxidant that cancels out its effects if you aren’t vigilant about following a protocol that takes into account the basic chemistry of how these substances work.Oxidants have an extremely broad antimicrobial action. They can be used to cure diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoan, amoeba, parasites, and more. Indeed, oxidants can also combine with heavy metals and environmental toxins to remove them safely from the body. So oxidants are extremely valuable as medicines, though they can cause stress to bodily tissues if they’re administered for long-periods of time and without the EVENTUAL balance of antioxidant medicines to restore tissues. But when you take an oxidant medicine, you need to avoid FOODS that contain antioxidants as well as supplements or other medicines that contain antioxidants.
The field of conventional medicines that works with antioxidant and oxidant therapies for the treatment and prevention of disease is called Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine, an awkward term for a field that’s supposed to be hidden from public view. When Donald Trump listed off a series of COVID cures in the early days of the pandemic, he drew almost exclusively from Reactive Oxygen Species medicine in his list of options which included (this document is not, by the way, a political stance regarding Donald Trump):
- Ozone Therapy - this type of therapy uses reactive molecules of oxygen that contain 3 oxygen atoms rather than the usual 2 oxygen atoms to ensure high reactivity when the ozone encounters a pathogen in the body.
- Chlorine Dioxide (also known as Miracle Mineral Solution) - This therapy involves the production of a reactive substance by mixing sodium chlorite with an acid activator to create a substance that easily releases oxygen that kills pathogens throughout the body.
- Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide - Food grade hydrogen peroxide is chemically just water with an extra oxygen in the molecule. This extra oxygen can easily detach to seek out and destroy pathogens in the body. It works in a manner that’s similar to chlorine dioxide / miracle mineral solution.
- Artemisia annua (Wormwood) / Artemisinin + Quinine - This herb was used in Tanzania during the first year after the pandemic to cure COVID. I visited Tanzania in person during this time period. No one wore masks and COVID was practically unknown in the population. The president at that time had declared that COVID was not a problem in the country because of widespread use of Artemisia annua to treat the disease. Artemisia is known to release hydrogen peroxide when it is taken orally by humans, though this treatment must be used in the sunlight because the broad-spectrum, long wave light that the sun provides releases hydroxyl radicals that have an oxidation potential that’s superior to ozone. Combining artemisinin, a substance found in Artemisia annua with quinine, a substance found in the bark of the Cinchona tree, is a powerful natural treatment for COVID too, although the mechanisms through which these two substances work together may be different than the oxidant-antioxidant mechanism.
- Nano-Colloidal Silver - Colloidal silver has been popular for many years as an alternative treatment of disease, but nano-colloidal silver is the best choice for treating infection because it works through the generation of reactive oxygen species as well as by attaching itself to bacterial cell walls to disrupt cellular respiration and more. Combining nano-colloidal silver with certain wavelengths of light (infrared, radiowaves, and magnetic fields) can strengthen or target its effects on the body. Certain nanoparticle shapes are more potent against infection. For example, truncated, triangular nanoparticles of silver have the strongest activity against Escherichia coli while the tetrasilver tetroxide molecule can be used to cure HIV (as an intravenous medicine).
Important Chlorine Dioxide Caveat
The incredibly broad-spectrum action of oxidants like Chlorine Dioxide, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide + Sunlight, Artemisia annua, Ozone Therapy, and Nano Colloidal Silver can be deceptive for some people. Though oxidants like Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) have an extremely broad-spectrum action against many infections, they don’t work on all infections. And though they may be able to cure an infection, if your body is already sick, adding an oxidant into your physiological milieu to kill the infection necessitates a balanced application of other medicines that your body will need in order to rebuild after the onslaught of infection plus oxidation.Though Chlorine Dioxide (which is activated sodium chlorite) has become more popular over the use of Miracle Mineral Solution (which is un-activated Chlorine Dioxide that is stored in two different bottles: one that contains sodium chlorite and one that contains an acid activator such as citric acid), I always recommend that people activate their sodium chlorite for each use (rather than storing Chlorine Dioxide in bulk for use in small doses over time). In some cases, it may work to make fresh Chlorine Dioxide every morning for a day’s worth of doses but the reason why I avoid making the Chlorine Dioxide in advance is because it’s very easy for Chlorine Dioxide to lose its potency and stop working. And there’s no way for people to know when it’s lost its potency. Nonetheless, if the Chlorine Dioxide is no longer potent, and no longer working as an Oxidant Medicine, and you’re using it to treat a serious disease like COVID or cancer, then you don’t want to take doses of Chlorine Dioxide that’s completely inactive.
