Suramin and Pinus Strobus Essential Oil: Herbal Remedy for Autism / ASD

Suramin is a medicine that’s used to overcome the Cell Danger Response (a phrase coined by Dr. Naviaux). Though at the cellular level, the Cell Danger Response talks about how cells close up shop and lock their doors, going into a dormant state in response to indicators of danger (pathogens, toxins), this cellular response can also be viewed at the macro-level as the "Play-Dead" parasympathetic nervous system response. This so-called "Play-Dead" response was a new discovery by Dr. Stephen Porges, a doctor who says that there are 3, rather than 2 branches of the autonomic nervous system. Whereas before, the autonomic nervous system was said to consist of two branches, the 1) Sympathetic Fight-or-Flight Nervous System and the 2) Parasympathetic Rest-and-Digest Nervous System, today scientists recognize that there is a third branch of the autonomic nervous system that causes a “freeze” or “play dead” response to occur. When the “play dead” response occurs, there is a whole-body physiological reaction that can be observed with the naked eye, but that also takes place at the cellular level.

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The “play dead" response is something that doctors and scientists can see at the cellular level using high-powered microscopes or they can simply look directly at their patients and note their symptoms (which may include fever, nausea, vomiting, depression, extreme exhaustion, chronic, diffuse pain throughout the body, and more). We talk more about how suramin for ASD impacts the autonomic nervous system at this link.
Dr. Pottenger was yet another famous physician who had a focus on the autonomic nervous system as a root cause of major diseases like autism and ASD. He viewed all illness as a manifestation of autonomic nervous system dysfunction / imbalance. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is a problem that can be managed using things like breathwork, cold showers, hot sauna sessions, or 1-2 minute at-home exercises to adjust the cranial bones so that cranial nerves are not being pinched, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR, and even psilocybin therapy. The use of Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement (CDS/MMS) as a cure for autism / ASD and as a cure for autoimmune diseases including long COVID and post-COVID vaccine syndrome works by killing pathogens that are living in remote areas of the body like the liver or gallbladder. These organs are hard to reach using antibiotics that the doctor prescribes (because the liver breaks these down before they can treat the pathogens infecting the liver or gallbladder). CDS / MMS may also work to diminish autism symptoms naturally because it releases ions that function as signaling molecules among populations of human cells. Namely, CDS / MMS may work in part because it sends cells a signal that it's safe to open up again, be alive, and leave the dormant state. This is why so many people with autoimmune disease say that they feel more awake and alert right after they begin treatment with CDS / MMS. On a cellular level CDS / MMS encourages the autonomic nervous system to come out of the “play dead” state.

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Suramin and eastern white pine essential oil (which contains Suramin) can be used to treat autoimmune disease naturally or it can be used as an herbal remedy for autism / ASD because the Suramin in Pinus strobus is able to remove blocks that prevent the body from progressing through the healing cycle to a point where the various branches of the autonomic nervous system are fully balanced.Suramin prevents attachment of the COVID virus to human cells and it also prevents entry of the virus into the cell as well as release from human host cells. This is why it is considered a natural cure for COVID as well as for long COVID. It works its magic by interacting with the COVID virus capsid proteins and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, an enzyme that’s essential for the COVID virus to survive. So Suramin works in part by inhibiting pathogens. This much is clear. But Suramin also seems to work by improving the function of mitochondria such that human cells become stronger and more confident in their ability to leave that state of dormancy that developed originally in response to some sort of trauma.
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Suramin as a stand-alone medicine in clinical settings cannot be given orally. It must be injected into a vein. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection could cause tissue inflammation and tissue death. It is sold by the pharmaceutical company Bayer under the brand name Germanin.
Below are the side effects that have been reported with Suramin treatment. Please note, however, that any time a substance like Suramin is isolated from the rest of a plant, the balancing impact of the other substance in that plant are no longer present. Suramin in a whole plant format such as pine needle tea or pine needle essential oil may thus be superior in some ways to Suramin that has been chemically isolated in a laboratory. Pine needle tea or oil does not have the same set of side effects associated with its use:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Weakness
- Skin tingling
- Blurry vision
- Fever
- Soreness in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
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Once Suramin is injected into the body, it has a half life of 41-78 days with an average half life of 50 days. Suramin is said to be about 20 times more powerful in treating COVID-19 than remdesivir.Suramin has also been used to treat the following diseases:
- T. b. Rhodesiense
- T. brucei gambiense
- Surra, T. evansi
- River blindness
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- Leishmaniasis
- Plasmodium falciparum (malaria)
- Hepatitis
- Herpes simplex
- Chikungunya virus
- Enterovirus
- Dengue virus
- Zika virus
- Ebola virus
- Non small cell lung cancer
- Breast cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Brain tumors
- Prostate cancer
- Snakebite
- Arthritis
- Autism

