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COVID-19: Chlorine Dioxide Cure as a Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Oct 20, 2021


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Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine: Basic Overview

IMPORTANT NOTE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.  

Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with Methylene Blue through Phase 2 for COVID-19.

Many medicines, both old and new, rely on oxidation-reduction reactions to cure infection, but if you aren’t a chemist, or a biochemist, Reactive Oxygen Species and talk of oxidants and reductants can make your head spin. But in an era where patients are learning to distrust their doctors, Big Pharma, and large healthcare corporations that have made profits a higher priority than patient-health and well-being, a discussion of Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine is in order. 

But I struggle to find credible information about the chemistry of Reactive Oxygen Species. Even rarer is the biochemistry to explain how these Reactive Oxygen Species behave in a human body. There are many theories, but alas, the politics of Reactive Oxygen Species leads to under-funding by Big Pharmaceutical companies that control science and the research efforts that might be able to uncover the truth about how ozone and chlorine dioxide actually work inside the body. 

Buy CDS / MMS here. Our Amazon CDS / MMS links to product often disappear shortly after we publish. Contact us at [email protected] to get a link to CDS / MMS for human use. 

So, as someone who has scoured the literature, I can say that in vivo research (research that examines the effects of any given oxidant or antioxidant inside a living body) is sorely lacking. But I’m not daunted by that fact. I use chlorine dioxide (also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS) regularly. I have cured many diseases that have afflicted my own family members and friends by using chlorine dioxide and I thoroughly appreciate this medicine and the ease with which I can get it.

There are a variety of oxidants to choose from to kill infectious organisms including colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide, ozone, and food grade hydrogen peroxide to name just a few. Self-hackers can choose the oxidant that appeals most to them. But self-hackers also need to be able to understand, at the very least, the limitations of their own understanding of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Medicine. Or, to put it another way, a person who would like to use oxidants as a cure for infection needs to realize that ROS Medicine is a highly complex system or medicine. And as with any other system of medicine, it takes years to fully understand how it works, when it works, when to use it, and when to use a different type of medicine. ROS Medicine is a model that requires finesse and understanding. In other words, a person could spend an entire career as a doctor of medicine and offer nothing but Oxidants or Antioxidants (or perhaps enzymes that break down oxidants) to patients and successfully be able to treat most of the diseases that currently afflict humankind. But, as such, it’s impossible to summarize ROS Medicine in one chapter or even in one book. Indeed, this field of medicine is relatively new, so as you work with these medicines as a self-hacker, you need to realize that this is a frontier that has not been thoroughly explored through research, particularly research on real-life human beings. 

So any discussion of ROS Medicine, which includes the likes of chlorine dioxide as well as methylene blue and hydrogen peroxide, has to start by reminding the reader that, if they choose to use these medicines, to use them with an open mind and not to disregard the basic guidelines provided for each medication. ROS Medicines like chlorine dioxide are more fragile than the antibiotic pills that you get at the doctor’s office to treat bacterial infection. But while Chlorine Dioxide will buckle and become useless when mixed with vitamin C, vitamin E, or other antioxidants, this tiny, somewhat fragile/reactive molecule also has the ability to kill not just bacterial infections, but also viral infections, fungal infections, and even chronic disease states like autism and cancer. Chlorine Dioxide (and other oxidants), after all, works at the cellular level like a scalpel, making fine, precise cuts, and passing through cell membranes with ease to interact directly with DNA or RNA in some cases, while the antibiotics that you buy at the pharmacy work biochemically in the body like a chainsaw. Though the chainsaw can still kill infectious microbes, it can also cause damage to our own cells and tissues.

But if you use an oxidant like chlorine dioxide or ozone or hydrogen peroxide to treat an infection, you also need to recognize its potential limitations. Theoretically, there are bacteria and other infectious organisms, for example, that would not respond to these oxidants. The information about oxidant medicines is spotty and contradictory. Some resources say that chlorine dioxide is only attracted to negatively charged microorganisms, but this would exclude all Gram positive bacteria such as Streptococcal or Staphylococcal infections. But actual scientific studies on the disinfectant capabilities of chlorine dioxide as a cleaning agent in hospital settings have shown that it is able to kill both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. So self-hackers who use chlorine dioxide need to use their critical thinking skills when they experiment with this drinking-water-treatment-turned-medicine. 

Different authors have speculated on the antiviral abilities of chlorine dioxide in vivo and I believe a lot of this speculation is based on chlorine dioxide’s ability to disinfect infected environments. And it may very well be true that this simple molecule can go into the body and dissolves the outer protein envelopes of viruses in the human body just as it does on metal surfaces in hospital rooms. But when you use these medicines, you need to realize that self-hackers, not scientists, not doctors, are the people who are really making the connection between the chemistry of oxidant medicines like chlorine dioxide and their actual effects on the body. 

Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine and the use of oxidants requires critical thinking. Don’t attempt to use these medicines as though they were antibiotics that you would get from your doctor as a prescription. They are much more powerful than that, but they are not the same! Chlorine dioxide, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide all have antibiotic properties but they do not work like antibiotics in that they have a much broader spectrum of action in the body against not just against viruses and bacteria, but also parasites, and fungi and even perhaps protozoan and tryposomes. This means that you need to be prepared to have a Detoxification Reaction, especially if you’re new to the use of oxidants as medicines. 

Antioxidants are less likely to produce a Detoxification Reaction in my experience, but there may be exceptions to this rule. 

A detoxification reaction often involves symptoms that are similar to a cold or the flu. A big detox may involve vomiting, diarrhea, congestion in the sinuses, or even a fever. And the reason why oxidants often cause detox reactions when people first start using them is because their bodies are full of infectious organisms and toxins that can be removed by the oxidants. If your viral load or bacterial load is high and you use an oxidant like chlorine dioxide to treat an infection of some kind, you may feel sicker at first rather than feeling better. If you feel sicker, this is because your body suddenly has to get rid of a load of dead microorganisms as quickly as possible via the liver, kidneys, and intestines. The process often gets backed up, which is what causes the symptoms of a detox reaction.

An antibiotic pill that your doctor prescribes is likely to kill a very narrow range of microorganisms. So it doesn’t cause this massive die-off of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and more all at once that may have been affecting your health negatively for many years. Indeed, this antibiotic pill is likely to be almost obsolete in terms of its ability to kill the bacteria for which is was prescribed. Chances are that antibiotic will kill more of the beneficial bacteria in your colon than it will the negative bacteria that are causing your illness. The bacteria may mutate and successfully figure out how to work around it before you even finish the full course of treatment. And doctors have very little in their arsenal of prescription drugs to offer patients for viral infections. But an oxidant like chlorine dioxide is different. But again, you have to remember that those first few times that you use chlorine dioxide or ozone, it may result in a die-off of many different infectious organisms that have been dragging down your immune system for quite some time. So you may feel sicker at first, but your health will be vastly improved after that initial “cleanse” using Chlorine Dioxide.

Dr. Isaac Goiz is a doctor in Mexico who developed a system of medicine called Biomagnetism. This system of medicine was originally developed by intersecting information from acupuncture with studies that were done by NASA. Biomagnetism uses magnets to treat areas of the body that serve as reservoirs or rather, “safe havens” where viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi take refuge and live in a state of relative dormancy for long periods of time. One of the most interesting features of his theories is the fact that all of these infectious microorganisms work together in pairs. Viruses and bacteria support each other’s existence in the body. A virus that wants to live in the lungs may need a specific bacteria that takes up residence in the intestines in order for either one to survive. Each infectious organism has a “pair”, which explains why so many people who get a cold (a virus) end up with a bacterial infection later in the form of a sinus infection, pneumonia, or bronchitis.

Our human bodies are host to many infectious organisms that simply can’t be treated with crude antibiotics. These infectious organisms take up residence in our cells or in hard-to-reach locations that make it impossible for oral antibiotics to reach. This is where oxidant medicines really shine. Combining an oxidant medicine like chlorine dioxide with FDA-approved Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) helps make this powerful, broad-spectrum oxidant even more powerful by giving it the key to the kingdom. DMSO opens up human cell membranes as well as the cell membranes of other microorganisms to give it admission to whatever cellular environment is most in need of treatment.

Electricity as the Currency in ROS Medicine

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Medicine is, at its core, all about electricity and the energy that animates our human bodies. Reduction-Oxidation reactions (also known as Red-ox or Redox reactions), which are fundamental to really understanding how this type of medicine works inside our bodies, involve complex chemistry algorithms that don’t interest most lay people. To really be able to talk about ROS Medicine, you must to delve into research from physics, chemistry, and biochemistry, but if you’re a self-hacker, the main point you need to understand is that if you didn’t major in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, or biology, you need to be sure to follow the protocols that have been developed by the experts. Follow the protocols exactly, including the guidelines for how to use oxidant medicines in order to get good results. Other experts can do the research to come up with simple guidelines for how to use ROS Medicine at home, but if you try to use oxidants or antioxidants as though they were nothing but Big-Pharma-style-antibiotics, chances are, they won’t work for you. 

The delicate nature of ROS Medicine is part of what makes this type of medicine so powerful. Oxidants and Antioxidants (the basis of ROS Medicine) work their magic through electron exchanges. And electrons are tiny which means that these substances are able to reach areas of the body that might be impenetrable to pharmaceutical antibiotics. 

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Oxidant Therapies and pH: Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone

Both chlorine dioxide and ozone work best in high pH environment that are alkaline. It is likely that other oxidants work best in high pH environments as well. The higher the pH, the more active the chlorine dioxide and ozone becomes in terms of their oxidant abilities. Chlorine dioxide also works best in cooler environments. Heat has a deactivating effect on chlorine dioxide.

Following the baking soda alkalizing protocol may potentiate the action of oxidant therapy. Consider doing the baking soda alkalizing protocol in combination with Wim Hof breathing for best results.

The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!


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