Further, when people have this medicine stored in two separate bottles (which is colloquially known as “Miracle Mineral Solution”): 1 bottle of sodium chlorite and 1 bottle of an acid such as 3% citric acid solution, they can dilute the citric acid solution down to 3% to cure a disease like flesh-eating bacteria disease should they need to. That’s right. Doctors in India have been using 3% citric acid solutions to cure flesh-eating bacteria disease when all other, more expensive antibiotic treatments don’t work. So, when you store this oxidant medicine in two separate bottles (sodium chlorite and an acid activator) and only activate the Chlorine Dioxide within less than 30 minutes of when you intend to use it, you’re guaranteed to have a fully active dose of the medicine. And you technically have two extremely valuable medications on hand, as needed: citric acid (for bacteria that hate the acidic qualities of the activator) and/or (activated) chlorine dioxide.
As more and more people become aware of the virtues and utility of oxidant medicines in the self-treatment of diseases, it’s vital that they understand the limitations of these medications too as well as the incredible diversity of illnesses that can be treated using oxidants and antioxidants.
Antibiotic Resistance, Chlorine Dioxide, and Other Oxidant Medicines
Antibiotic resistance is a major world issue that affects all of us negatively. Not only are human pathogens developing a resistance to antibiotics at an alarming rate, but animal pathogens are too. If we continue to use antibiotics as our primary protection against pathogens, the human race will inevitably die because antibiotics are toxic to our gut flora and they’re becoming less and less toxic to pathogen too. But oxidants are much harder for pathogens to overcome. A pathogen that hates oxidants will have a much more difficult time evolving into a pathogen that loves or can deal with oxidant exposure than it would evolving a defense against a single antibiotic.Oxidant medicines are significantly less likely to push pathogens toward an evolution of defense against oxygen. This is a major advantage of Oxidant Medicines. They won’t harm your gut flora so long as you use them in moderation and they won’t cause the infecting pathogen to become resistant to the medication over time the way that infectious pathogens become resistant to antibiotics.
Antioxidant Medicines Against COVID and Other Infectious Diseases
As we mentioned above, antioxidants oppose the action of oxidants. And antioxidants, as a general rule, are best used to prevent and recuperate from disease. They can, however, be used effectively to cure certain diseases too! For example, Methylene Blue, NAC, and Vitamin C are three powerful antioxidants that have been used to cure COVID through mechanisms of action that are very different from how oxidants work.Nonetheless, when used in the right way and at the right time, antioxidants can be used to fight infection and at times, they may be a better choice than oxidant medicines. For example, perhaps you’ve been taking oxidant medicines for 2 weeks to treat a COVID-19 infection and though the active phase of the disease appears to be over (according to lab results), maybe you still feel terrible. Your doctor may tell you that you have Long COVID (also known as Long Haul COVID) and tell you that you’ll just have to hope that the symptoms clear up on their own. If this is your story, it would be best to switch to heavy-duty antioxidants like Methylene Blue, NAC, and Vitamin C. Antioxidants are an excellent choice for recovery from a major infection or disease.