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Natural Sources of Suramin: Pine Needle Essential Oil as a Natural Autism Treatment
There are several compounds found in Eastern white pine needles (Pinus strobus) that have strong medicinal effects in the body. Suramin is one of the constituents, but the essential oil of Pinus strobus also contains the following beneficial components:
- Suramin
- Shikimic Acid (see earlier discussion about this component of star anise essential oil)
- Alpha-pinene
- Beta-pinene
- 3-Carene
- Beta-phellandrene
- Germancrene D
- D-Limonene
- Caryophyllene
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C

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Natural Suramin as an Herbal Remedy for Autism / ASD: Home Treatment Using Eastern White Pine Essential Oil
Pine needles specifically from the Pinus strobus tree have been used for centuries by native Americans and other indigenous people to treat respiratory infections. But Suramin, the pharmaceutical, was originally derived from pine needle oils in 1837. So this medicine has been in use for over 100 years.
Pine needle essential oil reduces blood clots that can cause pulmonary embolism, stroke, excessively heavy menstruation, and heart attack. It contains high levels of vitamin A which improves red blood cell production, hair and skin regeneration. It is regularly used as an expectorant for coughs and to treat chest congestion. Pinus strobus essential oil is also good for treating sore throats.
Click here to buy White Pine Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract.
In an effort to give the power back to the parents of ASD children, we need to make it known that the Eastern white pine needles of the Pinus strobus species contain natural Suramin. This natural form of Suramin has roughly the same medicinal effects as pharmaceutical Suramin, but it exists in combination with a number of other medicinally active plant-constituents like shikimic acid. In plants, all of the medicinal substances work together in a balance, but specific substances can be extracted as well for use as a stand-alone treatment. Nonetheless though, parents who wish to give their ASD children Suramin can do so by administering the essential oil of the Pinus strobus tree to their children either topically or in bath water. Pine needle tea can also be administered to ASD kids.

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Pinus palustris Essential Oil / 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine as a Cure for Autoimmune Disease and Neurological Disorders
The research into the Pinus genus essential oils for autoimmune disease is fascinating, but we've written quite a lot on this topic in another article. Needless to say though, if you or a loved one has a neurological disease like autism / ASD, an autoimmune disorder like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, you should read more about 100% gum spirits of turpentine which is nothing more than Pinus palustris essential oil . Before you scoff at the idea of working with turpentine – in this case, pure, natural, organic turpentine, as opposed to the synthetic chemical that’s used as an industrial paint thinner – remember that Suramin and turpentine are related to each other. Both come from pine trees.
Click here to buy 16 Oz 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine.
Pycnogenol as a Natural Treatment for Autism
Pycnogenol comes from the Pinus pinaster tree which is also known as the French maritime pine tree. A lot of parents have had excellent results giving pycnogenol supplements to children with ADHD. Some interesting points regarding pygnogenol include:
- The fact that pycnogenol is an extract that comes from the pine tree genus, Pinus, along with other powerful autism cures like Pinus strobus, and medicinal turpentine, Pinus palustris or Pinus elliottii.
- The fact that pycnogenol has been successfully used by parents in Mexico to reduce symptoms of autism naturally.
- The fact that pycnogenol has specifically helped reduce seizures in autistic children. In my research into seizure disorders including epilepsy, I've found a high rate of misdiagnosis of epilepsy wherein the seizures were actually caused by a tapeworm infection. If you're the parent of an autistic child who has seizures, treating your child for tapeworms has about a 30% cure rate against seizure-related disorders. Turpentine essential oil is particularly famous for its ability to cure parasite infections. So Pinus palustris (turpentine) and Pinus pinaster (pycnogenol) as well as Pinus strobus may be working in part by killing infectious pathogens and parasites that are living in the brain.
- Pycnogenol from the Pinus pinaster tree is able to naturally treat brain inflammation in autism. Pinus strobus (suramin) and Pinus palustris (turpentine) have a similar medicinal action on the body.
Pine needle essential oil has been used by Dr. Haresh to prevent and to treat COVID in his patients. And the French maritime pine bark extract known as pycnogenol is also famous for its ability to improve brain function and mental health. Kerri Rivera has reported that parents of ASD children in Mexico have successfully cured or at the very least, significantly reduced the symptoms of autism using pycnogenol. In her book, Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, 2nd Ed., she says that parents use pycnogenol to reduce the incidence of seizures in autistic children. Pycnogenol has anti-inflammatory properties and it protects the blood vessels throughout the body.
Click here to learn more about Kerri Rivera’s CDS protocol for ASD.
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Pycnogenol Dosage for ASD Children:
The pycnogenol dose for children is 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. Adults should take at least double or possibly triple this dose to treat autoimmune disease, ADHD, or autism / ASD using pycnogenol.
Pinus Strobus as a Natural Treatment for ASD
Eastern white pine needle essential oil and pine needle tea can increase metabolism, which isn’t surprising given its Suramin content. Suramin, after all, has been used in antipurinergic therapy for patients who have metabolic diseases affecting cellular energy production.
Note that turpentine baths are often the preferred route of administration when working with this substance as an herbal remedy for autism, though oral administration can help clear up digestive issues in people with autoimmune disease. Many ASD children suffer from severe digestive upsets in addition to behavioral issues. Some of these children may benefit from taking a pine needle treatment such as pycnogenol or pine needle tea for digestive issues.
To administer a pine needle essential oil in a bath, simply add a few drops of the oil.
Suramin as an Herbal Remedy for Long COVID
Suramin inhibits the replication of the COVID-19 spike protein. In other words, it prevents the COVID virus from entering the human cell to reproduce. It works by inhibiting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is essential in order for the virus to remain virulent. But suramin can also prevent virus transmission of COVID variants by vaccinated individuals which is likely to become important in the future as people become more and more concerned about preventing infection with COVID variants.How to prepare Pine Needle Tea COVID-19 Treatment.
- Boil water.
- Pour the water into a mug.
- Put 3-5 drops of Pinus strobus essential oil in a cup of water.
- Drink the tea 3-4 times throughout the day.