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) Alternative Treatment for COVID
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) is essentially the same thing as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Actually, to be more precise, Chlorine Dioxide is the activated version of Miracle Mineral Solution. In other words, Chlorine Dioxide is the mixture of the sodium chlorite + the acid activator, which is usually stored in the refrigerator in a dark brown bottle for later use. Mineral Mineral Solution, on the other hand, is sodium chlorite stored in one brown bottle and an acid activator stored in another, separate bottle. When a person wants to use Miracle Mineral Solution, they have to activate the mixture by putting 1 drop of the sodium chlorite with 1 drop of the activator to create Chlorine Dioxide (which is a 1:1 solution of sodium chlorite: acid activator). In this author’s opinion, it’s wise to keep the sodium chlorite separate from the activator until right before use or else one risks the possibility of taking Chlorine Dioxide that longer has any potency. Oxidant medicines are often reactive to sunlight and other wavelengths of light. So every time they are exposed to light (as when the refrigerator door opens), they can lose their potency. It’s true that the pre-mixed Chlorine Dioxide is more convenient, but storing this stuff for longer than 1 day is unwise in my opinion. It only takes a few minutes to mix, activate, and then consume Chlorine Dioxide. And if you activate your Chlorine Dioxide each time you use it (and make sure that the activated solution turns an amber brown color), you can rest assured that it will work as promised as an anti-infective inside the body.DOSAGE: Take 6 activated drops of Chlorine Dioxide with drinking water by mouth every 8 hours at the first sign of a coronavirus infection. Add 18 drops of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to the solution to make it more powerful.
Hydrogen Peroxide Alternative Treatment for COVID
Food grade hydrogen peroxide has a chemical formula that’s very similar to water. Water, which is H2O, becomes hydrogen peroxide when an extra oxygen is added to the molecule to become H2O2. Food grade hydrogen peroxide can be made even more powerful through the UV/H2O2 System. This is an advanced oxidation pathway in the body that relies on the body’s exposure to sunlight after consuming food grade hydrogen peroxide. When the hydrogen peroxide is absorbed into the blood and then exposed to sunlight (through the skin), the hydrogen peroxide is changed into a hydroxyl radical that is more potent than ozone in terms of its antimicrobial effects. DOSAGE:Take 0.06% food grade hydrogen peroxide by mouth during the daytime hours when you can expose your body to sunlight..
Use a 1.5% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash to prevent COVID infection.
Use 0.2% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer to treat an active COVID-19 infection.
NOTE: Nausea, dizziness, and vomiting can occur with food grade hydrogen peroxide treatment.
Artemisia annua Herb for COVID Treatment
Artemisia annua, also known as Sweet Wormwood, is an herb that works by releasing hydrogen peroxide into the body when it encounters a pathogen. This medicine has been used to cure malaria and it is also a famous COVID cure that was widely used in Tanzania. A scientific study confirmed that the herb Artemisia annua as well as artesunate and artemether, two drugs that are derived from Artemisia that has been successfully used to treat malaria for years, were both successful at inhibiting COVID viruses. Artemisinin is the active element in Artemisia annua that has been scientifically proven to work against COVID-19. The use of Artemisinin and Quinine is a powerful COVID-19 cure that works through a variety of mechanisms. DOSAGE: Take 600 mg of Artemisinin with a 200 mg Quinine extract daily for 10 days to treat COVID-19 at home. The quinine extract could be added to 1 L of tonic water with lemon juice, if desired.Ozone Therapy Alternative Treatment for COVID
Ozone is one of the most potent oxidant therapies currently available. This type of therapy reduces stress on the lungs by increasing blood oxygen levels through the injection of ozone into the blood. Ozone gas (which is a molecule that consists of three atoms of oxygen), was discovered in the middle of the 19th century. It has been heavily utilized in medicine to produce scientifically proven, consistent, and safe effects with minimal and preventable side effects. It works by deactivating bacteria, yeast, viruses such as the coronavirus and COVID-19, fungi, and protozoa through its oxidant effect and the stimulation and activation of the immune system. Ozone can be administered in a variety of ways including the following:- Transcutaneous ozone gas baths at low pressure in a closed system that guarantees that no ozone will escape into the surrounding air during the procedure.
- Ozonized water is regularly used in dentistry which can be applied as a spray or as a compress.
Diseases that have been successfully treated using ozone therapy include the following:
- COVID-19
- AIDs and HIV infection
- Infected wounds
- Circulatory disorders
- Geriatric conditions
- Viral disease
- Cancer
- Macular degeneration
- Lyme Disease
- Celiac Disease
- Mold Toxicity
- Autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis
- Ulcers
- Dental Infections / Cavitations
- Sinus infection
- Brain fog
- Sore throat
- Common cold infection
- Chest congestion
- Receding gums / periodontal disease
Ozone therapy works specifically on viral infections such as COVID-19 by destroying the viral capsid, which disrupts the ability of the virus to reproduce. Peroxidation makes it impossible for the virus to interact with human cells.
You can do ozone therapy at home, but don’t attempt to breathe ozone (wear a mask during ozone preparation if you’re afraid of breathing it). When applied correctly, ozone therapy is extremely safe. The best type of ozone treatments are listed below:
- Ear insufflation
- Ozone Water (for drinking)
- Rectal insufflation
- Vaginal insufflation
Ozone therapy is usually performed for 3 minute sessions, 3 times per week. It may be used on a local, limited area of the body or as a systemic, holistic treatment aimed at whole-body wellness.
In order to do Ozone Therapy, you’ll need an oxygen tank or an oxygen concentrator and a Medical Ozone Generator. Oxygen tanks are better than oxygen generators because oxygen tanks provide 99.9% purity, while oxygen concentrators provide only about 95% purity levels at best. Oxygen tanks can be acquired through Airgas, Praxair, or a welding supply store for about $100. Do not indicate that you’re purchasing oxygen for medical reasons if you go his route. Rather, you need to pretend that you’re buying oxygen to do welding. Ask for a 20 cubic foot oxygen tank (size R).
DO NOT USE AN AQUARIUM OZONE GENERATOR TO TREAT MEDICAL DISEASES. These ozone generators produce contaminants. You need a medical ozone generator that is made with ozone-resistant materials that won’t break down over time.
- Ozone Therapy Rectal Insufflation Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
- Ozone Therapy Ear Insufflation Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
- Ozone Water Ozone Therapy Treatment Method for COVID-19 or for the Treatment of Other Coronavirus Infections:
Nano-Colloidal Silver Alternative Treatment for COVID
Nano-colloidal silver is an oxidant therapy that has been scientifically studied to prove that it possesses potent antiviral properties that specifically inhibits the COVID-19 virus. Silver particles of 10 nm are effective at preventing the COVID-19 virus from replicating in the body when the Nano-Colloidal Silver solution had a concentration of 20 ppm or above. It works by preventing the COVID-19 virus from entering the human cell to reproduce. In scientific studies, nano-colloidal silver was able to kill coronaviruses and also prevent reproduction inside a human host. Nano-colloidal silver has a very broad antimicrobial action against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other types of microorganisms. Silver nano-particulars have been used in the following ways in conventional medicine:- Wound dressing
- Disinfection of medical devices
- Deodorant sprays
Several scientific studies have demonstrated that nano-colloidal silver can be used to combat various types of human disease including:
- Respiratory synctial virus (RSV)
- Influenza
- Norovirus
- Hepatitis virus (HBV)
- HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
- Herpes Simplex Virus
- Monkey Pox Virus
Because silver nano-particles are able to attack a broad range of microbial targets, there is a much lower probability that resistance will develop to this medicine in comparison with other narrow-target antivirals produced by pharmaceutical companies.
DOSAGE: ¼ tsp 500 ppm nano-colloidal silver 3 times daily until symptoms have been absent for at least 2 days.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: A special silver-based treatment called Tetrasilver Tetroxide has been used to cure supposedly incurable diseases such as HIV / AIDs. Tetrasilver Tetroxide can also be used to cure COVID-19. It is administered intravenously by a doctor who is knowledgeable about this type of medicine.
COVID-19 and Respiratory Infection Self treatment and Prevention BUNDLE - Volumes 1, 2, and 3
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