Click here to buy Pine Needles to make Pine Needle Tea.
Click here to learn how to identify pine trees
Naviaux Lab Studies
In 2017, Dr. Robert Naviaux, professor of medicine, pediatrics, and pathology at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine published a report of a clinical trial in which he used a single intravenous dose of Suramin to radically improve the symptoms of a small group of ASD children. Their improvements from this single injection lasted for 5 to 8 weeks. After this incredible discovery, Dr. Naviaux developed innovative treatments for autism as well as related diseases and disorders, some of which are surprising. Indeed, many COVID sufferers develop long COVID Syndrome which is notably similar to chronic fatigue syndrome / yyalgic encephalomyelitis and Dr. Naviaux found that long COVID and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are related to autism. According to his studies, these diseases impact the mitochondria of human cells, ultimately lowering cellular energy levels in patients.Dr. Naviaux’s research has positively changed the lives of many people through his innovations and as a result of his willingness to follow research that Consensus Science has scoffed at. His Cell Danger Response theory explains why a substance like Suramin functions to overcome long COVID issues as well as post-COVID vaccine health problems. The Cell Danger Response theory holds that autism, long COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome, resignation syndrome, lyme Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder / PTSD, depression, bipolar disorder, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and traumatic brain injury are all caused by a metabolic dysfunction at the cellular level that can be treated such that the brain and body can heal.
It’s rare to see a doctor notice the relationship between such varied disease states, but parents of ASD children who are doing their own research into ways to cure ASD should not that even traumatic brain injury (which is technically not a disease, but rather a traumatic injury) can heal if the cells in the brain and body are able to produce enough energy to overcome the damage. Dr. Jerry Tenant is a physician who became very ill with a nervous system issue that he was unable to overcome using conventional medicine. His inability to cure his disease led him to develop a system of healing based on re-energizing specific tissues of the body. Dr. Tenant’s work combined information derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine and the meridians along with data about how the human body responded to electromagnetic energy. In fact, a number of highly respected doctors have worked with either electricity or magnets to produce miraculous results in terms of healing a variety of illnesses.
Click here to read more about the use of electricity and magnetism in medicine.
If autism / ASD is caused, at the cellular level, by a lack of energy due to ailing mitochondria, then parents who are unable to access Suramin for their child should be able to follow the work of other doctors who have expanded on the idea of electrifying cells and tissues to promote healing.
A topic that’s tightly related to the idea of electricity and magnetism for healing is trace minerals and electrolytes. Trace minerals, which are also known as electrolytes, are nutrient substances that are found in high quantities in things like pink Himalayan sea salt (which can replace regular table salt to improve trace mineral levels in an ASD child’s diet), shilajit (a supplement), and / or humic / fulvic acid. Trace minerals / electrolytes are the nutrients that our bodies use to produce electricity naturally. Chloride is the most prolific electrolyte in the human body, for example. There is usually about 1 pound of chloride in the body of a healthy adult at any given moment because chloride is some important in terms of cellular health and energy, but there’s a long list of electrolytes that our bodies need in order to be fully charged electrically.
Another electrolyte / trace mineral that the body uses to produce cellular energy is lithium orotate. Lithium orotate is a naturally occurring “salt” – an electrolyte and trace mineral – that’s found naturally in the water supply in some areas of the world due to the geology of the area. Lithium orotate is not the same as lithium chloride or lithium carbonate. Both lithium chloride and lithium carbonate are unnatural, synthetic forms of lithium that are toxic to the body. Scientists manipulated natural lithium orotate into unnatural, synthetic “salts” so that they could produce a lithium-drug that could be patented (the natural form of lithium, lithium orotate, cannot be patented because it exists in nature). Producing a lithium-based drug was important because lithium is so essential to human health. Lithium batteries, after all, have a reputation for having a longer life than many other types of batteries and lithium orotate, when it is present in higher-than average quantities in a population’s water supply causes there to be lower-than usual levels of suicides and homicides. This particular trace mineral salt, lithium OROTATE, has a calming effect on the body probably because it energizes human cells so that they can work optimally. The normal dosage of lithium orotate for a 120 pound adult is 5-100 mg per day.

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